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File: 62 KB, 450x601, memes-baby-godfather-put-him-in-cement-slippies[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4440509 No.4440509 [Reply] [Original]

Somone mind explaing to me how a person could suddenly regain lost sight due to blindess? I've got a christfag repeating this example in an attempt to restore my faith.

>> No.4440523


nothing that happens is evidence of the supernatural until you can account for all natural laws and phenomena and can then conclude phenomena X is supernatural.

nothing that happens in our universe is evidence for God. I can imagine 1010000 more likely explanations than God, aliens and wizards are more plausible.
>In 1960, Maurice von Senden restored vision to 65 patients with congenital cataracts.[7] Corneal grafts are also becoming more common. More recently, another condition called aniridia has been treated with reconstructive surgery using the membrane from the amniotic sac that surrounds a fetus combined with stem cell transplantation into the eye.[11] In 2003, three people were successfully implanted with a permanent "retinal prosthesis" by researchers at the University of Southern California. Each patient wore spectacles with miniature video cameras that transmitted signals to a 4-mm-by-5-mm retinal implant via a wireless receiver embedded behind the ear.[12]

>> No.4440522

there's lots of different ways.

one example would be a pituitary tumor pressing against the optic nerves suddenly shrinking in size for some reason.

>> No.4440531

The same way a tv can start working when you smack it

>> No.4440535

a tumor might be pressing against the optic nerve.

>> No.4440542

something might be pressing against te optic nerve, like a tumor.

if you remove the tumor, the optic nerve will no longer be repress

>> No.4440546

i think there's a condition where a tumor might be pressing against the nerve that transmits information to the occipital lobes of the brain.

>> No.4440548

it can be a tumor causing it

>> No.4440549

inb4 Kindergarten Cop

>> No.4440551

could tumor near optic

>> No.4440555

what about tumors?

>> No.4440556


>half the world lives on less than $2 dollars a day
>22,000 children die each day due to poverty

>Almost two in three people lacking access to clean water
>1.4 million children die each year from lack of access to safe drinking water


>> No.4440567

Psychosomatic.........................................or...maybe tumor.

>> No.4440569

>22,000 children die each day due to poverty
>1.4 million children die each year from lack of access to safe drinking water

and how many are born to replace them? a decrease in population in the 3rd world is exactly what we need.

>> No.4440573

Well, I heard about something once. It was involving a tumour exercising a certain pressure on the optic nerve.

>> No.4440576

pituitary tumor, optic nerves. shrinkage.

>> No.4440577

Probably a tumor pressing against the optic nerve.

Why didn't anyone mention this?

>> No.4440579

or a tumor.

>> No.4440582


>and how many are born to replace them? a decrease in population in the 3rd world is exactly what we need.

More are born than die. It actually increases population.
When child mortality is low and people are rich, they only have 2 or less children on average, thus controlling the population.

In fact if those african children survived and were educated their countries would have an exponentially higher chance at economic growth and with growth comes lower birth rates, and population stabilization.

As long as child mortality is high, its hard to educate and employ efficient labor, and what happens is a vicious cycle of poverty that is hard to escape.

>> No.4440585
File: 79 KB, 720x479, magic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jebus is wizard

>> No.4440602


high mortality rates = ppl overcompensate and have too many kids

population goes even higher
their productivity goes even lower due to overpopulation
their resources deplete even quicker
their infrastructure gets oversaturated
health and education is harder to facilitate which leads to more unemployment, poverty and death rates

which leads to ppl having more children, and so forth

>> No.4440687

Have you considered the possibility that the example being presented to you is entirely fictitious?

I'm willing to bet it's not the first work of fiction this individual has presented to you.