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4429122 No.4429122 [Reply] [Original]

I don't understand art majors and people who are like, life isnt about money its about how happy you are and shit.
>>>>Can someone please explain what they are called and why they are like this

>> No.4429125 [DELETED] 

They're not completely wrong tho. They are just assuming that money doesn't buy happiness, which if oh so surely does

>> No.4429133

They're people.

>> No.4429135

People adopt this "what should make you happy" stance on life because people do get miserable with the majority of jobs out there. It's ironic though that the jobs that deliver misery are ones that the Social Sciences and Liberal Arts majors are getting because those degrees don't guarantee a good job. These are the people getting crappy jobs today. It's almost a vicious cycle

>> No.4429144

But they're the reason so many things are wrong.
They'd rather pick psychology over maths simply because they find it easier

>> No.4429145

Learning a proper trade or occupation ensures happiness later in life with stability.

Unless you work in a fucking cubicle (which should be made illegal).

However, they are sometimes a step up from those crazy kids you see in colleges and universities. The kinds that shoot for above a 4.0, sacrificing happiness and creative thought in the process. These are the kind of people that just memorize things and are often gullible (why wouldn't they be, after years of memorizing everything they read as fact and regurgitating it?)

4.0 + people are the worst people to have rational or political discussion with. PURE academic memorization has only brought a few great people into the world (such as Newton) and their works were based off of other people's works. So I guess you can say that the only true great purely academic minds were the original Greek mathematicians, but they weren't even purely academic....except for, perhaps, Aristotle.

Academics are good, but only if you question what you learn. Memorizing for the sake of "grades" can be detrimental later in life, especially if you focus purely on subjects such as mathematics. You wouldn't believe how many engineers lose their money on the stock market, because they don't understand economics or human nature.

Be well rounded, retards.

>> No.4429150

What's the point of doing something you don't enjoy? Life is short. Enjoy being a slave.

>> No.4429151

If your life isn't about money and you're unhappy, your life shouldn't be about money.

Happiness is obviously related to money, but the idea is that they'd rather seek happiness in life than exclusively money hoping that would bring them happiness (though there's a fair chance it would). Usually makes for a more interesting and adventurous life too.

>> No.4429191

>You wouldn't believe how many engineers lose their money on the stock market, because they don't understand economics or human nature.

I once mentioned to my friend that I wanted to follow some economic studies after I finish my engineering degree and his response was:

>Don't get into Economics. It'll simply turn you into a "How do I maximize profit and minimize cost" person, and those are always the ones at parties that nobody can stand cuz they're so successful that they're dicks about it, like every business major out there...lol Studying economics (from a business perspective at least) will make you a lot more likely to turn into a douche that just cares about making money. You'll start searching for loop-holes, or solutions to financial problems and then one day you'll come up with a plan. A plan to fix the economy. You give it to your congressman, and on the off-chance that he even takes a look at it, the best chance it has is to become yet another stagnant law that just keeps things in order and creates an illusion of change, because it's been amended 1,276 times by both Houses. Short-story long, don't get into economics. You'll get sucked into the stock market...lol

>Your suggestion still leaves me ignorant. I think it is important to be able to answer the question "how will this affect me?" or "alright, what is going on?" and "how not to get screwed" and I can't analyze anything if I don't know what they are talking about.

I've taken Economics in high school but it was very simple stuff, like an introductory course.

>> No.4429237


Well, I'm more into economics so I don't screwed over and know how to invest my money.

I don't want to become a professional stock trader.

>> No.4429270
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>yfw my friend is an International Politics major