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File: 40 KB, 700x482, 1332448621524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4494002 No.4494002 [Reply] [Original]

i know /b/ isn't the place for this, but fuck it. ignore it if you want.

i speak 3 foreign languages fluently and I'm learning 2 additional. i'm interested in linguistics and literature. i'd like to study extinct languages (latin, old english, ancient greek). also i like philosophy and sociology. i'm overall an excellent student at the moment. which field of study is for me /b/? what should i study at the university?

>> No.4494012

sorry for /b/ thing, they redirected me to here so i just copypasta'd.

>> No.4494013 [DELETED] 


>> No.4494014

I think you're lost.
Follow me.

>> No.4494043

I minor in Classical Studies.
We study latin and greek language, culture and religion. also study some other barbarians in same time period. Its required we study 2 semesters of dead language - latin and/or greek.

>> No.4494053 [DELETED] 

I only speak too languages american and english but I hate english ;|

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.

>> No.4494075
File: 20 KB, 582x358, 13693458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop tagging that spam onto every single fucking post
you're pissing me off

>> No.4494085

stop using that slut as an avatar

>> No.4494087 [DELETED] 

what spam? do you mean my signature? you probably never heard of anonymous. its an hacker group from a very secret board ^^

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.

>> No.4494119

she isnt a slut! asshole!

>'le oldfag'
>5 line spam signature at the end of every post
just fucking die...

>> No.4494142 [DELETED] 

u just jelly of me being cool secret internet guy ;p

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.

>> No.4494145 [DELETED] 

Well she isn't as much of a slut as you, I'll give you that.

>> No.4494151
File: 242 KB, 474x357, 0129843084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which is 'not at all'
oh good, we'll both take that compliment, thanks!

>> No.4494154

She's a slut, face it.
As bad as >>4494142
So fuck off.

>> No.4494156 [DELETED] 

is dat u in da pic? can u poast tits? pls ^^

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.

>> No.4494157

No I'm afraid you misunderstood. You are a tremendous slut. Multiple fuck buddies, don't know how many people you've fucked, etc/

>> No.4494160
File: 213 KB, 393x349, 126550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no its ot me


>> No.4494161


It's A hacker group, A HACKER GROUP, not an hacker like you say it...sheeesh

>> No.4494163 [DELETED] 

hay I are not bad but I can be bad becuz I'm l33t uber h4xxor >:

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.

>> No.4494166 [DELETED] 

watcha sayin? we r haxx0rs but pls dont tell any1 ;)

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.

>> No.4494169

> Multiple fuck buddies
that doesnt make you a slut if you regularly see them and they are long term friends!
oh fuck you, im not having this conversation

>don't know how many people you've fucked, etc
[sarcasm] well sorry for not fucking counting! [/sarcasm]
its not like it even matters, but its not a huge number, probably about average

fuck you anyway, judgemental cunt

>> No.4494170 [DELETED] 

lol wats sagan? :\

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.

>> No.4494179

hes a tripfag
he posts 'SCIENCE!' a lot, and spells it 'poasts'

>> No.4494182

Oh my. You should've said /b/ sent ya.

anyways, the best field of studying for you is suckniggerdickandswallow

>> No.4494184 [DELETED] 

ololol u talk bout fuckin here? can I join? xD

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.

>> No.4494185

>that doesnt make you a slut
yes it does.
>its not like it even matters
It does if you don't want to be a slut.

>> No.4494190 [DELETED] 

i don't liek tripfags they are all dumb ;)

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.

>> No.4494197

what fucking definition are you using?
sluts fuck strangers!
i dont

>> No.4494201

Sluts don't know how many people they've fucked.
Sluts have multiple fuck buddies.
Sluts don't have a grasp on how many sexual partners the average person has had.
EK is slut and slut is EK.

>> No.4494209 [DELETED] 



>> No.4494215

w/e, if you wanna use that definition then go ahead. i see no point in counting, its not a fucking competition!
and having multiple fuck buddies is totally fine, monogamy isnt mandatory!

