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4436767 No.4436767 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone have any good recommendations for sources on Lorentz Transformations?

>> No.4436930
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>mfw INTPs still think they're superior

>> No.4436939

>implying not

>> No.4436948


>> No.4436954
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>> No.4436980
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This guy knows about the true master race.

>> No.4436982
File: 27 KB, 400x320, ISTP poster3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4436996
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>needing to take an entire car apart to understand the mechanics
>not being able to abstract the parts in your head and mentally
build a car
>thinking you're even anywhere close to being master race

>> No.4437014
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>being an INTP

1/2 of all INTPs are virgin neckbeards and live in their mothers basement, the other half are scientists and engineers who are generally completely underappreciated. As a teenager they are usually too cool for school (and for other people apparently), and spend their best years on IRCs, where they behave like hysterical extroverts. Like INTJs, they are self-absorbed, miserable, pedantic, passive-aggressive loners with a reputation for viciously and obsessively criticising others at the slightest mistake, and all under the guise of "speaking their minds" and some rubbish about "accuracy" and "the ultimate truth of it all". INTPs have some things in common with INFPs, but INTPs are better than INFPs in every imaginable way, and also in several ways that aren't imaginable. However, his type will soon go extinct anyway, due to their inability to talk to anyone.

>> No.4437015
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>OP thought this thread would be about his question

>> No.4437025
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>being an INTJ

They categorize everything and waste time looking at shit that doesn't matter. They plot to take over the world and hate everyone, even as a child. INTJs can become vastly overconfident and will often times get stuck on a particular line of thinking that destroys their ability to troubleshoot problems, and have a low tolerance for spin or rampant emotionalism, some argue that half of INTJs' intelligence is pure arrogance. They may hide behind their knowledge, rationalizing that the net costs exceed the net benefits in the relationship, and so it is illogical to peruse in one. But no matter how cold they seem, they secretly spend a lot of time, before going to sleep, imagining a guy/girl that loves them. They would be great leaders, assuming half of the population wasn't nearly as retarded as it is right now. Most likely to be manipulated by an ENTJ or kill everyone in their sector at work, or become an hero (after INFJ, who was just killed by an ENTJ). INTJs make ideal companions to INTPs, as neither of them notices they're in a relationship.

>> No.4437047

All of those but the imagining a guy/girl. Speak for yourself.

>> No.4437050 [DELETED] 

>being an INTJ

You are part an elite few of soldiers who carries the burden of civilization on your shoulders. Though society may not be aware of your influence, you hold the universe together. Your vastly superior intellect is never wasted, and you are cognizant enough to adopt the proper amount of humility. Everything you do is accomplished with ease, yet you do not flaunt this great ability. Even though others may slow you down, you realize that it is better every reach the goal together and you are the engine. You feel emotions that lower life forms, like INTPs, could only dream of feeling, but again in your infinite grace and humility you suppress this as to not offend others with your superior sentimentality. Pussy is thrown at you everywhere you go, and though you may often indulge yourself, your sagacity understands restraint and limitation. Sometimes your excellence causes ravenous envy in others, so you courageously sacrifice yourself for the good of humanity. You are the most awesome being on this planet.


>> No.4437053
File: 7 KB, 122x130, ozymandias-adrian-veidt-watchmen-105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being an INTJ

You are part an elite few of soldiers who carries the burden of civilization on your shoulders. Though society may not be aware of your influence, you hold the universe together. Your vastly superior intellect is never wasted, and you are cognizant enough to adopt the proper amount of humility. Everything you do is accomplished with ease, yet you do not flaunt this great ability. Even though others may slow you down, you realize that it is better everyone reach the goal together and you are the engine. You feel emotions that more sorrowful and more beautiful that lower life forms, like INTPs, could only dream of feeling, but again in your infinite grace and humility you suppress this as to not offend others with your superior sentimentality. Pussy is thrown at you everywhere you go, and though you may often indulge yourself, your sagacity understands restraint and limitation. Sometimes your excellence causes ravenous envy in others, so you courageously sacrifice yourself for the good of humanity. You are the most awesome being on this planet.


>> No.4437054


The amazing thing is, it's only like a 75% chance that you're trolling.

>> No.4437083

It's up to IXXX to kill the EXXX before they can fuck up the earth with their high birth rate, idiocy, and refusal to learn.

This is always their place in the world.

>> No.4437601
File: 75 KB, 600x750, INFJ7-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INFJ - because my internal world is much deeper and more interesting than any and all the thoughts others try to share with me....

>> No.4437883

INTJ's are assholes with a superiority complex who can't/won't change their views and hurt everyone around them.

INTP here , everybody loves me because I don't judge and offer insight to the people around me. I INTJ's I know are hateful people who spend most of there time angry blaming others for things they can't control.

>> No.4437892

Not science.

>> No.4438080


I got INTJ, and for the most part I don't disagree with it, but I never betray what I think of other people and even then I don't pass judgement for things that are taboo, e.g. promiscuous girls, people of other races, and cocksucking faggots.

>> No.4438086

I really liked Morin's classical mechanics, see the chapters at the end for special relativity. If you want a more advanced treatment, iirc the second chapter of Srednicki's Quantum Field Theory gives an overview of SR at an abstract level and gently introducing index notation / generators of Lie algebras.

>> No.4438679

Bitch, fuck you. I live in the attic.

sage for offtopic.