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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 522 KB, 1377x1782, SC Astronomy A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4477903 No.4477903 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/,

Next year, I start AP calculus. Now, I'm a little scared because of what I've heard: it's the toughest math course ever ever ever ever ever forever.

So, my question to you is this: how can I teach myself calculus for free or with very little money (~10 bucks at the most)? I want to ace every single test I get thrown at for the first few months.

Pic unrelated, but will be bumping.

>> No.4477906
File: 493 KB, 1377x1782, SC Astronomy B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4477908


>> No.4477909
File: 495 KB, 1377x1782, SC Astronomy C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4477911
File: 494 KB, 1377x1782, SC Astronomy D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I understand it's not that hard, but I'm still slightly scared. I just want to walk in confident.

>> No.4477914

I don't know where you heard that Calculus was the hardest math course ever. Your AP class will meet 5 hours a week over the span of two semesters. College freshman complete the same class in one semester, meeting only 3 or 4 hours a week. It's a lot easier than the later Calculus classes, that's for sure.

>> No.4477916

When you get to college (assuming you go for a degree that's worth anything) omghardmathz will be the very least of your worries.

>> No.4477923

Actually, I plan on only doing one semester; all of my other blocks are completely filled up. Oh, and we meet for 500 minutes a week, which is over 8 hours.

Pre-med, majoring in either molecular biology or bio chem

>> No.4477924

The only difficult aspect to AP calculus is that it is painfully dull. If your teacher isn't up to scratch, you'll be lucky to encounter a plausible or even interesting application during the course. The rote rules for derivation and integration at that level are a piece of piss. Until you actually apply calculus to physics or other problems elsewhere, though, it's pretty zzzifying.

>> No.4477926

Senior in high school here.
AP Calculus isn't that bad, despite what you've heard. Try looking up some stuff on limits, derivatives, and integrals on Khan Academy, it'll probably help you

>> No.4477931

Assuming you are a highschoolfag like myself, don't worry you'll be fine. Use Khan Academy or oCW type shit to review if you need to.

>> No.4477933

I'm pretty not that great with math. I want to get a good head start, and the teacher is considered to be one of the smartest, if not THE smartest teachers in the school.

Ok, thanks, I'll try that. I can already do limits and stuff.

>> No.4477937

number theory, abstact algebra, topology, and real analisys.

i seen some thing.

>> No.4477938

Calculus is pretty easy to be honest. But if you really want to teach yourself for free. Google PatrickJMT.

>> No.4477945

This has almost everything that my textbook has, and it's explained a little (sometimes a lot) more intuitively and understandably.

>> No.4477949

You seem to like saying "THE HARDEST" "THE SMARTEST". AP Calculus is a fucking joke if you have any ability mathematically. LOOK AT RULE "A", APPLY RULE "A". Derpderpderpderp

>> No.4477991

While being true objectively, Calculus isn't as difficult as other courses down the road ( i.e. Modern Algebra, Topology, Calculus of Variations, Real Analysis etc.), in a subjective perspective, relative to his current level: 10/11th grade in HS, Calculus might seem intimidating.

To OP: The hype most, if not almost all, maths teachers credit to Calculus is superfluous and unnecessary. This does not, however, allow you to assume Calculus is irrelevant - the contrary being true; rather than distressing over the course you yet to take, examine and embrace the material. Google Gilbert Strang's FREE Calculus Textbook online, along with his overview of Calculus on ocw.mit.edu
If you are not as mathematically trained and inclined as you would like, which might be the reason you are allowing such distress to occur, attempt to comprehend a mathematical concept by understanding the concrete ideas buried underneath and deciphering all the abstract jargon into tangible applications. Wish you luck!