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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 332 KB, 357x346, funny-captions-upset-gorilla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4429413 No.4429413 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ am i the only one who thinks biology/natural science majors have severe mental problems? the work they do is so mind numbingly simple a child could do it and the vast majority of them want to work with plants and animals. no one else will love them so they think animals will instead. Every person i met who was into animal or plant science has always been a crazy cat lady with no friends. just look at timothy treadwell in that grizzly man movie.

ITT: animal and plant science majors have severe emotional problems and think connecting with animals will solve that.

>> No.4429422

Go find a cure for cancer if its so simple. I'm not even a bio major and I think your post is stupid.

>> No.4429428

I agree op. One girls i know takes animal "science" classes and she so fucking annoying. shes a vegan and has no friends and a fucking hamster living in her dorm that she keep in a shoe box. you cna't have a conversation with her because she just looks at the ground and starts playing with her smelly rat instead. it's worthless hippe science.

>> No.4429431

>implying physics and chem majors won't be responsible for the cure to cancer.

all major medical advances have been made because of them and their technology. one day we will all be all machine and bio fags and their hippie shit will be completely irrelevant.

>> No.4429437
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Hey i have to put up with getting mind-fucked by chemistry 4 days a week in order to stick in my bio major-the last thing i need is for people of other sciences giving me shit for my specific major when i have to incorporate other sciences in order to progress.

>> No.4429443

All the bio people I know are pretty elite. Though admittedly they arent just classifying animals, but researching genes and bio chemistry.


>implying that all medical advances havent been made by weird correlations, investigation, and luck.

>> No.4429451

>severe emotional problems
But animal science and biology (premeds) are the people who party the most, and are the most social, out of all the science majors.

Why must you hate them? There is no need to be upset.

>> No.4429452
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and how would physicists and chemists be able to apply there discoveries to benefit biological systems if they have no clue on how those systems function? GTFO

>> No.4429457

no one is giving you shit. i'm just saying its likely you have emotional problems and feel closer to plants and animals than human beings. do you deny that? a normal person would be more comfortable in a lab but you decided to waste your life running around some nignog jungle and shoving your hands into pig shit. 10/10 chance you are a cat lady.

why are you even here anyway? its "/sci/-science and math" not "/sci/-psudo science"

>> No.4429466

nah id rather be saving your ass after you get chemical burns asswipe and go into shock asshat

>> No.4429469

>systems function

HAHAHAHAHA. you have no idea what you are talking about kid. the systems i will design one day are a fuck ton more complex than some la de dah hipie bullshit . besides we will all be machines one day so fuck biology.

yeah their lives are empty and meaningless and so they drift from party to party desperate for human interaction until they finally burn out and become cat ladies. also you have no proof for your statements. lrn2logic

0/10. not to mention that our inventions make their cutesy little experiments possible. society runs on chemistry and physics. all fucking biogay does is preserve some useless animal like pandas. also research into genes is worthless since chemistry can do that much better anyway.

>> No.4429474

look here guys. the babby science can't even write english well. how sad. not to mention chemistry makes the anti burn stuff and not gay bio shit. fuck animal planet. we should be focusing on physics and chem only. everything else is useless garbage.

>> No.4429476

guess who you will be running to when you have ED

>> No.4429479

>implying you can invent anything
>implying you are a scientist
>implying you aren't a high school student
>implying chemistry/physics/biology are separate at nobel prize-level experiments

>> No.4429482

guess who came up with the vaccines that prevented you from getting polio, measels, hepatitis, etc-BIOLOGISTS

>> No.4429483


>Natural Sciences
> Physics is a Natural Science
>Mathematics is a Liberal Art.

>What now?

>> No.4429491

jungles are way more fun than labs

>> No.4429496

something designed by a chemist?

go hug some more cats biofag.

wrong again. those were chemists
me: 1 you:0

semantics. go save some more pandas. meanwhile i will one day change the world forever!

>> No.4429498

>not fun
0/10. confirmed for vegan reddit hipster animal scientist who only studies animals to fill the void in his life. gtfo hippie.

