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4413713 No.4413713 [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel to know that female is the default sex in humans?

>> No.4413716

There is no default sex.

You just went full retard.

>> No.4413717

>Failure to fulfill an obligation, esp. to repay a loan

Yep, sounds like a woman to me!

>> No.4413719


not bad...

>> No.4413720


>> No.4413721

Well obviously you never learnt science. Humans start off as females before developing male repoductive organs.

>> No.4413722
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>> No.4413723

>Never learnt science
>Not referring to any one specific field

And you're calling others stupid?

>> No.4413725

I was avoiding the word Biology to avoid bringing in "Hurr Durr Biology = hard science"

>> No.4413729


>Humans start off as females before developing male repoductive organs.


that is/you are so fucking retarded i dont even know where to begin.

to be classified as a female, you must possess the female reproductive organs.

youre essentially saying that humans start of possessing female reproductive organs and then about half of them have their reproductive organs mysteriously vanish to be replaced by cocks.

>> No.4413730

Well that certainly explains the clitoris

>> No.4413731

Definition of DEFAULT
1: failure to do something required by duty or law : neglect
2archaic : fault
3: a failure to pay financial debts
4 a : failure to appear at the required time in a legal proceeding b : failure to compete in or to finish an appointed contest <lost the game by default>
5 a : a selection made usually automatically or without active consideration due to lack of a viable alternative <remained the club's president by default>
b : a selection automatically used by a computer program in the absence of a choice made by the user

Since you wanted to get smart, I was referring to number 5.

Female is the gender which is automatically choosen until it is told overwise by DNA.

>> No.4413733

>be greater then a female by default

feels right

>> No.4413736

Well considering it is being taught in a Neuroscience class at a university, I would say I'm not "so fucking retarded".

Explain male nipples. They have no evolutionary benefit whatso ever. Yet they form.

>> No.4413737


>Female is the gender which is automatically choosen until it is told overwise by DNA.


my god, its like you dont even know the meaning of random in random assortment.

>> No.4413740

it's probably 'cause I stayed up all night but I lol'd

>> No.4413741


>Well considering it is being taught in a Neuroscience class at a university

better save the receipt on that degree, you might still get a refund.

please nigger, nobody wants to hear what your creationist professor taught you in "Neuroscience" about genetics.

>> No.4413743

You all just sound like males who are too afraid they started off as females.

>> No.4413744

>Female is the gender which is automatically choosen until it is told overwise by DNA

So, how exactly is gender chosen without human DNA being involved until it takes part in this gender folly?

>> No.4413745


Whoa. Lrn2 biology you inept cunt.

The SPERM determines the gender of the child.

After Meiosis II, the female gamete will always contain an X chromosome, but the male gamete may contain either an X or a Y chromosome, this is because the male DNA contains both types, and so during cell division splits up the XY into one X sperm and one Y sperm.

DNA does NOT send any specific signal, chemical or otherwise to determine which sperm penetrates your stupid cunt egg, wheter it contain X or Y chromosome.

>> No.4413746

Well not just a Neuroscience class, but it has been mentioned before, but that was the lastest it was mentioned. But hey, if you want to seem like a butthurt male, by all means, keep denying it.

>> No.4413754


>Well not just a Neuroscience class, but it has been mentioned before, but that was the lastest it was mentioned.


I sincerely believe this is how you will try to debate if you were ever in an academic circle.

The prospect of which amuses me, but not enough to offset my annoyance at your ignorance.

>> No.4413752
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Sounds about right to me. I bow down to the superior female sex.

>> No.4413753

Well please do explain by all babies genitals are female until testes are formed (which only happens because of DNA), and then because of testosterone (which is produced by aforementioned testes) develop into male genitalia?

>> No.4413761

It won't matter in the future when everyone is vacuum sucking, female trans-human cyborg traps.

>> No.4413762

Also no one has cared to tell me why, if males don't develop from females, do males have nipples? Unless males used to breast feed in the past, there is no reason for them to have them.

>> No.4413765


>Well please do explain by all babies genitals are female until testes are formed

I dont have to because they arent you fucking idiot.