>> No.4494232 [DELETED] 

spoken like a true slut

>> No.4494247


>I'm going to insult people with a better sexuality history than I because I am inadequate

I'm a virgin and even I can figure out how retarded you are

who care's how many individuals someone fucks?

am i being trolled

besides the obvious other trolls

>> No.4494250
File: 2 KB, 126x103, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

erm, by the way, historically humans were never meant to be monogamous (cavemen fucked whoever the hell they liked for thousands of years). it was religion and the whole tradition of pair bonded marriage that started that shit (marriage is a totally un-necessary tradition by the way, humans are the only animals that do it)
and most species in the animal kingdom are not monogamous either!
so i suppose the majority of all animals in the world are 'sluts' then, hmm??

>> No.4494261 [DELETED] 

>cavemen fucked whoever the hell they liked for thousands of years

CaveMEN, that's right. Not caveWOMEN.

>> No.4494264

for some FUCKING STUPID reason, theres this retarded double standard where apparently some stupid assed morons think that guys are supposed to fuck as many women as they can, and women are supposed to fuck as few as they can (as in, stick to just 1 guy forever)
which is just sexist and retarded

>> No.4494270

i mean cavePEOPLE
they fucked each other

>> No.4494273 [DELETED] 

No. The reason is because there are people who have moral standards. One of these standards is to keep sex an intimate act between married couples. Wildly fucking around is simply disgusting, no matter if it's done by men or women.

>> No.4494275

Shitty lock, master key.

>> No.4494300

how the fuck does sexuality have anything to do with morality??
are you one of those christfag conservitards?

its not immoral at all, it doesn't hurt anybody

false analogy
locks and keys have practical purpose, that is nothing to do with sex
sex is just for pleasure (and also baby making, if your inclined)

>> No.4494318


I'm going to have a BDSM orgy with 6 random strangers and there is


you can do about it

how does it


are you

visibly agitated?

>> No.4494319 [DELETED] 

Any act involving orifices of the body is for good evolutionary reasons considered disgusting, which resulted in the cultural representation of said disgust in morals. There's more than "hurr durrr atheist vs christian" in our society's history, even if I can say for sure that your uneducated mind won't bother to think about it. Your whole person is nothing but the archetypal anti-intellectual.
I hope that helped. Have a nice day.

>> No.4494325 [DELETED] 

As long as your BDSM orgy involves no sexual intercourse, I see no problem.

>> No.4494328

he shouldnt care, if its not rape and they all want to do it, its just 7 people all having a good time together.
its none of his business.

>good evolutionary reasons
oh please! we pissed all over 'evolutionary reasons' when we invented the fucking condom!

google 'orgy', retard

>> No.4494336
File: 265 KB, 450x359, 126549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any act involving orifices of the body is for good evolutionary reasons considered disgusting
wait a sec, that emans you find ALL SEX to be disgusting then?
even 1 man 1 woman consensual missionary position etc?

hate to break it to you hun, but most people dont find that disgusting.

>> No.4494337


>> No.4494346


every time you post I'm going to introduce my phallus to a consenting individual's mouth and anus

not necessarily in that order

>> No.4494347 [DELETED] 

An orgy is an act of immoderate or frenzied indulgence. As I would expect from your dumb person, you are lacking etymological knowledge as well.
The invention of the condom doesn't change the ubiquitous connotation of sex, degeneration and corruption.

Of course it is naturally disgusting. This disgust can only be overcome by love and the will to pass on genetics.

Dream on. You're probably a virgin.

>> No.4494355


>An orgy is an act of immoderate or frenzied indulgence.

still not seeing the downside

>> No.4494358
File: 223 KB, 477x472, 1307836830187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"In modern usage, an orgy is a sex party where guests freely engage in open and unrestrained sexual activity or group sex."

>The invention of the condom doesn't change the ubiquitous connotation of sex, degeneration and corruption.
It means it can just be about pleasure, without worrying about the unwanted possibility of baby making (yes i know connies arnt 100%, but still...)
>degeneration and corruption.
the fuck is this?
you're just spouting buzzwords, theres nothing wrong with sex you fucking prude.