>> No.4429500

>implying all biology/natural science majors are all this way just because of someone he knows.
>neglecting that how one person acts is irrelevant to the larger group as a whole

>> No.4429508

>mfw op describes me perfectly as an entemology major

what the fuck. i love insects and hate hanging out with people.

>> No.4429510

stop crying and go jerk off a panda or something. this is my personal observation based on meeting several mentally ill biology and animal/plant "scince" majors. they are all crazy. meanwhile go to engeneering/math/physics and chemistry and they are all sane and well adjusted. its just common sense.

me:1 you :0

>> No.4429517

nice try OP faggot

>> No.4429520

>crying samefag becuase you are losing the arguement like a bitch

me: 1
you: 0

>> No.4429525

look at how much bullshit is caused over evolution? all because of biogays. we fail to realize that biogay is useless and it doesn't matter how much evilotuoon we teach to kids cause they will never need biogay anyway.

>> No.4429532

>implying that most geniuses werent somewhat socially mal-adjusted
>can only come up with sexual panda comebacks
Guess who loves pandas? pretty much everyone

>> No.4429533

and I'm supposed to believe that you have the credentials to label someone as mentally unstable? Like I said, you can't judge a whole group based solely off of what individuals within the said group does. I know natural science/biology majors and they're rather social people.

Lastly, engineers are insane in their own way. I know cuz I am one.

>> No.4429536

Actually math/physics/engineering majors are well adjusted, you animal major. Your satire will not work against /sci/!

>> No.4429545

>doesnt seem to think evolution and the inheritance of genetic traits as fascinating
>would rather avoid public controversy than reveal truth to society
I dont wanna live on this planet anymore

>> No.4429549
File: 189 KB, 620x320, khan-academy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretending to be an engeneer so you can save face
me: 1 you : 0

>everyone loves pandas
fuck pandas. real men kill pandas and eat them.

>> No.4429553

me thinks a troll is afoot

>> No.4429556


i don't care because evolution is unimportant. it has no significance or relevance whatsoever. its like teaching cursive writing. chem and physics are all you need to know to be a real hero. only a gay faggot fairy queer finds that shit interesting. also nice futurama reference. animal majors are so uncreative they can't even use their own words.

me: 1 you : 0

>> No.4429562

only liberal politically correct fags like studtying biogay. real men do the hard science so they can make fucking weapons.

>> No.4429564

jesus, this is pretty true--i like animals A LOT, i prefer them to humans, but i would never want to work with them very much.
that being said, my sister is has a biology degree and she is the most obnoxious, needy, harassing person i have EVER met haha

>> No.4429573

why are dogs important?
because evolution equipped them with different tools than man.

seriously, if you plan of living in the wilderness you should bring a fucking dog, they'll surprise you

if you think i'm a fag after reading that crap^ you may be surprised it's my aspiration to be an engineer

>> No.4429604

engineer here and i support OP's message

but the real enemy is the art fags

>> No.4429613

>but the real enemy is the art fags
fucking true

>pretending to be an engeneer so you can >save face
>me: 1 you : 0
>trying to say I'm not an engineer since OP can't deal with someone who is an engineer disagreeing with him/her

>> No.4429626

op here i've actually been trolling. i'm studying for my primate final and wanted to see what reactions i would get.

>> No.4429633

>what i am doing is right
>what you're doing is wrong

>> No.4429634


Why the art hate?

>> No.4429643

>primate final
what does this have to do with your primate final?

Cuz art is shit. Seriously, anyone can honestly do it.

>> No.4429648

i don't want to study for it so i made a thread about stereotyopes.

>> No.4429650


Anyone can do anything with practice. Because you practice physics doesn't mean you're going to automatically be a great physicist.

Why focus on disregarding art as easy?

>> No.4429732

nicely done OP. I give you some internets

>> No.4429737

mostly cuz the only thing art majors bitch about is how difficult their major is when compared too other majors is actually a shit ton easier

>> No.4430923
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>Requires years of practice
>Requires actual skill
>Not everyone can do it

Physical science:
>Requires simply learning about nature, and thinking logically
>Anyone not retarded can into science/engineering

>> No.4430926

>implying morals are not objective

>> No.4430948

Science is not some philosophy.

>> No.4430958

Yes it is, dumbass.

