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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4438582 No.4438582 [Reply] [Original]

>be god tier mathfag
>take a physics course
>mfw I have to do assignments with FUCKING NUMBERS
>oh no, a linear equation
>babby tier integration and derivatives

I thought physics was hard science in 26 dimensions.
All I got was a bunch of losers who can't into highschool math.
What the fuck is this shit?

Physics confirmed for biology tier.

>> No.4438586

OP confirmed for being in shit Uni and degree

>> No.4438588

op confirmed for taking babby's first physics class

>> No.4438591

>implying "babby's first" class shouldn't be hard as well in an alleged "hard" science

>> No.4438599

Yea, introductory classes are generally pretty easy.

>> No.4438600

2nd year student twin bachelor maths-physics here.

While i tend to have better grades at physics courses than maths courses (even though i started out only doing bachelor in maths), you're just at a horrible university or you're taking the wrong courses.

>> No.4438605

was calc I hard?

heh, see this is a lose-lose because if you say yes, youre a goddamn retard. if you say no, then you contradict yourself.

>> No.4438610

Calculus is highschool and not university level. The first math course is analysis I and can be hard, if it's done by the right professor.

>> No.4438611

i honestly wish i'd studied maths + physics rather than straight physics because holy shit there are so many boring rote learning modules in physics that are compulsory at my uni.

>> No.4438612

>implying you're not in a high-school-level basic mechanics course

>> No.4438617

>implying physicists have the mental capacity to do more than babby's first mechanics in their first year

Cry harder. You're not better than a biofag.

>> No.4438618

>studying anything scientific

Virgins for life.

>> No.4438621

>take babby physics -101
>expect fucking high tier maths and concepts
>get told that you are scum and have to do babby shit
>cry on /sci/

>> No.4438626

More like physicists crying ITT because they have to admit that their field is not as hard as they want it to be.

>> No.4438634

So if you understand something well and it is easy for you, then the university is bad? Does that mean, that a good university makes it extra hard for students to understand the subject?

Or are you implying that the content of the subjects taught somehow change? As far as I know Physics is the same in the whole universe, it should therefore be the same no matter where you learn it.

>> No.4438636

Lol you are the one crying because you say an introductory course is easy. Get told that the math introductory course is easy as well. Then you use your great reasoning skill to say that "analysis I and can be hard, if it's done by the right professor." Great reasoning skills you have there.

>> No.4438647

So you think classical mechanics is hard?

Confirmed for full retard (typical physicist).

>> No.4438651


most math physicists need is like calc 3 and linear algebra

lol, economics needs more math

>> No.4438654

Lol I hope you're trolling or you are fucking retarded.

>> No.4438656

>First math course is analysis

No, the first math course is calc1 at nearly every school you idiot.

>> No.4438660

confirmed 4 german

>> No.4438661

Not in Europe, you dumb amerifats. "Calculus" is highschool shit for 14 year olds.

>> No.4438678

It's a semantic matter then...

The Analysis classes at my college are far beyond freshman ability

>> No.4438683

That's what we call a "shit tier" uni.

>> No.4438681

I cant believe all we do is discuss whether a discipline is hard or not

why do I even keep coming back

>> No.4438692

Maths is obviously above physics. What were you expecting?

>> No.4438705

>they think that the standard for university isn't held to that set by American universities

you know there's a reason that 95% of top universities are in the US right?

>> No.4438709

lol look at op bumping his thread

>> No.4438730

Then why does your undergrad education suck so hard?

>> No.4438739

GA Tech

lol, yurop
You have better secondary education, though. Especially in Germany.

>> No.4438743

because it's enough to get people into our god tier graduate schools?

also, there are a lot more people who want to come here for school than people who want to go to Europe. i wonder why.

>> No.4438758

Yeah why? For sure not to learn calculus or babby mechanics.

>> No.4438759

because you throw money at problems, europe requires actually solving problems

americas research is rated higher only because they pay higher salaries to top researchers who go after the money. if it wasnt for europeans, america would be the asshole of nowhere.