>Of course it is naturally disgusting.
not to everyone else

> This disgust can only be overcome by love and the will to pass on genetics.
you're retarded

>> No.4494362 [DELETED] 

Whatever you mean by downsides, fact is an orgy does not always include penetrations of any kind.

How old are you, if I may ask? From reading your post now I get the impression I'm talking to a highschooler who has never had sex and dwells in absurd fantasies.

>> No.4494364


>you're retarded

You know, there are these things called trolls...

>> No.4494367 [DELETED] 

No trolling in here. This EK person seems to be genuinly retarded.

>> No.4494371

>How old are you, if I may ask?

he might not be, some people genuinely think this.

>> No.4494374 [DELETED] 

>ad hominem
>ad hominem

Can I see some arguments, please?

>> No.4494375


suppose all of my orgy's end in penetration of the three main orifices (two for males)

>still not seeing the downside

>> No.4494382
File: 245 KB, 471x346, 13645646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can I see some arguments, please?

for most people sex is just for pleasure.
its a private activity between (usually) 2 consenting individuals, both of which enjoy it, and nobody gets hurt.
And it's nobody else's business.

therefore, unless you can come up with proper arguments about why that is a bad thing, then it is an acceptable and good thing by default

>> No.4494390 [DELETED] 

So you are 21 and you still have neither developped an understanding of morals nor did you learn basic debating skills. I know there are people like these, but usually their condition correlates with severe impairment and lacking the mental abilities to use a computer.
What does such a person do on a science board?

>> No.4494393 [DELETED] 

Go back to /b/, underage retard.

>> No.4494396

we are debating, and i do have morals, its just my morality as far as sexuality goes is pretty liberal. i have no problem with people doing whatever the hell they like. even if its really fucking wierd fetishes that gross me out, i believe they have the right to do it with each otehr if they both really want to, i just wont do it myself, and its none of my business.
my morals mainly revolve around not causing pain to living things.
consensual sex doesnt cause pain, so its fine.

>> No.4494399


enjoy stoicism

oh wait, you can't

>> No.4494403

phd here. i have morals based roughly on the harm principle. sex is delicious and fine and not disgusting.

>> No.4494404
File: 100 KB, 1024x768, 23426951fjr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This conversation reminds me of that one time I had a threesome with two hookers. Not even kidding, shit was so cash.

You're missing out, bro. But whatever makes you happy, I suppose.

>> No.4494405


My consenting partner has a vore fetish

so I decide to cut him up and eat him, discarding only the bones

he enjoyed every conscious second of it

moral or immoral?

>> No.4494406 [DELETED] 

>for most people

>And it's nobody else's business.

>unless you can come up with [...] good thing by default
I like this kind of fallacy.

Sorry, none of your statements properly addresses my point. You avoid talking about morals. Probably because you lack any understanding of them.

>> No.4494409

>the harm principle.
what's that please?

>> No.4494411

i wouldn't consent to it, but i believe he can end his life if he wants to, though it would hurt

>> No.4494414

erm, that isnt how vore works, hun
they want to be swallowed whole, they want to still be alive.
its not just about being hacked to death and then cannibalised in pieces!
i say immoral, because it does cause suffering, he wouldnt really enjoy it, it isnt possible. being cut hurts

>> No.4494415


>The harm principle holds that the actions of individuals should only be limited to prevent harm to other individuals

there's this magic thing called google

>> No.4494416


>> No.4494422 [DELETED] 

Them having the right to do so is a strawman. I didn't say it's illegal. But it is morally disgusting.

I see what you did there.

A PhD doesn't make you an authority. Fallacy dismissed.

Another person without morals. Purely appalling.

