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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 11 KB, 251x178, everyday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4433416 No.4433416 [Reply] [Original]

Nightly piss bottle thread.

Post preferred bottle type, method of use and disposal, etc.

Why do you think toiletfags are so opposed to the idea of piss bottles? It eliminates a lot of inconvenience. How can we change their minds?

>> No.4433419
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>> No.4433423

>roommate never goes to bathroom for more than 10 seconds
>start to wonder what's going on
>sounds like hes just washing his hands and thats it
>open his closet one day while looking for my headphones because he always takes them
>piss bottles
>piss bottles everywhere
>literally over 100 piss bottles
>move back in with parents

>> No.4433441

lolol i do that

>> No.4433451

I was at a shitty punk show once and somebody opened a gatorade piss bottle that was so old it was orange. The whole room immediately smelled like ammonia.

>> No.4433485

>It eliminates a lot of inconvenience.
By that logic why not wear a diaper?

Seriously, what is so inconvenient about toilets? Or pissing in a bush if you can't find a restroom? What about bottles is so damn attractive?

>> No.4433502

Not a piss bottle friend, but...

>Seriously, what is so inconvenient about toilets? Or pissing in a bush if you can't find a restroom? What about bottles is so damn attractive?

Typically people already have water/Gatorade bottles with them, and when they finish drinking them, well... you can either throw them away or repurpose them. And why not piss in a bottle?

But I don't piss in a bottle. I couldn't contain piss anywhere but a toilet.

>> No.4433517


this is science?

>> No.4433555
File: 11 KB, 421x433, fsdgfet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything is science!

my piss bottle is salty!! fuck you piss ass cock jizz ASS sssss cocks destory rip off my cock stomp it cockit piss shotgun

>> No.4433823
File: 32 KB, 425x480, 1274834637643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't pissed in a bottle for perhaps a year or so but when I do:
>preferred bottle type
Anything that'll hold a full release of urine. If I'm being picky, something with a thick neck but I'm not fussed about it.
>method of use
Step 1. ensure the trajectory of my urine passes through the opening at the top of the bottle.
Step 2. close bottle for later disposal.
Either pour it on plants (it seems a good fertiliser) or just throw it in the bin.

>> No.4433835
File: 78 KB, 406x960, MME+Pom+Blueberry+59+oz[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are an absolute dream to piss in.

>> No.4433852

/sci/ - piss bottles.
>Either pour it on plants (it seems a good fertiliser)
Uric acid is not a good fertilizer.

>> No.4433857
File: 8 KB, 300x300, nos..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

22oz is like 1 oz more than my usual piss volume. Sometimes I can overflow them and have to switch bottles, but not usually. My record piss overflowed a 1-liter.

Note: these are not good for watching the sediments settle out of piss over a few months, which is pretty interesting to see at least once. If it's your own piss.

>> No.4433869

Is this really a thread? Is this one big samefag troll? What's going on here?...

>> No.4433871

Why piss in a bottle, then dump the bottle out on plants when you can just piss on the plants?

>> No.4433872
File: 333 KB, 972x648, 2008-07-12_Arizona_Green_Tea_can_littering_the_lawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4433882

Usually use large beer bottles such as Fosters or Red Stripe (the 25 ounce ones). Pooped in a Simply Orange bottle one time cause it has a wide neck. Poop in the shower frequently and wipe my ass with my hands.

>> No.4433886

this is the truth, I dumped piss bottles out of my window for a couple months, the grass directly below my window was dead for like 6 months.

>> No.4433887

I like to piss into large bottles to see how much I can hold in my body. I can usually go 20 ounces before the urge is pretty strong, but can hold out for 25 ounces.

>> No.4433888

>you can either throw them away or repurpose them. And why not piss in a bottle?
Because then you have a bottle of stinky gross piss laying around maybe?

>But I don't piss in a bottle. I couldn't contain piss anywhere but a toilet.
No, the point is, you can literally piss anywhere outside and it will have evaporated within a couple of hours, so why accumulate piss in a closed bottle that you then have to either do something with or make someone else's problem.

>> No.4433898
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This thread.

