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4450644 No.4450644 [Reply] [Original]

Should we ban sugar?

>> No.4450645

Start by banning fructose.

>> No.4450648



>> No.4450649

We should ban ALL aldehydes.

>> No.4450650

Why contain it?

>> No.4450654

Start taxing it like crazy like they just started doing in Denmark. Foods with 30% sugar are twice as expensive now.

>> No.4450655

Banning sugar would automatically solve obesity.

>> No.4450657

Only in the USA.

>> No.4450658 [DELETED] 


>> No.4450668



>> No.4450670

The US would be the last place it would get banned, you'd be cutting into corporate profits.

>> No.4450677
File: 66 KB, 269x267, Screen Shot 2012-03-11 at 12.57.08 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. Well, that sounds like a pretty good deal. But I think I may have a better one. How about, I give you the finger. And you give me my Sugar.

>> No.4450692

No. The government has no place banning any foods or drinks.
Fuck, I can't stand people like you who are so willing to give up their freedoms

>> No.4450697


>Poisons which a literally halving peoples lifespans.

>> No.4450699

If you want to drink poison it's YOUR decision, not your government's.

>> No.4450703

People cant make their own decisions.

>> No.4450706
File: 25 KB, 313x480, vingOP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much trolling
>I pray to Wohler these people aren't serious.

>> No.4450707

Last time I checked all the governments of the world are run by people.
Guess they shouldn't be making decisions about banning things either

>> No.4450712

Normal people*

>> No.4450714
File: 152 KB, 500x282, not on this planet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4450713

Well, I'm all for personal freedom, but we are 6 billion already - there isn't any freedom left. Start educating people about sugar and the companies will follow and reduce the amount they put into their products or replace it with Stevia or something.

>> No.4450719

When they outlaw sugar only outlaws will have sugar.

>> No.4450726
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But what use is sugar ... if you are unable to swallow?

>> No.4450729

yes, and TVs, and they should control the internet. and bad loli hentai, and all porn actually. and all sweets, and useless activities suck as games. and make it iligal to do anything that shortens your lifespan like smoking, drugs, oily foods and it should be mandatory to go jogging for 2h a day.

>> No.4450733
File: 42 KB, 243x127, drugs_why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ban sugar?

The pension funds and the pharma industry would like a word with you.

>> No.4450734

No that's really dumb. Our brains would not take kindly to low glucose. People should know how to moderate. Don't ban something, educate people.

>> No.4450739

Because prescription medications are awesome.
The better questions is why aren't you getting yourself any?

>> No.4450744

>ban sugar
enjoy never being able to concentrate and having no energy all day.

>> No.4450749

does this only mean pure sugar, or all sugar containing food? so are we banning all fruit and shit too?

>> No.4450750

would this ban include complex carbohydrates (still sugar). I ask because it would make it hard for a woman to put a sammich on bread.

>> No.4450751

Suger like soft drinks sugar.

>> No.4450755

>soft drinks sugar
at least learn what sugar is and what types you get plus what the body needs before trying to talk about if we should ban it/ how its bad.

>> No.4450758

since im made of alot of sugar, will i get band?

>> No.4450759

Warning label and restrict sales. Buying pepsi should be like buying everclear.

>> No.4450762

the sugar in a soft drink is the same as the sugar in an fruit.

I find your ignorance both amusing and appalling. I am amazed that you are able to feed yourself.

>> No.4450765

I live in the south, and if you heavily taxed the 400 lb people's food they would just be even poorer.

I'm 100% serious too.

>> No.4450768

Trees are mostly sugar. Are we banning them? I'm all for cutting down trees, but they are occasionally useful when building houses or making paper.

>> No.4450772


Fuck you trolls. Sugar is bad and it should be banned like cocain or pot.

>> No.4450777


Actually, not exactly. Fructose can screw up metabolic signaling. Also, fruit tends to have more complex carbs (albeit simpler than grains) than the sugar in soft drinks. I'm not saying you can't overdo fruit juice, though, because you certainly can.

>> No.4450779

sugar isn't 'bad' (nice subjective term with no real merit in a serious discussion) you are just ignorant.

>> No.4450783


>> No.4450782

to paraphrase Asimov. If you think the second statement is as wrong as the first one then you are wronger than both of them.

