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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4496036 No.4496036 [Reply] [Original]

The 4chan Babby cup begins in 12 hours (2200 CET, 9PM GMT 5PM EST).
Group 2 will play the 3rd and 4th matches of the day.
Tactical changes can be made up to one hour before the match, see the Wiki for details.

>> No.4496055
File: 168 KB, 1073x578, babbacus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ is in the same group as /pol/, /r9k/ and /mlp/

We're not that shitty a board are we

>> No.4496065

/sci/ = /newnew/

>> No.4496069

I know, but still.
A board specifically designed to mop up pony shit?

>> No.4497156

It's starting

>> No.4497476

/sci/ vs /r9k/ on now

>> No.4497478

It's now our time to lose.

>> No.4497481

/sci/ and /r9k/ are kicking off right now

>> No.4497483

/mlp/ here.

Rooting for /sci/.
Go /sci/!

>> No.4497505

it's starting now


>> No.4497554


>> No.4497556


>> No.4497578


>> No.4497579

1-1 r9k made a goal in the last minute :(

>> No.4497613

Unlucky /sci/

>> No.4498107

Matches on Saturday are two hours earlier than on Friday.

>> No.4499261

Why the fuck did someone appoint themselves to be the board's manager when it's pretty obvious that he's not even talking to the board about the changes he's making: http://4chancup.wikidot.com/talk:sci?

>> No.4499326

It looks like the entire of /sci/ is just /pol/ circlejerking. Revamp the whole fucking thing, we're shit.

>> No.4499356

There were plenty of discussion the couple days before the deadline for rosters and the team more or less reflects those discussions. The problem was the board wanted wholesale changes and that resulted in a lot of confusion. People started reverting the page to previous states to wipe out unwanted changes but it also cleared out lots of updates. The only things agreed upon in the older threads that ended up not getting done are as follows.
1) Remove Troll Science
2) Change Goal horn and Anthem

Since the team roster was unlocked there have been changes but the won't matter for the babby cup and I plan to revert the page to revision 179 (last pre-babby revision) as soon as the tournament is over so we can tweak the team from the point where it started actually playing games.

>> No.4499358

Well, so far you've done better than certain boards:

>any board who lost

>> No.4499370

You could change the anthem right now. It's not part of the deadline.

>> No.4499377

That's the thing though, we were using the team /sci/ wanted yesterday, and now it's been edited to some shit with EK and other crap

>> No.4499381

There is a point of contention though. It was decided that the current horn and anthem sucked, but there was never an agreement on a new alternative.

I personally don't mind the anthem b/c you only hear it when the team takes the field or after the game. I also like the idea of the elements song as goalhorn but I think I'm the only one. Until there is something resembling a consensus I'm not going to edit the page.

Also going namefag for this thread

>> No.4499385

I found 4 minutes hilarious, and so did the viewers when they played. didn't the commentators all bust out laughing when it started saying I ONLY GOT 4 MINUTES, 4 MINUTES EHH

>> No.4499390

>People started reverting the page to previous states to wipe out unwanted changes but it also cleared out lots of updates.
It's all because of one /pol/ faggot (known as Angelo/Luca/Enzo) trying to make a load of teams his own. He's tried to make changes to numerous boards (including /a/, /co/, /k/) but most of them have been removed on the grounds that they made no sense / were unsuitable for those teams.

For some unknown reason he started to focus on /sci/ and has been rapidly reverting and changing things to HIS OWN DESIRES without consulting the board, but rather using the talk:sci page (which is now an unnavigateable mess) instead.

Hopefully one of you /sci/entists will take over the team from this guy, as he's ruining the tournament for a load of people by doing this shit.

>> No.4499391
File: 28 KB, 453x355, 3952912989_5564df9f26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


who are you ? seriously ? are you that guy from /M/ that started deleting and changing shit 4 minutes before deadline lock ?

stop fucking with our team

Everything was agreed upon ages ago - lineup, anthems - so why do you keep on trying to change that shit and push your own suggestions ?

we dont have a manager, trainer like other boards so i stepped up, and our tactics have been shit the last few matches - so i studied other teams and players performance, and skillcard list with theirs and came up with new tactics - which actually work for other players and teams well

the only thing i need help with is sliders - so if someone also has pes can you test the sliders for us and see what's good with those cards and formation

but sadly they wont be implemented until babby cup is over

also someone edited whole team the fuck out of nowhere 4 minutes before deadline lock. Dragonfag Matt told me it was someone from /M/echa called Ken

he put in his own suggestions like EPICurious for example and suggested darWin

and wanted to change the anthem to the elements song, which sounds shit and childish - he made all these changed without getting board approval.

now look at the original creation of sci thread -


you will see that the current lineup on main page reflects this.

so stop trying to push your own shit suggestions and go back to your own fucking board and stay there

>> No.4499395

How about you take a look at the thread after that?

>> No.4499398

Which is why I plan to wipe all the edits as soon as it can make a difference (I may do it sooner so we can put in subs for starters since fatigue accumulates through the tourney). Don't worry about the roster. Focus on testing and analyzing tactics for the summer cup if we make it.

I'd also like new kits. I'd be glad to make them myself, but I don't know what program to use for editing.

>> No.4499402

>Dragonfag Matt told me it was someone from /M/echa called Ken
Ken doesn't edit teams and never has done.
Ken, while a user of /m/, is not exclusively from /m/.
You're now making up bullshit about Dragonfag to ruin his reputation.

You're a fucking cunt.