Until the testes are formed, the baby is physiologically ASEXUAL, however that itself is inaccurate as on a molecular level, the baby is MALE the moment it can be classified as a baby and even the moment a sperm containing a Y chromosome intermingles with the X chromosome in the egg. Its blastocyst and stem cells upon analysis at a molecular level will TELL YOU THAT THE BABY IS MALE.

I cant help if youre a stupid cunt that believes that a baby is female until a dick appears.

Want to argue that your stapler is female until it grows a dick?

>> No.4413770

and does that make males inferior?no. In fact males are generally the dominating sex.

>> No.4413773

No one fully knows how gender is genetically determined. But we know what role a few genes play in this.

This female default conception is old dogma. There is some truth to it, but it doesn't really do justice to the complexity of sex determination. There are separate paths by which genes determine sex and they are both triggered actively, so there isn't really a default.

>> No.4413776

Im female and I agree that OP is an ignorant bitch who cant into biology.

Please shut up OP, youre just making things worse for us.

>> No.4413777

gaise im actually by default a fox but den my geenees told my boodies to b human

>> No.4413782


Are you stupid or have you just not studied mendelian genetics, a requisite component of the syllables required in passing an A level equivalent in Biology.

What part of random assortment do you not understand?

Is it the random? Or the assortment?

>> No.4413784

No I don't really care for arguing because alas, I am not an idiot.

It doesn't take more then 5 seconds to google about this stuff and find out the truth. But I did have fun making you get your panties in a twist, because I highly doubt you were trolling me and really were upset at me because I was saying what I was.

And I would have continued this but unfortantly I have to go.

Ta-ta, it was fun idiotic little man

>> No.4413789


>It doesn't take more then 5 seconds to google about this stuff and find out the truth.

I did, and it seems your delusions and ignorance stems from several incorrect "best answers" to Yahoo!Answers questions that falsely corroborate with your points.

I hope you've at least learnt today that you cant replace a fundamental understanding of biological concepts with Yahoo!Answers results.

Or that youve at least learnt to use the fucking internet properly you stupid cunt.

>> No.4413801


I know your kind.

Youre still here, vainly, self-consciously obsessing over what anonymous people say behind your back about your anonymous presence.

Youre pathetic.

>> No.4413802

Never did I say that I was actually serious little boy. Googling, and not looking at YahooAnswers, provides information stating that while babies begin looking feminine, they haven't developed testes or ovaries and therefore do not have female repoductive organs. Also whether or not it is going to a boy or a girl is decided by the sperm and once conception happens, this will not change (barring the small percentage).

But again, I will say this: It was very amusing to watch you get your panties in a twist little boy.

>> No.4413807

>trolls /sci/ and fails
>leaves before backlash
Stay class, sport.

>> No.4413809

Wait. Now you're agreeing with him.

>> No.4413810

What does random assortment has to do with what I said?
You're not addressing any point I made and your trolling is showing.

>> No.4413812

A male is defined as having XY chromosomes.
A female is defined as having XX chromosomes.
These do not change during pregnancy; they are "determined" shortly after/during conception.


>> No.4413814

Yes I am. Because I knew all that from the start. Geeze you people are mighty slow for being the "smart" board of 4chan.

>> No.4413821

Please read other posts. You will find that indeed I was having a bit of fun while wasting time before university. And although I said I was leaving (mis-read clock), I am not.

>> No.4413822

I know you're trolling, but I'll bite...
There are males born without the Y chromosome, so sex determination is much more complex than that. There are genes which promote the male or female sex and genes which suppress the formation of a certain sex. So, it's more of a struggle between a number of genes to push the development in one direction or another.

>> No.4413835

How does it feel to know males are superior and upgraded model in humans?

>> No.4413840

This OP is undoubtedly a fool. As predictable as a fool, but unfortunately not as amusing as one.

You do not fool me in pretending to be a troll.

Whether you realise it or not, I am superior to you and I know how your mind works for I have met others like you. I have seen the recurring patterns in my dealings with your kind.

You are a tiresome ass and I tire of you.

Mock this post if you wish, but it will not change the reality of your intellectual shortcomings.

>> No.4413838

>Having only an X chromosome makes you kinda female.
>Having only a Y chromosome makes you a dead fetus.
>More anatomical modifications are needed to change an asexual embryo into a male.
>The Y chromosome is an altered version of the X chromosome.
So OP is right, although it doesn't mean shit when it comes to what gender is superior.