>> No.4430976

Prove it.

+1 Science
-1 Philosophy

>> No.4430980

>implying science can prove anything

Philosophy: >9000
science: -1

>> No.4430988

No effort.

>> No.4430993

But what if it can't be proved?
You do know that not everything can be proved and that there's no way of knowing what can't be proved until you've tried don't you?

>> No.4430997

That just what a philosopher would say.

>> No.4431000

Watch from here for about 1 minute

>> No.4431004
File: 10 KB, 278x297, thom_yorke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Medic here. Everyone in this thread is mad as fuck. All I'm gonna say is the majority of learning life science is much easier, as you can just memorize shit. However application/ research are still pretty challenging.

>> No.4431006

Doesn't prove anything. You are just mad cause science is not some philosophy. Deal with it.

>> No.4431008

Actually it does prove it. Proof and all...
Are you sure you're not black? Because you seem kinda retarded.

>> No.4431016

Science is not some god dammed philosophy. Fuck.

>> No.4431017
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>> No.4431023

I respect your attempt at forcing a meme but I somehow doubt that it's going to catch on.

>> No.4431036


>> No.4431217


No, it's just you. You asspie motherfucker.

>> No.4431246

>not a philosophy

Naturalism, induction, axiomatic causation, "flat" nature, realism vs. instrumentalism of theory, falsification etc. ring no bells? You being ignorant of the underlying issues of science doesn't make science free from philosophy, it just means you're ignorant as fuck because every decent scientist at least knows the fundamental concepts of their work.

>> No.4431461

Troll or not, it's weird how OP describes perfectly someone I know. She's never had a boyfriend, she studied biology and CS, she's a vegan and redditfag, and she posts "cutey" pics of animals on her facebook profile and keeps some hamsters, porcupines, etc, as pets.

>> No.4431554


>actually implying you need skill to be an artist these days

>> No.4431565

To be fair, can't empathizing with domesticated animals be attributed to qualities these species acquired through adaptation through natural selection rather than to mental illness in the humans that empathize with them?

I was under the understanding that the evolutionary niche of the domesticated dog before people actually started keeping them as pets was following nomadic camps of humans, and that the dogs who had qualities that induced the most empathy and thus food and shelter and otherwise succor from the humans were the ones who survived to have the most children.

>> No.4431647

>implying use of common lingo makes science a philosophy
kindly fuck off

>> No.4431657

Don't think he is asspie, probably just an ordinary ass.

>> No.4432210

Science is not some philosophy.

For science

-1000 for faggot philosophy

>> No.4433230
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>mfw I am one of the crazy cat lady biomajors

the only difference is that i'm not going to be working with animals, I want to work in a lab and that I have friends, most of whom are as strange as I am in their own field

I do plan on owning a big farm and lots of animals, though

>implying the crazy vegan hippies won't drop out when they realize that quite a lot of the medical biology work involves testing on/ using animals
I've seen some pretty crazy people in enviroment and phsychology, though

>> No.4433240

It's not common lingo, it's the philosophical foundations underlying science.

>> No.4433241
File: 38 KB, 400x494, 1315727694666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i can be your biobro

let me show u how we keep our jimmies permanently unrustled

>> No.4433303

I rarely come to /sci/ since I believe you guys are just a bunch of pretentious douchebags that pretend to be intelligent.

Anyway, the pic was somewhat funny and it got me here.
My roomate is a bio/chem major. And he's fucking nuts. He's has aspergers, sleep talks every night, makes weird sounds, his mother doesn't love him. When he gets angry he shakes, curses and slaps himself. He walks, eats, and does shit in the weirdest way ever. Nobody likes him either and he's a lonely fuck.

>> No.4433349

I think thats probably less from his course and more from his severe aspergers that people don't like him.
In the same vein, you could say all chem majors are terrible, because he's also doing chemistry.

but as you can imagine, thats not right.

>> No.4433445

OP: Take a systematics course or two. Then we'll talk.