>> No.4499404
File: 68 KB, 575x638, 00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


trivia guy is from /vg/ trying to fuck us up - go there and stay there dickhead>


everyone in chat supporting sci yesterday wants ek in the team and was asking where he was - he's going on subs bench

original players had troll science that you are trying to change to epicurious

4 minutes is fine, as you can see the reasons for its choice

plus you are from /vg/ so fuck off.

sci is my main board, and i use pol so try again faggot. ive already explained numerous times about the changes i made to other boards - which actually have not been removed. most were things like adding photos that were missing, or converting files, or resizing, grammatical - yes i did a lot of work on pol, and look how good everything looks through hard work and time.

i think i know who you really are so im calling you out on your bullshit and constant stirring. coward.

>> No.4499405

Actually, /pol/ looks pretty bad compared to the likes of /vp/, /m/, /a/ and /d/.

>> No.4499408


im not lying. that's what matt told me when i asked him if he did everything and he said it was some guy from /m/echa and i asked him his name and he said ken

so if anyone is bullshitting, it was matt bullshitting me


Which is why I plan to wipe all the edits as soon as it can make a difference (I may do it sooner so we can put in subs for starters since fatigue accumulates through the tourney). Don't worry about the roster. Focus on testing and analyzing tactics for the summer cup if we make it.

I'd also like new kits. I'd be glad to make them myself, but I don't know what program to use for editing.

No dont change our kits. Just because you personally would like new kits. You are from /vg/ and have no right to. So go work on your shitty vg team instead

>> No.4499410

I see we've brought back the 5-3-1-1 / 5-4-1 that beat /vp/.. awesome! Maybe we can take /mlp/ now. /pol/.. ehh, that ones pretty much a loss guaranteed

>> No.4499412


it looks a hell of a lot better than it used to look. so did /x/ .. go revert all the changes and see what it looked like.

>> No.4499416

Dragonfag already has a shitty reputation
But now he's trying to backtrack and say how he didn't edit teams and only editted/formated the wikipages

but we all know he editted at least 5 teams before the deadline for the first day of the friendlies.

He's the one that started >4 minutes because he edited /sci/ 4 minutes after deadline

>> No.4499418

you must be the 2.25.213 asshat that put deepseabro back on the team as soon as the page unlocked. You are the one not consulting the board. You are also getting you editors mixed. I suggested EPICurus and darWIN and the board seemed to approve (although I didn't actually make the edit). And the suggestion of the elements song also came from me. And if the board doesn't want it fine. I just think it is recognizable and fun. This isn't serious business.

>> No.4499421

At this stage, you have a much worse reputation than he.
Also, >4 minutes is a good thing. It makes /sci/ stand out, and the end result actually won us our only game.

>> No.4499424

Not content trying to stir up shit on /m/, you decided to try your luck here, eh?

/sci/friends, this guy's been making a nuisance of himself on our end for an hour or two. Just so you're aware, he's mostly buttmad about something or other, seems to either want to stir up some drama or control some teams?

>> No.4499427


Hey, you (probably 2.25.213.x)
Please read the thread >>4499395 linked to.
Epicurus and Darwin were agreed upon in a later thread than the one you linked to. When changes to the roster are made in a later thread - twice as big as the previous thread, I might add - then according to common sense, the /sci/ lineup will change even if one dude (you) have a problem with it. Stop trying to be a dictator.


>> No.4499429

I'm not even the guy you think you're talking to. Just trying to say Dragonfag doesn't need you to defend his crappy rep

>> No.4499433

If you want to know who reverted it, then it was me: an anon.
Not Ken.
Not Dragonfag.
An anon.

You've been ruining this fucking team for far too long. I actually told GermanBro to lock the page as quickly as possible on the deadline day because of you trying to change it to your own non-board consulted desires. You've ruined /sci/'s pages with all of your shit.

>Just because you personally would like new kits. You are from /vg/ and have no right to.
With all the changes you tried to make on a numerous number of boards that you don't even visit: you're one hypocritical bastard aren't you?

>> No.4499434

I'm from /vg/?

Are you high? I've never posted on that board and you can see on the site that I've never edited their team page. I'm a scientists so I hang with /sci/

>> No.4499445

That's not actually true. Germanbro already said he's fine with everything Dragonfag's done and appreciates his help with the wiki among other things. His "bad reputation" is more of a running joke by now.

>> No.4499446


>> No.4499448
File: 17 KB, 300x358, 811436c3f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>you must be the 2.25.213 asshat that put deepseabro back on the team as soon as the page unlocked. You are the one not consulting the board. You are also getting you editors mixed. I suggested EPICurus and darWIN and the board seemed to approve (although I didn't actually make the edit). And the suggestion of the elements song also came from me. And if the board doesn't want it fine. I just think it is recognizable and fun. This isn't serious business.

Lion created first lineup and no one complained against deep sea general / bro when created and it has also been on sci threads so they recognise the meme


the board did not approve your stupid shit "seeming to approve" is not approving. You made the changes without anyone saying yes you should do it.

Dont fucking lie that you didnt do the edit - they were your choices.

And yes your anthem is shit, and yet you changed the anthems too deleting it and changing shit on the page

4 Minutes was fine

you are from /vg/ so why are you so obsessed with sci and want to change our kits without anyones approval ?

deleting other peoples shit from our main page, changing players only you wanted

I only reverted your changes to original lineup that board wanted - and i didnt choose 4 minutes, matt did. But it works, and the chat supporters like it when it is played as we score

the official anthem was approved before - because is science related with hawking and sagan.

so fuck off back to /vg/ and concentrate on your own board instead of messing with ours. I have not put any choices of my own - as you can see from original creation of team - but you have, and you are from a dif board - your main board is /vg/ and you even said your from vg on our discussion page

you had no right to do what you did

>> No.4499455

>you had no right to do what you did
The irony is painful

>> No.4499457


>>You've been ruining this fucking team for far too long. I actually told GermanBro to lock the page as quickly as possible on the deadline day because of you trying to change it to your own non-board consulted desires. You've ruined /sci/'s pages with all of your shit.

er no you have ruined it. as you can see i reverted all your bullshit back to original team. And i asked someone to make kits for us and fix our tactics after that shitty 3-0 loss to /x/

>> No.4499461


fucking lying cunt. You wrote on wiki at the top - that you are from a different board and that we cant change /g/s/b cards - anyone can go check todays edits to see your a fucking liar and are from /vg/

fucking troll lying bitch

>> No.4499466
File: 18 KB, 341x313, Troids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to change the kits so the blue is 1100FF to match the emission line from hydrogen.