>> No.4494424


>because it does cause suffering, he wouldnt really enjoy it, it isnt possible. being cut hurts

You've never met a masochist

You've also never met someone who really, really enjoys being eaten

There's at least one case of a two individuals which ended with the consensual cannibalism of one of them for sexual purposes

>> No.4494426

>not an authority
of course not, it was a response to this silliness
>usually their condition correlates with severe impairment and lacking the mental abilities to use a computer
anyway, same old troll

>> No.4494430 [DELETED] 

The harm principle is the most primitive expression of morals one can think of. If your understanding of what is right and wrong doesn't go beyond the harm principle, then you are stuck on the level of toddler.

No trolling in here. It's your incomplete education, when you can't properly read my post and confuse correlation with causation.

>> No.4494431

>I didn't say it's illegal. But it is morally disgusting.
what you find disgusting is just your opinion
most people dont find consensual vanilla sex disgusting. some people find various fetishes disgusting, but then its easy enough to just NOT DO THEM YOURSELF

you still havent explained at all why its immoral. it clearly doesnt cause suffering, and thats what most people sense of morality takes into account.

well, i personally would refuse to kill or eat a human, but if its 2 other people, and one wants to be eaten, and another person complies, well, i dont really give a fuck. they wanted to die, so im not gonna be sad that they're dead or anything.

>> No.4494434


>> No.4494436


Why would you assume that I'm without morals? A persons moral fibre isn't just constituted by his view on sexuality, you know.

>> No.4494438

>J S Mill
>A toddler

>> No.4494440


>well, i personally would refuse to kill or eat a human, but if its 2 other people, and one wants to be eaten, and another person complies, well, i dont really give a fuck.

Good, because the correct answer was it's perfectly acceptable

German law seems to think otherwise.

>> No.4494441

please don't feed the troll

>> No.4494451

there is no 'correct answer'
morals are subjective

i find it immoral to eat people in most circumstances

>> No.4494452 [DELETED] 

Bodily orifices and fluids are among the things that are commonly seen as disgusting by most people. Do you often see others eating shit?

As for the immorality: I did explain that it is correlated with general lack of morality in every other aspect, e.g. criminality, corruption, drug abuse etc. (I know this is gonna pull a lot more trolls in the thread who intentionally misinterpret what I wrote.)


I don't know JS Mill, but when he says there is nothing beyond the harm principle, then he has the maturity of a toddler.

Sexuality and your view upon it are important representatives of your morality. If you lack them there, you are very likely to lack them in the rest of your life as well.

>> No.4494456


>> No.4494457
File: 13 KB, 483x358, 13678345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

morality just means 'what humans consider to be right and wrong' in completely basic terms.
but obviously that's subjective, so morality can basically be whatever the hell you want it to be
like jihadis killing innocent people genuinely think its the right thing to do and it's what god wants.

if this guys morality is different and he doesnt like se or promiscuity or whatever, then fine, thats his morality, but he cant make the rest of us follow it

>> No.4494463

don't give attention to trolls EK
if you must please sage

>> No.4494466


>> No.4494468

he might not be a troll, and seems to be putting more effort into a post than most trolls would

>> No.4494471


you acknowledge "harmless wrongdoing"?

>> No.4494473

no, he's this clever and annoying troll that's been around for a few days now. he just likes to argue basically. and he will wriggle around and waste your time.

>> No.4494479

>if you must please sage
sorry, will do.

>Bodily orifices and fluids are among the things that are commonly seen as disgusting by most people.
that's because of an understanding of hygiene.
what people commonly find to be 'disgusting' are actions that are likely to make you ill
(eating shit, licking someones snotty hanky, drinking vomit, etc)

if your sexual partner(s) have good hygiene, and are clean down there, its not disgusting at all.

>criminality, corruption, drug abuse etc.
if you can link that to sex/promiscuity in any way, then maybe you'll have a point.

>> No.4494486 [DELETED] 

Wait a sec, are you trying to cheat me again? It's a whole bunch of trolls who currently wants to force their faulty opinions upon ME. And it's not like are not treating opinions as facts all the time.

The one who yells "troll" the loudest is usually the troll.

There is no such thing.

