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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 110 KB, 527x623, iqiqiqiq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4425293 No.4425293 [Reply] [Original]

OK, sci; I found a free Raven IQ test. I am just curious what you guys score. And post a screenshot of your score. Beside that, let us know what you study or what your profession is!

I am 18, and I'm studying physics :)

>> No.4425302

Given your interest in online IQ tests, you can take your own result and divide it by three.

>> No.4425314
File: 79 KB, 527x623, iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4425381

is it timed?
I tend to do worse with timed tests

>> No.4425407

iz u a lizard?

>> No.4425421

Thanks, I was about to take this bullshit too.

>> No.4425422


Obvious shoop because of: >>4425302

>> No.4425425

I dont trust this test atall...

Besides its result is different with other tests ive taken. Much lower than i expected. Partly because i assumed there was a time limit, and partly because even though there was no time limit, you couldn’t go back if you accidentally pressed the wrong button.

Added to which, the site doesn’t seem very credible... even for an internet IQ test... It seems to have bad grammar and spelling which you'd think theyd notice...

>> No.4425426

Just finished the test and it seems that the site is taking a while to calculate my massive IQ.

>> No.4425429


>do the test
>answer everything correctly
>site goes down or something

Fuck this shit.

>> No.4425437

"People who boast about their IQ's are losers"

>> No.4425455
File: 66 KB, 1349x990, FireShot Screen Capture #037 - 'IQ Scores - Average IQ Score at IQ Test Center' - www_iqtest-center_com_viewResults_php.png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am more intelligent than Feynman.

brb, gotta do some SCIENCE

>> No.4425650
File: 37 KB, 468x557, gaytest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>answer everything correctly
>get 128

Fuck this gay test.

>> No.4425657
File: 11 KB, 251x226, laughingwhores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>nearly Feynman level of retardation

>> No.4425659

What would happen if you were to input all the correct answers and send it back within milliseconds? Would the formula derp you to 6000 IQ or would it cap somewhere?

>> No.4425663


The time you took to finish the test is irrelevant.

>> No.4425664


>implying Feynman wouldn't score around 170 in a test of that style and with a proper scoring system

>> No.4425670

No he wouldn't. He was clinically retarded. Another proof that physics is not as hard as physicists want it to be.

>> No.4425680


"Math is to Physics as masturbation is to sex"

>implying he wouldn't be a hell of a mathematician as well

>> No.4425688

Wow, this shit is still alive? Why does anyone bother with this fake&gay shit? You actually buy that your IQ is 130+ because a random online IQ test says so?

I've never seen anyone score less than a 120 on one of these pieces of shit. Quit giving yourself a false ego boost, it's not going to make you better, just more arrogant and fucked up. If you fell for this bullshit your IQ is around 90.

Btw this:
is me. I posted it early in the hope that it would kill this circle jerk before it got off the ground. Seems I was too late.

TL;DR Enjoy your mental masturbation and false-premised circlejerk, faggots.

>> No.4425696


Dude, your IQ is 390! You must be really good at math! Wanna do my homework?

>> No.4425698


>> No.4425705

You can be proud of you're self. With a score of 390 your nearly as smart as Jacob Barnet..

>> No.4425706

You could go back, by clicking on the number. That said, it had at most one non-obvious question (around 55 or so). The hardest pattern they could think of was exclusive-or on pictures.

>> No.4425714

There was no "exclusive or" involved.

>> No.4425718

yes there is?

>> No.4425720


Didn't do that one, but I took one that was payed for and schedueled by a psychologist / psychiatrist, two hour test. In adulthood, as IQ usually decreases with age due to some factor (The measurement is more accurate and tests are evened out; less arbitrary, etc)

Scored a 145.

Also, Binet, the IQ Test creator himself, stated that they are merely a general factor and do not determine life success, occupation, employment, etc. in Western terms and are essentially unnecessary and a false indicator of something. Also, one can score within 15 points of their standard deviation or more, as well as be effected by test-taking factors, so IQ is not an accurate immutable and monoresponsible measurement.

