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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 7 KB, 388x360, 130998629900120110725-22047-o4ie3r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4465793 No.4465793 [Reply] [Original]

>that feel when no gf



>> No.4465808
File: 177 KB, 1280x720, blueberrylovemuffinuggu~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just remember that liara will always love you

>> No.4465812

But she is an alien abomination from a race of evil manipulators, how can she love anyone?

>> No.4465824

The mods autosaged your other thread so you remade it?
Take the hint!

>> No.4465829

this is the first thread i made today please help me

>> No.4465844

because she dug up your dead corpse so that you could be brought back to life again and reunite with her.
she loves you bro, you can't just keep breaking her heart

>> No.4465860

I'll be your gf. You can even live in my basement.

>> No.4465862

1) go to /fit/
2) squatz and oatz
3) ????
4) PROFIT!!!

Or you will still be alone but at least you will be in shape!

>> No.4465867

>mfw ugly gf


>> No.4465868

It is word for word, including the feigned stuttering.
Do not lie to me.

>> No.4465869
File: 161 KB, 499x373, sadfrog34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only you were serious ...


>> No.4465881


Your problem goes beyond having a gf or not. Also stop posting in this threads if don't want to be confused with other frog spammng retards

>> No.4465887

I'm not kidding that isn't me

>> No.4465905
File: 91 KB, 777x738, sadfrog16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know. My problem is deeper. Yet finding a gf is now the thing that (on the surface) bugs me the most.
I acquired the tripcode to not be confused with trolls. I post here because I don't want to start these threads on my own anymore. Some people don't seem to like them.


>> No.4465919


I punched the shit out of my computer screen.

I should have known better....

>> No.4465924


>> No.4465935

Yes it is how can science get a gf

>> No.4465953

Yes it is, your lies are futile.
Keep in mind that moderators can see your IP address.

>> No.4465964

Are you trying to impersonate a mod? That's a bannable offense.

>> No.4465969

Harriet has gone full shitposter

Frogman, I would be your gf if I were the little girl

>> No.4465975

I am not a moderator.

>> No.4465977

Go fuck yourself, you lowly scumbag piece of shit. Do you know why you don't have a GF? Because you're PATHETIC! Just look at yourself kid, do you seriously think ANY woman would want to date such a simpleton? You're a joke

>> No.4465981
File: 219 KB, 900x620, sadfrog33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. I'm sorry though, I wouldn't want a little girl as gf.
I wish I was the little girl too...


>> No.4465989
File: 167 KB, 407x254, sadfrog29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I'm pathetic. What can I do about it?
And why are there no women wanting a pathetic man?


>> No.4465990

Very well, please get one off of IRC and they will be able to see it themselves.

I am not the person who posted that thread.

>> No.4465999

So you are just a completely different person who just so happens to post the sadfrog face in a new thread
just so happens to refer to the /sci/nizens as 'selfish pricks'
and just so happens to feign a stutter?

And I am supposed to take all of this as coincidence?

I do not believe what you say.

>> No.4466014

Don't even try to argue with that person. He's a religion troll and posted arguments in favor of the bible in another thread.

>> No.4466020

>He's a religion troll and posted arguments in favor of the bible in another thread.
No I am not, and I am not 'in favour of the bible'(I am agnostic) I was just pointing out that the closed minded atheist in that thread made a very obvious strawman fallacy.

>> No.4466037

>close minded


The only close minded people are religion assholes like you. The so called "agnostics" are friend of religion in disguise and haters of SCIENCE.

>> No.4466038

>refutes all your religion garbage.
I do not post 'religion garbage'
If you think I have, please reference my post along with the offending quote.
>EVOLUTION disproves god. Stop being so ignorant.
No it does not.
Many Christians believe in evolution and also accept god into their lives as well.
Clearly the 2 are not mutually incompatible.

>> No.4466055

So you are calling me close minded when I am the one who is open to the possibility that perhaps there is more to this universe than there appears rather than stubbornly ranting about how there is no god (with no evidence to show that this is the case)?

Do you even know the definition of being 'closed minded'?

>> No.4466059
File: 54 KB, 500x500, 1327862932339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stand this anymore frogman, ventrilo
port: 3790

lay your pain on me. (I'm the admin)

>> No.4466061

You CANNOT believe in EVOLUTION (the SCIENTIFIC TRUTH) and god (a fucking fairy-tale) at the same tiem. It contradicts the fucking bible, a book full of lies. You're retardation is disgusting.

>> No.4466064

>implying atheist label makes you smart
I hope you're not doing this.

>> No.4466077

Oh wait, sorry, I didn't realize it's Carl. I feel kinda stupid, because it's quite obvious that he'd do something like this.

Stop being a troll bait.

>> No.4466082
File: 18 KB, 500x359, sadfrog6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it? I am too paranoid to visit random IPs. How do I know it's not a trap?


>> No.4466090

No, the truth is I went on installgentoo and copied this thread:

>> No.4466093

>Stop being a troll bait.
Sagan blocked.

>> No.4466094

You are open to fairy-tales? That's fucking GARBAGE.
SCIENCE has DISPROVED any EVIDENCE for youre SKYWIZARD. Stop being a full retard.

Of course ATHEISM makes me smart. The other choice is religion which ALWAYS implies worst stupidity and retardation.

>> No.4466106

>blocking me
>blocking SCIENCE

Haha you stupid religion troll. Your out of arguments, I disproved all your shit and now you block me?

Way to make a fool of yourself.

>> No.4466100

It's a ventrilo server, you use the ventrilo client and press connect. I'm not asking you to happiness.exe

>> No.4466103

All 3 of the threads are almost identical.
All are not science related
All are spam.
All are almost certainly made by the same poster.

