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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 156 KB, 600x953, John_Locke_by_bhurian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4503420 No.4503420 [Reply] [Original]


Is this legit?

>> No.4503425


Is this legit?

>> No.4503434

>The Proof that God exists is that without Him you couldn't prove anything.

>> No.4503435 [DELETED] 

No, you have to agree with it every step of the way or it kicks you out.
This does not prove that god exists in any way.

>> No.4503438


is this legit?

>> No.4503447


Is this legit?

>> No.4503460
File: 10 KB, 690x151, Výstřižek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So fallatious my brain hurts.
>"Do absolute moral laws exist?"
>Pick no
>"Are you implying molesting children for fun is right?"

>Reach final page after the website forcefully makes me to agree with them
>See this

Why the fuck do people do this?

>> No.4503464

Definitely not.

>> No.4503467

This is not a glitch
(Think about it)

>> No.4503475

>I don't care if absolute truth exist
>Thank you for visiting

Er. Okay.

>> No.4503481

>hey guise, i just proved god's existence with the power of SEMANTICS!!

>> No.4503482

Got the same.

It's either comedy or was written by somebody with very narrrow imagination and low intelligence.

>> No.4503483

This was extremely shit. I chose that I do not know if absolute truth exists and got nowhere further.

>> No.4503493

apparently thinking the laws of science could change makes me unworthy of god :')

>> No.4503499

It's not comedy. It's presuppositionalism.

>> No.4503505

I chose that absolute morals does not exist, then I said that molesting children for fun is not absolutely immoral, and then it said I was illogical and wrong.

>> No.4503510 [DELETED] 
File: 254 KB, 458x358, 0126394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol'd @ 'i dont care if absolute truth exists'
and it makes you fuck off

>> No.4503513
File: 45 KB, 640x640, trollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that requires that you KNOW that you don't know that absolute truth exists... ABSOLUTELY.

>> No.4503511
File: 72 KB, 400x359, anders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT : people expecting the answer to the ultimate truth from a retarded website

>> No.4503514

Which proves there is a god, I guess.

>> No.4503515 [DELETED] 
File: 127 KB, 401x354, 1310039258589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we went out of curiosity, tard
we dont expect it to be fucking right!

>> No.4503517
File: 23 KB, 320x240, 320x240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true, Captain. Molesting children really is illogical.

>> No.4503521

Quote even a single post where this is the case.

>> No.4503524

He does not define "existence". Without proper definition the questions are meaningless.

>> No.4503525 [DELETED] 

that made me lol, throwing a massive strawman at you to try to convince you that absolute moral truth exists.
some things arnt so clear cut, e.g. whetehr drugs should be legal, or abortion, or euthanasia, etc.

stupid fucktarded christfags, and i love that they presume 'god' automatically means the christian god of the bible

>> No.4503526


I didn't say it was logical, I just said it wasn't absolutely morally wrong.

>> No.4503529

please quit bumping religion threads and shitting up the board.

>> No.4503534

This site is shit. Basically, it wants you to say absolute truth does exists, and if you say otherwise it will get you into an infinite loop.

>> No.4503538

I don't get it. It just booted me out after i refused to agree that absolute moral law exists. How does that prove anything?

>> No.4503542


I got to this page because I said there is no absolute morality. There isn't; it's all relative.

Site has solid basis.

>> No.4503545

>I don't know if absolute truth exists
>"Absolutely true" or "False"

Missing some options there, couldn't finish the test.

>> No.4503548

There is a bunch of philosophy of science stuff where the guy is arguably wrong anyway, but where he's trying to railroad you to is:


... which basically just says that God exists because the Bible says so. That's where all this so-called logic leads to. This is like junior varsity level theism, and if it wasn't so funny it would be sad.

>> No.4503559

>Site has solid basis.

>You have denied that absolute moral laws exist but you appeal to them all the time. You say that rape IS wrong because you know that it IS wrong and not just against your personal preference.
This is "I'm right and you know it!", not a solid basis.

>> No.4503580

I think he meant 'bias'.

>> No.4503586

"You have denied that absolute moral laws exist but you appeal to them all the time. You say that rape IS wrong because you know that it IS wrong and not just against your personal preference."

Wait, the site denies me the assurance of saying 'Rape has not always been considered wrong, rape is now considered wrong and therefore is subject to subjectivity, therefore Absolute Moral Laws do NOT exist.'

Way to go proving God exists.

>> No.4503605

Oh, I see. Never mind.

>> No.4503636






>> No.4503646

what the fuck is absolute truth?

Truth can not be absolute. Something that is true to someone won't necessarily be true for another.

I am seriously confused by this, english isn't my language, someone care to explain what the fuck this is?

>> No.4503657


>> No.4503661

You can ask yourself, is the scientific objective to find a truth that is absolute? In most cases, you will find that the sciences are presupposing that there as an attainable absolute truth, this is most definitely not the case in the humanities - with morality and all.

>> No.4503666


He totally pwnz those heathens.

>> No.4503674

Agreed. Disney.

>> No.4503685

>decide to humor this website and go along with their silly questions.
>see this

"The Proof that God exists is that without Him you couldn't prove anything."

Haha, fuck you retarded website. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard

>> No.4503687

I'm openly a christian and I think this webpage is a total embarrassment to every religion.

>> No.4503698
File: 31 KB, 390x310, 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you believe?
>'I don't care if absolute truth exists'

>get redirected to disney.com

lol'd hard

>> No.4503700

>In most cases, you will find that the sciences are presupposing that there as an attainable absolute truth
Not really, no.

>> No.4503702

you are an embarrassment.

>> No.4503712


no u

>> No.4503723 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 250x272, 1305512611647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am absolutely retarded and not ashamed to broadcast that fact to all of you here...

>> No.4503726

Then what is 'truth' in the sciences? Is scientific truth a perfect description of a subject whereas no more can be said of the subject? I would think that is how we perceive an absolute truth.

If not, then what is the objective of the sciences?

>> No.4503754

>Then what is 'truth' in the sciences?
Something that has been empirically established as valid beyond all reasonable doubt, but still retains potential falsifiability and is therefore not absolute.

>> No.4503776

So you do not pre-suppose that there is a truth out there that can be found? As in, that there is an absolute as an end, and your sciences the means to that end.

I thought that the 'end' is to attain the truth that can not be thwarted by any means, that you have managed to describe the phenomena exactly as it is. Is that wrong?

>> No.4503794

>So you do not pre-suppose that there is a truth out there that can be found?
This isn't about my personal presuppositions; it's about those of science, and no, science does not assume there to be an absolute truth. Even its own axioms are subject to scrutiny and change over time.

>> No.4503795

Yup that is wrong.

>> No.4503885

I browse 4chan
I am an agnostic atheist
I do not give a shit
I come here to have fun
stfu everyone