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4498861 No.4498861 [Reply] [Original]

How do most of you see the origin of the universe? Matter coming from nothing?

>> No.4498864
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I see the origin of the universe as those WHO ACTUALLY FUCKING STUDY THAT SHIT DO...The big bang.....DURRRR!

Yes, matter came from nothing. Shit happens all the time. The universe is a fucking strange place man, maybe you should get off you ass and learn about that shit.

>> No.4498868

universes are singularities

>> No.4498869

It's misleading to call it nothing, as nothingness should be featureless, but capacity to generate universes is a rather obvious feature.

>> No.4498871


Nothing Is a non existant, non observed abstract quantity.

Big bang theory says nothing about the origination of the universe.

Alot of summer on sci tonight.

>> No.4498873


Furthermore "nothing" doesn't exist in nature. So no, the universe didn't come from nothing.

Best answer: we don't know.

>> No.4498874

There's always going to be a gaping hole in our understanding of it. The more that becomes known, the broader the question will get... At that deepest current level there's always something completely unexplainable.

And it's hard to say it's even science. It's not testable and never will be.
I like thinking about the idea that our world is a simulation made from computer technologies that we aren't far off from now. But even if we KNEW that to be true, the question then just shifts to a different scale of time/place/everything.

>> No.4498875

How can you have nothing if you dont have anywhere to have it?

>> No.4498876

I think matter is knots of energy trapped in our visible dimension. I imagine this occurred during some astronomical release or event in another universe that could not be bounded by its laws and so poked through into ours and escaped through a small "hole" as the big bang. All matter is now in the process of becoming un knotted and returning to energy in the form of entropy and other reactions.

>> No.4498879

I think when Christians try to use something came from nothing argument is poor.

1.If you can argue that God has always existed, why can't I argue that space and matter-energy have always existed? I find it absurd that creationists use "something can't come from nothing" as an argument for he existance of God, and then when you ask them where God came from, they say "he's always existed, he's an infinite being". It's a completely self-defeating argument

2.Because "something can not come from nothing. Everyone knows that" Then, with no apparent irony, "so the only other possibility is that god (who came from nothing or didn't need to) created everything (out of nothing)". reasoning built upon a solid foundation of fallacy.

>> No.4498880

Are you 12?

When you grow up, you will be able to understand more shit. The universe isn't the simple kiddie "geometry" you know. It is more complicated then that, and you need better thinking skills to understand it.

>> No.4498882

Neat. But then the question just becomes....how did the OTHER universe begin?

>> No.4498883

Lawerence Krauss talked about this in universe from nothing.

>> No.4498886
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Please don't use such vulgar words here. Christian is an insult even too great for /sci/. Take your words to /b/.

>> No.4498887


I disagree and he has a valid point. Nothing is only useful in comparison with something.

You can re-word his premise as how can you have nothing without something. And you cant. Nothing is always relative to something.

>> No.4498889

Who said anything about creationism? I really don't see "something can't come from nothing" as being a creationist's arguement. Because it makes even less sense with creationism.

We all know there isn't a floating head in the sky checking up on us. Let's get over that. But talking about the origin of the universe is totally different...

>> No.4498893


Have you actually listened to kraus's lectures? Or actually read a book of his? His nothing is not an absolute nothing and he acknowledges this. The nothing he talks about is a special kind of nothing subject to laws, in the same way that vacuum space is a special kind of nothing, and not a nothing at all in actuality. Kraus's nothing is not the same nothing as christfags like William lane Craig circlejerk themselves off to. Absolute nothing is not a property that appears in nature, much in the same way that infinity iis a property that doesn't appear in nature.

>> No.4498895

The universe is obviously a simulation, so ihe origin isn't a real thing, just whatever they decided to use for initial values of their program.

>> No.4498901

I should have said religious people. But it's true they try to use it as a science doesn't know so it automatically means my x religion is right.

>> No.4498903

So how did "they" begin? The question just shifts places.

>> No.4498907

Except it's not knowable why the simulation is being run.

>> No.4498909

I know Craig uses this argument which is why I brought up two points here >>4498879. If someone like Craig makes that claim.

>> No.4498915

Done listen to religious people. They are like retarded children. Just pat them on the head and walk away.

>> No.4498917


>> No.4498920

For kicks?

Who would be interested in this? Future humans.

Look at the recent jumps in technology. Computer stuff looks close to real already. At what point do simulations become conscious? Is it just a level of choice/variation in programming and that's all that we call consciousness?

But again...if true, where did the ______ that the creators live in come from?