>> No.4433904

pussy, I've pissed near 3/4 of a gallon several times.

>> No.4433907

>not sublimating androgens from your piss like the ancient chinese did

>> No.4433910

unfortunately i don't have my camera with me right now, but i have 5 or 6 gallons of piss in green tea 1 gallon bottles in my closet right now.

>> No.4434139
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>pissing in bottles

really guys?

>> No.4434230
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Good job mate

>> No.4434240

Surely you exaggerate. The average human bladder can only hold 600ml. Even if your bladder was 1.5x the size, that would still be less than 1/4 a gallon.

>> No.4434245
File: 253 KB, 653x990, 1330035474241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be a normal fucking human and use the toilet.
If you can't be bothered with walking a a few meters to the toilet you should just kill yourself now.

>> No.4434258

Are you morbidly obese or something, OP?
Is your bathroom an outhouse and it's snowing or there are wolves?
Do you have OCD and feel a compulsion to save your bodily fluids?

>> No.4434260

Contents of piss bottles reek horribly if let for too long.

Bottles collapse if you close them while they're warm

>> No.4434268
File: 2.20 MB, 3264x1952, IMAG0077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a piss bottle I found in the Florida Mall parking lot last summer.

>> No.4434286

You're first concern is irrelevant, since the nature of a piss bottle allows selection of a discrete time of disposal.

You're second concern betrays a profound ignorance of the fluid dynamics of half-closed bottle-tops.

>> No.4434297

>pissing in bottles cause too fat and lazy to move their ass to toilet
>calling eurofags uncivilized

jesus fuck guys, i didn't even know piss bottles were a thing. i guess you learn something new everyday - this time in particular, that a shitload of people are horrible disgusting faggots.

>> No.4434310

I normally use a toilet as I like to dry the tip off and wash my hands after pissing. I keep a bottle or two handy through, just in case the bathroom is in use for while and I get really desperate.

>> No.4434321

Are there people in this world that is so lazy that they can't go to their bloody toilet that is inside their own bloody house?!
I'm pretty sure your toilet is less than 100 metre away from your computer.

>It eliminates a lot of inconvenience.
Yeah, in the short run. It will take more time to clean your piss bottle or something like that. Unless you use and throw away your bottle. I feel sorry for the sanitary engineers that have to pick your trash.
Why don't you just buy diapers?

>How can we change their minds?
By giving me at least 50 peer reviewed article on the advantages of using piss bottles. Peer reviewed articles!

>> No.4434436

Standard deviations would like a word with you.

>> No.4434438

32 oz. Powerade bottle.

Wide neck so you can piss in the bottle with your tip against the opening without creating a vacuum and piss flying everywhere.

32 ounces holds most piss breaks.

- If the cover is not on super tight, it leaks.

>> No.4434465
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>>4434321 I feel sorry for the sanitary engineers that have to pick your trash.

They have big machines that shred and rinse the bottles.

>>4434321 Why don't you just buy diapers?

Because being environmentally friendly? Reusable diapers defeat the purpose of saving time.

>> No.4434487
File: 10 KB, 247x204, 1317068409322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enviromentally friendly
>uses plastic bottles, piss in them
>plastic bottles

Enviromentally friendly or plastic bottles.
You can only choose one.

>> No.4434498


>> No.4434501
File: 135 KB, 902x653, cumumumyum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not saving your semen in bottles

>> No.4434502

>not being original

>> No.4434504
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>This poster's face when others overreact to this

>> No.4434506

Hey Blackman, you piece of shit. I'm bored. Entertain me.

>> No.4434509
File: 52 KB, 451x604, 1326345587937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My justifications for pissing in bottles are:

1. Its cleaner than going to a toilet: If you've ever pissed with shorts on, you've noticed that you can feel drops ricochet off the toilet rim with all the other dried piss and shit that was on there. When wearing what I'll be sleeping in, I always use a piss bottle, or the sink, but many things can go wrong there, thus I prefer the bottle. Piss over a hard surface and wipe up any drips.

