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4478833 No.4478833 [Reply] [Original]

Don't you just hate foreign students? (especially ones from shithole countries). They stink, can't speak correctly, and treat everyone with contempt.

Seriously, why do they even come here? In hopes of getting a green card?

>> No.4478849

Yeah I know that feel. Those exchange students from the US who come here to Europe are retarded and annoying.

>> No.4478848

Yeah, I hate them. I had to deal with this annoying Amerifat transfer student and he had no idea what the word polite means.

>> No.4478853


my university is full of dumb as fuck americans doing catch up courses as american high schools are shitter than ours.

>> No.4478855


>> No.4478858


their girls are pretty hot though

>> No.4478862

there is this black guy who goes to our uni, he wont shut up about how "america is bettr" every fucking time he will tell everyone that our textbooks come from america! even the ones that i know are writen in my country. and he will talk in the library on his cell and talk about how retarded everyone in this country is and "this one guy who insulted him cant go to work in America becasue he was mean so he told the embassy now he is banned from america" and all kinds of shit. fuck i hate them.

>> No.4478859

Americans don't need to transfer unless they're retarded, so you shouldn't be surprised.

>> No.4478875

our amerifat had some ridiculously high SAT or whatever the fuck it's called.

he came to cambridge because he lurves england

>> No.4478880

>He loves Fishhead Island
>Not retarded

>> No.4478881

Actually only retards pay the amount of money required to go to university in your country when they can just come to Europe and pay orders of magnitude less.

>> No.4478889

>implying Europe has good English courses
>implying Europeans don't treat everyone like shit unless they're white.

>> No.4478893

>implying Europeans don't treat everyone like shit unless they're white
>implying there is a problem with that

>> No.4478898

>implying racism has a place in modern society.
>implying multicultralism is not the answer to all questions

>> No.4478900

pity insecure people, don't hate them

>> No.4478905
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>> No.4478909

>implying multicultralism has a place in modern society.
>implying racismis not the answer to all questions

>> No.4478919

I live in "muslim infested" Sweden and I find that Swede's in general spend more time partying and wasting time (man I don't want to study I want to play video games!) while the arabs (or foreigners in general) spend more time studying.

Then again it's pretty different once you get to people not in uni

>> No.4478923

>6 fucking million Muslims in France
>Most of which are niggers
>Still can't embrace multiculturalism
You sirs, are retarded.

>> No.4478928

>Implying Arab=Muslim
>Implying some of those "Arabs" you know are not actually Persian but your simpleton mind can't tell the difference.

EU is suited for ignorant yokels.

>> No.4478929

>people of different races don't get along
normal answer:
>lets separate them and give every race a continent/city = no more dont-get-alongs!
retarded answer:
>lets force everyone to accept the rest and force them to mix together sothat they can hate each other even more! = more racists!

>> No.4478934

i get on with some people of different races. why can't i have good things too?

>> No.4478936

Note the ""

Yes, there are a bunch of Persians and they tend to work their arses off. Every Persian I know is also muslim come to think of it.
But folks from the Middle East (or with parents from there) also tend to work harder than Sven Svensson. Generalisations, plenty of Svens who study just as hard of course.

>> No.4478939

>implying the best solutions wouldn't be killing them all

>> No.4478946

>lets separate them and give every race a continent/city along with designated mixing areas where PvP is disabled.

>> No.4478947
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Normal answer:

Let's keep those who can't integrate among others, so that they're children can become assimilated to our culture in the very near future.

Retarded answer:

Let's keep them apart, so the hatred grows by each generation.

>> No.4478952

I don't know what countries your foreign exchange students come from, but we had 2 german chicks, and a french dude. They were all very delightful; well dressed, well spoken and clearly intelligent.

One of the german chicks had a great rack.

>> No.4478956

Dude, we tried this and it failed.

>> No.4478960

please. the fasted way to become racist is spending time with other races.

>> No.4478966
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Because you forgot to teach your children that racism is bad.
Second generation immigrants grow up learning that they are not the same as those mighty whitys, and develop a keen sense of inferiority.

Next thing you know they are robbing stores because they were called whatever slur you have in your language a lot when they were in school.

>> No.4478967

true for oiks (in either race), not sure about good people

>> No.4478978

hove you never been around children? they don't like anything that's different. efin if they are tought that you should not insult other for their appearance, they will still call the ginger names, or the wall eyed girl retarded, if children cant handle that, how the hell do you expect them to tolerate other races? it has nothing to do with the parent racism.

>> No.4478983


>> No.4478986
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Here's a suggestion: reproduce so you don't need fucking immigrants.

>> No.4478987

so we should assume adults can only behave like children?

>> No.4478990



>> No.4478992

no, but we should assume that your childhood shapes who you are as an adult.

>> No.4478999

Isn't the primary reason for letting shitload of niggers and sandniggers in a country having zero to negative population growth? Because your society is so morally loose, people don't want to have children?

Fix those stuff instead.

>> No.4479006

yeah, you still where diapers, amirite?

>> No.4479010

Those obese, obnoxious, selfish Yanks are shitting up my school big time. Wish they would go back to their 4th world shithole

>> No.4479014


>> No.4479019

God damn, the eurofaggotry in here is astounding.

>> No.4479072

lol european inferiority complex

>> No.4479076

>Anybody who hates America is from Europe.
Hate to break it to you, but the WHOLE WORLD hates you just as much, if not more

>> No.4479082

your just a fucking island you prick, north america eats pieces of shit like your prestige for breakfast.
you think anyone really cares about the queen, they know her name thats the extent of your influence. winston churchill was a boss too bad he was living a powerless monopoly while stalin and the other allies won your war for you. the monarchy was your invasive corporation that homoginized the worlds society, now all you have is your shitty drama and marginally gay population. good luck with the liberal elite, and i mean that in a bad liberal way.

>> No.4479107

What the hell are you talking about? I'm not English, you fucking retard

>> No.4479110


why u so butt hurt?

>> No.4479113
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and im not an american, so go fuck yourself you saging and watching phony

>> No.4479119

canadian blowhard detected

>> No.4479130

Oh, a North North American.
How quaint.

>> No.4479444

I only don't like the foreign nationals. The immigrants are usually smarter. Definitely endured a lot of reverse racism in grad school.

>> No.4479479

that sounds slimier to Jews undergoing anti semitism, what a load of crap

>> No.4479486

similer*** the system beat me