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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 21 KB, 550x413, college-algebra-y-u-no-make-sense.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4434683 No.4434683 [Reply] [Original]

Srsly, College Algebra makes no fucking sense to me. I'm taking it online and all I get is an e-book to study off of. Nothing makes sense and I have to google/youtube all of the answers. Does this shit make sense to people? Also, what is a good site to free me from my ignorance? inb4 Khan academy.

>> No.4434687

It makes sense because i'm not retarded. Gb2 reddit

>> No.4434690
File: 55 KB, 500x543, 1289286840282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i find it purty easy mahself. hyuk hyuk

wutcha got dem issues wif?

>> No.4434697

Everything. My midterm is a take-home (online) thank jesus. But quadratic functions, inequalities, functions in general. etc.

I think it's the setup that my class has. It's got shit examples and doesn't tell me anything. The book itself is mashed together and confusing and almost impossible to read. I'll probably go to tutoring this week but IDK what to say. "I need help with everything".

>> No.4434707

no one is going to help you

download a different textbook. if each book you encounter "sucks" theres a good chance you're just dumb. its okay. not everyone can be smart.

>> No.4434708

Work out the examples given step by step on paper. Do those problems using the examples as reference when you forget a step. Just remember that math is only following steps(academic math anyways) given to you to solve a particular set. So you just have to remember the steps.

>> No.4434715

>quadratic functions, inequalities, functions in general.

Is this really college algebra?

>> No.4434717
File: 84 KB, 500x500, 1289831432666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just remember that math is only following steps(academic math anyways) given to you to solve a particular set.

>> No.4434722

I think he means low-level math with formulaic questions.

>> No.4434737

They teach high school algebra in college?


>> No.4434743

lolwat people actually want to start to learn math? Don't be a pretentious cunt, it's not a good look.

>> No.4434766


>> No.4434772

>college algebra

This positively baffles me.

>> No.4434785

Sorry. Feel free to use your intelligence elsewhere. I don't want to be guilty of stopping the smartest motherfucker on the internet from doing something important.

>> No.4434790

i lol'd

>> No.4434816

College Algebra is the same as High School Algebra 1 isn't it?

I always assumed it was. I wouldn't know, because I took Calc due to the fact I'm not retarded. I don't even know how you get to college without at least Algebra 1 and 2

>> No.4434830

well, not really, but to the people here thats what it means

>> No.4434841

Man I used to think /sci/ was filled with intellectuals. Turns out it's just a bunch of neckbeards that think they have a high IQ. You see; colleges have "bump" classes if they are needed. I took these because I had to. I'm almost done with my AA and then it's off to my Bachelors degree. Math is my only subject that I struggle with. I get mostly A's and B's in all of my other classes. You guys are fucking retarded.

>> No.4434848

> Turns out it's just a bunch of neckbeards that think they have a high IQ
I don't have a high IQ nor do I have a neckbeard.

Seriously algebra isn't hard. You're thinking about it wrong if you are having trouble

>> No.4434853

I don't even know how you could think about it wrong. Its basically a whole class telling you "you can do whatever operation you want to both sides of an equation as long as you don't accidentally divide by 0" along with "this is the quadratic equation", and the latter isn't too hard to derive from the first.

>> No.4434858

I thought this nigga was talking about linear algebra or something decent
read this:
>quadratic functions, inequalities, functions in general. etc
oh god why is 8th grade math so hard.

>> No.4434860

>Guy lists high school algebra topics and calls them college algebra
>I express surprise

Did you really think it necessary to call me a cunt for that?

>> No.4434865


Now that I've insulted you OP, Khan Academy. It will save you

>> No.4434869


They even have pre-algebra in college too.

Anyways OP, you inb4'd Khan Academy, but have you looked at the sticky, if you really want to learn to get better at math, you need to look through it. They have a ton of links to help you from prep-algebra to past linear algebra.

>> No.4434886

You mean-


>> No.4434888

>any of OPs topics

>> No.4434897

yeah you have to do math with letters and sometimes you have a y instead of an x.
shit's confusing, yo!

>> No.4434904

When I was in Kindergarten I always though a =1, b = 2, c = 3 ect.

Algebra seemed easy as fuck back then.

>> No.4434912
File: 15 KB, 280x412, 1318961449700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm a britfag and so called 'college calculus' is covered before you leave schooling

>> No.4434916

just curious OP, what math courses did you take in highschool, and how did you pass them without an understanding of algebra?

>> No.4435136

Barely passed.

sci is a bunch of faggots circlejerking eachother off, thinking they're intellectuals. I'm surprised that I raged.I'm more surprised that sci has turned to a shithole after not coming on here for a year and a half. Bunch of fat pathetic fucking losers. It's sad that your personalities are probably quite nice, well you're all probably pushovers. As the saying goes, "Say it to my face not online and see what happens." I would ruin you faggots. That is all.

>> No.4435220

If you really do suck at math despite learning a lot, you might have dyscalculus.
It might sound strange, but it's a thing.

>> No.4435228

Also, if you need help with "anything" but too embarrassed to ask a tutor about "everything" then I'll be glad to help you. What is it you find the most challenging?

