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4523194 No.4523194 [Reply] [Original]

>that feel when biologically immortal and space is ridiculously big

>that feel when doing a 100 Year EVE online session while flying to Gliese 1017

>> No.4523209

>playing online space game when actual outer space is just beyond the airlock

i like your thinking OP

>> No.4523645

i become that feel

>> No.4523653

I'd play EVE too while travelling to other staZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz

>> No.4523696
File: 57 KB, 409x367, 1300384383516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will never fly a starship traveling the universe and come across a planet(ops pic) with structures and a species to observe and study

>> No.4523707

I'd want to find a species that's at stone age tech and give them something like a wheel or fire for shits and giggles.

>> No.4523723

Why not just give them instructions on how to make pyramids and Roman-like structures, the make them carve the instructions into stone for the next generations, so that the majority would believe that it's just their some retardese doodling and some gay minority making tv shows about ancient aliens giving them technology for their civilization to kickstart.

>> No.4523737

eve online = spreadsheet in space

>> No.4523740

That's really the only time you'd have enough free time to play EvE.

I mean, I like the game, but each new ship takes 6 months real time to train for at any appreciable level. And you can't reduce it by playing well.

>> No.4523744


Anyone else see that episode of Stargate Atlantis where it turns out a 'game' the characters had been playing for several years wasn't actually a game, but a social engineering tool, and they had been completely fucking over two civilizations on the other side of the galaxy?


That's the one.

>> No.4523758

Why not just give them WW2-era shit and see what happens?

>> No.4523778

yes, that was so awesome, i just wish they didn't pussy out and decide not to play it anymore.

>> No.4523787

Why did they give a shit about the future of those civilizations, I would've thorougly enjoyed making a cold war hot war while watching the shitstorm with my bro.

>> No.4523791

Yep, that's probably why few people stick with EVE. It could be a really cool game too.

>> No.4523788


yes i agree - the oldest players have the most benefit, not just because they have skills train, but also had time to learn and accumulate knowledge about everything

I would be happier if the more time you put in to the game, the more you got out of it

Not that its not an awesome game, but it would be the "best" game ever then

>> No.4523795


They got caught by their boss goofing off at work, and told to go fix it.

>> No.4523796

>that feel when age retardation could be achieved within our lifetime

>> No.4523798

Oh. That boss is a faggot then.

>> No.4523803

Why is every goddamn movie or TV show that shows humans fucking with lower-tech civilizations either make the people doing it stop or try to make everything revert back before the interference?

Wouldn't it be cool to affect evolution of a species?

>> No.4523804

hay, she is hot.

>> No.4523811


Because they also always, ALWAYS make it worse. Contractual obligation to 'lets's not play god' Aesops.

Same reason nobody in Sci Fi every gets to keep character defining superpowers or omnipotence without being written off, stopped from using them, or turned evil.

>> No.4523818

Don't expect any real thinking from TV.

>> No.4523822

Fucking fake morality bullshit. Oh well, it's TV, what can I expect.

>> No.4523831


Well, it's also not good for plotlines. In real life we'd love to have a benevolent godlike being fix all our problems, but in fiction that becomes a Deus Ex Machina asspull, and you either have to magically end the series or come up with increasingly convoluted explanations as to why Q doesn't just snap his fingers and fix everything.

Or you just make Q a bit of a dick, which is what Star Trek did.

>> No.4523833

>Contractual obligation to 'lets's not play god' Aesops.

This is why I hate sci-fi TV shows.

>> No.4523846

I never got the "LET'S NOT PLAY GOD" argument when talking about augmentations, cloning, DNA modification etc. If the technology have potential to direct humans to a better life, why the fuck you wouldn't play god?

>> No.4523859
File: 611 KB, 960x1299, 2009-09-22-caveman_science_fiction[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because then YOU AM PLAY GODS

>> No.4523860


Because of the religion-descended idea that humans are inherently evil, and that giving us more power would fuck up everything forever.

Same argument Luddites have been using since Ludd. Only now expect them to also bring up nukes.

That and people who believe in God actually arguing that this is usurping the power of God/God doesn't want us to do this/ you am play god/ etc.

>> No.4523874

>That and people who believe in God actually arguing that this is usurping the power of God/God doesn't want us to do this/ you am play god/ etc.

Wow, that's gay as fuck.

>> No.4523897

>Because of the religion-descended idea that humans are inherently evil

Goddamn this always makes me so mad. No human is evil by nature and no one is fucking born to kill. Taking another human's life really fucks one up, if you're not a psychopath.

>> No.4523899


One sec, where is that fake purity first thingy....


As always, Art imitates life. I expect to see this be a real thing in the 2020s.

>> No.4523921

That whole thing would be eliminated if Sarif industries wouldn't have made the drug highly addictive. Also it seems that the augmentation business in that trailer is very young since governments aren't controlling it efficiently enough.

>> No.4523938


The drug didn't have to be addictive, it was REQUIRED in the same way anti-rejection drugs are required by those with biological organ transplants. It's not psychologically addictive, you need it the same way you need oxygen.

It's not entirely realistic, people already have similar implants without needing drugs.

The game actually starts off with the government about to hear arguments about possible regulation. Then the plot drops, and that gets put off.

(This is for Deus Ex: Human Revolution)

>> No.4523987


Doesn't cell rejection only occur with organic components, like transplanted organs and limbs? How can inorganic materials like augmentations cause rejection?

Rest in peace, Big Rizzle.

>> No.4523998

This might be kind of going too far, but what if they were engineered to make user's body think that it's organic material that they're implanting into your body to lock them into drug buying spiral?

>> No.4524006


Naw, it's something to do with the man-machine interface thingy, but they just found a specific "John Doe" who has absolutely no rejection, and they plan to use his genes to fix the rejection problem.

(Of course, as if you haven't guessed, that John Doe is the PC)

>> No.4524017

More like OPs pic

>> No.4524378

>100 Year EVE online session
That's a lot of Excel.

>> No.4524415

During organ rejection the body essentially goes through this checklist
>is it a cell?
>yes, is it my cell?
>no, lets destroy it!
In the case of mechanical devices it's
>is it a cell?
>no it's a foreign object, lets encapsulate it in fibrous materials

And with mechanical devices you need to have a really fucking good design, that is subtle yet efficient to ensure it works in harmony with the body(and the body is a picky bitch when it comes to this)