As for the lineup changes the most recent threads are the most relevant and the changes you've made are completely inconsistent with the will of the board.

>> No.4499467

/vg/ has a team?

>> No.4499468


Again, this is the older thread from January. The March thread here http://archive.installgentoo.net/sci/thread/S4448891 had numerous changes. Please do not ignore the changes made in a thread that was twice as popular as the older one, and whose topic was "Any last minute changes before the match against /x/?"

And, for fuck's sake, is it that hard to use capital letters?

>> No.4499473

>as you can see i reverted all your bullshit back to original team.

The team was changed after the original thread. You're basing the team YOU want on an outdated squad.

>> No.4499478

When did I edit the page today? I haven't touched it since the 16th. You are seriously tweaked in the head you know.

>> No.4499480

>that you are from a different board and that we cant change /g/s/b cards - anyone can go check todays edits to see your a fucking liar and are from /vg/
That was from someone named /vp/oreon. Not someone from /vg/.

No, and I doubt they would want to join.

>> No.4499485


really ? and its interesting how this happened when we lost to /x/ and someone tried to push that all our players needed to be changed

why change the players when it is tactics only that have an effect on game performace and mechanics, and yet this guy kept posting on sci pushing his own suggestions and wanting to change every single fucking thing

why do that in the first place ? if you continuously post a thread pushing your own player suggestions if the team loses, of course there will be one or two changing - mainly theirs that they pushed in the first place, and then pretend to be someone else, but in fact be the same person agreeing with themself .. like a faggot

>> No.4499487


bullshit - anyone can go check your edits today for themselves - you could easily have used a different ip

>> No.4499488

ok vp my mistake - and even worse that this pokemon social retard is fucking with /sci/s team then

go play pokemon

>> No.4499495

You can check the IP history and see it was me who put in that top bar. Nothing else, just the top message. All it was was a polite message to say that your stuff is passed the deadline and won't be allowed, and now you're just being completely hostile for no reason. I have done absolutely nothing else to /sci/ except drop that polite message saying it's going to have to wait until fall.

>> No.4499498

>why change the players
Because stupid non-memes are stupid. I've been around for about 2 years and I honestly have no idea what deepseabro is about. If it is a meme then it isn't popular and it clearly isn't funny so it's just a dumb player name. And good player names are important because it makes for funny commentating. Otherwise we should just name the players after their positions.

>> No.4499502

You seem to have a hard time accepting the fact that not everyone on this board was happy with the original team that was named. If a lot of people on /sci/ want to change the players, you can't just go "OMG BUT WE MUST STICK TO THE ORIGINAL TEAM WE CANNOT CHANGE IF WE CHANGE WE WILL LOSE EVERY GAME FUCK ALL OF YOU!!!!1"

You honestly have a problem with the idea that people will disagree with your selections, and you should really step down and let others organise the team. You're ruining them by putting in outdated shit that nobody wants.

>you could easily have used a different ip
Are you intentionally being ironically hypocritical or are you just THAT dense?

>> No.4499503


yeah funny that you wrote that at the same time as writing on our discussion board and making comments stirring on this board ..

all the same person, dont even try to pretend

>> No.4499504

I feel bad for you man. Seriously. You've done nothing and got the blame.

>> No.4499507

I'm genuinely a regular /vp/oreon who was just dropping a simple message. I would ask that you please stop trying to drag me into /sci/s business, I only came to tell you that I've done absolutely nothing wrong.

>> No.4499509

From what I've seen they still identify with the /v/ team.

>> No.4499511

I was just specifying that it wasn't someone from /vg/. Apologies for any distress caused.

>> No.4499512

>why change the players when it is tactics only that have an effect on game performace and mechanics
Because they felt the old players were non-representative of the board?
Because they wanted to make G/S/B player changes (Feynman, Sagan etc as shown in the thread)?

What the fuck does it matter? Any changes can be made before a deadline if a board reaches an agreement. With or without *your* (singular) consent.

Here's a better hypothesis:
All the people who disagree with you in this thread are the same guy. Yes, it's just one guy with a vendetta against you, the rightful autocrat of the /sci/ team using a thread a month old to justify your decisions. Better ignore what we say.

>> No.4499513


triviaguy you aren't from /sci/ so i dont understand why you are still here and haven't fucked off back to pokemon board .. the fact that you like pokemon is pathetic - go kill yourself.


its not a fact though. your theory is flawed. the board was happy with the original choices at the creation of the team and anyone can see for themselves with the link i provided

if you want to keep posting on sci and asking to change players, then of course one person is going to want a new player .. does this mean the whole board ?

so we should continuously change each individual player so the team looks different every time, with no consistency, and no identification to a particular player/s you get used to playing regularly

no one person - you. is not the whole board. so no we will not be putting in the choices you keep pushing for and trying to change.

>> No.4499515


yes it is one faggot troll who is trying to control the whole wiki, and make changed to every board and then cover his shit up like a two faced coward pussy

and whenever anyone reverts their changes to boards original team they get butthurt and come cry on the board = you

so fuck off.

>> No.4499519

>if you want to keep posting on sci and asking to change players, then of course one person is going to want a new player .. does this mean the whole board?
>no one person - you. is not the whole board

Do you have any idea how stupid you sound?

You're doing this and you can't even see it.

I... just... I can't even comprehend what the fuck is wrong with your perception to think that everyone agreed with the team back in January.