>> No.4425724

no there isn't?

>> No.4425737

57-59 are, I'm not checking more than that

>> No.4425756
File: 395 KB, 527x623, iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Permit me, if you would, to divulge my percentage score in the recent IQ test that I generously undertook at the bequest of my fellow deans.

As you can see, this marks me as a most educated gentlemen. Bearing this fact in mind, I would ask that address me politely as "Sir" and insert several cacti into your anal orifice.


>> No.4425757

57 and 59 are "and", 58 is "or". Can't you into le LOGIC?

>> No.4425767

ur dumb

>> No.4425771


>scoring less that 150 on an IQ test

Retard, get out of /sci/.

>> No.4425780
File: 2.00 MB, 347x222, 1330355778149.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was iq tested by professionals when i was like 10, the test only went up to 146 and i was 'off the charts'. Didn't realise that i'm technically a genius, cool.

>> No.4425785

Looks like 57 - 59 were among the questions you got wrong. Enjoy you're inferior IQ.

>not knowing LOGIC
>on a SCIENCE board

>> No.4425789


The average IQ of a /sci/fag is 150. Stop feeling special, faggot.

>> No.4425800
File: 45 KB, 464x528, ickyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never been great at the Raven.
I scored a 161 on a Stanford Binet once.

>> No.4425809
File: 3 KB, 126x126, 1322684682208s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? I know i've seen people saying their IQs are 180+ but I assumed exaggeration/shitty online tests and i never knew how much was a lot, just that 100 was average. I find it hard to believe that /sci/ are in the top 0.13% of people. High, but that high?

also buttfrustrated mad jelly detected

>> No.4425815

underage detected

>> No.4425820

I'm 40

>> No.4425830

/sci/ is probably well above average, but I don't think it's that high.. the average probably isn't over 120

>> No.4425833

>Approx. 30% is underage

>> No.4425837

Jacob Barnett is underage and has a high IQ.

Go figure out the implications.

>> No.4425838

This test is a complete joke. The actual ceiling is probably around 110 or 115. Not one single question took more than about 5 seconds to figure out, and many of them were just the same question over and over with different shapes.

Not accurate at all.

>> No.4425850

I am pretty sure I got all the answers correct(maybe made some misclicks) and I think you can't get more than something around ~130 on this test.

>> No.4425851

Mfw the test is no longer available

>> No.4425857


>yfw when you've been trolled

>> No.4425858

That was fun.

>> No.4425863
File: 203 KB, 1289x1006, SANY0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I throw off the average.

here's some evidence for my IQ>160

you can't actually get this journal with anything less.

>> No.4425876
File: 113 KB, 479x810, IQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hurr durr... forgot to upload pic (captcha error, forgot to reselect the image.)

>> No.4425879

>accept GREs with average score about 727

>> No.4425887

do it then, we need more members.
costs all of $50 a year for the subscription and you get to claim verified 99.9th percentile status.

>> No.4425890

LOL i clicked to question 37, and immediately closed the webpage. Fucking joke, unless questions dont increase in difficulty...

>> No.4425892

Getting mega scammed.

>> No.4425898

I got 99, lol.
I should probably stop trying to persue a career in physics.

>> No.4425901


High IQ societies are the proof that high IQ's doesn't mean shit. How many actual intellectuals are member of that group? Probably none.

>> No.4425902

of $50/year?

lol, I make that much every 30 minutes whether I'm awake or asleep.

intelligence means exactly shit if you don't do something with it.

>> No.4425905

>How many actual intellectuals are member of that group?

there's less than 1000 people in the group. You'd recognize most of them.

>> No.4425909

I think the max in the test is 130, I got 126 myself and they felt easy as hell except for 3, two of which i had wrong. I call bullshit on this like every iq test on the web.

>> No.4425910

Probably wouldn't

>> No.4425916


Interesting, why are you wasting time on /sci when you could actually put your intelligence to good use.