>> No.4435242

My skype is silenzer12

>> No.4435251

Thanks but I'm working on it now. I'm just studying for my midterm in four days. I'm going to do fine, I just don't grasp the concepts. I appreciate your offer, and the fact that not everyone on sci is a narcissistic douche. I'm also checking out /sci/'s math guide.

>> No.4435283
File: 74 KB, 520x494, 1696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suck at the maths but college algebra was fun, I still only got a b+ out of it but I liked it.

Trig on the other hand, a 2 credit class that is supposed to be easy, is kicking my ass. Could be the dumb or the fact that the class is at 7:30am....

>> No.4435297


Well, I'll apologize on behalf of the "I'm not fat, nor do I have a neckbeard, so it's impossible that I'm a languid piece of shit" section of /sci/, and offer some Q & A.

State a problem you're having difficulty with, and time willing, I'll see if I can explain the concepts needed to solve it.

>> No.4435303 [DELETED] 

Hmm as someone who tutors students in algebra all the time, I can tell you that this online shit they're pushing on everyone is the absolute worst thing they could have done for algebra.

Algebra is insanely important. Mastering everything in algebra is crucial to understanding higher level mathematics. And they want a computer to teach it to you.

Sorry, that doesn't work. Hopefully the tutor you go to can actually help you with 'everything'. My suggestion is do not go there without a specific question in mind. Mark questions that you do not understand, 'try' some of them, and then go to the tutor. He/she will be impressed that you 1) have specific answers showing you don't want them to do your homework and 2) have actually attempted the question which reemphasizes the last point.

You're not alone OP. There are many people like you in the same boat.

Ignore the other faggots on /sci/, OP. If I asked them to do an epsilon-delta proof for me, they'd shit themselves out of fear. Most of them are 2nd term freshmen in college who think that, since they're in calculus I, they know shit. Don't worry: they don't.

Not a math major, by the way. I've taken up to linear algebra. I can tell you how important algebra is and how many people really do not understand the basics and it shows as they trip up in higher level mathematics courses.

Like last night:


See that post? A result of not knowing basic algebraic properties.

>> No.4435313 [DELETED] 

Hmm as someone who tutors students in algebra all the time, I can tell you that this online shit they're pushing on everyone is the absolute worst thing they could have done for algebra.

Algebra is insanely important. Mastering everything in algebra is crucial to understanding higher level mathematics. And they want a computer to teach it to you.

Sorry, that doesn't work. Hopefully the tutor you go to can actually help you with 'everything'. My suggestion is do not go there without a specific question in mind. Mark questions that you do not understand, 'try' some of them, and then go to the tutor. He/she will be impressed that you 1) have specific questions showing you don't want them to do your homework and 2) have actually attempted the question which reemphasizes the last point.

You're not alone OP. There are many people like you in the same boat.

Ignore the other faggots on /sci/, OP. If I asked them to do an epsilon-delta proof for me, they'd shit themselves out of fear. Most of them are 2nd term freshmen in college who think that, since they're in calculus I, they know shit. Don't worry: they don't.

Not a math major, by the way. I've taken up to linear algebra. I can tell you how important algebra is and how many people really do not understand the basics and it shows as they trip up in higher level mathematics courses.

Like last night:


See that post? A result of not knowing basic algebraic properties.

>> No.4435331

Hmm as someone who tutors students in algebra all the time, I can tell you that this online shit they're pushing on everyone is the absolute worst thing they could have done for algebra.

Algebra is insanely important. Mastering everything in algebra is crucial to understanding higher level mathematics. And they want a computer to teach it to you.

Sorry, that doesn't work. Hopefully the tutor you go to can actually help you with 'everything'. My suggestion is do not go there without a specific question in mind. Mark questions that you do not understand, 'try' some of them, and then go to the tutor. He/she will be impressed that you 1) have specific questions showing you don't want them to do your homework and 2) have actually attempted the question which reemphasizes the last point.

You're not alone OP. There are many people like you in the same boat.

Ignore the other faggots on /sci/, OP. If I asked them to do an epsilon-delta proof for me, they'd shit themselves out of fear. Most of them are 2nd term freshmen in college who think that, since they're in calculus I, they know shit. Don't worry: they don't.

Not a math major, by the way. I've taken up to linear algebra. I can tell you how important algebra is and how many people really do not understand the basics and it shows as they trip up in higher level mathematics courses. Also, that algebra and trigonometry are probably two of the harder math courses if you step back and realize how many other subjects rely on those two.

Of course, the theory can be hard to understand in the higher level math courses and the implications of what you just learned even more difficult.

<span class="math">\displaystyle \int \int \int f(x,y,z)dxdydz[/spoiler]


Like last night:


See that post? A result of not knowing basic algebraic properties.

>> No.4435404

That, or not everybody is wired for self guided/book learning. Doesn't mean they're stupid, it's just a different type of learning. Some people need a social element to learn.

Read up a bit on learning theory before you start spouting ignorant bullshit.

OP: Try a different book. It's likely that you just have a shitty book, but you might also want to look into finding some other people in the course and see if they're having difficulties. Do a few skype tutoring sessions with them. Also, get as far as you can on the Khan Academy math testing engine. That might highlight some underlying math issues you might have.

>> No.4435421

I love you.