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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 94 KB, 325x244, 0GIF9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4451572 No.4451572 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one who gets really depressed sometimes over the limited nature of our life? I mean...just think about it. I like to think that the Law of Conservation of Information means in some way means that perhaps I may live on in something else, in a form of pseudo-reincarnation. But I mean...it won't be ME. And then I'd trudge through that life, being depressed over the same shit.

It just confounds me to no end how people, other than religious nutjobs, can go about their everyday without just getting depressed sometimes. It's not like I'm in a perpetual state of emo, but sometimes it just hits me like a mac truck. That my life WILL end...and no one knows what is going to happen after, and I'm terrified of the notion of just going into well...nothing.

I guess ITT: Science and the Afterlife.

>> No.4451582

lol philosophy

no, not really, just the dumb and "deep" thoughts of an edgy teenager. amirite, OP?

>> No.4451584



Again, not going around like an emo kid going "OMG LIFE IS MEANINGLESS." This is all we got, and I intend to live it to its fullest. However, sometimes I just feel like shit because this IS all we got.

>> No.4451591

Don't worry, all good things come to end, OP.

...wait, so bad things don't end? If I make my life miserable, I will gain eternity?

ITT: OP is faggot.

>> No.4451643


>ITT: two autistic faggots are mean to OP

>> No.4451650

oh no, did op's feels get hurt?

>> No.4451654


at least im not a faget xddddd

>> No.4451661


>> No.4451666

Sagan! you back already? that was fast.

>> No.4451667

leave /sci/ for a week & a trip worse than EK or Harriet comes along..

>> No.4451671

It's a shame that I'm unlikely to ever complete any truly big project by myself, were I attempt to start one.

I've never really cared about it, but when I've actually took time to think about it, turns out that I don't really want to die. There is just so much to DO in life than simply dying seems... pointless.

>> No.4451677

yeah lol, no ur dumb

Fuck you. I'm poasting SCIENCE and I are not a fucking retard like ek/harriet

>> No.4451679

>Am I the only one who gets really depressed sometimes over the limited nature of our life?

Yes. It's just you. No one else in the world ever feels this way. In fact, I'm pretty sure no one else in history has ever felt that way either. Clearly there is something wrong with your brain.

>I may live on in something else, in a form of pseudo-reincarnation. But I mean...it won't be ME. And then I'd trudge through that life, being depressed over the same shit.

It's a horrible thought, which is why you're supposed to escape that cycle.

>no one knows what is going to happen after

Because of course if you are unaware of anyone who knows what happens after it means they don't exist.

>> No.4451681

so where do you suggest op goes from here?

>> No.4451682

You're a /b/tard *and* a retard, and EK at least had a few interesting things to say every once in a while

>> No.4451686

why would you insult me?

>> No.4451688

>not becoming a millionaire
>not surviving for another 40 years for life-extensions and eventually immortality
>not becoming immortal and eventually transcending this universe

>> No.4451689

Start working towards enlightment OP.

>> No.4451690

to >>>/lit/


0/10 shitty troll, i aint even mad

i didn't insult you

>> No.4451691

EK & Harriet actually knew some science, you don't.

>> No.4451693

I'm the only one here who knows SCIENCE. ek/hariet is a dumb whore.

>> No.4451694

i think you're being pretentious

>> No.4451698


>> No.4451703

you pretend to know things when you dont

>> No.4451704


>> No.4451706


>> No.4451708

because you called him out for being philosophically naive, but had nothing to recommend but a board on 4chan

>> No.4451709
File: 49 KB, 540x372, gorilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post some science then!

>> No.4451710

Fcuk off, troll.

>> No.4451714

/lit/ is the board for naive philosophy. How am I supposed to help a dumbass? He won't learn anyway.

e = mc2

>> No.4451877

i'd say it depends on the person. the greater the joy the greater the fear of loss.

and if you knew your parachute's going to open, even sky diving would be like "gravity......... whatever. moving on..."