2. Its a big 'fuck you' to civilised society trying to tell me I must only piss in a specific device in a specific type of room. I'm free to piss whenever, and wherever I want. Although I believe strongly in recycling, freedom of urination is a greater cause. The bottle is necessary to avoid getting suppressed by the man for such invented vices as 'public urination,' I mean ideally I would just piss out the window and recycle all those bottles. In some states its even illegal to be seen with a piss bottle, I don't even know what the laws are here. They either get bagged up and thrown down the trash chute weekly, or taken out in a backpack and discreetly dumped in a trash receptacle on the street.

>> No.4434511

Fuck off you worthless shit filled cunt, I'm not here to entertain you.

>> No.4434516
File: 5 KB, 127x127, 1302294500994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes you are, you flaming faggot.

>> No.4434517

Good, good,. Go on.

>> No.4434520

> god of /x/
>bragging about being the king of a bunch of luddite faggots who dream of sucking ghost cock

You live a sad life man

>> No.4434523

>not more mature and educated than /sci/


>> No.4434526
File: 64 KB, 255x198, 1307036660660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live a better life than someone who claims to be a king of science. What did you do? Copy paste those shit symbols into your tag? You automatically seem like the type of person I'd meet in "Gaia"

>> No.4434528
File: 38 KB, 405x702, 1326345184628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although I have no problem pissing in public urinals usually, as I can merge my stream with the side of the urinal, and just finish on the wall or floor so it doesn't bounce off the side of the urinal and onto me. I never use toilets though, unless taking a shit (and consequentially, showering immediately after)/. There is just no place to merge your stream without splashing piss or toilet water back at you.

>> No.4434530

Not science. This kind of thread belongs to /b/.

>> No.4434533

/sci/ has an average IQ of 140.

>better life
>spends time idolizing some faggot from pokemon

Are you fucking 12? Don't answer that, coming from /x/, I know you are 12. You daft cunt, grow up. Once you stop beating off to tall men in suits and 'creepypasta' and your balls drop, maybe I'll let you come back to /sci/. Fucking faggot

>> No.4434535
File: 35 KB, 350x458, 87070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only time im pissing in a bottle is when a toilet isnt available and i cant find a tree or bush.The only time iv have had to piss in a bottle WHEN a toilet was available was when i got kidney stones and had to fish those bastrads out with a filter funnel.

>> No.4434539

>/sci/ has an average IQ of 140.

Without YOU the average would be 180.

>> No.4434546
File: 62 KB, 500x500, 1310406576184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought science was supposed to be "mature"
Oh wait, I'm browsing 4chan.
Wait, you honestly believe this board has an average IQ span of 140? I've met several astrophysicists who aren't over-flowing with shit.
You just seem really upset and disturbed. I think you've mistaken /sci/ for Random.

>> No.4434547
File: 18 KB, 833x239, Untitled3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4434549


The real joke is that, although you seem to hate him so much, you continue to respond.

pro-tip: get 4chan x, you won't have to copy/paste your trip in like a faggot and you won't have to read blackman posts.

>> No.4434551

Irrelevant garbage, not very funny. The thread is shit and you know it. Stop bumping.

>> No.4434552

I'm confident that my IQ is one of the highest on this board.

You're right 140 is too low. It's probably at least 160. Yeah , you know astrophysicists? I'm sure you do, buddy.
Piss off you fucking Pokemon loving cunt. Holy shit, /sci/ isn't a place for prepubescent faggots to post pictures of their favorite anime characters. Either do science and stop getting off to ghosts or get the fuck out.

>> No.4434556


at least you got your trip right. Only an aspie would post in threads he doesn't like.

There's a little thing called reporting.

>> No.4434559
File: 33 KB, 228x254, untitled32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who are truly smart, don't get into circlejerks and piss-bottle threads and brag about their IQ.

>> No.4434562

You can't even form a sound argument like an intelligent adult so you've resorted to just posting pictures of Pokemon characters. It's time for you to leave

>> No.4434565

The problem with off-topic threads is that they are hardly reportable. They are spam, but reporting only one of them would not make the mod see the entirety of spam and flooding that is cloggin up /sci/.

