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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4416752 No.4416752 [Reply] [Original]

>Richard Dawkins: "I can't be sure God does not exist"


Well... what now?

>> No.4416754


hes being open minded, as anyone should be

>> No.4416756






>> No.4416762
File: 28 KB, 339x382, chris-langan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real intellectuals believe in God.

Pic related.

>> No.4416764
File: 20 KB, 468x307, myfavouritescientist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another related pic. Jake Barnett, 12 year-old astrophysicist who has disproved the Big Bang.


>> No.4416765


that jacob kid who disproved the big bang theory with second semester calculus also believes in god

christian geniuses outnumber atheist geniuses 10000 to 1

>> No.4416768



Smartest guy to ever live. Guess what? He was hardcore christian, he loved god more than math and science. He's probably laughing at dawkins from heaven right now

>> No.4416769
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>> No.4416773
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Well of course we can't be sure God doesn't exist, but we can't be sure he DOES exist so it's the same premise. It's basically reiterating the OBVIOUS. We cannot know. Therefore I am eternally agnostic.

>> No.4416775

Nothing here invalidates fairies and elves, so shut the fuck up

>> No.4416777

>what now

we pray

>> No.4416780

"Nothing is true."
Seriously guys, think about it. Has anything ever been CERTAINLY, FLAWLESSLY TRUE? Anyone who say that is an absolutist and nothing can ever get through their head. They consider what they "know" as "true" and others who disagree with them are false. Their reality is limited, and this kind of people are narrow minded.

>> No.4416786

> He was hardcore christian
Nigga have you read some of the shit he believed?

>> No.4416787


>> No.4416792


Newton was smarter than you'll ever be. I bet if he were alive today he would laugh at your believes

>> No.4416795

> I bet if he were alive today he would laugh at your believes
Newton may have been a man of science but that doesn't mean he never went full retard.

See he's doomsday predictions for example

>> No.4416800

>See he's doomsday predictions for example
>see he is

>> No.4416804


He predicted the world would end in 2013. And guess what? The world ends december 2012. Pretty damn close

>> No.4416802

It is not. That's why make up your own philosophy instead of following others. I base my philosophy on what I have observed in life.

>> No.4416801
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>> No.4416805

You obviously have never studied philosophy.
>inb4 philosophy has nothing to do with science/math

>> No.4416807

Even though your post wasnt directly pointed to OP I'm curious:

We are speaking about the existence of god. In your opinion what is the todays scientific theory / fact that is closest to destroying religious beliefs? Inb4 all.

>> No.4416817


The problem with religion is that its like a chameleont.

At point 1 they believe in god that created world to be pink, 400 years old, stars to be needleholes in cloth and goddamn faggots are evil.

At point 2 science proves that world can't possibly be 400 years old. To this the believers say "WELL he talks in mysterious ways" or "god has modernized."

After point 2 we destroy other facts until theres only the hatred against homosexuals, because that we cant scientifically prove. We can't prove that there's no god that hates homosexuals. And you just say "god has became so modern that he just like hates faggots and stuffs that i do"

Bullshit. God hasn't grown modern. You & other idiots have. God is nothing but a bunch of attributed that define "maximal" yet irrational morality code for certain group of people at certain time. It has always been like that and that it shall always be. Something imaginable that you can use for justifying your opinions that have no other basis that "lol i think so."

Please, do believe if you like. But don't try to justify any retarded opinions by saying "DERR GOD SAYS SO." God doesnt hate thing x, you do.

TL;DR: Believe whatever the fuck you wan't but leave it outside politics and arguments and science. Thank you.

>> No.4416818

So, a creator (God) can appear out of nothing, but the universe appearing out of nothing is hard for you to accept?

>> No.4416824

1. Something can't come from nothing
2. The universe can't have existed forever
3. This means something came from nothing.
4. ???
5. God is that something

I shit you not that I see this argument all the fucking time

>> No.4416825
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>implying a perfect being would have to be created

I'm surprised that there are actually atheists on a math and science board.

>> No.4416826


Science cannot be absolutely sure about anything until everything is known.

This is why the highest status any scientific idea can achieve is 'scientific theory'. We are relatively sure something is true, because we have so much evidence which suggests it. However we cannot absolutely conclude it to be true, because there may be some unexplained phenomena which misleads us or explains it better.

Dawkins isn't giving religious movements ground to stand on, he is simply being scientifically correct.

To prove that i have cockroaches in my house all i have to do is find one at any time.
To prove that i don't have cockroaches in my house, i have to look in every single area at the same time.
Apply that example to god, we would have to look in every possible area at the same time to prove the negative.

>> No.4416831

ITT: Atheists getting trolled

Everyone pack up and go home.

>> No.4416832
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That used to rustle my jimmies, especially when that retard William Lane Craig used to say it.

But the bible did say (apparently) that god existed outside time and space, and so occasionally they whip that out to explain why the christian god is the only scientifically viable god.

But when that 'philosopher' used to say it it especially angered me, he filthies the study of wisdom.
>We cannot comprehend something
>The existence of God can make sense of it
>Therefore God exists
>PhD Philosopher

>> No.4416833

Prove you exist. Oh wait you can't

>> No.4416834
File: 33 KB, 316x400, kant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think. Therefore, I am.