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File: 26 KB, 640x374, adderall-30mg-xr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4474931 No.4474931 [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you have a prescription for adderall or something similar?

Was it hard to come by?

Do you actually have ADD/ADHD?

share stories plz

>> No.4474948

>Do any of you have a prescription for adderall or something similar?

>Was it hard to come by?

>Do you actually have ADD/ADHD?

>share stories plz
I was diagnosed with ADHD when I turned 19 and was prescribed adderall. I don't take it anymore because stimulants cause me anxiety.

>> No.4474945

Just tell your physician to prescribe you whatever the fuck you want. You paid for the consultation, you might as well get something out of it. Honestly most of them don't really give a fuck and will give you a prescription if you tell them that you need/want it.

>> No.4474974

Not hard to come by, I actually have it, raised my marks from 85% to 95+%

>> No.4474984


how'd you go about asking?

>hi doc cant focus
>can i have drugs

>> No.4474994

Asked to be screened for ADHD due to not being able to focus. He'll probably ask you questions, maybe administer a test and then you'll get adderall.

>> No.4475009

>don't take drugs
>I can actually motivate myself without the need to fuck my brain up

you jelly, pillfags?

>> No.4475022

I'll be jelly once you do anything with even the slightest amount of worth. Until then you're just an ignorant retarded who is posting on 4chan.

Enjoy your illusory superiority.

>> No.4475025


>achieve nothing of worth, average at best in all fields of life

Yeah, jelly as fuck.

>> No.4475032

>cheaters who can't learn without chemical help

>> No.4475050

>Do any of you have a prescription for adderall or something similar?
Yes. Concerta.

>Was it hard to come by?
Nope. Saw a Psychiatrist, told her I have scattered thoughts/cannot focus, was screened for ADD, results said I have it, got my prescription then and there. I have heard that if you do not have health insurance (lol. murrica fuck yeah) it is easier to have it prescribed to you because you will be paying for the consultation and medicine out of your own pocket, therefore leaving the doctor with less shit to deal with. As far as the accuracy of that statement, don't quote me on it.

>Do you actually have ADD/ADHD?
Yes. Apparantly, I suffered from it from very early on (8 or 9 years of age). I never really said shit because of my parents dismissive fuckwad attitude that would eventually leave me better off having said nothing.

Feels. Good to finally have some fucking clear streamline consciousness.

>> No.4475051

Do any of you have a prescription for adderall or something similar?

Was it hard to come by?

Do you actually have ADD/ADHD?

share stories plz
Going to see Psychiatrist for other shit, ended up with diagnosis of ADD when I was 18. He tells me to take it everyday. I haven't taken any for 6 months. Packet is somewhere in my house.

>> No.4475066

ADD/ADHD doesn't exist.

It didn't exist 200 years ago and it doesn't exist now.

Medicating children is akin to shock therapy used 50 years ago.

>> No.4475091

here's Don, the expert has arrived folks.

>> No.4475096

are you me? My parents were retarded as fuck that way as well. they liked to play the role of doctor with everything. while growing up, whenever my brother and i complained of something hurting, not feeling right, etc etc, they said it was just in our heads and that we would be fine, blah blah and never took any appropriate action.

>Do any of you have a prescription for adderall or something similar?
switched to concerta. (hated the crash from adderall at the end of the day.)
>Was it hard to come by?
>Do you actually have ADD/ADHD?
yes. i wonder how much more i could have accomplished academically during high school if i would have had the ability to focus and be able to tap into the "zone" . earning a 3.3 gpa was so difficult. mediocrity felt 2x as hard to accomplish. ;_;
>share stories plz
i plan/strategize my doses for the week. i never take it during the weekends unless i absolutely have to because of an assignment or what have you. otherwise, it is small, controlled doses through out the week to get through certain lectures or readings. i don't want to become too dependent on it physically and/or mentally. i've read of the horror stories. said plan has worked beautifully

a few weeks after i first got my prescription, I accidentally took a dose that was too high without knowing it. i did not eat all day, stayed up all night long, watched some porn for about 2 hours straight with my dick in my hand the entire time, realized i was not even getting anything out of it, but was instead focused on the knees and elbowa of the female pornstars I finally fell asleep and slept for 18 straight hours.

TL;DR: ethylphenidate and amphetamines are fucking great when used responsibly.

>> No.4475113

I see that you are using sarcasm.

A common retort for those undergoing government sanctioned personality altering/controlling treatment. AKA ritalin, adderall, you name the drug

>> No.4475116

Not the guy you are replying to but my parents knew my older brother had ADHD, but did nothing about it because my mum thought she could "fix" him. Well he is now a schizophrenic hippy with two children and no job and been to jail for drugs. They also smoked weed with him.

Lovely parents.