/sci/ wanted to change it, yet YOU (yes, ONLY you) want to keep it the same.

Fuck this; I'm going to watch some real football now, because this argument with someone as hostile and inflexible as you is just fucking retarded now.

>> No.4499520

People are complaining about you, not triviaguy, for fucks sake! Yes, /m/ did change the /sci/ team, and that's because /sci/ game to /m/ and asked for their help in stopping YOU from making edits! Can't you see that /sci/ doesn't want you? I'm not even triviaguy for fucks sake, but this is getting out of hand! Just leave /sci/s board alone, and see how much different it is. And then, if /sci/ doesn't like it then, then maube JUST MAYBE you can be allowed back.

>> No.4499521
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tactics were changed by someone who knows pes after shitty loss to /x/ - silver sagan would have done nothing under those tactics, so silver was given to front man to get goals - which he did

but gold feynman played shit for some reason - maybe conditioning or something .. whatever

this is the point.

Anyway fuck off troll, I am going to study and better myself. You can keep trolling and playing with pokemon.

>> No.4499526

you are awfully paranoid. Are you sure you shouldn't be in /x/. I suggest you get there quick before the black helicopters get you.

>> No.4499527

He played poorly because AMs are for assists and setting up, not goalscoring. /n/s I like trains isn't their top scorer from the friendlies despite being a gold AM like Feynman. In fact, /n/ had 3 players all score more than their gold AM. He played poorly due to the lack of support in the midfield for him.

>> No.4499532

/x/ wont let him back, they kicked him out and removed 80% of what he did.

>> No.4499537
File: 540 KB, 759x327, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay /sci/bros. I took it upon myself to fix your kits because cozmo is awful at making his crap work with kitserver.

I didn't touch the kits, but I changed the number colors a little bit. (half his stuff didn/t work, nor was it transparent)

>> No.4499539

Feynman actully played just fine I think. It was just a bit of rotten luck. How many shots were a decimeter away from a goal?

>> No.4499545

Should have redone the kits. They look boring. /an/s tigers and feather kits look great, /vp/s team rocket was awesome, /k/s khaki kits are incredible. We have a lot of awesome ideas going to waste with those boring kits.

>> No.4499549

What program do you use to make the kits? I'd like to put some new ones together for the board.

>> No.4499556
File: 60 KB, 1024x512, kit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just make sure GermanBro sees it

then tell him. I would've done it but you already had plus I didn't want to be accused of vandalism

Photoshop. Just make sure to index to files properly otherwise it won't work in the game.

>> No.4499561

>fix kits
>gets edited out 10 seconds later
well that's all the help you get from me

>> No.4499568


>> No.4499573
File: 64 KB, 640x480, dawson-crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


really ? giving them anthems when they had none ? and putting in players that were requested that were /x/ related instead of scary ghost and other shit memes that /x/ complained about and giving them photos - resizing and coding ?

no not really .. /x/ page was made and improved when no one from /x/ gave a shit. Once they started getting interested I left them to it - most of the things i did are still there - they changed main anthem and some players ... and im happy with that - seeing them get involved. I dont touch their team now, I leave them to it.

and am not a controlling dickhead like you trying to push own suggestions and change everyones page. but nice try

>> No.4499575


sorry thought you were the troll fucking everything up

go ahead ill leave kit improvements alone dude

>> No.4499582
File: 2.15 MB, 1377x818, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i actually like these better than the black ones that are the primary at the moment

>> No.4499586

Just fuck off back to /pol/ will you?

It's clear nobody wants you here.

>> No.4499596

Test a 5-5-0 formation. I'm not even bullshitting you. 3 CB, LB, RB, LM, RM, CM, 2AM.
It's incredibly effective at stopping the opponent from scoring, yet the AMs still produce goals leading to absolute domination of the opponent. I'm not kidding, try it. Gold AM, Silver CM, Bronze LM and RM.

>> No.4499600

>am not a controlling dickhead like you trying to push own suggestions and change everyones page
Except for our page. You'll fuck that one up as much as you like?

>> No.4499605

Just make new kits and put them here or on the discussion page. Anyone that gets mad about that shouldn't be part of the discussion anyway. That's my plan at least. Make a few and let the board decide which ones they like.

>> No.4499619

>sees someone edited the page
>must be trolls
>reverts to his last edit
>/sci/ wills it

>> No.4499627
File: 52 KB, 536x400, president-obama-laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me, just summazing this hilarious thread for future generations.

>>4499404 luca/angelo/enzo:
>trivia guy is from /vg/ trying to fuck us up - go there and stay there dickhead>
>>4499434 triviaguy:
>I've never posted on /vg/ and you can see on the site that I've never edited their team page.
>>4499461 luca:
>fucking lying cunt. You wrote on wiki at the top - that you are from a different board and that we cant change /g/s/b cards - anyone can go check todays edits to see your a fucking liar and are from /vg/, fucking troll lying bitch
>>4499480 anon:
>That was from someone named /vp/oreon. Not someone from /vg/.
>>4499478 triviaguy:
>When did I edit the page today? I haven't touched it since the 16th. You are seriously tweaked in the head you know.
>>4499487 luca:
>bullshit - anyone can go check your edits today for themselves - you could easily have used a different ip
>>4499488 luca:
>ok vp my mistake - and even worse that this pokemon social retard is fucking with /sci/s team then
>>4499495 /vp/oreon:
>You can check the IP history and see it was me who put in that top bar. Nothing else, just the top message. All it was was a polite message to say that your stuff is passed the deadline and won't be allowed, and now you're just being completely hostile for no reason.
>>4499503 luca:
>yeah funny that you wrote that at the same time as writing on our discussion board and making comments stirring on this board .. all the same person, dont even try to pretend
>>4499515 luca:
>yes it is one faggot troll who is trying to control the whole wiki, and make changed to every board and then cover his shit up like a two faced coward pussy

>> No.4499667
File: 97 KB, 418x384, THE FUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw this thread.

