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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4519675 No.4519675 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/, so I officially quit smoking a little over a month ago, and started chewing nicotine gum to ween myself off the cigarettes. As you can imagine, the transition kinda sucked at first, but I mostly got over it after a few days.

Well I ran out of gum about a week ago, and for around that same length of time, I've felt particularly unmotivated, unable to concentrate, and I guess a little depressed. I'm just wondering if these are typical side-effects of quitting nicotine, and if they are, how long until they start to resolve themselves?

>> No.4519683

yes they are

all from the dopamine motivation/reward axis you'd expect to be fucked by nicotine

it will pass.

>> No.4519684


This board needs massive radiation to get rid of all this fucking cancer.

>> No.4519690

>I've felt particularly unmotivated, unable to concentrate, and I guess a little depressed

The cigs were covering your problems and keeping you distracted. With the cigs gone you now have to confront your issues

get over them, and move on
cigs are shit and anything can become a negative habit that masks your issues