>> No.4475127

How can you know that somebody has "ADHD" when it isn't even observable? Did he eat his cereal too fast and make funny noises?

It's speculative at BEST.

>> No.4475134
File: 58 KB, 251x251, 1275952766175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i was not even getting anything out of it, but was instead focused on the knees and elbowa of the female pornstars

>> No.4475136

Psychology is the observation of behaviour. He was observed by a psychiatrist who took in consideration of what my parents, his teachers and family friends said and decided that his behaviour best fitted into what is defined as ADHD.

Do you also believe that the Holocaust didn't happen and that HIV doesn't cause AIDS?

>> No.4475137

>Psychology is the observation of behaviour

stopped reading there

>> No.4475151

I would say that economics is more of an observation of human behaviour than psychology.

You realise that we actually know very little about how the brain actually functions right? And that physical symptoms like you mentioned more often than not are not stemming from a problem within the brain but could result from the fact that he spent all day in front of a TV screen or that he a lot of pent up energy he wasn't releasing. Doctors at this point of time actually don't have any idea as to how the medication works with the brain, they work on a basis of physical observation and short term results. Sedate and control rather than treat long term.

If you were born 60 years ago you would be advocating Shock therapy. In 20 years time we are going to look back on this and say, "we gave our kids what???"

>> No.4475158

> Doctors at this point of time actually don't have any idea as to how the medication works with the brain, they work on a basis of physical observation and short term results.

This is not true


>> No.4475163

But then what brain molecule are they looking to "drug" in the case of ADD or ADHD? And how do they know what the exact affect ingesting modified speed has on a child's brain?

They have no idea. I can quote some articles here if you like? There was a good one in the NY Times a week or two ago.

>> No.4475168

Wait let me just get this straight..

There are people on /sci/ who actually advocate medicating children as young as 6 with brain altering medication despite being completely unaware of the long term side effects and dangers continued use of these drugs have?


>> No.4475181

ITT: Virtual diseases invented by the pharma industry to further enrich the rich.

Slow motion suicide.
Shop till you drop.
Live fast, die young.

Your owners will love it.

>> No.4475184

>Doctors at this point of time actually don't have any idea as to how the medication works with the brain, they work on a basis of physical observation and short term results.

They do understand that mental conditions do occur because of a variety of factors such as genetics, physical brain abnormalities, nutrition, childhood experiences, and drug taking to name the main ones.

SSRI, which are used to treat depression, increase the serotonin levels within someones brain, which is shown to effect a range of things such as emotions and sleep.

They don't have a complete understand of the brain, and yes a lot of things are trailed on short-term basis, but that goes for any medication used for any reason. They are working with what they have and what they do know.

Also as technology advances we are gaining a better knowledge of the brain. We understand that general areas pertain to general behaviour and workings of the body.

Yes, Ritalin and Adderall might not be the best medication for ADHD/ADD, but it is the best we got. And before you jump to conclusions again, I have ADD myself. And so there is a high chance that my children will exhibit the same behaviour as me. But I am not going to stick them on drugs at a young age. I am going to use behavioral therapy and help them organizational skills and learning.

Because you know what? I don't think sticking young children on medication in the hope they will magically get better is the way to handle it. If my kids want to use Adderall and Ritalin, they can, when they are 18 and free to choose what they want to do in life.

>> No.4475190

*help them learn organizational skills and ways to best learn.

>> No.4475191 [DELETED] 

You are the only person to mention medicating children. Weather or not ADHD exists and weather children should be given drugs are different things.

>> No.4475198

it doesn't have to be either medication or cognitive behavioral therapy, it can be both

>> No.4475199

>There are people on /sci/ who actually advocate medicating children as young as 6
You are the only person in this thread to bring up medicating children.
All you're doing is claiming with absolutely no proof that ADHD doesn't exist, medicating children is irrelevant.

>> No.4475200

I had ADD/ADHD too supposedly, until I grew some balls and kicked the doctors to the curb when I was 13.

So what you're saying is that medication isn't ideal and that we don't know exactly what effects they have on our brains but that we should continue experimenting with it on our children?

And brother, we know next to nothing about the brain beyond it's physical manifestation. Which is superficial anyway.

>> No.4475202

>And brother, we know next to nothing about the brain beyond it's physical manifestation
no, YOU know next to nothing about the brain
not him btw

>> No.4475205

It is a fabricated disease. Did people have ADD 30 years ago?

I think this is a case of Chicken and the egg

First came the drugs then came the disease.

And you are asking me for proof? To prove that something that is completely unobservable, aside from superficial behavioural patterns that could be symptons of any number of different issues including environment and personality, exists? Let me guess, you're religious aren't you?

>> No.4475209

Don you are fucking retarded and can't see the difference between some kids being medicated because it's an easy option and the people that really suffer from this disorder.