>> No.4499675
File: 97 KB, 384x662, uuuuh what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I reading...?

>> No.4499678

The fuck am I looking at?

>> No.4499679

I believe it's the collapse of a team.

>> No.4499682
File: 162 KB, 553x752, fal_scout.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> /k/s khaki kits.
It's actually a golden tiger stripes Deagle and Rhodesian brush stroke camouflage (styled after the Selous Scouts).

>> No.4499683

while you're here, update /sci/'s kit before they edit it out of the page.

>> No.4499714

I'm telling you guys.. 5-5-0

>> No.4499719

It isn't enough to stop goals. You can't win if you don't score.

>> No.4499723

Have you even tested it? Of course you haven't. Try it and see what happens. Gold AMF is perfectly capable of scoring.

>> No.4499725

>homo engineer

Only a sub? Homo engineer should be fucking team captain!

>> No.4499729

This is offtopic. Please take this thread to /b/.

>> No.4499731

Sagan is a better choice.

>> No.4499735

He should still be a starter.

>> No.4499739

Homo-engineer is more representative of /sci/ though.

Not everyone knows who Sagan is. In fact most actual physicist or astronomers have no fucking idea who Sagan is. All physicist/astronomers/scientists in general know about "homo engineer".

>> No.4499747
File: 57 KB, 480x480, 1325666856375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first thing I learned in college was that most engineers are homosexuals, they announce it in orientation.

They said is was a preventative measure to avoid "engineering incidents". I think they ment hate-crimes?

>> No.4499779


Putting homo engineer back in goal as per boards request

by the way, we are alternating goalkeepers per match

because of condition settings

resting some players one match, and using them the next - ie. hawking, homo engineer, hawking .. etc

this way the player wont get too tired from playing too many matches and letting in even more goals

>> No.4499795

>per board request
One person is not a 'board request.' It's changes like this that caused all these problems in the first place. And in order for that change to be effective you will have to reset the rest of the roster to what is actually being used in the babby cup (edit 179).

That said, rotating out players to prevent fatigue is a good idea.

>> No.4499802


we have to rotate our players anyway so it doesn't matter

both players will get their share of matches by alternating, and resting - because of accumulated stamina and conditioning setting

>> No.4499834
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dude all this suggests that the board really wants homo engineer in goal. If you can't decide amongst yourselves we can always play hawking one match and homo engineer the next match .. and keep alternating like that to keep everyone happy ?

out of all the boards i have to say, this one is the most divided.

like half seem to love each player and then the other half seems to hate each player ... seriously.

l2compromise you boons.

>> No.4499866

Sure is a lot of samefag up in here

I reverted the main page roster to the one being used for babby cup so changes will be easier to manage. I took the roster that was on the main page and moved it into the discussion page so we can play with it before the tournament ends.

And unless someone has objections I'll be moving all generic starters (no medals or skillcards) to the bench in favor of generic bench players to keep fatigue low.

>> No.4499877

and it got reverted in seconds. God forbid we actually do something logical.

>> No.4499884


Yes I object.

>>I'll be moving all generic starters (no medals or skillcards) to the bench in favor of generic bench players to keep fatigue low.

ive already contacted GermanBro and done that

Leave Main page alone - the changes you made will not be used in Babby Cup like epicurious which you put in the team sneakily just before deadline lock, for example at all. Tough luck.

>> No.4499888

Hey you two, Germanbro posted this on the talk page.

>Chill the fuck out
>Solve this on the battlefield, not dick moves like this on the wiki, or I will disqualify both teams for unsportsmanlike conduct. How? I will turn all of your players to 1 skill faggots without skillcards, so stop this meta-game bullshit and act like adults. Stop insulting people, stop abusing the wiki. I will ignore retarded edits like changing entire teams, anthems, deleting things. Besides, the roster is done and cannot be changed, as well as gold silver and bronze and skillcards. Deal with it.

I think both of you (triviaguy and luca) should stop editing the wiki since you're just reverting edits and making controversial changes. Let someone else do the editing after a consensus has been reached here on /sci/ (it might have to be decided by a poll to see what the majority thinks).
Please don't get us disqualified.

>> No.4499901


if we get disqualified. it will be down to this guy interfering - he is not compromising on anything, and wants to control and change EVERYTHING. But it wont matter, because he will just go to another of the wikis boards and do the same thing

he doesnt give a damn about /sci/

>> No.4499912


You said in >>4499391 that it was Ken, the British commentator "from /m/" (he's not actually from there) who did it. Why are you changing your story all the time?

>> No.4499920


dragonfag Matt told me it was Ken from /M/ when I asked him Matt if it was him who changed sci's wiki before deadline lock. He told me he checked and it wasnt him, it was ken from /M/ i dont know if Matt was trolling me, or just lying

but i am not lying. This is what he told me

>> No.4499929


and now i was told ken from /m/ doesnt do anything with the teams, he only commentates - so this leaves me to believe matt was lying and trolling me, or that he was the person who did it and was blaming it on someone else

i dont fucking know - go ask him why he said what he did.

now i found out it was some guy from /vp/ pokemon who actually did it.

>> No.4499940

I'm not trying to make changes. I'm trying to put the roster that is being used for the babby cup on the main page so it will be easier to view during the tournament. I moved a copy of the roster luca is pushing to the discussion page. Since that roster isn't being used at the moment it is open for 'discussion.' The changes I've just made are mostly organizational. The only substantive change I made was moving reserves into starting rolls to combat fatigue.

Should Sagan (captain, no skill cards no medals) be subbed out for a different player for the next game?

