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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4526443 No.4526443 [Reply] [Original]

>dat agonizing wait until you know if you passed or have to redo a really hard exam
>checking if results are up yet 5 times per day
I'm the only one I know who really works himself up over this...

Am I alone in this?

>> No.4526459

nope, I usually check the uni mail each 30 minutes

>> No.4526462

>dat wait until I know if I got A+ or only a normal A

Your retarded, OP. Any idiot can pass an exam.

>> No.4526480

>Dat feel when you're one of those retards who fails exams
>Dat feel when you're so retarded that you make a thread on my /sci/ to be comforted

>> No.4526481

You're allowed to retake exams? What the fuck?

>> No.4526483

/sci/ - a highschooler's personal blog

>> No.4526486

>dat feel when I'm not stressed at all because I know that I'm gonna get an A+ because even if I get something wrong the teacher loves me and is going to pretend the mistake wasn't there

>> No.4526488

How come you guys don't know that feel? I thought we are all university students past first year in hard science.

What are you doing? Liberal arts?

>> No.4526492

>we are all university students past first year in hard science
>we are all brilliant university students past first year in hard science

fix'd that for you

>> No.4526493

Maybe because we are not retarded?

>> No.4526498

Yet another post made by you that reinforces my suspicions that you are a fifthgrader.

>> No.4526497
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> As are something rare in my course, reserved only for those that deserve it
> I only expect to have at most 5 people get As in my section of 150.
> If any at all.

> mfw they actually follow through
> mfw this was every one of my proffesors

Must feel pretty shit going to a babby university like you.

>> No.4526501

Jokes on you. Keep being jelly of my brilliancy.

>> No.4526513



>implying >>4526498 isn't right in the assumption that you are in fifth grade

>> No.4526517

>worst arrogant retard in /sci/
>never posts anything of value
>never contributes to /sci/ quality
>drags Carl Sagans name in shit in the process
Everytime I read your posts, the voice I hear in my head is the voice of a downie talking with that too-big-tounge-for-mouth voice.

I hope your mother forgets to watch you and you die eating detergent.

>> No.4526522

I got a phd in SCIENCE. U mirin?

Its okay to not understand my high level SCIENCE poasts. Go back to school.

>> No.4526524

mass report this retard

>> No.4526530

>implying being a retard is against the rules

>> No.4526531
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>snappy comeback not found
Continue amusing us with your double digit IQ.

>> No.4526532


>> No.4526535

>further embarrassment

>> No.4526539

>embarrasses himself throughout the entire thread
>projects onto a flawless tripfriend

Y so mad?

>> No.4526543

>That feel when instead of making the tests reasonable, the prof decides to have a 45% average and then curve it to 68% at the end of term.

>> No.4526546
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This faggot tripfag is a tough enemy. You cannot reason with him because all you will get are asinine reponses. Never understimate idiots indeed. Let's hope some gets rid of him soon.

>> No.4526551

Jokes on you. I didn't do anything wrong ITT. Its the idiots' fault to not belief me.

>> No.4526565

>posts remark that makes it completely obvious that he isn't in college
>posts thoughtless standard internet-defensive-response
>misunderstands highschool psychology
Are you a method actor going full retard in your next movie or something?

>> No.4526570
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>that feel what you read these comments, and need to read atleast 20 good /sci/ posts to redeem your faith in /sci/ and humanity in general

>> No.4526571

What the fuck are you on about? I get straight A's at an elite university. Now fuck off and keep your buttjelly to /b/.

>> No.4526578
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>talks like a 13yearold on /b/
>tells people to get back to /b/
>insists upon belonging here

>> No.4526580
File: 83 KB, 560x444, 1325530061653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, how's that average intelligence working out for you?

>> No.4526575


fuckin typo

>> No.4526584

You shitpoast while I poast SCIENCE. Geuss who belongs hear.

>> No.4526586
File: 28 KB, 442x330, 1307449901066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this carl sagan dude a troll or not? Anyone know?

>> No.4526590

Nope, never done this.
i check usually when a friend asks me how i've done,
i tend to forget about exams after i've done them

>> No.4526594

It should be quite obvious. Unless you're a retard of course.

>> No.4526596

True. I feel silly.

>> No.4526601

I usually knew if I passed or failed a test, or rather usually knew that I passed.

>> No.4526624

I've only "failed" two tests (ie. got below 50%), but in both cases I was above average and the class was curved.