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4493031 No.4493031 [Reply] [Original]

How do I kill my sex drive?

>inb4 chop my testicles off.

>> No.4493034

any SSRI will do it

>> No.4493037

chop your testicles off.

>> No.4493038 [DELETED] 

Watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdYTj5CChaA
and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alkX2l92eRg

>> No.4493042 [DELETED] 

Nice koala, OP.


>> No.4493043

Just went and read a bit about those, pretty hilarious. Used as a preventative medication for premature ejaculation and depression, kills libido.

Pharmaceuticals, never change.

>> No.4493048

I don't bother with girls for the most part, only trying in summer as I have no time. I've found that a quick fap after waking up gets me trough the day nicely. I just think about it like about brushing teeth - you just do it so you will function better.

>> No.4493049

My faith in humanity was lost a long time ago, these kinds of videos barely affect me these days.

>> No.4493050

Interesting I find the opposite. I make a point not to fap when I wake up because I get horny as fuck all day afterwards.

>> No.4493051

Dissociatives, loads of them.

>> No.4493052 [DELETED] 

When I wake up, I usually fap for two or three hours. Afterwards I can concentrate on other stuff until the evening when I get horny again.

>> No.4493056


so fake. so obvious

>> No.4493057

...jesus man. 3 hours of fapping? My cock would most likely fall off after that much fapping.

Would my doctor fork over these drugs? Is she even allowed to do that? "Yo doc, I wanna kill my sex drive, can I get some Zoloft?"

Doesn't seem realistic to me.

>> No.4493060

Take some Depo Provera OP. It kills your sex drive.

>> No.4493061

It's mainly used for women, but Depo-Provera is also used with male sex offenders as a form of chemical castration as it has the effect of drastically reducing sex drive in males.

>> No.4493062
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Do I just ask my doctor for some?

>> No.4493063

prozac dampens it pretty good for me

>> No.4493064

You'd have better chances to get some without prescription on the deep web.

>> No.4493066

Aw maaaan.

What if I made a really good sob story and told him I was suicidal, faking depression for the drugs. Thats not a crime is it?

>> No.4493069

You'll both be in trouble if he gives you those things. Good luck with that anyway.

>> No.4493070

In my experience with Paxil and Lexapro, SSRIs didn't kill my sex drive, just my ability to ejaculate/have sex. I still wanted sex, but it was made a huge burden to try and stay erect long enough to finally ejaculate (40-60 minutes of near constant pelvic floor contraction). I'd get bored of porn after 20+ minutes.

>> No.4493077

Benperidol is an Antipsychotic commonly used to control severe hypersexual behavior.

>> No.4493081


Why not just tell him you are suffering from hypersexuality

i mean that's why you want it, isn't it

>> No.4493093

Meh, I fap at the very least once every other day. I hate being aroused by women, it makes me feel like they have some magical power over me. I wish I could do away with all attraction towards the other sex, its so useless. All that effort to get laid, for a 2 second orgasm?

Massive waste of my time.

>> No.4493153


lol average frustrated virgin
sex isn't like jacking off, u can do it all day literally....cuz its more than just ejaculating

>> No.4493157

That's one of your problems right there. You see the orgasm as the only fun part of sex.

>> No.4493160


haha oh wow


>> No.4493210
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Jesus fellas I've had sex before, Im not saying it isn't enjoyable but its certainly overrated. Most women I speak to are clueless, almost impossible to have a stimulating conversation with them.

Thus, I've come to conclusion that they're only useful for nut-getting.

>> No.4493215


>Most women I speak to are clueless, almost impossible to have a stimulating conversation with them.

Sounds like you need to stop being a whiny little bitch and find a lady that you can respect intellectually (which isn't hard) or deal with your sex drive. Which, considering you find sex overrated, isn't probably that great to begin with.

So, stop being a little bitch, essentially.

>> No.4493216

>Implying testicles have anything to do with sex drive

>> No.4493218

>implying they don't

>> No.4493220

>Most women I speak to are clueless, almost impossible to have a stimulating conversation with them.

Most men are the same goddamn way
You're just too much of a faggot to attract a top percentile female

>> No.4493223

In the entirety of my existence I have only found one woman who I felt was intellectually stimulating. Thing is, she was a jehovas witness, and WAY out of my league.

>> No.4493228


>jehovas witness

you lying trolling fuck

>> No.4493235

Yeah, drunken one night stand sex is a bit of let down. But sex with a partner is just incredible and worth all the effort. You can't be doing science errrryday, you have to have playtime aswell.

>> No.4493236

Bro, I shit you not, she had the best grades in most of the classes we shared. I think she only stayed within the religion because women have it hilariously easy. They arent even permitted to get a job, they just stay at home and look attractive. She was a babe though, let me tell you.

>> No.4493243


>lazy bitch

Sure sounds like an intellectually stimulating girl there, OP.

>> No.4493251
File: 57 KB, 464x332, 1318600644662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was with this girl for over 2 years, check yo`self nigga.

>implying you wouldn't stay home and do science while your wife went to work if you had the oppurtunity to.

>> No.4493359


>> No.4493385


>> No.4493443
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>> No.4493450

I think he was recommending them based on the penis shrinking side effects of amphetamines, like E and stuff.

Thats whats called a troll bro, look out for those.

>> No.4493573

yeah, amphetamines don't exactly help your sex drive(/life).

>> No.4493580


What kind of shit amphetamine were you taking