>> No.4450786

I think that is the same high minded logic and adherence to quality science that creationists use.

>> No.4450787

i see we are living in a world where all soft drinks use the same sugar.

>> No.4450790

High Fructose Corn Syrup FTW

>> No.4450795

yes. also exhalation, because it causes global warming, and dihydrogen monoxide because it is a universal solvent.

>> No.4450796


Watch this and tell me Sugar is not a problem you dolts.

>> No.4450799

I'd be happy when there was a law against the ridiculously high sugar content in strawberry yoghurt (19 percent added sugar is just disgusting).

something like 5 percent added sugar should be maximum for foods.

>> No.4450800

>something in large amounts is bad for you, we should totally completely ban it!
if you drink yo much water, its poison should we ban water too?

>> No.4450803

I worked as a bike courier for a summer; cycling thousands of kilometers a week. I had to stuff my face with doughnuts and other sugary foods constantly to keep going and I still lost weight. Sugar shouldn't be banned just because the majority of people in the industrialized world live a lifestyle incompatible with a high sugar intake. It would be like banning milk in areas where most people are lactose intolerant.

>> No.4450806

then buy another strawberry yogurt.

>> No.4450810

Obesity is a chemistry/biochemistry problem. I'm not going to lend much weight to an M.D. who probably doesn't understand the basics of organic chemistry. This video will be some guy parroting and misrepresenting the work of real scientists from 10 years prior. I trust a doctors to cut out a bad appendix and to give me the drugs I've asked for. That's it.

>> No.4450824

ITT: Biology

Not pictured: Biology majors

We kind of need sugar to, you know, live.

>Math and Physics
>Able to solve health problems

>> No.4450826

Doctors are just mechanics. You're the car.

>> No.4450827

If you ban sugar, there is going to be a sugar black market, where sugar dealers extract sugar from plants and sell it for $10 a gram.

>> No.4450828

>comparing sugar to cocaine
>comparing marijuana to cocaine

Please tell me I am being trolled.

>> No.4450839

I think that was my point. There is a difference between the mechanic that fixes the car and the engineer that knows how it all works.

>> No.4450844


What the flying fuck am I reading ?

>> No.4450851

it's the truth, really

>> No.4450859

Why stop there?

Ban alkanes. No, ban hydrocarbons.

>> No.4450868

no it's not. Fructose might be bad in large quantities but glucose is necessary to live.

You think you can live on proteins and vitamins alone ?

Also, orange juice contains just as much sugar as soda drinks (100g/L), so banning sodas isn't a solution either.

>> No.4450873

>unintelligent politician extroverts and the uneducated voters who put them in power
>smarter than I
>I and my 2270 SAT
>thank god we'll have creationist politicians making even more decisions for us
>oh and we'll have roid-raging community college educated cops enforcing this whoohoo

>> No.4450892

In Norway, there's $3,16 extra in fees per kg of any food, partially glazed with, or containig more than 50% weight in sugar, chocolate and like.
Manufacturers and importers are obliged to this fee.

>> No.4450988

They arr the same

>> No.4451000

I'm curios how you managed to hit the r instead of the l key. It's a different reach on a different hand with a different finger.

>> No.4451008


It's obvious he was trying to say "They are the same" and not "They all the same"

>> No.4451018

>brag about your SAT scores to seem smart

Well somebody here is lying to themselves.

>> No.4451021

your right.

>> No.4451039

then make your own, or buy diet yogurt

>> No.4451159

That's the stupidest idea I've ever heard. It's like wanting to ban water because people can drown in it. What we need to do is teach and encourage self-discipline -- especially for you, OP, since your thought is one that most certainly comes from someone who is fatter-than-fatass and can't seem to make any headway on the problem.

>> No.4451176

Let the bodies pile up on the streets, in the end - they'll beg us to save them.


>> No.4451392

(I'm not him and I guess it was QWERTY anyway since "they are the same makes more sense")

>> No.4451398

I'm pretty sure that a health diet and body lend for a healthy lifestyle

>> No.4451406
File: 34 KB, 480x270, the-hobbit-20090612071644875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you fucking taking the ring to mordor or not?