>> No.4438778

protip- without money, science goes nowhere.

something ive learned throughout my university career is that most people dont even have a good grasp on the basics of that shit when they take it in high school. that's probably why MIT starts you off with those classes, and if it's good enough for them, it's good enough for me to. and probably too good for you retards that are trying to say europe has better education.

>> No.4438789


all caps so you dont try to use that bit against me.

>> No.4438800

I don't understand why people think any math is hard. You are taught formulas and rules to solve every problem you are given. I'm not saying physics is hard either because you are taught all the laws and rules. Honesty nothing really gets hard until you get to the theoretical part of science

>> No.4438811

>to solve every problem they are given

Confirmed for highschool retard who has never seen a real math problem.

(I know you're trolling. Don't even try to respond.)

>> No.4438813

What is primary and secondary education?

>> No.4438819

primary- elementary school
secondary- middle/high school

not completely sure what they call it in Europe (or even if it's consistent between countries or not)

>> No.4438821

>implying it's not true
It just comes down to applying what you have been taught.

>> No.4438824

I attend a private college which accepts 20% of its applicants. And I fail to see how a rigorous Real Analysis course makes a school worse...

You take analysis when you're 18, have little formal education in math and cannot fully appreciate the material, nor write out a formal proof? Yea, real god tier.

>> No.4438828

I wouldn't call these "education" at all. Their only purpose is to show that you are not horribly retarded.

>> No.4438832

You gain the formal math education by taking analysis and solving the problems. How else can you learn writing a proof other than seeing some and trying it yourself?

>> No.4438833

Yes, you are taught rules to solve every problem you are given.

However, much the same as in physics; a problem could require you to see some obscure case in a rule or a relationship between two rules you were never told.

>> No.4438834

>implying you can apply what you haven't been taught

>> No.4438843

Maths is above physics however when you want to apply maths you use physics/engineering/ect...

So essentially, cool for you, but without actually having knowledge in other fields you are forever the bitch of 'lesser" fields

>> No.4438847

babby's first troll?

the education gained in elementary school is invaluable to most people. sure some of us were lucky enough to have parents who give a shit about their kids education and will teach them most of that shit at home, but a lot of kids have shitty parents who never introduce them to education, and so the kids have to fall back on school.

however i will say that the constant increase of importance our government puts on standardized tests disgusts me, and is the main reason our young people are largely fucking retarded. all they learn throughout their early years is how to pass a fucking test.

>> No.4438876

The primary and secondary "education" consists of the absolute basics to be not considered an animal. Real education is more than that. Real education is knowledge and abilities that go beyond fundamental functioning.

>> No.4438907

Not really. It's pretty easy for person studying maths go work in an engineering/physics/chemistry/biology/compsci department doing maths that's two difficult fro them.

Courses in physics taht are the most mathematically demanding like quantum field theory and string theory often get taught in maths departments rather than physics departments.

>> No.4438930

>QFT / String theory in the math dept
lol. Besides mathematicians can't handle QFT

>> No.4438935

definitely a troll, but i'll bite.

without those basics, you'd never be able to do any "real" education. you have to learn to crawl, then walk, then run. you cant just pop out of the womb and go for a jog just like you can't do calculus without knowing arithmetic.

>> No.4438939

This is true, although I have heard that there is no real branch of quantum physics yet, because although we can describe it and the formulas we don't know the why yet

>> No.4438945

I didn't say you don't need them. All I said was that they don't deserve the name "education". Learning to eat or to walk is not education either. It is just expected from every person that is not born with a severe disability.

>> No.4438947

>there is no real branch of quantum physics yet

>> No.4438966

As I've stated they can only truly apply their mathematical knowledge to other fields, even if they are heavily demanding in math they require the knowledge of said applicable field to be useful

>> No.4438970

Yea we understand how it works but not why it works

>> No.4438980

Calculus is school math here in Germany.
One starts with Analysis 1 and Linear Algebra 1

>> No.4438981

Take the sage out of your name field. It makes you look like a retard.