>> No.4451885
File: 1.99 MB, 391x237, epitome of chill.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another thread ruined by this failure of a tripfag Carl Sagan. Fuck you faggot, you are not funny anymore, you don't even post science related stuff. Of course I cannot expect more than one liner replies from your sorry ass.

Go climb a wall of dicks.

>> No.4451903


>> No.4451907

You're picture doesn't fit your post. A chilling sloth inaccurately represents the depths of your anal devastation. Your really really mad.

As for the thread
>implying it was a valuable SCIENCE thread
>implying it wasn't edgy pseudo-philophy
>implying /sci/ is OP's blog
>implying my poasts ITT weren't the best and most SCIENTIFIC ones
>implying you are not OP
>implying you're butthurt has any other effect than amusing me

>> No.4451943

don't you faggot have any other better thing to do than bump a NOT SCIENCE thread?
you contributed(read: shit) more ITT than all the anon combined and yet you claim to be doing something good to /sci/.

Please gb 2 /b/ or whatever shithole you came from.

>> No.4451972

>Am I the only one who gets really depressed sometimes over the limited nature of our life?

Do you really think you are alone in that? REALLY? Haven't you read about all the fuckers who have wanted eternal life? Everyone dreaming about being super heroes? Of course our lives suck in comparison to our happy fantasy dreams.

>It just confounds me to no end how people, other than religious nutjobs, can go about their everyday without just getting depressed sometimes.

It's mostly true that nobody likes death. HOWEVER normal people claim they have too many life problems to care about death. And many of them don't see the reason for being alive when all their friends and family are dead. They simply ignore the inevitable when there is no way to fight it.

>sometimes it just hits me like a mac truck. That my life WILL end
I know, I feel the same. I often think about this fact and you should know we are not alone. Rejecting death is not rare.

>Law of Conservation of Information means in some way means that perhaps I may live on in something else, in a form of pseudo-reincarnation. But I mean...it won't be ME.
This is the problem. "You" don't actually exist, at least as a fixed being. You are changing everyday. The 10 years old yourself is already dead. you will be dead tomorrow. You are just another group of mass in the universe changing his form every new instant of time.
The Law of Conservation of Information means you always existed and will always exist. Your conscience will change to another thing that will prefer being that new thing that the ugly man you are today. Stop complaining. You are already eternal and your conscience doesn't deserve to maintain his current form

>> No.4451970

I know that feel, OP, I actually wonder about this very often. If given the opportunity I'd love to reincarnate over and over, until this universe finally dies. I just love life, the feeling of adventure, that vulnerability of the flesh that just adds another slice of risk, thus making all much more interesting, the fact we know so little and have yet to discover so much. It's in moments like that I really understand why men fear death and why fanatics cling to their beliefs with such desperation.

I can't really give you any comforting words, OP, but this, which is the conclusion I always come back to; Make the most of what you have, live to the fullest, be happy, be inquisitive, keep going, let the ticking clock of death, the thrill of our mortality be your motivation to become exactly what you want and more in the time you have. Life is a journey, not a destination.

>> No.4451977

I came from /sci/ and I stay on /sci/ because I'm a SCIENTIST. If you don't like SCIENCE you can gtfo.

>> No.4452025

>How am I supposed to help a dumbass? He won't learn anyway.

so are you saying wisdom, or knowledge, is inate?

>> No.4452033

I am saying that OP expressed such stupidity that any help is futile. Intelligence is innate.

>> No.4452055

Come on /sci/, I thought you were better than this.

>> No.4452061

How is OP's fear of death stupid? An eternity of unconsciousness is a pretty scary concept. Perhaps you could refrain from derailing this thread with your specious logic and idiotic ramblings? Have a nice day.

>> No.4452091

If intelligence is innate, why develop a language?

>> No.4452103


Poasting pseudo-philosophy on /sci/ is stupid and I don't derail anything. All my poasts are highly intelligent and consist of nothing but SCIENCE.

You don't develop language, you learn it, dumbass.

>> No.4452109

so are you saying that (a) language isn't malleable?

