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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 60 KB, 808x513, catastrophe-evolution-electric-universe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4434120 No.4434120 [Reply] [Original]

/pol/ is saying that black people had a different evolutionary path to white people. I don't believe it and I think this picture is bullshit, but can anyone refute this claim? Does anyone here actually study archaeology?

>> No.4434126

They had different migratory patterns out of africa yes but that doesn't translate into any meaningful biological differences. also that chart is retarded. Your average french man had more in common genetically speaking with a north african than a chinese person.

>> No.4434131

It doesn't matter anyways, neanderthals were more retarded anyways.

"Perhaps it was the superior linguistic
abilities of homo-sapiens, with brains and vocal tracts better adapted for speech and
language, that led to the rapid displacement and extinction of the Neanderthals in
Europe, some 40,000 years ago (Mellars, 1996). Language is of such importance
in our daily lives and culture that it is almost impossible to imagine how our
species could survive without it."

Just show that to /pol/ and they'll shut up.

>> No.4434133

/pol/ will also tell you that rich people are biologically better than you.

Learning science from a heavy white wing board is just silly

>> No.4434135

>using wikipedia

sure is social science people in here

>> No.4434136

Yeah nah you're a cunt.

It's from a Neurolinguistics book.

>> No.4434145
File: 496 KB, 450x252, tumblr_lkueo1F7oq1qijk0po1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that chart
if there was one board i'd like to burn with acid, it would be /pol/. 10/10 every fucking time.

>> No.4434147


not even gonna bother with the implying

>> No.4434150

Good, we wouldn't want you looking retarded.

>> No.4434157


At least I'm studying a real science. I can only imagine what your shitty course is.

>> No.4434161

Yeah I am sure Neuroscience is a real shitty major.

Protip: Neurolingustics is a subset of Neuroscience.

Enjoy your engineering.

>> No.4434162
File: 75 KB, 684x287, 1330772650611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw /pol/ has a better grasp of biology than /sci/

>> No.4434163


Protip: My course is Astrophysics

>> No.4434165

yeah, nah? are you fucking retarded dude?

>> No.4434166

0/10 /pol/ fag. fuck off. also if you made that chart, i hope someone stomps you in the balls with cleats for being a retard.

>> No.4434168


If you hadn't shitted on neuroscience I would've liked you.

Enjoy your no NASA

>> No.4434170
File: 123 KB, 1180x1150, 1319644469113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your average french man had more in common genetically speaking with a north african than a chinese person.
North-African =/= Sub-Saharan African(what every one means when they say 'African')

>> No.4434173
File: 98 KB, 800x525, 1315972307667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4434172

Mind explaining whats retarded about that post?

>> No.4434171

>Implying I didn't just get an internship with them

>> No.4434178

of course. the chart is still stupid.

>> No.4434179


>> No.4434180

It's bad grammar and who the fuck talks like that? Stop lowering the collective IQ of this board, it offends me.

>> No.4434181
File: 25 KB, 396x385, 1330396067156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teh world is 6000yrs old an evolution is a heathen lie
/x/ is that way --> >>>/x/

>> No.4434182

>putting all africans under one blanket title.
>completely neglecting the middle east and arabs

could you please just kill yourself already? you can't into sciene

>> No.4434185


>> No.4434191
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1330396831414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>facts are stupid

>> No.4434189

I am sorry, I didn't put a , after the nah.

Next time I'll make sure to do that as to not offend an anonymous poster.

>> No.4434195 [DELETED] 

>>completely neglecting the middle east and arabs
What part of "non-European Caucasoid" so you not understand?

>> No.4434197

>say something as retardedly obvious as north africans being distinct from sub saharan african when i never said there wasn't a difference.
>reply with sadfrog cause you are a bastard and a cunt.

>> No.4434198
File: 35 KB, 409x352, 1318129425539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4434199

>>completely neglecting the middle east and arabs
What part of "non-European Caucasoid" do you not understand?

>> No.4434203
File: 49 KB, 450x571, 1318197577979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>say something as retardedly obvious as north africans being distinct from sub saharan african when i never said there wasn't a difference.
You said:
>also that chart is retarded. Your average french man had more in common genetically speaking with a north african than a chinese person.
However, the OP's chart >implied no such thing, as both the Yoruba and the San are sub-Saharan people.

>> No.4434206

are you retarded? i don't see tunisians or algerians there. not to mention i toke issue with the fact that the closet link to the "french" group is han chinese. even a retard could see that i wasn't suggesting it be placed closer to the yorubo but rather the chart has to be expanded to make sense. no wait, not even exapnded since its a stupid chart to begin with. what is this going over exactly? genetic history? ethic history? it's troll bait and retarded as hell. learn to read you fucking moron

besides we're on a tangent. even a complete moron knows that migratory history is distinct from evolutionary history. its the same fucking species regardless.

>> No.4434223

I didn't realize San people had such fair skin. Anyone know the reason to this? They live in the middle of a semi-desert after all.

>> No.4434224

Race is a social construct.