>> No.4438986

These are lecture courses a 4th year mathematics student can take.
>quantum field theory
>solitons and instantons
>advanced quantum field theory
>string theory
and plenty of other mathematically demanding physical topics.

Physics is too hard for physicists.

>> No.4438997

no. sage goes in every field, just forgot subject sry

>> No.4439002

>even too stupid for /b/

Go back to le reddit.

>> No.4439008


well thats why i am on /sci/ genius

>> No.4439009

Shitposting is pointless. Stop wasting your time.

>> No.4439010


>> No.4439014

why thanks. i luf anime

>> No.4439021

Just because there are math departments that have physics courses offered in them doesn't mean they are only for mathematicians. At my school all of those classes are taught by the physics dept. Besides, they wouldn't be called "physicists" if they didn't do physics.

>> No.4439024

i can tell

>> No.4439068

>studying anything not related to science

Jobless for life.

>> No.4439089

Instead of tearing eachother down why don't you try to help eachother become smarter

All this bashing hurts intellectual development

>> No.4439097

>expecting intellectual development from people of lower intelligence


>> No.4439111

That's like saying physicists should try to help biologists understnad science. Fuck that shit. Biology holds the real sciences back enough

>> No.4439125
File: 209 KB, 361x361, 1322467901180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a troll. Sage now...
If he was really smart... he would have known exactly what to expect.

>> No.4439169
File: 56 KB, 400x500, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>god tier mathfag
>I thought physics was hard science in 26 dimensions.

>26 dimiensions
>god tier mathfag
>not seeing how shitty and artificial 26 is.

>pic related
that's how real god tier mathfags ends/looks like

>> No.4439176

>Biology holds the real sciences back enough

You know, all the >biology >a hard science pick 1 is just trolling. Physics is undoubtedly harder than Biology, but I really don't see how it holds the "real sciences" back.
I know you have no education and come on /sci/ to see all this trolling, inevitably you will decide to speak up, but please stop. You're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.4439179

Buttmad physicist detected.

How does it feel to have only a B in your physics courses, because the A's are for math gods?

>> No.4439181

troll more subtly /b/ro

>> No.4439185

The truth is not trolling. Deal with it.

>> No.4439186

>somehow change?
It would require the most powerful of magics for universities around the world to not do exactly the same things as each other! Disregard that possibility.

>> No.4439206

OP, what did you study in this alleged analysis class? At this point its worth noting that calculus is a sub-field of analysis.

>> No.4439205

I get A's in my physics class and math class, but I know that math won't be the field that brings the great new innovations of the future. In fact with the increasing power and popularity of computers its only a matter of time before learning math becomes a thing of the past.

>> No.4439212

Not OP but...
>but I know that math won't be the field that brings the great new innovations of the future
Ever heard of this thing they call a computer?

> In fact with the increasing power and popularity of computers its only a matter of time before learning math becomes a thing of the past.
Oh. You have. You just don't realise that they're mathematical in their nature, and that its the study of mathematics that allows us to make advances in their technology... How stupid you are.

>> No.4439219

>hurr why do we need math when we have calculators

Come on, this troll is sooooo old.

>> No.4439221



>> No.4439227

Yea except you're wrong. Computers aren't built using mathematics

>> No.4439234

>what did you study in this alleged analysis class?
If you ever took an analysis class, you'd have an idea of what contents are taught.

>At this point its worth noting that calculus is a sub-field of analysis.
So? Solving quadratic equations might also be a sub-field in your opinion. Sub-fields are not necessarily hard mathematics.

>> No.4439237

Have you ever heard of computer science?

>> No.4439238

Yea there is a reason why its not called computer mathematics

>> No.4439240

Are you a fucking idiot? Who suggested they were built using mathematics? Its the processes they perform that are mathematical.

>> No.4439243
File: 40 KB, 220x191, big-grin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4439246

this guy did