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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 95 KB, 200x194, 1307741069001[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4462381 No.4462381 [Reply] [Original]

P-please SCI HELP m-me get a gf


>> No.4462386

Mate Attraction Theory does not exist yet. We cannot help you at this time. I recommend going to a place where conjecture and maybe are permitted:


>> No.4462385


>> No.4462389

Stop making these threads.
Either go out and socialise with women, or else join a dating website or something.

>> No.4462399

how do i socialize with women? ;_;

>> No.4462403

Not OP, but I share the same problem. While I agree that his thread start was bad, I have to say that your advise is worthless. Telling someone who has huge problems with socializing, that he should simply do it, is the worst and most idiotic "advice" ever (cannot even be called advice).
For someone who claims to study psychology you are presenting a horrendous lack of empathy and understanding of human emotions and behaviour. Your ignorance of the subject is only topped by your lack of self reflection.

>> No.4462405

Talking, dancing, games, sports...
Use your imagination.
Socialise the same way that you would with men.
I presume you at least have friends?

>> No.4462409

I don't have friends.


>> No.4462410

Thank you, more evidence Harriet blows

>> No.4462412

i have 2 left feet ;_;

>> No.4462415

Once again: Shitposter quality.

You cannot help him. You have nothing valuable to contribute, yet you post. Stop it, EK.

>> No.4462417

Also a way to get "friends".

>> No.4462418

>you will never suffocate on kanye wests sock after he performs 10 songs from his latest album


>> No.4462419

I can not even imagine how one would be incapable of socialising.
It comes naturally to everybody else.

>> No.4462420

What happened to killing yourself?

Did you chicken out?

>> No.4462421

>It comes naturally to everybody else.

Enough of your pretending. YOU DO NOT KNOW ANY PSYCHOLOGY.

>> No.4462425

bwack bwack bwack


>> No.4462429
File: 91 KB, 777x738, sadfrog16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real frog guy here. OP is badly trying to parody me. Please don't take him serious.
I'm gonna tripfag from now on.


>> No.4462434

find a club or activity, so that you have common interests with others in a group setting.
this will allow for informal interaction, which will help you to build up your confidence.
in order to make friends, or a girlfriend, they have to want to be around you.
take initiative and be proactive, talk about things that interest you both.
stick with conversational discussion, only argue or debate when you know that it would be welcomed.

sports and other recreational activities are also great ways to break ice and meet people.

>> No.4462436
File: 92 KB, 200x184, 4e0[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p-please dont m-mock me ;_;

>> No.4462438

Silly frog

Why are you sad

You are in space capable of witnessing the grand beauty of our world

>> No.4462440

where do i find clubs ;_;

>> No.4462442

Work out. Learn to not give a fuck. Humor women by listening to their stories. Act confident and like you don't need them. Bitches love that type of alpha behavior.

>> No.4462445
File: 8 KB, 225x225, sadfrog17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space and the alleged beauty of our world become meaningless when one is incapable of feeling postitive emotions.


>> No.4462446

Give me your address. I'd be glad to kill you.

>> No.4462449

you guys are lame

>> No.4462450

you also have to decide to make these changes in your personality and behavior.

take charge of your life and believe in yourself.

>> No.4462451

Its all in your mind broseph

Take some psychedelics and mentally reevaluate what ails you

I suggest ecstasy and shrooms

>> No.4462448
File: 38 KB, 200x171, 1315623340001[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do y-you continue to mock and impostor me


>> No.4462454

LSD if you can find it

>> No.4462457
File: 39 KB, 200x146, 1310428654001[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p-please im scared of sh-shrooms ;_;

>> No.4462458

looks like some people aren't aware of the oldest profession: prostitution.

relationships become highly overrated when you can fuck a bitch any time you want.

>> No.4462459
File: 109 KB, 390x477, sadfrog18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know all the troll games. I spent way too much time on 4chan. All the time that I didn't spent on socializing. I don't think you can troll me this easily.

What club can I join when I have no common interests with others besides science and math? I am already studiying science and math and I don't like the people at university. Neither do they like me.

How do I make choices in my personality? It's easy to say this, but no one can explain how to execute that advice.

I tried drinking huge amounts of alcohol in the past. The following hallucinations were enjoyable I have to admit. Though I don't want to permanently damage my brain functions, because my intelligence is all I have.


>> No.4462461

alcohol is a terrible drug for your problem.

get better ones.

>> No.4462463
File: 18 KB, 312x247, sadfrog26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not interested in "normal" sex. Never did I feel any desire to actively penetrate a woman.


>> No.4462464
File: 475 KB, 270x203, awesomesagan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The day will come. The day you get a gf. And /sci/ will celebrate. You have to take the next step. Pack up all the help and advices you've been gathering in the past few months and put it into use

>> No.4462469

hallucinogenics don't make you stupid, but they do change your personality.
alcohol changes your personality and makes you stupid.

>> No.4462472

You must act on knowledge. You are a /sci/entist.

>> No.4462486
File: 65 KB, 350x338, sadfrog25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which ones are better? The ideal drug that only induces happiness while having no negative effects has not yet been developped.

I came to the conclusion that my problems are deeper than simply not having a gf. As one wise anon told me: As long as I can't feel good without gf, I also won't feel good with gf. Still the lack of gf is emotionally the most important problem right now to me.

Hallucinogenes are proven to bring forward recurrent psychotic episodes in the long term. Since I alreay have a genetic disposition, I don't want to risk that.



>> No.4462487

then what the fuck are you interested in? you're pants on head retarded.

>> No.4462497

then what the fuck are you interested in?

>> No.4462504
File: 45 KB, 500x461, idontknowthatfeel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i actually enjoy these threads


>> No.4462507


Maybe you're a fag op?

>> No.4462511

Mr sad frog, it's quite obvious what you need. You need someone in real life pushing you to do things you're too afraid of doing now.

Call your parents if you have no one else and ask them for help.
You need someone who tells you to come out with him/her, someone who doesn't take no for an answer, someone to introduce you to other people. Then you'll have some ground to stand on.

Good luck!

>> No.4462512

Be confident.
That's all it is.

Being well dressed and physically fit are part of it (Unless you're a fedora-wearing neckbeard, then they matter), but confidence is key.

>> No.4462521
File: 65 KB, 680x736, sadfrog20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sexually deviant. That shouldn't be special here on 4chan.

He might be a fag, I am not. OP is not me.

My parents can't help me. They don't have any friends or social contacts either.
You are suggesting me to get a friend, while this is exactly my problem, that I can't find a friend.

"Confidence" sounds like a buzzword. People keep telling me to become confident, but no one can tell me how.


>> No.4462534

start walking around at night. put finger in your ass. dump your legal windows xp and install random linux. pretend for yourself that music for you is more than it actually is. study fourier transform, but actually never understand it. call everyone is faggot, dont talk to people at all. then you will reach eternal beauty of life... what else can i suggest you