I'd also like to know where your making your money, finical markets = shit tier.

>> No.4425917

then you aren't a member of any academic community anyways and this society won't interest you.

>> No.4425921

I'm mostly retired, why not hang out on 4chan all day?

I make my money owning a business I bought and grew.

>> No.4425933


Even if your completely selfish and do not want to help humanity with your vast intellect , spending all day on 4chan is not the way to happiness to gain the most happiness in your life.

>> No.4425935

Hit me. Show me a couple of famous members of your group

>> No.4425939

I'm not allowed to name them, though you can join up and find out.

pictures of one of our more famous members are posted on /sci/ almost every day though.

>> No.4425944

>pictures of one of our more famous members are posted on /sci/ almost every day though.

Jacob Barnett?

>> No.4425948

thanks, but I'm a pretty happy guy.

like a lot of you fucks I'm a bit autistic, and 4chan serves as my version of socialization.

I do other stuff, but nobody wants to look at my vacation photos here and I'm not going to poast a list of my accomplishments and lose my anon status.

I'm not that important anyways, I've done all I want to do.

>> No.4425950

maybe, I'm not sure about that one...

>> No.4425953

You can't possibly mean Emma Stone..


>> No.4425954

"Your age adjusted IQ score is 0 and the average score of all test takers is 100."


>> No.4425958

The test was easy as shit, and I got a 128. I'm sure everything was correct.

>Your age adjusted IQ score is 128 and the average score of all test takers is 100.
>age adjusted

This IQtest is easy as shit, and will only fall on how old you are. OP is 18, I'm 22, OP got 2 more points than me because he is younger, he might even have had one or two questions wrong.

>> No.4425967
File: 59 KB, 448x407, geuss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It must be either pic related or that fucking panda/koala.

>> No.4425970


i got everything right aswell, I'm 18 and got a 130

>> No.4425977
File: 109 KB, 390x477, sadfrog18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also 22 and I scored 130.

>that feel when socially awkward and not even intelligent


>> No.4425981


That doesn't make much sense , I thought neuro degradation began at like age 22?


As I expected, I'm ocd but can't stand not to see someone for a couple days I start to go insane. I started out as pure introvert but over the years I grown really attached to people.

Funny though the smartest person I met worked at call center.

>> No.4425991

>neuro degradation

Also this test has a ceiling of apparently 130. I would not use this test as an accurate gauge of your IQ.

Anyways, yeah, you dont slowly get stupider as you get older. That's just a gay myth.

>> No.4425996

I now confirmed it.

The test is primitively coded, i just had to insert "10" into the age coding. The test showed 130.
Then I tried "15", the test showed 130.
Then I tried "18", the test showed 130
Then I tried "20" the test showed 129.
Then I tried "22" the test showed 128.
Then I tried "40" the test showed 112.



>> No.4426000

>Dedicated a couple of days when I was 16 to do every IQ test I could find online
>Did 4 or 5 of them, ranging from "official mensa tests" to crappy 15 mins ones
>Got results like this: 127, 131, 132, 130, 142
>Made my peace with having 130 IQ
>Self esteem so low I can't actually do another one with fear that it gives me a lower number and I'm actually stupid and future-less

I manage to excel at every academic task I put my mind into, 3.9/4.0 GPA and all that, but I still can't do it

>> No.4426010

I'm a liar?
I'm 40 years old and scored a 131, probably the lowest IQ score I've ever gotten in my life.

I'd guess the thing isn't far off, but I could also probably score higher the second time around.

>> No.4426015
File: 8 KB, 225x225, sadfrog17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why should I lie about my pathetic score?


>> No.4426016


The tests is poorly made then , you get dumber as you get older not smarter.


I swear IQ tests on an individual level are nearly useless or even harmful.

If your a genius you'll know before you take a IQ test, and even some geniuses feel insecure about their IQ.

If your above average you likely already knew , but now are forced to know your limits.And will be forever insecure.

If your average, your become even more insecure.

If your lower then average you'll feel dumb and less confident , causing damage to any advantage you might have.