>> No.4466118

>Complain about a non science related thread
>Just participated in a religion troll thread

>> No.4466119

But I'm not the same person

>> No.4466114
File: 143 KB, 1000x984, sadfrog61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is ventrilo? I've never dealt with it.
Do I have to download anything?


>> No.4466127

You're a joke sagan.
And not a funny one, either.

>> No.4466128


>> No.4466131

Are you for real?
hint: use google.

>> No.4466141
File: 19 KB, 397x386, sadfrog14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I googled it and it seems to be a VoIP software. I'm afraid, I have no microphone. I mean why should I have one? I have no friends to talk to.


>> No.4466151

I do not know if you have noticed, but virtually everybody on /sci/ right now is participating in that thread. It has been bumping every few seconds.
If you do not want to discuss religion then nobody is forcing you to.

Even if that is true (which I strongly doubt) the thread is still not science, and is still spam even if it spam that you have chosen to commence on anothers behalf.

>> No.4466156

>supporting homework spam
>attacking psychology threads

Yeah sure, you're a good psychologist. /sarcasm

>> No.4466160 [DELETED] 


>> No.4466163

It has a chat feature, I just want to let you spill out your sadness, and not doing it on this science board.

>> No.4466162

>If you do not want to discuss religion then nobody is forcing you to.

>> No.4466167

Read it. Read it and fucking weep.

>> No.4466168
File: 561 KB, 1200x800, sadfrog10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it you, LudwigVan?
Where else can we talk?


>> No.4466171

Homework is not technically spam (it is always original) but I do not post in homework threads.

>attacking psychology threads
I have never done this, EK. You know full well that I have not.
Do not lie.

Then report the thread, and while you are at it, why not rant on to everybody else in that thread about how angry you are about it. I am sure it will achieve a great deal.

I know the rules.

>> No.4466172

/sci/ has two rules that state what not to do. Harriet is constantly breaking both of them and supporting rule violators.

>> No.4466174

Stop denying what you do. Your troll strategy is pathetic.

>> No.4466182

Nope, and frankly I'm about to give up. You claim to be smart, but can't work out how to use ventrilo. You reach out to people but when offered opportunity you deny it.
I'll be in the ventrilo for an hour but I'm leaving this thread.

>> No.4466191

fuck off cunt. leave frogman's thread alone.

>> No.4466203

>Your troll strategy is pathetic.
I have no 'troll strategy'
And rather than just claiming that I am a troll, would you care to provide your reasoning?
Troll posts are usually either inflammatory, insulting, blatantly incorrect, or spam.

Would any of my posts fall into any of those categories? I strongly doubt it, but feel free to make an argument to that effect if you wish.

>> No.4466204

>I know the rules.
>Homework is not technically spam (it is always original) but I do not post in homework threads.
Therefore you admit to knowingly breaking the two rules of /sci/?

>> No.4466209

Excuse me, by two rules I meant one of the two rules and by breaking I meant supporting.
Nevertheless, you're by your own definition a troll.

>> No.4466212

Please stop it.

>> No.4466215

I do not post in homework threads exactly because they are against the rules.
I report them.

And the second rule? 'no religion versus science'?

I am not religious and I do not post religious content, but I would advise all people here to keep an open mind, not make assumptions, and to keep in mind that attacking religion is futile seeing as they can not prove god does not exist.

>> No.4466222

I will take that as 'challenge refused'
I know I am correct, by the way.

>> No.4466224

In every fucking homework thread you post. I seriously hope you are trolling right now, because such a lack of self reflection would be highly psychopathic and delusional.

>> No.4466226

Yes, you are an excellent troll. You made me fucking mad. /boring

>> No.4466228

Oh really? Every single one?
Then you will have no problem in finding one simple example will you?
Happy hunting.

>> No.4466231

It is not my intention to make you mad, and I am still waiting for reasonable arguments, and reasonable evidence, rather than name-calling and futile speculations.

>> No.4466234

Does /sci/ even have mods, or is it like /b/ in that sense? That's the only rational explanation I can come up with for this Harriet person not being banned.

>> No.4466236
File: 290 KB, 398x426, 132037091990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, my, GOD stop posting here! We are mathematicians and scientists! Relationships are the lease of our concerns! At that, no one cares! By the looks of it, and I deduced this in an instant, you don't have a girlfriend because you bitch and moan on the internet about it instead of growing the fuck up and taking some initiative in life!

>> No.4466240

So either Harriet has gone crazy and forgot her pills, or someone else is using her trip. She didn't used to be this crazy.

>> No.4466242

As I said, I have not broken any rules.
There are mods here, they autosaged 2 spammer threads earlier today.

>> No.4466243

To be strictly honest, I have yet to see this Harriet to break any rule.
Also, she's doing less damage than you or other anons by putting sage in the bloody email field. Maybe you should try that too instead of bumping this thread?

>> No.4466244
File: 25 KB, 311x311, you-must-be-new-here-willy-wonka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She didn't used to be this crazy.

>> No.4466248
File: 35 KB, 390x480, ludwig_van_beethoven_257615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was there for a second, Frog ;_; Your admin friend booted me.

And I wanted to get to know you better.

Won't you tell him to let me in? Please? ;_;

>> No.4466251

Obvious Harriet is obvious.

All of her posts in that thread.

>> No.4466252

I do not take any medication, perhaps you are confusing me with EK (who does)
>She didn't used to be this crazy.
How am I crazy, in your opinion?


And to the rest of you, that is the value of an unbiased response to me.
A lot of you misjudge me.

>> No.4466254

I don't think she used to post this much. She would generally give up and leave a thread. She's shitposted in at least three threads continuously today.

>> No.4466255

>Mods needing to autosage

your dum