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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4439149 No.4439149 [Reply] [Original]

I'm beginning to think /sci/ is full of bunch of stupid negroids... I've lost respect for you /sci/ and I spit in your general direction. Goodbye forever cause I never learn anything useful from here... all you guys do is argue and think you're special and a genius... you people disgust me.

>> No.4439151

I hate you OP.

>> No.4439155

Cool story bro.

>> No.4439158

Mad biologist general?
Mad biologist general.

>> No.4439156

You OP are so correct. I must leave now as well.

>> No.4439159
File: 206 KB, 892x703, 1329614758568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is cool. Because you know what I'm talking about, bro.

>> No.4439160

Buttmad soft science major with low IQ detected.

>> No.4439163
File: 24 KB, 393x552, 1322218157846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you die cancer.
>>confirmed for English Major.
enjoy your teaching.

>> No.4439165

What?.. what does that have to do with my point.

>> No.4439168

You're clearly a biologist who got frusterated with the math and hard science we discuss here.

>> No.4439172

Welcome to the human race.
There is no comradery out there for you. Humans only gather against a common enemy. I share your frustration. It does not help that shit posters have way more time then people who are down for interesting conversation and knowledge sharing.

>> No.4439175

What? no I'm an Aerospace Engineering major at UF. Why would you think I'm an English major...

>> No.4439182
File: 68 KB, 766x800, mastermind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also my girlfriend is black so fuck your racism OP

>> No.4439187

I'm not asking for much... I just wish we could actually talk about something productive.. instead we only get faggots like the following:


They're always saying this same shit and accusing everyone else for being bad at math and "hard sciences" and trying to feel better about themselves or something... I don't know... whatever I'll just leave you guys to it.. 420chan's engineering, science and mathematics boards are so much better... just really slow...

>> No.4439192
File: 115 KB, 651x481, h9osN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you go to le reddit? It's 4chan for grown-ups.

>> No.4439196

For some reason this board attracts pathetic idiots who try to feel better about themselves by attacking biology. It is rather strange since arbitrarily excluding one of the main 3 sciences and claiming it is not a hard science is obviously something only a moron would do.

>> No.4439199

I hear bad things about reedit.. and I don't want to sell my soul to the devil.. oh well maybe it's worth it

>> No.4439204

Why don't we get together and make this board a better place and not tolerate bullshit like that.. other boards like /wg/ and /hr/ do just fine with intolerance.. they ignore the shit out of trolls.. The /sci/ board should not have trolls

>> No.4439209

>main 3 sciences

Mathematics, physics and chemistry.

See? No biology in here.

>> No.4439211

It's not about feeling better. We don't need to feel better, when we already know we are the best. It's about stating the truth. Only biologists can't accept it.

>> No.4439215

Mathematics is not a science you dolt. It is common knowledge that the main three sciences are Physics, chemistry and biology. I would blame this stupidity on butthurt physics students but it saddens me to think someone smart enough to get onto a science course could hold such ignorant opinions about other sciences.

>> No.4439223

Dammit fuck you fags.. get the fuck out.. It's already starting.. THIS IS EXACTLY WHY WE CANNOT FUCKING HAVE NICE THINGS.

>> No.4439224

Math is not science?

WTF am I reading?

You probably also believe that science is not applied philosophy.

>> No.4439229

Correct. We can't have nice things because buttmad biologists and trolls keep bringing up the same shit over and over again.

>> No.4439259

If moot made a /bio/ board we wouldnt have the buttmad bio fags shitting up the board.

Here's an idea. Any post with the keyword bio or biology is automatically redirected to >>>/an/

>> No.4439274

>thinks everything in biology is zoology

Well done for confirming you anti-biology people are not very bright.

>> No.4439316
File: 88 KB, 506x381, biologistsandphysics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> fundamental science
pick one

>mathematically rigorous
pick one

>> No.4439370

All the physics, chem, math and CS people are just mad because bio-fags get all the bitches, while they get to jerk off to 8-bit anime.

>> No.4439372

Right, they get bitches, we get real women.

>> No.4439386

All this talk about hard vs. soft science makes me want to fuck a kitten.

I am fairly certain no one on this board actually knows the fundamental distinction between the 2. It has nothing to do with how difficult a field is or how "sciency."

Hard sciences tend rely on empirical evidence and numbers. Areas such as physics, chemistry, mathematics and biology are generally hard sciences.

Soft sciences include things like psychology and anthropology, which typically rely on qualitative data and interpretation.

This isn't to say that these classifications are set in stone though. Some people who may study animal behaviour might call themselves biologist, but what they are (usually) doing is a soft science.

>> No.4439390

Anime pillows aren't real women. Try harder.

>> No.4439409

Assblasted biologist detected. Hard science implies a field with a rigorous treatment of mathematics, and is fundamental in nature.

