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File: 189 KB, 600x467, mitochondria.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4413112 No.4413112 [Reply] [Original]


Moar like MIGHTochondrion amirite?

(Pic related)

>> No.4413121

>biology major attempts humor

>> No.4413122
File: 11 KB, 266x189, 1330408383488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumpity Bump.

>> No.4413123
File: 71 KB, 250x250, Horatio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>believing in mitochondria

>> No.4413129

Mitochondria, while necessary to life, are also a source of problems for us. Their asinine "design" features are part of the reason that our bodies break down and age.

>> No.4413143



you can kindly GTFO

>> No.4413149

Energy coming out the wazoo.

Makes me wonder why engineers havent explored the potential for these organelles to be a renewable source of energy.

They recycle their electron carriers and all you need is readily available sugar and oxygen as a variable cost.

Mitochondria can easily be harvested from living matter via centrifugation, FADH2 and NADH can readily be synthesized.

Whatchoo waitin for mathymathycal faggets?

>> No.4413157

Dat primary endosymbiont.

>> No.4413161

That's because the only thing engineers do all day is sit on their FAT fucking towers and sneer at people all day. I MADE A TOASTER, WHERE IS MY RECONGNITIONS?

>> No.4413163

can you inject extra mitochondria into someone to give them a boost of energy? or how about to help consume fat, and lose weight?

>> No.4413171



actually, engineers get the short end of the stick the majority of the time. modern geniuses go unrecognized while the corporations they work for take all the credit.

do you think the amazing advances in modern tech just think themselves up?

engineers are the guys in the background who make everything wonderful work, the unsung heroes of our generation.

>> No.4413187

No. Mitochondria must inhabit eukaryotic cells. They cannot live on their own and they won't magically get from the blood-stream into cells where they can conduct metabolism.

>> No.4413191


>can you inject extra mitochondria into someone to give them a boost of energy?

no, it dosnt work that way. there are a multitude of signalling molecules and supporting organelles that the mitochondria requires to function, and even if it does operate, ATP cannot be sent to where its needed via the endocrine system, you need the mitochondria to be exactly where any particular organ that needs it is. furthermore, any excess energy will just be converted into heat loss.

>or how about to help consume fat, and lose weight?

no, the energy still has to be utilized. if there is no demand for energy, your body will not signal the chemical pathways to undergo further glycolysis which sends the needed pyruvate into mitochondria to begin the link reactions and the krebs cycle.

you have more than enough mitochondria to operate your body at maximum capacity. your brain may be the exception.

>> No.4413245

I want to genetically engineer my mitochondria to react RDX with itself for energy rather than the whole glucose / O2 thing.

I would then have no need of such things as breathing because I would literally be the bomb. Problem?

>> No.4413267

mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell
mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell
mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell
mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell
mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell
mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell
mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell
mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell
mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell
mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell
mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell
mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell
mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell
mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell

>> No.4413438


Nigger, you best be trolling.

You dont want a mitochondrion fo that, you want Photosystem 2 and P700 chlorohpyl a for that.

PS 2 can be cyclic and will generate 1 ATP per cycle if you have it pass through the cytochrome complex.

>> No.4413440


>mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell
>are the powerhouse

all those times and you couldnt even get it right once

>> No.4413448

not that guy but mitochondria is the plural so "are" is correct

singular mitochondrion

if you're going to be a dickhead grammar nazi, at least do it right.

>> No.4413451


>are the powerhouse


Time to repeat grade school it seems?

>> No.4413456


"A mitochondrion is the powerhouse of the cell."

"Mitochondria are the powerhouses of the cell."

all those times and even a second chance to correct yourself and you still couldnt get it right

>> No.4413537


are you seriously upset because he didnt say powerhouses instead of powerhouse? i mean, i'm all for correct grammar but nitpicking over this is beyond retarded.

>> No.4413546


no, nitpicking on your grammar would be retarded, but a chance to expose >>4413451 for the idiot that he is was worth that 5 seconds it took to type it.

>> No.4413568

Cells multiply by dividing. Hyuk hyuk.

>> No.4413584

then i'm not sure what you're trying to say, multiple people arent sure what you're trying to say and this argument has stayed vague enough for long enough.

either its some important fact and you'll enlighten me and i'll learn something or its some sort of petty bullshit and in that case i dont really care. i suppose it could possibly also be somewhere in between these 2 options, but thats not really important.

explain why you devoted so much time to responding to 1 comment ITT and what specifically your problem with it is, please or lets just be done with this senseless cycle in which i'm trying to figure out what your specific complaint is and you dont elaborate.

>> No.4413588


im afraid that you dont qualify to be counted as "multiple people"

>u mad

>> No.4413601


the other person you were initially arguing with also counts as another person, hence multiple people.

please either explain specifically what your problem is or be done with it.

>> No.4413630


>god, my mom SUCKS. she says she's going to kick me out of the house because I need to support myself. I mean, i'm 34 and all, but doesn't she LOVE ME? if she really did, she'd let me stay for free and make me hot pockets 5ever

This is why mitochondria break down.

>> No.4413638


>mitochondria not supporting itself
>mitochondria containing its own DNA and synthesizing its own protein from its own ribosome organelles.
>mitochondria not working its ass off producing 32-34 ATP per Krebs Cycle

>> No.4413648 [DELETED] 


Mitochondria only get catabolysed by lysosomes when they post a dissenting opinion of the Nucleus on facebook.

>> No.4413671

This thread is terrible.

Also, mitochondria only code for 13 of their own proteins (out of about 600 total).