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File: 27 KB, 1024x768, nihilism1024x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4453590 No.4453590 [Reply] [Original]

Ask someone who has experienced the full depths of Nihilism anything.

>> No.4453594

If nothing exists, what of Rule 34?

>> No.4453595

What more do you know than me about life being a prolonged period of procrastination?

>> No.4453597

Rule 34 and Nietzsche.
Doesn't exist.

>> No.4453599

If only I could tell you my friend....

>> No.4453598

Next time say: Ask someone who has experienced the full depths of Nihilism *about* anything.

So I can correct it to
>Ask someone who has experienced the full depths of Nihilism about nothing.

>> No.4453601
File: 92 KB, 576x747, 585858593.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I imagine every serious user of this forum is nihilist or on the path to the end

>> No.4453603

Your ideals of sentence construction are mere dust flowing in the sands of time

>> No.4453604
File: 26 KB, 524x372, 1327537116387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nihilists know nothing.

>> No.4453605


>> No.4453608
File: 136 KB, 600x600, 1331397676095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah i wasn't thinking thanks for the correction

>> No.4453616

While you're growing up everything around you, your parents, movies, music,religion, etc give you the impression that there is more to this world.

Nihilism emerges when you get disillusioned with reality.
Nihilism is a disappointment syndrome.

There's no point to it, no matter what all your actions are done to avoid pain and gain pleasure.

Thats life, after a while you'll learn to exercise it.

>> No.4453625

If only you knew...

>> No.4453626

I have a ? for you OP, why are you creating an ask thread with qualifications that are not unusual?

>> No.4453638

It might be normal for most people to experience nihilism, sure. But to experience it to the extremes that I have...well...that's another issue.

>> No.4453639

Must be hard to be an angst teen.

>> No.4453650
File: 54 KB, 480x360, redblue_pill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not op

I cannot express how important the path of nihilism has been to me.

The path has gone fairly deep, and i would be extremely surprised if it got any deeper (because at this moment i could not imagine how it could).

As cheesy as it sounds, it does seem to me, that the most important question to anyone who wants to work in science or philosophy is 'the blue or red pill'.

Do you want the truth, and risk being unhappy
Do you accept a lie, and indulge into a delusional bliss

>> No.4453656

how is that bottom picture a nihilist

a real nihilist wouldnt care about having money or not having money

that would be a hedonist

>> No.4453658

>pop "philosophy" general

>> No.4453663

do you grow out of your adolescence?

>> No.4453667

And grow into what? I'm curious, as I consider myself a sort of a nihilist, and I don't really see where else my personal philosophical views could go from here.

>> No.4453672

Not that guy but I think he was just pointing out that you sound like every edgy 15 year old kid who claims to be a nihilist. That may or may not be true, it's just what you sound like.

>> No.4453673


I just found it funny

Care to elaborate?

Pretty sure in order to be a good scientist you have to understand and appreciate the ideas and important of the ideas which found it.
If you do not respect reason, you will not respect science. If you do not want the truth, you certainly won't care about science.

So surely the most fundamental question to accept before you search is whether you want to find answers or simply things which satisfy your urges.



Please elaborate

>> No.4453674

No that's the first time I've posted in this thread. I guess I read that wrong.

>> No.4453678

I take neither the red nor the blue pill, because pills are stupid and I have better things to do.