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File: 34 KB, 657x395, blackhole1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4446958 No.4446958 [Reply] [Original]

Yesterday you guys laughed at me for my proposal to observe the inside of a lack hole. However, I came up with a new solution.

If someone was to sacrifice themselves, is it possible they could stick their head in and use their hands to communicate?

>> No.4446964

>implying the electrical signals from your brain would ever get to your hands

>> No.4446965

can't tell if trolling, or dumbest person alive

>> No.4446971

well what if we send in like a camera with a string and then put just the tip of the lens in so we can see?

>> No.4446973


any outlandish scenario you construct will simply be you overlooking how information still cannot escape the event horizon

7/10 because I got irritated

>> No.4446974



>> No.4446976

says the 12 year old lol!

>> No.4446977

Once you cross the event horizon, you get into the area where all the captured photons are. Enjoy your millions of degrees in your face. That is, if the gravity doesn't somehow kill you first.

>> No.4446983
File: 17 KB, 657x395, fingerblackhole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain, why can't I simply stick my finger in the event horizon and pull it out quickly?

>> No.4446989
File: 255 KB, 412x428, 1330746336754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4446990
File: 41 KB, 519x212, ADYK77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4446991

If you can move your finger faster than light you could...

>> No.4446994

The event horizon of a black hole is a "lightlike surface" --- meaning that if you are near it, the horizon appears to be moving at the speed of light. (If you observe it from a distance, outside the black hole, it appears to be stationary. From inside the hole, the horizon is literally in the past.)

Actually all the captured photons are at the pointlike singularity at the center of the hole ... you will be too, shortly.

>> No.4446996

what if you have a charged black hole where it has 2 event horizens where you can go in, reach the second one then get back out, or does it not count becasue you exit in a different universe?

>> No.4447002

but what if you send messages through it and then use a white hole to communicate and travel through it could this work please respond?

>> No.4447011
File: 21 KB, 657x395, alcubierre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, now what about this, Alcubierre drive over the black hole. It's faster than light.

>> No.4447020

Well that doesn't make sense. I could build a giant ladder and climb it out of the earths gravity. I wouldn't need to climb at 7 mile/seconds

>> No.4447022

inside a black hole the radial coordinate become time-like and the time coordinate becomes space-like, this means that the radial distance gets smaller in the same way that time goes forward, so you need a time machine to get out, not an Alcubierre drive. this is also why nothing can get outt, becasue that would be the same as going back in time.

>> No.4447027

thats not a correct explanation, see >>4447022

>> No.4447029


in relativity, a time machine and faster-that-light travel are equivalent. any non-null interval is either timelike or spacelike.

>> No.4447037

The earth is not a blackhole, blackholes holds special properties. And then again i redirect you to read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_holes#Event_horizon

>> No.4447039

>in relativity, a time machine and faster-that-light travel are equivalent
no its not, a FTL ship doesn't go back in time, it can be used t go back in time if you do some complex accelerations, but as is, it wont go back.

>any non-null interval is either timelike or spacelike.
yes and?

>> No.4447040

The ladder can't hold its shape in a black hole. The electromagnetic interactions that give it "solidity" only propagate at the speed of light. The individual atoms (and even the elementary particles within that--it's not even an atom anymore) are completely isolated from everything else. Matter of any type loses coherence within a black hole.

>> No.4447042

>yes and?
or are you confusing a time-like vector with a time-like coordinate?

>> No.4447043

When the person is absorbed by the black hole, don't we have some information about what is on the inside? I mean the person is there, so we know something, right?

>> No.4447046
File: 8 KB, 657x395, blackhole2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, now what about this.

>> No.4447050

The faster than light neutrino was proved wrong recently. It was an error in measurment, due to the computer network.

>> No.4447054

unless the neutrino can travel back in time, no. and now that i think about it, even accelerating to change frames wont allow a FTL object in a black hole to travel back in time and get out becasue the radial coordinate is timelike in all frames.

>> No.4447058
File: 17 KB, 657x395, blackhole3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this then?

>> No.4447063

this might work.

>> No.4447061

Tachyon is an hypotetical particle with no experimental evidence to support it, it's no more than sci-fi for now.

>> No.4447066

Blackholes are hypotetical with no experimental evidence to support them, they're no more than sci-fi for now.

>> No.4447071

chose something that really has no experimental evidence when retaliating, or you will come of as a retard.

>> No.4447078

Black holes have many experimental evidence such as the lack of light in certain region of the space. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_hole#Observational_evidence

>> No.4447079

If you wish to see inside a black hole...
... you must first uninvent causality.

>> No.4447085

You only see the change in angular momentum (if rotating BH), mass and charge. You can't tell what went past the event horizon if you didn't actually observe this passage.
Read the no-hair theorem.

>> No.4447090
File: 119 KB, 435x580, Really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to understand that a black hole is a star... aka extremely hot, at least as hot as a neutron star.

The gravitational energy of the event horizon is strong enough to trap light. There is no way that anything slower than light can go near the event horizon without being trapped. aka everything that passes the event horizon joins the singularity

>> No.4447095

why do people always say this?
i blame popsci.

>> No.4447113

that is what was instructed to me by Prof of astronomy... he has a phd in astro physics

If that was wrong then he taught us "wrong" (like electron spheres or sub-atomic particles) or he does not know

>> No.4447125

space science professor was teaching me the same thing in the last ~2 months.