Nice try. I am seriously discussing. You on the other hand have provided nothing but /b/-esque perturbations.

>> No.4494495


>There is no such thing.

you just casually confirmed you, in fact, do follow the Harm Principle (contradictory statement to what you proposed earlier)

>> No.4494497


>> No.4494502


You are aware that saging just for the purpose of saging does



It's not going to magically counter his post

>> No.4494503
File: 157 KB, 461x350, 1307570029911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a whole bunch of trolls who currently wants to force their faulty opinions upon ME. And it's not like are not treating opinions as facts all the time.
im not trying to force you to do anything, all im saying is, you dont have the right to force other people to obey your own particular brand of morality if they are not hurting people.
they can do what they like, and have as much promiscuous sex as they like, etc, and its none of your business.

and in return, you can be a prude, stay a virgin forever (if you desire) and i will not have a problem with that. you arnt hurting anybody either, so you're free to do as you like

saging, just coz the general consensus seems to be that you're a troll
this is probably my final word here anyway

>> No.4494516

Don't listen to the troll who tells you to sage. My reply will bump anyway.
And once again: Disgust has evolutionarily developped over a long time. The recent inventions regarding hygiene do not annihilate millions of years of evolution.

>if you can link that to sex/promiscuity in any way, then maybe you'll have a point
I hope you are aware that hookers are known to steal, take drugs and be antisocial in general.

Of course I do follow the principle of harm. It is the most basic principle. But a mature person has more than just that.

>> No.4494515

saging is also a form of self expression

>> No.4494524


>> No.4494525 [DELETED] 

take your pills

>> No.4494529

I'd like to remind you that the whole discussion started with another anon calling you out for being morally degenerate and you responding by confusing opinions and facts. Now please don't pretend you are innocent.


>> No.4494531


>> No.4494537

hygiene isnt something thats 'invented', hygiene is the result of our evolutionary disposition to find unsanitary conditions disgusting.

>I hope you are aware that hookers are known to steal, take drugs and be antisocial in general.
some do, some dont
theres no direct link, i mean sure, a liberal lifestyle with regard to sex (choosing to be a hooker) might imply a liberal lifestyle with regard to drugs and things, and perhaps disregard for the law as well (so stealing) but they arnt directly linked.

shush, i already did like half an hour ago. i dont need reminding here, i can look after myself thanks. (not /sci/s business anyway)

and as i said, that is his OPINION that i am 'morally degenerate'

>> No.4494543

>I hope you are aware that hookers are known to steal, take drugs and be antisocial in general.

Now this is just downright wrong. If they're at the low end of the price spectrum, then yeah, you may have a point - but expensive callgirls (200$ + per hour) are usually quite well mannered and educated. Most of them are either hedonistic and have adapted to making huge amounts of money in one night, or they simply enjoy sex without the emotional bullshit. At least that's my experience. And yeah, I've had quite a few of them in my time until I've found my current gf. See, I have morals, I wouldn't cheat on her. That has to account for something.

>> No.4494552

Modern hygiene relies on inventions that were made in the 20th century. You should know this.

>theres no direct link
A very high correlation exists. You can't deny.

>people who would do anything for money
>having morals

Do you see how ridiculous your post is?

>> No.4494554


>But a mature person has more than just that.

Now you are defining harmless wrongdoing.

You cannot accept Harm Principle without discarding harmless wrongdoing as inane

no one is getting hurt

there is no moral crime which is being committed

too suggest otherwise is harmless wrongdoing

>> No.4494555

Could you explain your understanding of morality?

>> No.4494562

>they simply enjoy sex without the emotional bullshit.
well so do i, but i'm still not a whore. i kinda think its immoral to charge for something that should be free. people should just choose their partners.

otherwise its kinda like you dont really want them, but you'll put up with it because you are rewarded.
so its kinda like 'consenting to rape' if that makes any sense, because they wouldnt actually be into it.
or even if they are, seeing as our both getting pleasure, its a bit unfair and unbalanced that one should be paid as well. if you both enjoy it, why is he paying her rather than the other way around?
should be totally equal MO

but thats just my morality

>> No.4494563

Complete and utter bullshit. There are a lot of wrongdoings that don't harm anyone but are still to be considered wrong. Do you want to derail this into some kind of philosophy, hoping that I don't know about it so you can feel superior and claim to have won the debate?