>> No.4434566


I never bragged about my IQ. There are actually thousands of Anonymous posters, if you hadn't realized that.

and people who are smart don't respond to blackman posts

Your move, retard

>> No.4434568

And I didn't think a thread on "piss bottles" could get any worse.

>> No.4434569
File: 27 KB, 450x338, 1318037854025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>totally ignores my statements

>> No.4434571
File: 46 KB, 265x145, 1304752263153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just feel like "experiencing" /sci/'s "superior intellect" for once.

So I resort to talking to the one who claims to be the "very best at what this board is all about".

>> No.4434573

Jesus Christ, go back to /x/ or /vp/ or whichever shithole you spawned from. I've some cunts in my day but you really take the cuntcake

>> No.4434578
File: 167 KB, 360x509, tumblr_laniuq9YQi1qet28so1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saying Jesus Christ on /sci/
>claiming to be the smartest
>Jesus Christ

Pick one.

>> No.4434585

This is really the best the /x/ can do? Simply stating "Jesus Christ" doesn't infer a belief in Christianity or at least it shouldn't to any reasonable person (which you clearly are not). Piss off

>> No.4434586
File: 104 KB, 282x382, 1302295146703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you mean then? Were you addressing me as Jesus Christ? Thanks bro.

>> No.4434588


So intelligence has a direct impact on personality now? Fuck me ...

Besides, judging one's intelligence by a number only shows how stupid YOU are and arguing about intelligence does this even more so.

>> No.4434589


fuck it, I'm blocking your ass too.

People who respond to blackman are just as bad as blackman

>> No.4434592
File: 27 KB, 318x364, 1302294566306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate difference.

>> No.4434593

I'm guessing English isn't your first language and I hope that it isn't your second. I don't like arguing with children. So do everyone a favor and go back to /x/. Thank you, cunt.

>> No.4434600
File: 42 KB, 443x456, 1302294034256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm only 10 years old and I live in Pallet Town.
Now that I have told you about myself, are you really a nigger?

>> No.4434607

Reported. Enjoy your 8-year-long ban.
I'm not a "nigger". That word doesn't mean anything to me

>> No.4434608
File: 1.52 MB, 320x240, 1321034976410.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: The clash of Titans

>> No.4434611
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>> No.4434613

>pretends to not a give a fuck
>probably crying like the cunt he is

Lol, okay kid.

>> No.4434616


>clash of titans

more like beavis and butthead fighting over the remote.

>> No.4434618

Ignore Blackman, he's a fool. Everyone knows that I am the only true king of /sci/.

>> No.4434621
File: 69 KB, 315x346, 1304751817056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no! My viewing of /sci/ has been interrupted! My life is ruined! Ah!

>> No.4434624


holy shit, this is amazing. Every tripfag I wanted to filter is just flocking to this thread.

I hope EK comes in soon, too

>> No.4434625

You will be banned from /x/ and /vp/ too. Make sure you get on stickam when you decide to kill yourself, faggot

>> No.4434626

By the way, considering this is /sci/ and everyone here is s00per 1337 e1nst31ns, shouldn't you be smart enough to spot a troll? Considering he's from /x/ (religious bullshit and ghosts) and he's mixing his shit with /sci/ (reasonable and intelligent, amirite?), that should have been obvious enough.

>> No.4434628

Why would you filter a genius? Don't you want to receive my enlightenment?

>> No.4434629
File: 165 KB, 600x450, 1302294760199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully you realize I never visit /vp/ due to furry porn, and I only visit /x/ to laugh at fucking tin-foil hat conspiracists and prove them wrong.

>> No.4434635

Oh right, I forgot to read your Wikipedia article to find out your most visited boards. How the fuck would I know what you do

>> No.4434641
File: 69 KB, 510x503, 1997..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use your scientific genius.

>> No.4434644

Using the word genius when talking to Blackman is quite nefarious. Only one genius is visiting /sci/.

>> No.4435490


Indeed, and that is myself.

>using a trip on an anonymous board.
>in doing so thinking you are a genius.
>oh my its delicious.

>> No.4435510

fuck off faget

>> No.4435516

I would need a 2 liter at least to fit around my pisshole.