>> No.4499941

Ken is not from /m/ you dumbass. Neither he nor /m/ do anything with other teams besides superficial shit like faces/kits.
Who cares what Dragonfag says - he's a faggot. Plus, he gets impersonated a lot because no one likes him. I just makes you look stupid for believing him

>> No.4499949


yes i know that now, why are you still going on about it ? its triviaguy88 who did it.

Triviaguy "I'm not trying to make changes" - bullshit. You are. And you did. So leave main page alone. Non medal and non card players are being rested - but not with your choices. Leave main page alone. Team is being rotated, but not with your changes, because you know what you did 4 minutes before deadline lock without boards approval like a sneaky jew.

>> No.4499951

Okay, but why did say in the post I quoted it was triviaguy who put Epicurus in if you really think it was Ken?

Don't you understand that you're looking insane because you say different people are using multiple IP's to "control" the team, when YOU if fact have made the most edits there?

So now you're changing your story and target of accusations all the fucking time based on hearsay and things you read incorrectly (like mixing /vg/ to /vp/ etc)? That's hardly better.

>> No.4499960

reverting the roster to match the one that will actually be used for the game today is not 'changes.' It's making the page match reality.

You've put 4 players on the page that won't be on the roster making it beyond difficult to discuss changes for the game.

>> No.4499962

>>Okay, but why did say in the post I quoted it was triviaguy who put Epicurus in if you really think it was Ken?

I just explained to you, that originally i thought it was ken because matt told me it was him.

And now i have found out matt lied for some reason and it wasnt ken ...

Don't you understand that you're looking insane because you say different people are using multiple IP's to "control" the team, when YOU if fact have made the most edits there?

yes and look at the page and edits - resizing photos and shit, and small changes - lineup is still original team players from its first inception - unlike his personal choices

what does number of edits have to do with anything ? i have more than one computer and ip, so i recognise how easy it is for faggot trolls like trivia88 to change his ip and pretend to be dif people, and support himself - sneakily

So now you're changing your story and target of accusations all the fucking time based on hearsay and things you read incorrectly (like mixing /vg/ to /vp/ etc)? That's hardly better.

forgive me for trusting matt - obviously i should never trust a word that comes out of that guys mouth clearly.

>> No.4499965

No, ive taken your changes out. And all players will play anyway - because squad is being rotated due to stamina / condition accumulation

only thing to discuss is formation - we cant change anything else like gsb or skillcards anymore

both lineups play - one rested one match, then rested the next - medals and skillcards stay on.

>> No.4499969

Am I the only one that sees a problem with having players not on the roster in the lineup?

>> No.4499972


yes you are. because i just told you i am sending GermanBro any changes that need to be made - ie. resting players. It doesnt fucking matter if the players you chose are on main page so shut the fuck up

because they are out as soon as the babby cup is over

>> No.4499976


oh and keep changing main page if you want, im just going to keep changing it back faggot troll. your just wasting your time and my time. fucking idiot.

>> No.4499984
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>> No.4499994

I'm done editing. I sent germanbro a message about your conduct and now I wash my hands of this. There are far more people than me on this board that think you are an aspie moron. The'll get fed up with your pathetic attempts at wikidot despotism and edit the page to match what /sci/ actually wants.

>> No.4499996

I look at the most recent changes and see both triviaguy and (2.25.213.x) making changes and reverting each other's edits. This is an edit war and that's why I suggested that BOTH OF YOU stop editing the wiki before we get disqualified, which will probably happen sooner or later this week.

Also, your paranoid accusations of a "/vp/ troll" are silly because /vp/ has nothing to do with this. The dude from /vp/ posted a single comment on the /sci/ page and didn't make any changes as seen here >>4499495
And please try not to say "hurrdurr proxies" every single time two or more people disagree with you, it makes you look bad.

How about making a poll to solve the disagreement?

>> No.4499998


>> No.4500007

I didn't even realize one was coming.

>> No.4500008

>your just wasting your time and my time. fucking idiot.

You're both picking silly names for a virtual soccer match.
Let's not pretend that your time has significant value.

>> No.4500018

A poll would be just fine except I would clearly use several thousand proxies to rig it.

>> No.4500067

May I ask how I've managed to get involved in all of this?

>> No.4500117

Why the fuck is Feynman silver? I thought you couldn't change GSC players during the tournament it self.

>> No.4500129

You cant

>> No.4500133

Yeah, and I thought he was gold going into the cup, so why is he silver now?

>> No.4500158


>> No.4500164

Wait, was this changed before or after the first match?

>> No.4500182

after. Rev 179 is the roster from the last match.

>> No.4500190

They why are people changing it? Feynman is gold.

>> No.4500210

Because Luca lives in his own fantasy world now.

>> No.4500208

It's one guy

>> No.4500216


Okay, I am going to change it back since it seems not was everyone in agreement then, everyone seems to be in agreement now.

>> No.4500256

Second match day is starting

>> No.4500260

Hopefully all of this drama won't fuck us over.

>> No.4500442

The group's games are starting now.

>> No.4500520

/mlp/ vs /sci/ next

>> No.4500521

game starting

>> No.4500543
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Oh this is going to be good

>> No.4500556

Troll science chokes

>> No.4500579
File: 16 KB, 552x340, thatcurvedfeel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when /sci/ will never win

>> No.4500580
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>luca as /sci/'s manager
holy fucking shit what is wrong with you

>> No.4500587

who made this luca asshat the manager?

>> No.4500588

much like with everything else, he did it on his own accord

>> No.4500594


>> No.4500595
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You thought I was going to score

>> No.4500597
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>> No.4500602

I told you guys and edit war wouldn't lead anywhere! Goddamit

>> No.4500605


>> No.4500606


>> No.4500608

>four minutes

who's idea was this?

>> No.4500612

I ask that question every time this thread shows up. It's a bad inside joke.