>> No.4413841


sounds like a bitch got put in her place

>> No.4413891


I agree with this arrogant anon.
>post dumb shit you believe to be true
>get destroyed by anon
>pretend to be trolling

Lames and oldest excuse on 4chan, OP.

>> No.4413896

>Start off as females
>Start off having two X chromosomes, then one of them develops into a y chromosome
Explain how this happens.

>> No.4413906

>Lames and oldest excuse on 4chan, OP.

I prefer the description "tried and true".

>> No.4413917
File: 360 KB, 880x1249, trollheads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

>> No.4413922
File: 121 KB, 790x1229, trolls2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP confirmed for woman who made this shit thread. "hurr durr womenz are better then evil men"

Resorts to insults and name calling when proven wrong time and time again.

Stay classy cunt.

pic related, inb4 trolling

>> No.4413927


Random assortment has everything to do with it you moron.


A male's cell will initially start off containing both X and Y chromosomes. At the start of meiosis I, your cell will be a diploid containing both X and Y still but by the end of meiosis II, a single haploid gamete will only contain either X or Y. In other words, each sperm in the male body either contains an X chromosome or a Y chromosome.

If an X chromosome fertilises the egg, the baby will be female, if a Y chromosome etc etc

Random assortment takes place during both meiosis I and II which sorts out which sperm is laden with which genes including the chromosomes X and Y.

This process is random. Assortment of genes (including X and Y) takes place.

The assortment of genes is random.

The assortment of X and Y is random.

Your sex is determined randomly.

We KNOW that sex is determined randomly and we KNOW why it is random (insofar as we know that a coinflip is random)

Bloody idiot.

>> No.4413951

Because default platform which could go either way.

>> No.4413960

I gave you an example which shows there can be a male foetus without a Y chromosome, but you're too retarded to understand it. SRY is not the only sex-determining gene. That's an old theory about sex genetic development.

>> No.4413996


Oh please, do provide the example of how a MALE homo sapien fetus can lack a Y chromosome.

This just so happens to be a topic that is by some degree of categorization, relevant to my field of study.

You seem to be under some sort of delusion that genetic material can willy nilly change the information in its genome by some means or other.

>> No.4414008


Op, please shut up.

>> No.4414019


OP left over an hour ago.

What the fuck is that?

This isnt a domain for your social science trash.

Read a paper written by a fucking biologist about a topic in biology, not some professor in history you fucking moron.

>> No.4414029


So, you didn't even read it. Good to know.
Because I am sure that Francois Mauriceau was a historian professor back in 1700's.

>> No.4414044

>I cant help if youre a stupid cunt that believes that a baby is female until a dick appears.

>Want to argue that your stapler is female until it grows a dick?

Nigger, I don't know if it's because I haven't slept in 58 hours, but you just made my day. 10/10

>> No.4414049


>The one-sex and two-sex theory are two models of human anatomy or fetal development discussed in Thomas Laqueur's book Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud. He theorizes that a fundamental change in attitudes toward human sexual anatomy occurred in Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries.

>Thomas W. Laqueur is Professor of History at the University of California, Berkeley, located in Berkeley, California.

>There was an abundance of literature written in the 18th century supporting the two sex model. [ some written by Francois]

>18th century

Please kindly fuck off. This is not a valid defense to your arguments and this is not even science.

>> No.4414056


> haven't slept in 58 hours


the max ive gone is maybe 42 hours without sleep and i thought that was tough

>> No.4414062

Had it since I was a child. I just... don't sleep for long periods of time. Parents didn't care, so I never saw a doctor. Never bothered to.

>> No.4414071

Ah. OP here. Completely forgot about this thread.

Anyways, I dont really care what you "superior" males think to be honest. But I do find it funny you view yourself superior. But alas, I really can not be fucked arguing with all you "superior" males and will go back to my "kitchen" (which is really a research lab), so have fun.

>> No.4414075


that is fantastic! all that extra work that could be done if only i didnt sleep so much...