>> No.4435543

I'd prefer mathgenius anytime over Harriet. At least he openly admits being a troll and doesn't even pretend to be serious.

>> No.4435548

>'mathgenius (not trolling)'
>"(not trolling)"

>> No.4435557

>doesn't understand sarcasm
>posting in a male-only thread
fuck off

>> No.4435577

>male-only thread
Where does it say that?

>> No.4435581

>male only thread
fuck off retard!

>> No.4435583

>piss bottles

>> No.4435585

reported for EK


>> No.4435590

That poster was probably not EK, and you can not report her, or anyone, unless they have broken rules anyway.

>> No.4435593

god youre horrible

>> No.4435606

Your first reaction to a random fucking piss bottle was to give it an makeover and a photoshute?
I detect /b/fag?

>> No.4435602
File: 222 KB, 1289x931, durrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4435612

Lots of people here tell each other to 'fuck off'
Perhaps it is her, but I do not really care.

>> No.4435620

I tell YOU to fuck off.

>> No.4435623

I do not care.
You are just rude and angry for no reason.

>> No.4435625

eat shit ya prick!!
she didnt do anything to u.

>> No.4435627

What the fuck is it with the numbers? That is troll, not samefagging. Unless the numbers of the posts is randomly "spawning" I say 0/10
Fuck off faggot
Might be some braindead idiot gets trolled of this, this is /sci/ do it properly...

>> No.4435631

I accept that only self-absorbed douches are namefags, that's to be expected.

But why are OUR namefags so fucking stupid?
can't we get some intelligent namefags?
blackman and harriet are borderline retarded.

>> No.4435636

I am rude and angry for very good reason: Enough of your shitposting,.

You can fuck off too, EK.

>> No.4435639

Wow, you're a fucking newfag


>> No.4435640

maybe im not EK though

>> No.4435646

The good tripfags don't get that much attention. They stay in their science threads.
Only the retarded tripfags are recognized because they shit all over the board.

>> No.4435649

Who cares? You post like EK and are retarded like EK.

>> No.4435650

>can't we get some intelligent namefags?
Josef ;_;

Theres physics guy, metric, theta, psistar, and TN5

The Emma guy should get a trip too

>> No.4435651

>I am rude and angry for very good reason
No you are not. Explain the reason then.

>> No.4435654

Well Josef is a bad example. He was an arrogant douche.

>> No.4435658

fuck you

just leave it, he's clearly a fucking tosser with abandonment issues or some shit. just ignore him, hes only trolling you coz hes a pathetic loser.

>> No.4435659

I explained it, you fucking shitposter.
You are taking the whole concept of shitposting to a new level.
Worse than Blackman.

>> No.4435664

I liked Josef.

>> No.4435665

Thanks for confirming your identity, EK. Now I don't need to take your post serious anymore.

>> No.4435666
File: 69 KB, 400x388, 1329889976631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How was he arrogant? He helped me many times on physics homework

>> No.4435667

>implying your opinon matters

He didn't like you btw.

>> No.4435668

yeah, but all of them together don't match the quantity of blackman's daily contribution.

He's been b& more times than I can count, the retard doesn't get the message. It'd be sad if it wasn't so annoying.

>> No.4435671
File: 71 KB, 300x300, 1324235470635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not actually giving any specific reasons
>hatin, being vague, being a tard
uhuh, yeah, she posts a hell of a lot better than you do you fucking shithead!

>> No.4435674


Your post speaks for itself. No futher comment needed.

>> No.4435675

Did he not?
Why? He was always polite to me.

>> No.4435682

Fuck off, EK. Take your pills.

Mathgenius also gets banned frequently and doesn't get the message. Same with EK, Teacup, Carl Sagan and all the other shitposters.

>> No.4435686

He was never polite to you. He was with blackman that you were a scottish man

>> No.4435689

A scottish man?

>> No.4435693

fuck you cunt!
[sarcasm] yeh, that 'take your pills' shit never gets old does it? [/sarcasm]

>> No.4435694

Stop playing ignorant. You know the entire shit story and no one is gonna repeat it for you.

Just fuck off.