>> No.4500619

I love the 4 minutes. Would we rather have the entire chat having fun chanting 4MINUTES 4MINUTES, or bore them to sleep with glorious dawn?

>> No.4500620

we could say shit like "THE GLORIOUS DAWN AWAITS"

>> No.4500624

except there wont be 30 other people from other boards chanting that and redeeming us from the shithole we've become

>> No.4500625
File: 10 KB, 250x189, 1zp1ojd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my conversation between GermanBro earlier - when he led me to believe he would rest the players because of accumulated fatigue and he didnt even have any subs for us - like homo engineer in goal so i couldnt make the subs to rest the players and save the match ...

4 Minutes - triviaguy88 and GermanBro are to blame for us conceding - we should have won.

Is this GermanBro ? Hi it's /Sci/'s trainer here add me. We needed a trainer so im stepping up Team has been updated with new tactics
[12:40:16] Arsene Wenger: because of 4 minutes - i have to send you team changes by skype. can't do it on main page because reverted changes that nigger ken from /M/ did to us 4 minutes before deadline lock
[12:57:25] Arsene Wenger: players out / resting on subs bench - thorium cb, tesla rb, 300k starting lb. Players In - Lb Saged Homework, CB Putnam Math, RB - Bismuth - If there are 3 subs - make them Internet Philosopher CMF for Evolution CMF, and Theory a Gauss at CMF for Troll Science CMF. 2 subs only. But if you have to make 3 subs because of AI - then Transhumanism at CF for Feynman AMF
[13:07:06] Arsene Wenger: ok i have to go study now, hopefully real life doesn't stop me from watching the match this evening. see you there !

>> No.4500628

You need to see todays thread - fucking dickhead troll from /vg/ who changed our team before deadline lock is trying to stir shit up again - >>4496036 this is the name he is using - triviaguy88 he changed players without permission, deleted stuff from main page, deleted anthem pushing his own players and anthems, and now he said he is going to change our kits

[15:34:20] Kevin M. S.: Alrighty
[15:45:23] Kevin M. S.: To you have consent of the rest of the people interested from /sci/ that you are in this position?
[16:24:14] Arsene Wenger: oh and i just remembered we need to rest our goalkeeper - so Hawking GK out, Homo Engineer GK In. Yes, I've asked and only the faggot troll is against me being manager - most of /sci/ board isnt actually interested in 4chan cup and our team - it usually is people from other boards like this one troll i mentioned das faggot. If you dont want me to be manager that's ok, but could you manage our team then please ? because no one else has stepped up to fill this role. Anyone is better than the troll faggot from pokemon board fucking our team - or ask sideless, ganon to manage our team ? NOT Ken or Matt though ! they are dickheads too

>> No.4500630

its up to you man, your competition, your cup. I don't mind you ignoring my changes or anything - as long as its you only deciding - not triviaguy or dragonfag matt ! because they are definitely NOT from sci - but other boards and have been messing with everyone elses putting in their changes, without board approval. Whereas I have ONLY put in boards approved lineup and not my personal ones
[16:27:21] Kevin M. S.: the commentator team dont manage teams. dragonfag and preston were just commentating one game
[16:27:32] Kevin M. S.: since no one else has stepped up or complaiend, you are the manager for /sci/
[16:27:35] Kevin M. S.: i wont manage it myself

>> No.4500633

You bullshitter. NOBODY said thy want you as manager

>> No.4500634

ok if there are complaints against me from anyone from /sci/ other than the aformentioned trolls. I will gladly step down and aside for them to take over and manage team. I'm just temporarily filling in until someone does so. So that i can rest some of our teams players for conditioning
[16:34:37] Arsene Wenger: Also someone has improved our kits just now, if it would be possible to update them ?
[16:34:49] Kevin M. S.: yeah yeah
[16:34:51] Kevin M. S.: thats just aesthetic
[16:34:54] Arsene Wenger: kk
[17:29:09] Arsene Wenger: triviaguy88 from /vp/ is continuing to edit and change /sci/s main page, even after your warning on discussion page - i now think this troll is deliberately trying to get /sci/ disqualified. >>4496036 he only appears on wiki whenever there are matches on and just before deadline lock he appears out of nowhere
[20:24:23] Arsene Wenger: i sent you a list of the players that needed to be rested - but you changed nothing ?
[20:25:22] Kevin M. S.: i checked the page
[20:25:24] Kevin M. S.: but you were offline

>> No.4500638

[20:25:28] Kevin M. S.: it should be on the page
[20:25:31] Kevin M. S.: you can still sub players
[20:26:22] Arsene Wenger: i explained at the top why it wasnt on main page, and why i was sending it to you individually as i reverted team changes to original team - a special situation
[20:26:27] Kevin M. S.: did you just get online
[20:26:40] Arsene Wenger: i got online at start of this match when players were walking out
[20:26:50] Kevin M. S.: ah i see
[20:26:54] Kevin M. S.: well you can still sub whenever
[20:27:13] Arsene Wenger: i guess ill have to make subs now - please sub gk, 2 central defenders and right back
[20:27:20] Arsene Wenger: before we let any more goals in ...
[20:27:21] Kevin M. S.: now?