>> No.4414079


>and will go back to my "kitchen" (which is really a research lab)

No toots, it really is a kitchen. You can call it whatever you want but kindly stop using up all the baking soda and vinegar.

>> No.4414084

Whatever you want to think. I mean if you want to think I work in the kitchen everyday, then so be it.

>> No.4414088


>awaiting uni
>gb2 "research lab"

dont forget to wear your "research" mitts when handling your "research" oven when baking a "research" cake

>> No.4414091

I'm fairly sure that what he has is deadly.

>> No.4414093

Yes because I don't help in a lab while doing my Masters. No that definately can't be the case at all right?

>> No.4414101
File: 141 KB, 448x90, site_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple induction case n^2 > 2^n for all n>/=4

is it acceptable in the induction step to express the left side (k+1)^2 as (G)k^2 where (G)k^2=(k+1)^2

and then the right side is just 2(2^n)

solve by proving (G) > 2 for all k>4

>> No.4414108


Yes, because you have already demonstrated a severe lack of understanding in basic concepts of biology. Women arent good in maths, so you cant possibly be doing any other science.

I dont believe that any university, no matter how cheap or lousy could ever claim to be a university and allow you to graduate from an undergraduate course.

>> No.4414113


solve: >>4414101

and quickly, its simple

>> No.4414138

Well no, I do have an excellent understanding of biology. As well as other science areas. And I most certainly graduated with my BS (Majoring in Neuroscience and Mathematics) with First Class Honors and now am currently doing a research Masters in which I am helping to determine the role of microglia and CX3CR1 signalling in hippocampal neurogenesis.

No, none of that can possibly true at all can it?

>> No.4414145

The things I was saying are from things I have heard other people say and stuff I have read on the internet.

But of course Im just a stupid cunt who lives in the kitchen right?

>> No.4414170



All evidence from your previous posts indicate that you are an idiot and you have also demonstrated a severe lack of understanding in biology.

You have also lied several times during this thread to save face including such incidences as pretending to be a troll and pretending to have left this thread.

All indications point to you being a pathetic bullshitting lying cunt.

Given the history of this thread, would you trust yourself in your claim had you not yourself been?

You might, because you are clearly an idiot. But thats beside the point.

>> No.4414172

Phenotypical male without Y chromosome:

Phenotypical females who have a Y chromosome

So it's not the chromosome which determines sex.

>> No.4414175

Alright. If you think that, then fine with me.

>> No.4414181

☐ Not told
☐ Told
☒ Toldranosaurus rex

>> No.4414182


>The things I was saying are from things I have heard other people say and stuff I have read on the internet.

From this defense you have thus presented yourself as such: you are either a liar (to knowingly deceive) or a gullible fool (to unwittingly believe).

But I already know that you are both liar and fool.

>> No.4414191

I was doing what you would consider "trolling". And I did have fun with it. Some fell for it. Some didnt. You did.

>> No.4414197


Nigger dont get high off nothing.

Wikipedia is as wikipedia is.

In biology, by definition of lacking a Y chromosome, an "XX male" is not male.

Heres a quote from your sauce:

>XX males have two X chromosomes, with one of them containing genetic material from the Y chromosome, making them phenotypically male; they are genetically female but otherwise appear to be male.

A phenotype is merely the physical appearance of an organism that allows taxonomists to easily classify organisms in some levels of the phylogeny and all a phenotype is worth to a geneticist is merely some indication to the alleles being expressed to result in the phenotype.

Let me reiterate this from your link to be clear:

>they are genetically female but otherwise appear to be male.

Nice try though, at least your misconception is a valid one.

☐ Not told
☐ Told
☒ Red Eyed Tree Frog

>> No.4414204




>> No.4414224

I don't know what OP is talking about but maybe she's referring to the Mullerian and Wolffian ducts and how if the sertoli cells do not begin to produce Mullerian inhibiting substance and testosterone, the wolffian duct just degenerates leaving only the mullerian duct.

>> No.4414240


but maybe she's referring to the Mullerian and Wolffian ducts and how if the sertoli cells do not begin to produce Mullerian inhibiting substance and testosterone, the wolffian duct just degenerates leaving only the mullerian duct.

Let me sort that mystery out for you.

>but maybe

Nope. Shes just that stupid.