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4510418 No.4510418 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this guy so famous again?

It's like his ideas were darts thrown at a dart board and some of them stuck. That's his contribution to psychology, which is a soft science anyways and therefore automatically shit.

>> No.4510434

His main contribution is not so much in specific ideas (which were largely bonkers) as in general approach of treating the human mind as a subject of natural science.

>> No.4510435
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Let me answer your question with a question.

Why is this guy so famous again?

>> No.4510446

hes a good actor and sexy as fuark

>> No.4510809

op is ignorant

you know nothing about psychology

please get an education

>> No.4510818

even though you don't deserve it, i'll elaborate:

Freud has been discounted, yes, but do you still have respect for the early founders of physics or astonomy, no matter how incorrect they were? Freud essentially published the first psychology journal, though it was crude by today's standards, it was a great start to the modern era of psychology.

You should really look into the field further, understand and appreciate the scientific aspects of it. For those of you who believe that it is not a science, you would be laughed out of college. It is a science, one that seeks to combine neuroscience and an understanding of people to help those with mental illness.

Do you honestly think mental illness doesn't exist? Or that we cannot help it?

The field of psychology is both very scientific and very important. Just like you could point to some wacko doing pseudo-science in the field of Psychology, I too could point to some wanna-be physicist pretentious pseudo-intellectual faggot.

>> No.4510825

Freud is to our understanding of the human mind what Zeno is to our understanding of calculus.

>> No.4510833

No, I don't necessarily believe in mental illness because I don't believe there is one model of objective mental wellness that is anything more than shaping a mind to fit into a particular cultural expectation.

>> No.4510841

so if you think you are sent here by zobo the space lord to drink the sun, you arent psychotic? even though we have pills that reduce the expression of your frontal cortex to make you actually lucid so you can overcome your delusions?

you make no fucking sense at all, i feel sorry for people as ignorant as you.


>> No.4510842


>> No.4510855

For you to imagine such a thing and invent such an absurd situation, perhaps you are mentally ill and would benefit from the correction provided by high grade pharmaceuticals whose full effects no one really understands.

I find that no more debilitating than people believing in Jesus and if somebody actually gets fulfillment from trying to drink the sun, why should we shit on their parade with pills and sedation, also how could we know that in their quest to drink the sun, they couldn't come up with some ingenious way to harness solar power by simply thinking with something other than corporately programmed, status quo thought patterns.

>> No.4510862

What he did was try to explain the reasons for people's behavior through a fairly consistent system of logical causes and effects. Of course the system of causes and effects he came up with was quite wrong, but nobody before in history had tried to go there. It opened the door for others to try again and get it right.

>> No.4510869

but i was clearly using it as an example, you'd have to see me in person to judge if i was legitimate about my psychosis (which has many other signs, which can be observed in several cultures and types of people)

we do know how the medication works, you think its magic or completely unknown? How then, do you account for the fact that they DO work to treat mental problems even when accounting for the most extreme placebo effects?

You are simply wrong, and its people like you who prevent the mentally ill from seeking proper care because you don't take it seriously. Modern medicine accepts and trains their scientifically oriented professionals to keep an eye out for mental illness, you are WRONG for believing it does not exist.

We arent talking about assimilating people into non-individuals.... but when a person is psychotic and a danger to themselves or others because of their disconnect from reality (these people have PHYSICAL brain damage, they have increased ventricles in the center of their brain) we need to treat them promptly with sound medical and psychological care.

you are not right on this subject, please do some more research so that you do not continue to be

>> No.4510889

I never said it was completely unknown, but the drugs effects are not completely known and most drugs are not designed from the ground up with symptom cures in mind because typically it is much more of a crap shoot where a new drug with completely unknown effects is tested over and over to get somewhat of a basic idea of how we think it will react with a (usually animal such as a mouse or monkey) brain on average. Later if the drug is shown to have specific effects those effects are documented and the drug is tried over and over again keeping an eye on the specific effects that have been seen. If it can consistently perform, it goes into a bigger trial where it may end up getting tested on humans.

