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File: 50 KB, 750x600, 750px-Kepler-22b_System_Diagram[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4415667 No.4415667 [Reply] [Original]

So a hot girl in my Speech class did her speech the other day. On Kepler-22b, the first planet found in the habitable zone of a star.

How do I follow that?? Any ideas?

>> No.4415675

What are the speech criteria?

>> No.4415683

Five to seven min, inform the audience about a specific topic, has to have academic merit.

This is speech class, and a pretty flexible on at that.

>> No.4415687

Project Daedalus would have nice symmetry with hot chicks presentation if you want to go that route.

>> No.4415691

Interesting, but I'm looking for something more subtle.

>> No.4415698

Mars Direct

>> No.4415705

Consider the Orion program. It has some moral ambiguity as well as scientific merit.

>> No.4415719
File: 12 KB, 261x301, 1288646481137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant go wrong with a spirited speech about the zionist control media and banking.

Wow your peers with a riveting breakdown on world politics and the sickening conditions of being under the jewish thumb.

>> No.4415721

....The fuck?

>> No.4415729


>> No.4415736

talk about hidalgo

it is the most awesome object in the solar system

>> No.4415746


>> No.4415748


>> No.4415750

Seconding this, doesn't seem to be any exceptional information from a quick google search and reading of the Wikipedia article

>> No.4415760

Big deal. It's an asteroid with moderately high eccentricity and inclination. Curithne is more interesting. Trojan asteroids are more interesting. Actually, I have trouble thinking of something less captivating than your little rock.

>> No.4415764
File: 11 KB, 216x227, whitesupremacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That exposing of the zionist conspiracy is looking pretty good now, huh?

>> No.4415778

Not really.
I have to agree with the others; I'm not finding any mind blowing or interesting facts I can present.

>> No.4415783

I'm telling you, mars direct

>> No.4415814


I got this shit covered OP.

Check it


>> No.4415817
File: 28 KB, 596x353, dudeopinion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah. Well. You know, that's just like your opinion, man.

>> No.4415826

Why don't you share why you find it so intriguing? I'm interested as to what I'm missing here.

>> No.4415857

It's orbit varies by 7au It touches saturn at the outmost edge, and gets dam close to mars on the inside. which gives it the largest sway out of any planet.

Hidalgo most likely started off a a comet, but lost its water over the years, making it an interesting thing to research. Also it still retains enough water, that the surface changes from solid to liquid as it travels towards the sun.

Finally, it is going to get eaten by either jupiter or saturn, and there is a possibility of this happening in our lifetime.

>> No.4415912

........FUCK YES. This will tie in perfectly! After this, whs'll want my dick. wait.....

>> No.4415913

I was around for shoemaker-levy 9. I've seen what impacts do to a gas giant. And there are plenty of long period comets with greater eccentricity so that doesn't really impress me.

>> No.4415942 [DELETED] 


Do something that people might actually get the chance to vote for in their lifetime.

>> No.4415957
File: 86 KB, 599x740, 1324058423270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would do the Zionist control speech personally. The shock value alone would guarantee a glowing review and a superb grade.

>> No.4415969
File: 29 KB, 498x327, mars_mission..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do something that people might actually get the chance to vote for in their lifetime.

>> No.4415986

Its a speech exercise, not a science exhibition you retards.

It is less about what you say is it is how you say it.

>> No.4416012
File: 177 KB, 531x471, face072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the OP came here to learn how to speak

>> No.4416027

comets yes,

planets no.

>> No.4416087

38km does not a planet make. Also being gravitationally insignificant and being smaller than numerous other non-planets makes it either an asteroid or dead comet, neither of which makes for compelling study. At least not in any way that would make the rock in question merit more consideration than the average asteroid belt object.

>> No.4416093

it is a minor planet just like pluto

>> No.4416098


Think about how many people in the world are fascinated by obscure scientific advances.

Think about how many of those people would stay interested in listening to a speaker who is neither part of it nor can produce any demonstration or illustration on the topic.

Think about your audience. They are there to see you and hear you, but not listen to you. Winning over an audience is akin to fighting a battle. Your facts arm you, but what matters more is how you wield them.

Your choice of topic is your choice of where you encounter your audience. Why choose a topic where you fight an uphill battle?

>> No.4416101


You should give a speech on the nihilism of speech giving.

>> No.4416109

you should talk about fluoride levels in public water, liberal brainwashing in schools

>> No.4416110


Too edgy. You'd probably come off as a smartass.

Talk about something relevant to your audience if you can. Talk about that thing/ that incident / that school policy thats been annoying everyone. Or that thing that everyones been talking about. Or something that needs to be done or something that can be done better.

Your choice of how you present and conduct yourself is up to you.

Its always safe to be serious and passionate about/during your speech.

Take caution in being satirical or humorous if you do not understand your audience very well.

Remember that the battle is not fought on how sound-proof your points are, but that the battle is fought in how you adapt and react to the audience as much as the audience reacts to you.

Dont come in with a binder full of notes and dont have your speech written out word for word.

Write down just the main points so that you stay focused, but leave out the elaborations. You should be well versed enough in the points to elaborate off the cuff and not having the need to refer to your text. If you arent able to do this, then dont mention that point or talk about something you are more familiar with.

>> No.4416114
File: 30 KB, 720x475, finalspeechamazinggrade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a speech I once gave for a public speaking class.

>> No.4416116

Seconding Project Orion

OP, I implore you to spend 10 minutes reading about this.

If you are lazy, you can start by watching this video of someone making a speech about it just like you will be: http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/en/george_dyson_on_project_orion.html

There is plenty to talk about on this topic.

>> No.4416120

I second

>> No.4416121

Remember to engage and stay relevant to your audience.

React as is necessary. If you feel like youre losing your audience, take a different approach.

The best written speeches, no matter how eloquently crafted, are not always the most appropriate for their circumstance.

>> No.4416122

This. I gave a speech on determinism not to long ago. It didn't do so well with people who weren't philosophical.....

>> No.4416125


Maybe they were philosophical and they are just tired of hearing about determinism.

Nah I am just kidding, you are probably right.

>> No.4416138


If you read the speech in your mind you will find that it is nonsensical and retarded.

Yet its not about what was actually said was it?

This is the reason why most politicians, taken out of context will sound like blithering idiots. There is a huge difference in writing for a reader and writing for a live audience.

>> No.4416141
File: 54 KB, 571x570, coolstory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so not a planet

>> No.4416146


The speech was a "special occasion speech." We had to give an award to someone in the class for a fictional achievement. I brought in a wooden board with the word "BEST" written on it. I yelled the whole speech like some retard autist.

I did it just for fun. The whole class was easy. I think I am particularly comfortable talking in front of people and ended up doing really well relative to everyone else. This was the last assignment and I just wanted to have fun with it.

The instructor really enjoyed it too, so, I just happened to get a good grade.

>> No.4416147


Oh ho ho nice, finally something other than Gliese 581g which turned out to not exist ;_;

Discovered Dec, 11, 2011. oh, nice, I'm WAY out of the loop. Well fuck me.

>> No.4416163