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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4422913 No.4422913 [Reply] [Original]

Shaun: I might be getting Esctacy soon
Shaun: That's great for sex
Nicole: Oh?
Shaun: yeah it makes everything you touch feel more intense, orgasms feel 10x better
Nicole: Damn. I want some now. How's heroin?
Shaun: If i get some ill lt you know, we can fuck on it for 4 hours straight. I've done morphine and oxycodone, not heroin. But it feels better than sex
Nicole: Better than sex???
Shaun: Yeah, feels amazing. You can lay there for 4 hours and it feels better than fucking
Nicole : Holy shit! when do you wanna meet up?

Better living through Chemistry bros. Organic chemistry is becoming my favorite subject. Nothing gets bitches faster than drugs.

>> No.4422928

>be chem major
>tell party sluts I got A in organic chem
>they ask what's that
>tell her i can make 100% pure Molly and Crystal
>her eyes light up like a child in a candy store

>> No.4422937

Hahaha. Have fun with your pill dick.

>> No.4422967

ill be enjoying it when its in this girl

>> No.4422966

lol could you have more of a wasted, pathetic life?

>> No.4422977

>wasting your life laughing at walls while high
I'll pass

>> No.4422990

You mean if I study chem I can do that? Can I also synthesize other things? Protiens etc.

>> No.4423008

You do not understand what beauty actual meaningful chemistry can accomplish

>> No.4423040

Is it really wasted if they enjoy it?
>wasting your life not enjoying yourself

>> No.4423042
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>Having to dumb yourself down to african american level of stupid to be happy
>Calling it "Enjoying life"

>> No.4423045

>My superior intellect cannot be dulled by drugs or alcohol, I need all my processing power to work like a drone

>> No.4423048


not sure if trolling or literally the biggest aspie case I have ever seen on /sci/

>> No.4423050

Drugs are good every now and then, but the older you are when doing them the more of a loser you become. Nothing more pathetic than an unhealthy, unemployed, overweight guy in his late forties telling you about how he used to party.

>> No.4423066

If you're enjoying yourself, why does it matter how it's reached?

>> No.4423070

>Great for sex

Lol, retard.

>> No.4423071

>Implying I ever mentioned work

I simply said that I can be happy about my life without having to trip out of it with hallucinogenics

If you need to you're either in denial about your life or suffering peer pressure as a teenager

>> No.4423080


How self-destructive of you.

>> No.4423086


If you don't really care about what's real or not then I suppose you should just kill yourself and "pop out of the matrix"

>> No.4423088

But what's your problem with somebody else enjoying those substances?
LSD, for example, is completely non-toxic. They're not harming themselves, they're just having fun.
Do you drink? Alcohol is a drug as much as any other. Drinking for fun is no different to tripping for fun.

>> No.4423094


LSD can cause HPPD.

>> No.4423100

Not all drugs are harmful.
Happiness without drugs isn't 'real', it's all just chemicals in the brain. Even if using drugs is somehow less 'real', why does that matter?

>> No.4423106

>Implying that's true

It's addictive and road to stronger drugs. That's as harmful as an illegal substance can get

If you do drugs after you're 20, you are a complete retard. If you do it before you're an idiot too, but so is every teenager

>> No.4423114

>OP does something that makes him more social and active (despite ethical boundaries)
>immediately gets hated on by /sci/

Oh you guys...

>> No.4423119

The most hilarious thing about druggies and their claim that its "better than sex" is that it's always said with a jaded sigh. It may be better than sex, but it makes everything else in your life absolutely suck such that the only way you feel "okay" is if you're high. That is absolutely not worth it.

>> No.4423134

>It's addictive


>> No.4423143


I don't think so, it might just activate it if the person already has it. Like how marijuana can activate schizophrenia if somebody has it (and it's dormant). Not all chemicals are for everyone.

>> No.4423148
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>> No.4423150

If reality doesn't matter to you, then why don't you just kill yourself? What's the difference between existing and not existing?

>> No.4423152

All drugs do is activate sections of your brain that give you a high.
Why can't you activate those parts of your brain alone? What, do you not have control over your own body?

>> No.4423156


>Implying free will is omnipotence
>This is like saying because I can't bend objects at will, I don't have free will and that the universe is deterministic.

>> No.4423164

Op, you'll be the candyman.
She'll only be into you aslong as you keep feeding her drugs.
She will have power over you because she can put your dumb ass in prison for a long time with a phone call.

>> No.4423166

You are your brain. You can't turn a part of you on? What a waste.

>> No.4423173

Because humans have evolved as such that the brain is only supposed to release chemicals which trigger those "Good feelings" when you do something relevant to your biological imperative, and never in the amount that drugs release these chemicals.

>> No.4423179

Thats how stimulants work, many hallucinogins actually work by slowing down areas of the brain. Psilocybin may work by slowing the left hemispheres control over information flowing from the right hemisphere, allowing you to experience information and associations normally discarded.

>> No.4423186

hurrdurr i trool u

If drugs were absolutely harmless and had absolutely zero side effects (I'm not only talking about biological side effects here) then you can bet your ass that companies would be pushing legislation to make it legal so they could make millions off it

>> No.4423200

I hate people like you OP, people like you are the reason people ask me if I can make drugs/bombs.

>> No.4423205
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>Happiness is all that matters
>then why don't you just kill yourself?

>> No.4423212

This is why I hate chem majors more than almost any other major. Arrogant pricks that think they're the shit just cause they can do chemistry. Seriously these guys are some of the biggest jackasses ever.

inb4 "u jelly that they're smart". Nope. I'm a physics major.

>> No.4423436

It's still a hard science, so it's valid. And they're still smart.

Unfortunately, being smart often includes arrogance. They go together as well as milk and cereal do.