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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4453154 No.4453154 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Brains are the coolest things ever.
Neuro/Bio double major working in a research lab

>> No.4453159

they ride a turkish saddle

>> No.4453168

I'm pretty appreciative of my brain.

>> No.4453175

double signed, neuro grad student, starting this summer.

>> No.4453185

Badass. Grad student where? I need to figure out where I want to go someday!

>> No.4453380


Sorry for getting back to this so late. If you happen to be around, I applied to Rutgers (New Brunswick) behavioral neuroscience program, Rutgers (Newark) neuroscience program, Johns Hopkins Psychology and Brains sciences program, and Yale neuroscience. I either have or will be accepted everywhere. I'm waiting for the offers to finish rolling in the for the hell of it, but I have my mind set on Rutgers Newark.

I'm coming out of UC Irvine as an undergrad, and then as a tech.

>> No.4453391

You should see *my* brain. It's fuckin' awesome man.

>> No.4453394

Oh man, oh, man, the evolution of the neuro structures as adaptations to new enviroments/social situations.

>> No.4453448

bring glory for us

>> No.4453641

Serious question-and I posted about this ethical concern before:

Is it possible to study biopsychology/behavioral neuro without using lab animals? Like only using brain scans and cadavers for research, but not fucking with rats/mice and shit?

>> No.4453649

No. Harden the fuck up you hippy faggot

>> No.4453657

Im aiming to go into Neuroscience once I finish this BA.

Cannot wait.

>> No.4453680


>> No.4453719

same as >>4453380


Yes and no (but mostly no). Learning and behavior can be studied in their own right without reference to the brain - memory consolidation and interference have been known to science since Müller and Pilzecker's studies in about the year 1900. More recently, there has been a wealth of human research using noninvasive techniques like fMRI and TMS. While the human and animal work inform each other, the human work is invariably limited in temporal and spatial resolution and tends to be more correlational than causal (as well as 5-10 years behind the animal work). What little human electrophysiology has been done is limited to seizure patients, who are of course not the most representative subjects. If you want to do something like determine the impact of a given cell type on behavior by specifically manipulating it during a cognitive task (see optogenetics), forget about it without animals.

>> No.4453766

Niggas check out this ground breaking shit:http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/03/120309103701.htm

I'm thinking 3 years before this is militarized.

>> No.4453765

Do you have a specific topic/area you want to research?

>> No.4453785

Gay sperms.

>> No.4453805

That's fucking awesome more and more the dualist fags lose ground...

>> No.4453811 [DELETED] 
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reported for not being /sci/ related

>> No.4453817

I know I'm falling for a troll here but...
The brain is arguable one of the most complex things in the universe I could be as dumb as you and retort
> HURR DURR Physics is for people who cant in2 dealing with complex systems.

>> No.4453831

>Not Mathematically rigorous
its not all cognitive you know

>> No.4453985
File: 21 KB, 483x345, raisinbrahms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the brain doesn't operate off of electricity and chemical compounds

i shiggy fuck yo couch diggy

>> No.4454047
File: 389 KB, 950x848, brainhax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now that we temporarily blocked out the haters, this is again a psychology general thread

>> No.4454137

double posting here. but seeing as /sci/ likes to try and augment their cognitive skills i'll start with a basic one.

>long term potentiation is crucial to learning and rehearsing a skill
>nitric oxide is supposed to help the operation as an anterograde messenger
>will huffing NO expedite the process of learning

>> No.4454168

>Brains are the coolest things ever.

Actually they're stupid and outdated.
Psychology/Pharmacology major

>> No.4454650 [DELETED] 

I thought bio was banned from /sci/

>> No.4454815



>> No.4454997


I'm interested in the circuitry of the basal ganglia and how it participates in action selection/decision making. I want to utilize optogenetics and electrophysiology in multiple brain regions simultaneously in awake, behaving animals.

I'm coming from a lab that works in the hippocampus and much of this is new to me. I haven't yet settled on a lab, so I don't yet have a specific question.


Sensationalism in science journalism should be punishable for 1 year of grunt work in a lab.


Throwing out dualism because of religious duelist positions like that of René Descartes is throwing out the baby with the bathwater. There is a strong case for dualism, and this research doesn't even begin to address it. See: hard problem of consciousness, property dualism.

>> No.4456650

Awesome. Good luck with it all!
Anesthetic neuropharmacology. (Thats whats up)