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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4425920 No.4425920 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you realize you're average to somewhat above average

>> No.4425930

>Being average

>> No.4425932

SCIENCE is not for the average, SCIENCE is for elite. Only the best can become SCIENTIST.

>> No.4425937

Among other science majors and engineering majors, I feel like I'm a dumb ass.
Among liber arts and biology majors complaining about how "trig is hard," my self-confidence goes up about 150%.

>> No.4425940

If your average embrace it, go out spend all your time trying to fuck pussy and gain life experience.

>> No.4425943

are you me?

>> No.4425947


average detected. seriously, don't spend your life getting pussy, go out and do something innovative.

>> No.4425955

The average human being cannot form a proper sentence in English.


>> No.4425956

below average here
average is a whiny prick

>> No.4425957

OP here. Obviously this is what I mean. I'm not average compared to people who can't math but when I see or work with other engineers/scientists/mathematicians I feel like a dumbass.

>> No.4425964
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average to below average would be closer to the mark

>> No.4425986

> >tfw

>> No.4425988

that feel when psychology only choice..

I guess i could try grasping the hard science, but i would probably get frustrated.

>> No.4425994
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> Engineering major
> Every class I take ends up having a curve
> My scores are always exactly average
> Have a 2.5 GPA
> Cant into internships, scholarships, jobs, etc

Fuck this gay earth!

>> No.4425992
File: 31 KB, 300x300, 1314050366837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oooh ! I'm SO GLAD to finally meet you Mr Internet-Rule-Maker ! So how much are you paid to watch on these eternal rules ? Are there other guardians like you ?

>> No.4426009
File: 63 KB, 474x351, spiderman399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A. Intelligence is a real measurable entity and psychology is a science.

B. Intelligence is a made up trait narcissists assign to themselves to feel better than other humans.

choose one

people who have been doing math problems for fun (to improve their self images as "smart") will be better than normal people at math. they're not "smarter"

>> No.4426012


The more you give up, the more odds are of you keep getting shitty scores mate..

>> No.4426013

Not that i know of.
Thank you for your kind words, it is so rare.
I am hot for your man meat. In my loins.

>> No.4426017

>curved grades
>gets 2.5 gpa regardless

What the fuck are you doing so badly?

>> No.4426026

The existance of intelligence can not be argued. Anybody can see that the smartest person they know is much much different, in every way, than the stupidest person they know.

Yesterday I had a conversation with a guy where we talked about the economic effects of a post scarcity society. That same day I talked to another gentlemen who is mentally retarded and I'm quite sure doesn't even understand the concept of an economy. Intelligence exists.

>> No.4426027


Actually I'm higher then average visually but less then average verbally. I'm better at math/science then the average person but not good enough to do anything innovative, right now I'm working as an artist which is probably the best I can do with my innate intelligence.

>> No.4426042


obviously mentally retarded people an exception. talking about theoretical economics relies on knowledge, not intelligence.

>> No.4426055

That feel when I'm that one guy who gets a 9+ and bumps the entire curve to the left

>> No.4426066

>Be above average
>Not smart enough to make a difference
>Not dumb enough to hang out with average people
Feels pretentious man

>> No.4426071

I'm slightly above average in my current environment, which however consists of other physics grad students and researchers, at a pretty good university. But compared with some guys, I still feel like an idiot: when someone apparently gets a technical concept of string theory instantly and proceeds to ask a good, subtly question you feel kind of stupid in comparison.

>> No.4426081

>talking about effects of scarcity on an economy
>has no clue what economy even means
>thinks his better than retarded kid

>high school hipster or engineer sophomore who thinks he is the singularity

>> No.4426090
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i'd put myself at about plus 1.5 sigma

>> No.4426096

I study Business Administration and I dominate fucking everybody in my math classes.
(So did I on an average intelligence test all of us attended)
number 1 out of 500 college students

the best 2%, huh? Why not the best 0,02%?

>> No.4426106

>I beat a bunch of stupid frat kids look at me
you mean 0.2%

>> No.4426107

join the military as an officer. that's my plan if my GPA plummets. so far my GPA has been pretty good, but this semester is outright shit and i fucked up on two exams because of small mistakes.

the military has decent engineering opportunities, although my goal is to actually become a pilot if i do decide to join.

>> No.4426115

Are you sure that guy isn't just me?
Grasp things intuitively, act confident, study more, realise i had misunderstood everything, end up not understanding anything.

>> No.4426119

>same one
I burn in shame.

>> No.4426121

Teach me your ways of memorizing all the examples.

>> No.4426133
File: 332 KB, 633x468, 1329422512112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what´s your opinion about scarcity? Is it good for an economy?

Do you also have some opinions on the effects of operators to mathemtics?

>> No.4426136

Yep, everybody in this town is a frat kid. Do you think you could even beat 500 random people from a random high school?

>> No.4426143
File: 51 KB, 396x385, 129265803747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take multiple IQ tests
>average is 120

>> No.4426148

same bro, 125 here

>> No.4426151

I can confirm that I never felt this feel, OP.

>> No.4426156

What makes you think you're a genius?

>> No.4426158

Psychologists think you 115-125 fags are the worst of all - neither accepted by your peers nor by the people you associate with.

You seriously are Breivik material.

>> No.4426162

Read this OP: http://terrytao.wordpress.com/career-advice/does-one-have-to-be-a-genius-to-to-maths/

Bear in mind that Terence Tao is someone who's probably somehow out of touch with our reality, though.

>> No.4426164

My unlimited intelligence that allows me to excell in every field way beyong human imagination. Especially it allows me to derive my brilliancy from the axioms of the universe.

>> No.4426165


Wtf kind of "biology" are they doing if they're using trig? MAYBE some kind of ecology?

>> No.4426221

Thanks for the link, anon.
All the threads on /sci/ made me somehow forget that science and intelligent work is not all about having the highest scores.
This fact is very basic and I feel very stupid that I had to be reminded of it. Suddenly I feel a whole bit healthier.

I finally quit visiting this board.

>> No.4426270
File: 137 KB, 560x373, terry_tao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, it'd be cool if you started visiting mathoverflow or the equivalent board for your field, at least they have serious discussions there and you might actually learn stuffs. If you think shit's too advanced, just lurk and eventually you might want to create an account and start posting relevant questions and answers.

pic unrelated; i made it just for that post (>>4426162) but forgot to upload it.

>> No.4426293

I'm average amongst my peers, it was a a real sobering moment when I realized that in the seemingly small step from high school to university I'd gone from teacher's special snowflake to average student.

It's made me a more modest person, if I'm honest.

>> No.4426305

117 here. eh

>> No.4426313

If you can say with complete honesty that you are better than just above average in your academic without a substantial amount of effort, you're in the wrong field.