>> No.4500639

[20:27:31] Arsene Wenger: yes now, because of condition im worried
[20:27:36] Arsene Wenger: about fatigue from last match
[20:27:46] Arsene Wenger: all 3
[20:28:06] Arsene Wenger: homo engineer is goalkeeper
[20:28:20] Kevin M. S.: he isnt in the subs
[20:28:27] Arsene Wenger: he should be
[20:28:32] Arsene Wenger: i was yesterday
[20:28:46] Kevin M. S.: how about 300k starting out
[20:28:58] Kevin M. S.: and troll science
[20:29:10] Kevin M. S.: for premed
[20:29:12] Arsene Wenger: fine do 300 k starting
[20:29:19] Arsene Wenger: and both cb's
[20:29:24] Kevin M. S.: like that
[20:29:27] Kevin M. S.: ok
[20:29:29] Kevin M. S.: the cbs for whom
[20:30:18] Arsene Wenger: for internet philosopher
[20:30:21] Arsene Wenger: well whoever
[20:30:22] Kevin M. S.: ah you live
[20:30:28] Arsene Wenger: i was replying on chat
[20:30:41] Arsene Wenger: and theory

>> No.4500640

a gauss
[20:30:47] Kevin M. S.: why the fuck would i add you in skype
[20:30:49] Kevin M. S.: if you reply int he chat
[20:31:00] Kevin M. S.: ok are you sure
[20:31:14] Arsene Wenger: i was replying to haters to tell them its your fault - yes yes. looks like its fucked now anyway
[20:34:14] Arsene Wenger: i explained about main page, and told you which players i wanted rested and now we have no subs ? like homo engineer our sub goalkeeper missing - so yes it is partly your fault. and nothing to do with me. It was a special circumstance as i explained above about main page
[20:34:55] Arsene Wenger: great job bro ...
[20:35:29] Kevin M. S.: No exceptions
[20:35:37] Kevin M. S.: or i make exceptions for all
[20:36:11] Arsene Wenger: well then you should not have let some troll who isnt from sci come before deadline lock and use his suggestions
[20:36:17] Arsene Wenger: when i told you what he did, and you said you were using his team anyway
[20:36:25] Arsene Wenger: no exceptions ..

>> No.4500641

4 Minutes again
[20:36:53] Arsene Wenger: then i could have changed main page with original lineup ...
[20:36:59] Arsene Wenger: and we wouldnt have this problem
[20:44:03] Arsene Wenger: why ? you let them know what i typed in skype so why shouldnt i let them know you said "alrighty" and only now your saying no exceptions
[20:44:12] Arsene Wenger: you never said no exceptions earlier did you ?
[20:44:16] Arsene Wenger: you said "Alrighty"
[20:44:34] Arsene Wenger: making me think you had accepted the special circumstances

- So you can see how it was fixed against us from the start - thanks to triviaguy88 and GermanBro ...

>> No.4500643

So has /sci/ gone yet?

If so will they be playing again?

>> No.4500644


did you step up to be /sci/s manager or trainer ? No you didn't and we needed someone to rest players because of accumulated fatigue, No one else was doing it, so i stepped up faggot

>> No.4500645


Yes we will be playing tomorrow against /pol/ - not that its likely we will win, because they have the strongest team. And because GermanBro won't rest our players even though he accepted triviaguy88's bullshit changes 4 minutes before deadline lock

you can watch the match on livestream _ barrel roll i think all the matches start around 5 pm gmt

google basedwiki 4chancup main page to check for yourself dude

>> No.4500646

Are you completely incapable of viewing the edits to the page?

All those changes were done by several people and the last edit used for the tournament was agreed upon in a thread on this board. I know it feels bad, but no one wants you here and no one likes your ideas. Just go away and keep some semblance of dignity.

>> No.4500647

because GermanBro fcked us with no subs, and not resting players im retiring as Manager for the Babby Cup - someone else take over our tactics and resting players and good luck ! you will need it with this bullshit ...

>> No.4500648

Hey, hey faggot, I'm already training another board

>> No.4500651

I changed the lineup so that players would get rested and you reverted it back. This is your fault. You undo every change anyone makes without consulting the board or looking to see if they made an improvement.

>> No.4500652


>> No.4500654

because GermanBro fcked us with no subs, and not resting players im retiring as Manager for the Babby Cup - someone else take over our tactics and resting players and good luck ! you will need it with this bullshit ...

my message to germanbro on skype "its bullshit that we had no subs, like sub goalkeeper - homo engineer or any other subs - you fucked up dude. And you should never have used trivia88's lineup in the first place when he changed it 4 minutes before deadline lock
[21:01:25] Arsene Wenger: And not resting our defense and goalkeeper - i retire as manager of /sci/ for babby cup because of your bullshit"

>> No.4500655

guys it's just a fucking game

>> No.4500657

its bullshit that we had no subs, like sub goalkeeper - homo engineer or any other subs - you fucked up dude. And you should never have used trivia88's lineup in the first place when he changed it 4 minutes before deadline lock
[21:01:25] Arsene Wenger: And not resting our defense and goalkeeper - i retire as manager of /sci/ for babby cup because of your bullshit
[21:02:37] Kevin M. S.: ok <3
[21:02:45] Arsene Wenger: <3

>> No.4500660

promise. I want you to swear that you will not 'help' our team ever again.

>> No.4500669


"our" team - you are not from /sci/ you are from /vp/ so go fuck off back there and stop claiming this is your team

>> No.4500671
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>mfw this thread. again.

>> No.4500672


"our" team - you are not from /sci/ you are from /vp/ so go fuck off back there and stop claiming this is your team

>> No.4500674

He's not the guy from /vp/. I am

>> No.4500675

This paranoia, this fucking paranoia

>> No.4500676

I thought I was from /b/. Or was it /vg/. I can't keep track of which conspiracy theory you are on. It would help if you just picked one kind of insanity and stuck to it.

>> No.4500678

/mpl/ here

you guys are so autistic

>> No.4500680

Well one of us is. The rest of the board is taking on the roll of hostage negotiator.

>> No.4500691

nice going /sci/

>> No.4500707
File: 156 KB, 813x1253, let me explain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically what happened to you guys.

>> No.4500708

>posting with a trip
>on /sci/

GTFO newfag

>> No.4500715

u three times madder

>> No.4500728

Not realizing that I am the commentator and Mod of the 4chan WC.

>> No.4500780

see the faggotry that /sci/ has to deal with