>> No.4494561


They don't do 'anything', they have sex. Don't start shitting up this discussion by being imprecise. Also, I've said that some of them just do it for pleasure.

>> No.4494565


>> No.4494571

A very small minority does it for pleasure. The rest would do anything for money, including actual crimes.

>> No.4494573
File: 166 KB, 360x343, 534534534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've had quite a few of them in my time until I've found my current gf. See, I have morals, I wouldn't cheat on her.
you find polyamoury to be immoral? or just dishonesty?

erm, its mainly just this: >>4494403
A little more complex, but avoiding suffering is the core of it, and apart from that im all in favour of absolute freedom for everybody.

>> No.4494582
File: 122 KB, 387x344, 74563546546547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The rest would do anything for money, including actual crimes.
oh please!
everybody wants money
the fact is that whoring yourself out is extremely fucking easy, and probably pretty lucrative (if you're hot at least...and that takes no skill anyway, just luck)
in some places its illegal, in some places it isnt.
some women take it up (pun intended =p) as a completely legit profession.
it doest automatically mean they will resort to crime to get money, anymore than anyone else in any other legit profession would.

>> No.4494587

Well well well. So many implicit implications. Now you have to define "harm" and "freedom" and since these are defined subjectively , it would be insufficient to link to wikipedia.

>> No.4494589


>There are a lot of wrongdoings that don't harm anyone but are still to be considered wrong.


>There is no such thing.

Stop contradicting yourself, you silly goose

>> No.4494592

Computer Science + Linguistics = Computational Linguistics, Cryptography and codes, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Text to Speech/Speech to Text, OCR

>> No.4494601

Why the fuck do you think it's justified to project your reasoning into hookers at general? Just because you're a slut, doesn't mean that all of them think like you. Criminality in that kind of business is a well accepted fact.

>implying I am contradicting myself

>> No.4494607

Hey, don't you dare to post on-topic. This thread isn't OP's anymore. Don't you disturb our troll fest.

I feel sorry for OP.

>> No.4494613

'harm' i count as any kind of suffering
especially physical pain, but also restricting freedoms, restricting movement, emotional torment, etc.
'forcing another individual to experience any feeling that they do not like'

'freedom' - lack of restrictions, people not forcing you, bribing, you, or blackmailing you into performing actions you dont want to, or not performing actions you do want to.

>Criminality in that kind of business is a well accepted fact.
no it isnt
some people whore themselves out illegally, but its legal in some parts of the USA, and also in the netherlands i think.

>> No.4494615


Care to explain how you are not contradicting yourself?

>> No.4494622

You are using "restrictions of freedom" to define suffering, while defining freedom via "lack of restrictions". Your definitions are circular and thus meaningless. Try again.

>> No.4494627

Can you please stop this idiotic babble of hurr durr some people do, some people don't? Ancecdotal evidence is bullshit and a fallcy. Back up your nonsense or admit your defeat.

>shifting the burden of proof
Nope. You better explain HOW I'm contradicting myself.

>> No.4494629

hey what's going on in thre--

>what the fuck man.

>> No.4494632

We're having a nice and civilized discussion about linguistics.

>> No.4494633


>> No.4494637

actually it makes sense in my understanding of morality that the 2 would be linked.
if you have absolute freedom to do what you want, and feel what you want, then you would never suffer.
it would be perfect.

>Can you please stop this idiotic babble of hurr durr some people do, some people don't?
i dont think prostituation should be illegal. I think people should have the freedom to run it as a legit business anywhere in the world if they are willing to sell it, and people are willing to buy it.
I personally wouldnt have any involvement, but i dont think it should be banned if 2 people consent to buy and sell the service of their own free wills.

