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4522537 No.4522537 [Reply] [Original]

>Want to learn Spanish
>Have ADHD(predominantly inattentive)
>Not allowed any drugs
>What should I do?

>> No.4522540

Learn it?

It doesn't stop you from doing it if you really want to.

Also why aren't you allowed to take meds?

>> No.4522543

Watch the videos by this guy: http://www.youtube.com/user/ProfASAr
He can't help you with your ADHD, but what he can help with is the tools you use to learn the language. It will, ultimately, make your life easier.
Another thing of note is Esperanto. Research and studies done into Esperanto have found that it significantly increases the ease of ethnic language acquisition, so if you've found technical parts of language difficult, you might want to start with an easy to learn language like Esperanto and, after learning the ins and outs of it, start working on Spanish or whatever other language you may desire.

>> No.4522549

Use EEG biofeedback to overcome your ADHD.

>> No.4522649


>> No.4522655

>Want to learn Thermodynamics
>Dont want to sit and study
>Not allowed any drugs
>What should I do?

>> No.4522666

What are the best stimulants ?
Apart from the drugs

>> No.4522671


Good sleep and regular exercise. If you can't get these things then no amount of amphetamines will help.

>> No.4522673

watch mexican dubbed telenovelas with english subtitles

>> No.4522675

Do some fish liver oil. Trust me.

>> No.4522691


>learn spanish from another person
>stop telling yourself you have ADHD because it doesn't real

>> No.4522712

To be honest this sounds like you are using ADD as an excuse. I have ADD and while it does give me some trouble when doing university (I don't use any drugs despite my psych/family telling me to) it doesn't stop me from doing it because it is something I really desire.