>> No.4452111

>Poasting pseudo-philosophy on /sci/ is stupid and I don't derail anything. All my poasts are highly intelligent and consist of nothing but SCIENCE.

what constitues real-philosophy that hasn't go to do with consciousness?

>> No.4452119

We have made so much progress in ending aging that there's simply no excuse for sitting on your hands and complaining about it. Instead, get to work doing something about it! Pretty much every field of science has something to contribute, so you should already have the foundation necessary to determine how you can help.

>> No.4452120

Fuck you and your philosophy troll abuse of words. I implied nothing.

Philosophy deals with the work of philosophers. There are no philosophers anymoar since the 20th century.

>> No.4452140

no, that wasn't a troll, you told me that you don't develop language, so you're saying language is static


>> No.4452142

also philosophy is, amongst other things, deals with the consciousness. this is the theme of op's post, so why isn't op a philosopher?

>> No.4452149

Stop misinterpreting my valuable SCIENCE poasts. If you don't learn language, but develop it, no one could communicate.

"zizek" is not an english word. We don't speak commie here.

OP is an edgy faggot. He doesn't know shit about the real philosophers and spams his angsty rubbish to look deep.

>> No.4452176

>OP is an edgy faggot. He doesn't know shit about the real philosophers and spams his angsty rubbish to look deep.

i don't think op is attempting to present himself as anything.. he's an anonymous poster who is asking questions, but okay

>"zizek" is not an english word. We don't speak commie here.
as a self-proclaimed cognoscente of philosophy, i'm extremely surprised you don't recognise the name zizek, but okay.. i guess your opinion is still valid

>Stop misinterpreting my valuable SCIENCE poasts. If you don't learn language, but develop it, no one could communicate.
"stop misinterpreting me"? maybe you should articulate yourself clearer. this isn't my fault, or necessarily yours, but you have to take in consideration how pliable interpreting can be

>> No.4452187

The fuck is your point? I'm not gonna discuss philosophy on a SCIENCE board. Are you trying to troll me?

>> No.4452192


>> No.4452195

What the fuck, man?


>> No.4452200


don't be mad

>> No.4452205

smoke weed errday

>> No.4452210

You're being trolled, guys.

>> No.4452216

Fuck you, I am mad. >:

>> No.4452221

You are a rat in a maze, and some doors can only be opened by solving the riddles on their exterior. All the rats must work together to escape this labyrinth.

You are trying to find one thing, one object or idea that represents the entire universe. But you have already found it, and it cannot be reduced any further. That thing is the universe, the definition that was declared to be the holy grail.

Then you realize that by traversing the labyrinth, you are not searching for the ultimate answer, but that you are building a map in your mind. Constructing a house, as Recoltes et Semailles would put it. Your body has already laid out the goals in front of you in the form of an adrenaline seeking rush, and all you have to do is to follow this trail down the rabbit hole.

>> No.4452233

Where did you copypaste this?

>> No.4452239

*You're really mad
Learn to read, you condescending half-wit.

>> No.4452245


>> No.4452255

Just to let you know, your posts are nothing but pretentious rubbish which add nothing to the discussion. I suppose you are one of those Dawkins fanboys who fail to see the value of anything that can't be quantified. OP raises an interesting point, how does the scientific community deal with the concept of death, given that it's largely atheistic? But of course, your conceited, shriveled little intellect could not possibly contribute successfully to such a discussion...

>> No.4452261

You are OP, you are a troll and you are mad because you're trolling faled. Amirite?

>> No.4452267

*Your, Failed (I hope you were trolling).
I'm not OP actually, just an anonymous user that despises hubris and ignorance, which you seem to have in spades. Perhaps I should have expected as much from a popular science faggot...

>> No.4452278

The fuck? Don't insult me. I hate pop sci. Pop sci is the cancer that is killing SCIENCE.

>> No.4452287

And yet your trip would have me believe you felt otherwise. I don't see you posting anything scientific to be honest, just a lot of shrill, inane babble. You know what's actually killing science? The widespread delusion of grandeur so common in people such as yourself.