>> No.4494640

>strawmen, nothing but strawmen

Where the fuck are your arguments?

>> No.4494644

what strawman?

>> No.4494646


I already did. I posited that you acknowledged "harmless wrongdoing" In

You responded by acknowledging that such a concept is impossible, in

You then went on to claim

which is a clear contradiction of previously held-beliefs

you were doing pretty well until everything fell apart due to contradictory claims.

>> No.4494649

You haven't yet properly defined suffering and freedom. Using them as words doesn't give them meaning and building up circular dependencies between your definitions makes the whole thing pointless. Don't you disappoint me. I expect you to have a clear understanding of what you believe in.

>> No.4494657

What you posted didn't address my post. You cannot avoid the point. Well, you can, but that only shows how you lack debating skills.

I fully and consistently explained my point without any contradictions. It's your fault, when you're unable to resolve pseudo-contradictions.

>> No.4494660


suffering - process of experiencing the biological response of pain

freedom - the ability to make choices

morality - expressing "freedom" to the highest extent without in turn causing "suffering" to other individuals

>> No.4494665


>There are a lot of wrongdoings that don't harm anyone but are still to be considered wrong.

By who?

>> No.4494679

Let's see. According to your definition of suffering there exists only physical pain. Any kind of mental discomfort, like for example depression, is not suffering to you then?
Your definition of freedom begs for defining "choice". Are you implying free will here?
"Morality" stays very vague in what you posted. What is "the highest extent"? How do you measure the extent of freedom?

Let me also draw some conclusions from your definitions. Since losing money is not physical pain and the opportunity of taking it is possible, it would follow that stealing is completely compatible with your defintion of morality, or even is encouraged as it would be an expression of your freedom.

>> No.4494681

for suffering, i mean any kind of undesirable biochemical affect in the brain triggered from external stimuli. e.g. pain receptors, but also things like fear, lonliness, desperation, feeling trapped, helpless etc.

for freedom i mean that you have the ability to persue your desires without being impeded by other humans.

this isnt circular, you must understand this.

there is no strawman, that was your only point to my last post, and you're wrong.

btw, you're arguing against 2 different people here. i'll address that last one in a sec

>> No.4494685

nvm, this post isnt directed at me

>> No.4494691

I hope I'm not arguing "against" anyone. We can all learn from debating. (Except for me. As a genius I already know everything.)
Would you mind setting up a tripcode, if you plan on further participating?

>> No.4494692

You're welcome to talk your about your morality as well.

>> No.4494698


Pain can be interpreted as emotional or physical

mental suffering is experienced by the brain in the same fashion as physical pain

>implying free will here?

Yes, or at least the neurological illusion of the concept

>"Morality" stays very vague in what you posted.



Morality is wholly subjective and cannot properly be defined objectively

>It's moral to me, because I believe it is

>> No.4494699

>Would you mind setting up a tripcode, if you plan on further participating?
sure, i can use my old one for now (dont reli care if i get impersonated)

>I hope I'm not arguing "against" anyone.
sory, slip of the tongue, i mean 'debating with'

i have been doing, im the other anon

>> No.4494703
File: 132 KB, 686x686, Thisiscorrect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeh, i agree with this guy

>> No.4494718

Okay, I see you improved your definitions and managed to separate them. Yet your "freedom" remains vague. What "desires" are you allowd to have? How can you "persue" them and how can this be "impeded" by others?

Morality is subjective. If that's what you say, then your definitiion shouldn't be vague at all. You should be able to formulate what constitutes your morality.
By including non-physical pain into suffering you managed to cancel my above conlcusion regarding theft. But how about lying? Are lies morally correct to you?

>> No.4494728

>Are lies morally correct to you?
It is if you think it is

If you agree Morality is subjective, why are you attempting to get a concrete definition?

>> No.4494736

i was intentionally vague because theres like infinite different ways it could happen, ill just provide some examples i guess.