>> No.4434415

>>Still thinks 'biology' means 'studies animals'

>> No.4436264

>thinks that makes a difference

>> No.4437346

i agree with OP, biology majors have issues

that's why im happy i went with my liberal arts degree

>> No.4437367

Unlike OP I like to emote and empathise

Unlike OP I don't have aspergers

>> No.4437378

When you have an ecosystem collapse, I hope all of you anti-bio fags run to the chemist and physicists. They won't know what to do or how to fix it.

>> No.4437388

A lot of people go into the wildlife and fisheries sciences because they think they can just hunt or fish for the rest of their lives. Everyone wants their own game farm or fish hatchery.

However, there are some hardcore researchers into stuff like bio-energetics or population genetics.

>> No.4437391

What's funny is they will know how to fix it. Physicists generally know more about biology than biologists. It's kinda sad but that's the truth

>> No.4437398

Don't believe that one bit. its like saying a degree in math can write better then someone with a formal degree in english.

>> No.4437403

Shit mate, why did you have to make it so obviouse? we had another good troll thread going there, ooh boy this one lasted a while

>> No.4437406

>Physicists generally know more about biology than biologists

shot coffee out my nose reading that steaming turd of undergrad wisdom

>> No.4437417

Undergrad in evolutionary biology. Currently working on my DVM/PHD. While I do love working with animals, I decided to go into my field because I wanted to help people and enjoy working with from many different backgrounds and cultures.

>> No.4437430
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>> No.4437444

There's some truth behind it though. I mean they aren't bring in physicists to work on cancer treatment for the heck of it. Physics is the most encompassing of all the sciences so it's only natural that they have extensive knowledge of each one. You do realize that it has been proven that physicists have the highest average IQ out of any science right?

>> No.4437448


>> No.4437455

No really. Look up the average IQ scores for physicists and then compare them to any other scientific discipline.

>> No.4437470

I'm a biology major. It's definitely easy. I want to be a dentist or hopefully a doctor. The only reason I'm taking this major is that I can get a good GPA, and it's four years of preparation for the MCAT. Go ahead and laugh. I have a ton of time for my other hobbies such as programming, GNU/Linux, 4chan, etc.

>> No.4437480

confusing IQ with knowledge is funny to me.

I know far more about auto mechanics than Hawking.

I also know far more about biology than he does.

I have an IQ of 161.
I don't know how to wire a ballast in a fluorescent fixture.
My electrician has an IQ around 110. He knows how to wire a ballast.

go figure.

>> No.4437486

>I have an IQ of 161

pics or it didn't happen, ``faggot"

>> No.4437488

>Look up the average IQ scores for physicists and then compare them to any other scientific discipline.

Cite a single reputable paper or it's bullshit.

>> No.4437492

>am i the only one

>> No.4437494
File: 203 KB, 1289x1006, SANY0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm this dude.

google my little club.
google it!

>> No.4437510

ITT OP doesn't realize that natural science also includes physics, chemistry, astronomy, geoscience, etc. and only one other person here even recognized this fact.

See me after class, /sci/.

>> No.4437513

Maybe it's because only two people here are stupid enough not to know what a natural science major is.

>> No.4437514

I didn't read OP.
what did he say?

>> No.4437522

>my little club
euphemism for "my little PENIS"

>> No.4437525

>biology/natural science
>work with plants and animals
>animal or plant science

go back and read again.

>> No.4437526
File: 17 KB, 601x695, reaction sad browsing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw /sci/ thinks all biologists tag squirrels and record fish populations

The combination of elitism and stupidity on /sci/ astounds me. I don't even think you guys are trolling because I have never seen /sci/ behave otherwise.

>> No.4437528

anon asked for pics, I obliged.

If you want pics of my cock I can link you to those as well.

>> No.4437533

Since when has /sci/ showed any kind of intelligence beyond kinder garten levels?

>> No.4437537

I did read it. He used natural science as a synonym for biology, which it isn't.

>> No.4437551
File: 74 KB, 620x280, SLIME MOLDS DON'T GIVE A FUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still hating biologists
>not acknowledging how important the biological sciences are

>> No.4437552

Then imply that he is a derp and means biology, since everything else he says is about plants and animals. pointing out a simple mistake and saying everyone else is stupid for not mentioning it is ignorant.

>> No.4437555


>> No.4437569



A natural science major is basically a biologist that didn't study biology.

>> No.4439123