>> No.4426023

got everyone right so I suppose its timed.
Didnt stress with it

>> No.4426024

The max score on the test is 130. Almost everyone in this thread answered every question correctly. Age is the reason why people are scoring between 130 and 128.

>> No.4426028

Couldn't agree more

I wish somebody actually proved that IQ tests are not related with fluid intelligence at all. If I thought that everybody was on the same level, I'd be happy when I excelled, but just feel normal when I fail. Right now I feel normal when I excel ("Ok good.. I'm still smart"), but stupid when I fail ("I'm probably not really clever, just got lucky before..").

>> No.4426031

40yo with the 131 here.
I'm pretty sure I missed a couple of those, I guessed on at least two.

perhaps it churns out random scores or something, but I didn't shoop my capture. If I did I'd have gone higher than 131.

>> No.4426035

also guess it might be timed.
I ran through it because matrices are boring.

>> No.4426037

anyway high-end people get random scores on such iq tests. Should on a good day answer everything correctly but the off chance to answer one or two wrong by misclicking or some shit just makes the difference.

>> No.4426053

Oh man, I bet that $50 gets you tons of stuff you could never find on arXiv or the like!

Really, does knowing your IQ provide any benefit other than bragging rights? I seriously hate anyone that thinks it would be worth joining (let alone paying for) a society based entirely upon exclusion of people who don't take a specific exam as well as they do. It's like saying "well, I enjoy academic conferences, except for how not everyone there is completely full of themselves". I'd much rather hang out with other idiots.

>> No.4426061

>Oh man, I bet that $50 gets you tons of stuff you could never find on arXiv or the like!
true, I get to read works in progress before publication.

>Really, does knowing your IQ provide any benefit other than bragging rights?
not that I'm aware of.
>I seriously hate anyone that thinks it would be worth joining (let alone paying for) a society based entirely upon exclusion of people who don't take a specific exam as well as they do.
Keeps idiots out of the conversation, which is actually very much like the peer review process in science.
>It's like saying "well, I enjoy academic conferences, except for how not everyone there is completely full of themselves". I'd much rather hang out with other idiots.

you probably aren't an idiot, and thus have no need to defend conversing with idiots.

>> No.4426095


But it's better for someone with a low IQ to know their limitations. That way they won't lose their time trying to get in a field that requires a high level of intellect such as maths or physics. People who are ungifted and obsess over the idea of becoming a mathematician or something usually only become crackpots later and only cause prejudice to the scientific field.

>> No.4426127

122, those last ones got me and yeah you could call them guesses.
Kind of easy sometimes but some tricky ones too


>> No.4426130


I would think they would eventually learn on their own wither or not their smart enough to get into mathematics.

Also even if they go into say mathematics/physics program and don't succeed I wouldn't call it a waste, the knowledge they learn there they can apply to other fields like programming/carpentry/engineering ect;

>> No.4426132

Sounds like a problem that could be more easily, accurately, and fairly fixed by having undergraduate math and physics classes accurately reflect the difficulty of the field.

>> No.4426141

I'm not convinced crackpots have low IQ.

>> No.4426145

I spent less than 5 seconds on each question and still got a 110. I'm also 16.

There's no way it's accurate. And the first 45 questions were practically matching.

>> No.4426153 [DELETED] 

The test is made for humans, not for a genius. My IQ is too high to be determined by a man made test.

>> No.4426154

On question 10.. Expecting at any second for some troll face to pop up

>> No.4426350
File: 1.71 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_1148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this test probably isnt very accurate, since it only "tests" one aspect of intelligence. However, I noticed that you can see at other people who took the test (yes these are real results, I let a couple of friends do the test and they were in that list). And many seem to score around 105 or 120 or 110 or 100, some below 100. Yet their age vary from 15 to 35.

>> No.4427161

raven iq tests are notorious for under-estimating people's iq scores.

This phenomenon has been mentioned on the website LessWrong, which has some of the smartest people on the net.