Psychology itself has proven to be a very slippery slope where the ideals and cultural values of the "doctors" are prone to interfering, skewing, and guiding the efforts and there is little objectivity in diagnoses, other than extreme cases, where people from almost every culture can agree that certain behaviours or thought patterns are bad.

>> No.4510913

>Why is this guy so famous again?
He was Jewish.

>> No.4510927

though you are correct in your assertions, the psychology you describe is not credible psychology. any study that does not pass the same reproducible rigor as other fields' is pretty much ignored.

do you think cultural specific diagnosis are worthless? why does something have to apply to all cultures to be useful? certainly this would hold back any progress.

>> No.4510950

I didn't say it was useless, it is very useful for whitewashing humanity into a more homogenous culture whose behaviours can be easier to predict and control, I just don't necessarily think that is a good think and personally enjoy experiencing more variables, cultures, and thought patterns. My point is, if these things are often culturally biased, it tells me that it is not necessarily a mental "disease", but more like a natural mentality that is inconvenient to those making or paying for the diagnosis and the doctors and people in general should just learn to deal with and understand the great variability of personalities and mental process instead of trying to drug everyone into uniformity with questionably understood drugs that have not been a part, or desperately needed to be a part (at least in the concentrations and direct ways of consummation), of human evolution for millions of years.

>> No.4510975

but my problem is, and has been, that you dont understand what psychology really is.

a person does NOT have a mental illness unless it causes significant personal harm or impairment, enough that the person feels treatment outweights the impairment. think medically, you would not give someone antibiotics just because... you have to be certain there will be a benefit

no psychologist professor or journal I have ever read from credible sources have ever wanted to whitewash humanity or homogenize cultures.

I get your argument, that the decision of what is considered a mental disorder is not ours to make. For things like "sex addiction" i somewhat agree, but it depends on the individual. if the person finds his life damaged by certain mental problems, reguardless of culture, there should be a system to catagorize and treat these problems.

what we have found by doing this, is there is clusters of physical behaviors and mental states that can be damaging at certain levels.

psychological diagnosis is a very delicate process, one that is far more open to culture, individuality, and human spirit than you may think.

>> No.4511013

The point that the guy is trying to make is that psychology in the modern day is like alchemy was in the 17th century. Sure, we know that if you mix this substance with this chemical, you'll get gunpowder or this type of green acid that we named.

Real chemistry is something that is far more complex than we had the tools or know-how to deal with in the 17th century. The brain is far more complex than we have the tools or know-how to work on it in a deeply meaningful way.

Psychology will be a shit "science" for the next decade because of the fact that neuroscience is an extremely underdeveloped field.

>> No.4511029


My problem is you do not understand what a disease or science is because diseases don't generally rely primarily on self diagnosis and aren't described so vaguely with broad far-reaching, subjective terms. When someone gets an illness that would require antibiotics, they don't normally try dozens of different drugs until they get lucky enough to find one the patient says makes him feel like it is working, they do scans, mouth swipes, blood work, check cultures, and figure out what medicine counter acts the micro-organism or growth that is found to be present (or what necessary vitamin or mineral is deficient in letting the body heal itself) and determine how much of the medicine is necessary to eliminate the amount of microorganism or growth that is present or how much supplement is needed (yes this is a simplification, it is not always microorganisms, sometimes an organ is not functioning correctly, which is more complicated, but similar, so you get the point).

>> No.4511037

and your implying that its self-diagnosis? lmao, ok im done getting trolled

night shitposters

>> No.4511152

He made psychologists and society talk about sex, which they avoided until then. Even if he was wrong, he had a major impact on making people think there are may unconscious (sexual) impulses which determine our actions and society/civilisation is built on controlling/repressing them.

>> No.4511156

That is true....he did spend quite some time trying to prove that eels have testicles.

>> No.4511164

>society/civilisation is built on controlling/repressing them.

That was then. Now the control is enforced by embracing and perverting them. It's a political business model.

>> No.4511181

>Why is this guy so famous again?

His theories, though considered bunk for the most part now, laid the groundwork for understanding the human psyche (a field which is still in its infancy and working out the wrinkles).