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4505497 No.4505497 [Reply] [Original]

as a true intp the only thing i care about is truth
pure truth exists
it is not a concept
it is a reality
only our ability to conceive of it is limited to concepts
truth exists beyond the realm of concepts we are able to generate in our attempt to model the universe we collectively perceive as well as the universe we individualy perceive
both in greater detail (microcosmic/quantom/plank scale)
and in greater scope (planetary/extrasolar/intergalactic)

as individuals we are caused by our physical form to measure the universe from the singular perspective of our physical selves
(there is no basis for establishing that all life must be limited in this manner)

here is some data to absorb

groups of people gathering around concepts can neither strengthen nor weaken truth
look clearly past authoritarian statements or doctrine
truth exists
perceive it
no one can disrupt it

many seek to create other persons who will follow opinionated guidance

for them the first order of business is the invalidation of the personal accounts of experiences that are different from those they accept and endorse

let no person tell you to favor their stories over your own gathered knowledge

take responsibility for your knowledge
it is the only thing you will ever truly own

>> No.4505511

>herp he herpa durrr derp darp derpa
>herpp hurrrrrrrrrr durrrrrrrrr
>herpa dur der daprel hur har

>> No.4505514

Stopped reading at master race

>> No.4505516

>personality tests

>> No.4505531

lol wut? Everyone knows INTJ's are the best

>> No.4505535

have you spent much time around intp's?
we are something different
there is a basis for establishing that we are significantly outside of the normal day to day functioning of the biomass/genepool of humanity

though there is a process of growth and developement we generaly arrive at a more valid understanding of our environment than those whose mental tendancies have other priorities

>> No.4505543
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captcha: rage-unto them

>> No.4505550
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>we are something different
yep, you are unique

>> No.4505554

>oh boy not this again

troll thread please move along.

>> No.4505555
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the four aspects of personality that are used as the basis of polarity have far reaching effects on how we live as a species
for many hundreds of thousands of years these have benefited humanity in their interplay of variety
but it is plausable to suppose that a unification of polairity might be formed for all by deliberate affectation of the forming identity of our youth

if this is ever persued; there can be no other choice for humanity
any objective assessment of the data will reveal this as true

of this pic ;
perceive or judge
you can never safely end perception to jump to conclusion
once perception has delivered truth there is no need to judge

>> No.4505560

not even trolling
maybe you never thought it all the way through

>> No.4505596

good show, op

>> No.4505598

ENFP Master race here, reminding you guys that you will never be Champions like us.

>> No.4505619

>why dont you go cry about your emotions somewhere and let the intellectuals be, sir.

>> No.4505629

"everyone is unique"

once when i was 11 and living in europe
i found a sticker with this exact quote in my posession as i came out of a chemicaly induced state of mind
although i had lost my memory for the previous few days i at least did remember the military jeeps pulling up to collect me for a mission
they must have hit me with the first chemicals within very few minutes of that time though

the way the scopamine/dimerol mix works is to wipe out the brains ability to record long term memories chemicaly

the more that is added the longer the period that is 'errased' with the time of injection being the aproximate middle of the period affected
so after a mission an 'involentary' operative might receive a dose sufficient to remove time extending before and after the mission up to the time of return to their daily life

i found that for several days my family had belived i was sleeping over with a certain friend and his family
and his family belived he was sleeping with mine

still no recollection of the event in the mid time
i have seen books such as this suggesting that some of the data can still be recovered through hypnosis


cia programs for kids?
been there
done that

there is little i can do to cure your ignorance of such things

personal perception measures the world

why would you belive in that which you have no perception of?

>> No.4505650
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well, then, here on this album is your song

have you stoped to consider what victory supports your claim ?

or is the euphoria just a chemical in your brain?

with a heart of stone i will continue to see things as they are and not paint them with my emotions and desires

>> No.4505686


this is the first album i ever owned
took 5 dollar allowance to gibsons and bought it
was living near fort polk at the time

>> No.4505783
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my idea of running away from home when i was in second grade was to hit the woods
i knew i could steal from stores if i had to
or find sympathetic persons to mooch off of
but i would need no shelter that i could not make on my own
the 70s were simpler times
and it does not get so cold there that life is at risk
i had already lived in extreem cold and knew how to dress
leesville area was practicaly tropic by compareson

never did run away though
got packed and headed out to the woods only to look back and see that once mom realized i was not bluffing she broke down and sat on the curb crying
i went back mad as hell and sat beside her saying 'aww hell woman' like something out of a clint eastwood flick

but by the thrid and fourth grades i would take day long walks in the woods just to go see a lake

looking to google earth i see i was walking about 17 miles from my house straight through the woods and turning around to go home
all without a compass
which of course i owned and knew how to opperate
dad was a seargent in 1950
he had shown me that and much much more by that age
he had fought soldiers younger than me and not a day went by without that intensity burning its mark on everything we did

by third grade i moved my sights though
spoted a corvette
knew from kits how the electronic ignition worked
figured the lock was the weak spot though
first plan was to simply force with screwdriver
of course i was too short to drive
so i talked my brother into 'wanting to'

that was my backup plan if shit ever got wicked enough that i needed to relocate

where to go?
grandmother of course
she had connected with me before the cia
she at 3
they didnt get serious till 5
and she had cut a deeper groove

have i left the realms of philosophy
and platitudes yet?

>> No.4505902
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you do realize,
that some of the other personality types actually do not like truth
to their purposes it is an obstacle
i may need to point out that those purposes are typicaly self serving for the sake of clarity

>> No.4505937
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>> No.4505951
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the bell curve;
its a slim few at either end.
hows it holding up at yours?

>> No.4506043
File: 183 KB, 1158x826, spf33_observationsufo-casebook-forum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]