>What "desires" are you allowd to have?
so, i might desire to eat some food or something

>How can you "persue" them
erm, getting the food, putting it in my mouth

>how can this be "impeded" by others?
someone else taking the food and running away, shitting on the food, smashing up the food, or holding me away from it.

wanting to smoke weed
persued by buying weed
impeded by other humans who will lock you away for trying to do it.

wanting a gay marriage (if i was a dude, and also gay...its just an example)
persued by finding some consenting engineer who wants to get married as well, choosing a date, making plans for the ceremony etc
impeded by religious arseholes who dont want you to do it even though it doesnt personally affect them and they dont know you and have never met you

3 examples, probably enough, you get the idea

>> No.4494737

A concrete definition doesn't contradict subjectivity. On the contrary subjectivity implies that everyone should have his own concrete definition. You should be aware of yours.

>> No.4494750

oh, one more thing i wanted to add, i mean that these things are impeded just by humans (or other conscious animals at least) for it to count in my morality.
so acts of nature, or just bad luck, arnt affected
you dont have the right to not die in some freak accident, or get cancer, or to be hit by lightning, even though you will suffer.
morality doesnt really apply if there isnt other conscious beings affecting or being affected in some way.

im pretty sleepy and i have early lectures tommorow, i'd better go.
nice talking to you though

>> No.4494761


Mine is defined by the aforementioned harm principle

I also acknowledge that my personal interpretation of morality (designed by neural networks and their best representation of my environment in the way it suits me and my species) may vary heavily from someone else's, and neither of us is right, because right and wrong are relative

I could write out every conceivable action that I consider to be "moral" and "immoral" but...why?

>> No.4494757

>probably enough, you get the idea
Sadly no. Your examples are too similar to each other and too simple. They are depicting a conflict between your person are your environment. Morality is most interesting as an inner conflict instead of something being forced upon you. I'd be more interested in the border cases of what YOU think is allowed to be desired and what isn't. Where you and only you are the one impeding yourself.

>> No.4494787

erm, i dont impede myself at all, other than my own human nature making me more or less likely to do things. (im likely to desire and seek pleasure, food, sleep, sex, company etc) while avoiding pain (fire, drowning, ice, sharp things)
also the laws of physics, i cant sprout a third arm even if i want to.

>I'd be more interested in the border cases of what YOU think is allowed to be desired and what isn't.
anythings allowed to be desired, theres no thoughtcrime, its just that its not always morally correct to put those desires into practise.

so like, if i desired the death of another human, its fair enough wanting them to be dead in my opinion, but actually making efforts to kill them is immoral.

anyway i really have to go, but if his thread is still around tommorow i might pick up any of your other posts and respond later.


>> No.4494789

I addressed that in my other post. See above (if you come back tomorrow)
Well good night then.

The point here is not being right or wrong. What I'm on about is the difficulty of precisely formulating something that you subconsciously consider to be self-evident. Why is it that you can decide for a given situation what would be your moral decision, while it is hard for you to give a finite set of rules how to make such decision?

>> No.4494812


>actions of individuals should only be limited to prevent suffering (use previous definition from earlier in this thread) to other individuals (people who are not you).

If you have difficulty understanding any of the terms involved, may I suggest a dictionary

not sure how much straightforward it gets

>> No.4494818

As I understand your post, you're saying that your morality is entirely defined by the physical and human laws. It doesn't exist inside of you, but is created by others. That means if hypothetically all human laws were abolished, there is nothing to impede you from commiting what was previously considered crime. Think about it. Is that what you wanted to say?

>> No.4494838

>not sure how much straightforward it gets
Not enough. I think we can agree that it is always possible to construct border cases in which you'd have to trade off your own potential suffering against other persons' potential suffering. Your harm principle doesn't give you a rule on how to quantify or to weight different forms of suffering.

>> No.4494885


>is always possible to construct border cases in which you'd have to trade off your own potential suffering against other persons' potential suffering.

that's easy

if forced to choose, I come first

>> No.4495901

What the fuck guys. Did anyone even read the Op. This thread is a total shit storm.