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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4427918 No.4427918 [Reply] [Original]

>MFW Myers-Briggs Personality Type is EFTP
>MFW IQ is 180 (Alfred-Binet Adult IQ Test)
>MFW Learn Extremely Quickly
>MFW Ph.D In Mathematics
>MFW 300K Staring

>> No.4427919



>> No.4427925

This is now a Myers-Briggs thread.
INTP reporting in.

>> No.4427930

The latest pictures/videos i've seen from Jacob all show him seemingly sad. Maybe he feels that his dumbasses parents are exploiting and limiting his intellectual potential.

>> No.4427934


INTJ, what does this imply?

>> No.4427941
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mfw /sci/ is jelly of Jacob's intelligence.

>> No.4427945
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>> No.4427946

Have at it INT bro.

>> No.4427947

>>MFW IQ is 180 (Alfred-Binet Adult IQ Test)

ya but I bet it is age adjusted.
I got 174 on an IQ test when I was like 13, and consistently in the 160's 170's easily around that age.
Once you hit like 18 or some cutoff age they stop doing that. Now I can barely get 140s.

Test him again in several years

>> No.4427954


I wasn't referring to Barnet. I was referring to myself, with him as an unrelated picture but symbol of intelligence.

>> No.4427984

those damn aspies

>> No.4427998

EFTP is not a myers briggs type. It is I/E S/N T/F P/J

>> No.4428002


pick one.

>> No.4428005

ISTP race reporting in.

>> No.4428020

come back when you're master race you faggot.

>> No.4428026

Don't need to be master race. I'm an ISTP. Nonchalantly side-stepping your bullshit since the beginning of time.

>> No.4428054

Surprised about the popularity of MBTI. It's like all the math geniuses here don't see the fundamental problem of using a bimodal curve as the basic assumption when assessing personality

>> No.4428077

What's that and what exactly are the problems with it?

>> No.4428098
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OP is inferior genetic scum.

inb4 >implying personality is genetic

>> No.4428101

It's funny that Binet's name is associated with the modern IQ test, since he only designed it to test the progress of students in schools, to assess the teaching quality in schools, not to measure intelligence.

But such is amerifat psychology.