Biology is not even a science. Biology is a hobby for chemists that like plants and animals.

>> No.4439410

why biology is not a hard science
1) proven lower GRE scores than physicists/chemists and engineers
2) proven lower IQ than physicists/chemists and engineers
3) statistically higher belief in a deity
4) not classified as a "fundamental science"
5) mock/make fun of physicists
6) call physicists egotistical for considering physics to be the "master of all sciences" (which, we don't)
7) claim that physicists/chemists do not know shit about biology
8) vanilla biology is route memorization
9) little to absolutely no mathematics involved in fundamental models
10) models which do involve mathematics are repeatedly violated in almost every experimental biological system
11) models are never "set in stone" - you don't see newton's laws of motion change on a daily basis and see people flying off the face of the earth in their underpants
12) biologists have a strong case of 'physics envy' (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physics_envy))
13) biologists usually take modified mathematics/physical science courses that are less rigorous because they are either too lazy or incapable of doing proofs

>> No.4439415

U just jelly of my waifu.

>> No.4439416
File: 18 KB, 331x500, 2750227-L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing developments in the field of physics:


Biologists confirmed for:
-Studying a subject that isn't hard or rigorous
-Cannot into math

Gee, with all these reasons, who WOULDN'T call biology a soft science?

>> No.4439422

Just because the math is more complex, does not mean that the treatment of it is more "rigorous"

You will be hard pressed to find an article in a peer-reviewed journal on biology that does not use quantitative data (apart from maybe the occasional theory based article on evolution or a review)

>> No.4439430

>math is more complex
Biology doesn't even use math. Combinatorics, cable theory and linear DEs are not fucking math.

>> No.4439433

Physics is more rigorous because it's looking at a lower-level and simpler system. Higher levels of emergence are just harder to model, which is why biology tends to dissolve into hand-waving and qualitative arguments.

>> No.4439442

So you're going to qualitatively define your parameter (the complexity of math) to argue your point?

You're really convincing me about the superiority of physics.

>> No.4439458

Biology major is more interesting. Requires less math than, say, physics major. Neither are employable with a bachelor's. Biomedical engineering is interesting, employable and mathematically rigorous.

>> No.4439462

Physics= orginan of the universe and all existance

biology= the reason worms wiggle and bugs have three legs

Hmmm I wonder which one is better?

>> No.4439467

Physics = why objects fall
Biology = the origin of life

Hmmm I wonder which is better?

See, I can do the same thing.

>> No.4439470

No, you can't. Biology does not explain the origin of life and your post is just a ridiculous expression of buttfrustration.

>> No.4439485

Yes, yes it does explore the origin of life. It seems like you didn't have a good response there.

Biology also studies the chemical and electrical events in your brain that allow you to think about the origin of the universe.

>> No.4439488

>implying that biologists have not and do not study abiogenesis
You could say its biochem, but it sure as hell involves biology.

>> No.4439489

No, that's neuroscience.

>> No.4439494

When I finished reading your responses, I responded. When I finished that, I thought. I thought, "it seems like nobody here has any idea what they are talking about." Many of you use the words biology, math and physics as loosely as possible. You speak so poorly, you add nothing to the conversation.

>> No.4439496

Hasnt it been proven that physicists make better biologists than biologists themselves?

>> No.4439499

Most neuroscientists receive training in biology. Undergraduate and graduate neuroscience programs are a relatively recent phenomenon.

>> No.4439505

Yes, it has. Have you ever seen a biologist doing research in your physics department? I don't think so.

>> No.4439511

"Proven" - typical uneducated rabble

And no, most physicists utterly slaughter even simple biological principles when they are invited to a talk. It's quite sad.

>> No.4439515

>simple biological principles

>implying there is anything that isn't simple in biology

>> No.4439520

Than why do they have physicists talk about biology somtimes in documentaries

>> No.4439529

So basically, you can't actually argue against someone who is more cognitively advanced than yourself AND studies biology, so you resort to belittling their discipline based on the notion that yours is better?

>> No.4439533

People here say biology is not a hard science for the same reason /k/ has people saying Glocks are worthless and /pol/ has nonstop Ron Paul worship. A majority of the board agrees, and it's a very, very easy way to express group identity while trolling the people who don't agree.

As a biofag myself (in fact, bio-anthro, premed, interested in public health), I don't mind it at all. Haters gonna hate.

>> No.4439572

Bio-Anthro??? Get the fuck out bio fag!

jk, I'm a Neuroscience/Primatology-fag myself. It's always nice to see people mixing up related disciplines.

>> No.4440595

>majority agrees

I somehow doubt that. I at least hope /sci/ is not so fucking retarded that a majority believes something that is objectively false.