>> No.4435696

The multiple personality thing that you live in a basement in scotland, etc

>> No.4435698

Obviously you haven't taken your pills today, EK.

>> No.4435702

I honestly do not.
What is the story?

I do not live in Scotland, in fact I have never even been.

>> No.4435707

Stop this attention whoring. You know the story.
That trolling is pathetic.

>> No.4435708

obviously i'm ANONYMOUS you presumptious twat.

ignore them.
the story is that they're retarded. thats all their is to it.

>> No.4435709

You are so full of shit it isn't even funny. You're supposedly a psychology major yet you cannot even into lying. 0/10

It will piss off EK if I repeat all of it

>> No.4435714

Why would I lie?
If I were from Scotland I would not be ashamed. I do not see anything wrong with Scotland.

>> No.4435718

Just for clarification, yes, Harriet, you are a horrible shitposter and nobody likes you, IMO you're worse than EK, but you are not as bad as blackman who is a troll and doesn't even think hes contributing anything

>> No.4435719


>> No.4435720



You're not even trying anymore. Just put "(not trolling)" in your name.

>> No.4435723

Stop fucking replying to them.

>> No.4435725


>> No.4435727

Fuck off. You're worse than her.

>> No.4435728

He's the wannabe troll and enjoys the attention. Of course he will keep replying and shitposting.

>> No.4435733
File: 233 KB, 474x356, 01298436110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heyy! im defending you you little cunt! dont fucking correct a grammar mistake, i know the grammar, i just mistyped.
fucking troll.

>> No.4435739

>i know the grammer

No, you don't. You are fucking retarded and can't write properly.

>> No.4435755
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>> No.4435758
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>> No.4435764
File: 74 KB, 396x500, eatshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right back to you.

>> No.4435765

mebbe someone needs to google ayurveda. People believe that.

>> No.4435773
File: 78 KB, 640x454, 1325179849316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your post
uhuh, great hun. [sarcasm] definitely not shitposting, great contribution [/sarcasm]

>> No.4435778
File: 45 KB, 312x425, trollface3.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just give it up. You can't beat me.

>> No.4435788

How do you guys manage to find a bottle with an opening big enough to get the head of your dick in, and big enough to hold a full bladders worth? I once had to piss in a 2l water bottle and found I had to start and move the bottle opening into the stream and then it was soon overflowing, which meant having to stop while I found another bottle.

>> No.4435826

Correct, I am the newfriend you've always been waiting for. Sorry for screwing it up so bad, would you please explain my incompetence?

>> No.4435840
File: 10 KB, 126x167, cox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love this thread

tiny kox pic related

>> No.4435863

Gentlemen, what's all the fuss about?

>> No.4435873
File: 107 KB, 450x299, Little-Boy-Who-didnt-buy-an-Eddie-Bauer-Umbrella-He-got-caught-in-the-rain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw mathgenius

>> No.4435877

I heard Blackman finally went to lecture for like the first time this semester

>> No.4435879

You got caught in the rain because of me? Well if that's what you like.

>> No.4435884

Blackman has to learn a lot. While he is busy compensating for not being a genius, I will take his position as the king of /sci/.

>> No.4436040
File: 24 KB, 600x343, 1304305604395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Blackman pisses in bottles

Harriet wishes she could piss in bottles

95% of everyone keeps at least one bottle of piss in their cupboard


And this anon is the only person in the world with non-sterile urine and is afraid of it.

>> No.4436046

>Man I'm so thirsty
>What is that I see?
>Someone left a juice hanging around?

>> No.4436086

Sounds cool, how do i do this

>> No.4436099

>it's funny because PSYCHOSIS

>> No.4436718
File: 9 KB, 288x288, diagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay /sci/, I have a right triangle of height <span class="math">d[/spoiler] whose right corner is at the center of a circle of radius <span class="math">r[/spoiler], and whose hypotenuse intersects (only once) with the circle at some point. What is the length of the base of the right triangle? Thanks in advance for the help.

>> No.4436870

r/d=sin(alpha), alpha=asin(r/d)
b/d=tan(alpha), b=d*tan(asin(r/d))