>> No.4475210

"We" in general know nothing. If you think that knowing the name of a molecule in the brain is something then you are mistaken.

Remember, a fool thinks he knows it all but a wise man knows that he knows nothing.

>> No.4475214


Just because you say you know nothing does not make you wise, it means you know nothing.

>> No.4475218

>Did people have ADD 30 years ago?
Yes. There were undefined and unobserved conditions 30 years ago, something being undiagnosed doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
And it's not unobservable, read the fucking thread.

>> No.4475219

"In 30 years there has been a twentyfold increase in the consumption of drugs for attention-deficit disorder."

Just found this pearler. That means 20x the profit, keep those kids coming mr Doctor.

Also, forms of Ritalin were given to soliders in WW2 to help them focus on manning a machine gun for hours, what they found was that once they had finished the task that they had increased energy levels and would even verge on mania after being stimulated by the drug for many hours.

Same thing happens with kids, dope them up in the classroom then they come home full of energy when the drugs wear off and get in trouble so you take them to the doctor to medicate them and get them calm and he ups their dosage. Rinse and repeat.

>> No.4475222

It is unobservable.

The only thing observable is short term effects. Give kid sedative, kid goes to sleep.

There has been literally no conclusive study that advocates the use of drugs long term it all focuses on short term personality control and sedation.

And the syndrome doesn't even exist, like I posted here >>4475219
the use of stimulating drugs is a vicious cycle that reinforces the "symptons of ADD" rather than eradicates them.

>> No.4475227

Are you stupid?
Did you even read what I said?

Because I do remember saying "I don't think sticking young children on medication in the hope they will magically get better is the way to handle it".

The physical manifestation is far from superficial. Are you saying that people who have physical abnormalities don't exhibit odd or different behaviors from those who do not? Or that have surgery such as split brain surgery doesn't alter ones perception, understanding and ability to interact with the world?

Because if you do I am not going to continue this conversation anymore because you are just an idiot to think that.

>> No.4475236

We are not concerned with the observable (superficial, what have you) parts of the brain here.

We are concerned with the inner workings of the brain that will likely never be understood. We don't know how the brain interacts and what affect that medication has long term on the inner functionality of the brain.

It's all well and good to be able to say that the right side of the brain is used for this and the left is used for that but it doesn't really add to our understanding of how the brain REALLY works.

And until we know how the brain really works everything in regards to this issue is speculative. I think even the premier psychologists would have to agree with that.

>> No.4475256

I use dexamphetamines and my marks have gone from about 70+ to around 80+. Whether it's a placebo effect or not it works for me.

>> No.4475265


Stop being an asshole that doesn't know shit but keeps talking.

>> No.4475272

here's how progresses in medicine have always been made :
- some people have health issues
- for some of them it's enough of a problem to seek medical help
- doctors try to identify the pattern of the disease
- with their current knowledge, they try a treatment
Nowadays, in evidence based medicine, that treatment is made in double blind studies against a placebo/another molecule or whatever but basically it comes down to trial & error. We are not at the point we can do it another way.

>> No.4475274

When did you last read a psychology book?

Because we don't just go "Oh the right brain is used for art hurr".

It has been shown, through observation of people with brain injury, surgical alteration and the ability to stop parts of the brain from working as they should, that certain parts of the brain (throughout the brain) control certain behaviors and abilities.

We know that the brain is made up of extremely small neurons which "electrically excitable cell that processes and transmits information by electrical and chemical signaling" and that Ritalin increases the levels of dopamine and norepinephine (neurotransmitters), which have been linked to attention and responses and reward-driven learning, which is something which is very related to ADHD.

>> No.4475275

The Don strikes again

and of course they work short term dummy, that's what they're supposed to do. They were given to US soldiers to get them to concentrate on tedious tasks for hours at a time.

>> No.4475281

Glad to have them regardless.

>> No.4475285

>of course they raise your grades dummy
>of course they're useful when used for nonrecreational purposes
>of course they help people focus dummy

I don't see what there is to argue about really

>> No.4475290

we should not use it until we can be sure there will never be any side effect in anyone

>but how are we supposed to know all that if we never use it

>> No.4475292

>we should not use it until we can be sure there will never be any side effect in anyone

you can say that about any medication.

>any side effect

I think you should take a statistics course sometime

>> No.4475294

I have imposters now. I haven't in this thread for a while

>> No.4475297

Short term gain, long term pain.

Adults can do what they want but when you have kids as young as 6 reliant on pharmaceuticals, that is a fucking problem. Especially considering how there has been no long term evaluations or studies of the effects of these meds.

>> No.4475300

I don't even read the name/subject field, I don't give a fuck if I'm responding to a different anon or someone who wants to make sure he gets attention/recognition on fucking 4chan /sci/

in all honesty though, that's what the tripcode function is for