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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 116 KB, 505x514, stop461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4411554 No.4411554 [Reply] [Original]

>in class
>see girl(s) in front of me on their MacBooks
>browsing Facebook

>> No.4411558

There are girls in your classes?

>> No.4411561
File: 86 KB, 528x521, sadfrog4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in cafeteria
>see happy couples
>that feel when no gf


>> No.4411563

>people using laptops in class


>> No.4411564

Well, stuff like Poli Sci, cause they are required for everybody

>> No.4411568

>a laptop

Stay jelly, poorfag.

>> No.4411572

Don't they have a school internet filter?

>Also pseudoimplying that you care why?

Tell them that they aren't smart enough to do anything practical in life.

Don't feel bad. It's not worth having a GF in HS. Take it from my experience.

>> No.4411583
File: 177 KB, 302x434, sadfrog11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not in HS. I'm 22 and studying at university.


>> No.4411593

Still better than getting all caught up in that social crap.
The lonelier you are, the smarted you'll become.
Wait till you can support someone who actually loves you for who you are, not just cause that girl will end up breaking up with you a few months after it starts.

>> No.4411596
File: 10 KB, 240x310, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In high school Advanced Web Design class
>Teacher says you may use the computers to play music
>Everyone listens to Skrillex

>> No.4411598

Amerifats don't know what politeness is and they allow students to use computers during lectures.

>> No.4411607
File: 20 KB, 638x547, sadfrog22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My smartness doesn't make up for being lonely.
How do I find someone to love?


>> No.4411611

Wait why am I even giving advice, I never even had a fucking GF before.

Lmfao, I'm in the same boat as you.

>> No.4411613
File: 57 KB, 500x382, feelfrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4411617


easy one.
> sport

>> No.4411623
File: 167 KB, 407x254, sadfrog29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which sport can get me gf?


>> No.4411627
File: 62 KB, 400x562, bitcheslovelight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easier subject, electricity.

Oh lightbulb, you so funny.

>> No.4411633

This thread is making me sad. Stop it, you guys.

>> No.4411634

Why the fuck is hitler holding a light bulb?

>> No.4411636


one for getting ripped, fit and self confidence: e.g. boxing
one for getting to know lots of girls in a playful, relaxed atmosphere: e.g. yoga, mixed volleyball team, swimming

>> No.4411638

Are you legit?

That's Nikolai Tesla!

>> No.4411639

Dear gf-guy,

Over the past weeks you have been given a lot of tips on how to acquire gf or friends. The next step is to be taken by you and you only. Godspeed, my man.

>> No.4411648
File: 21 KB, 333x452, tesla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gents, I do believe that we should accept our loneliness for it will only make us stronger, and we should do a favor for OP by getting this thread back on track. Now then, stories that rustle your jimmies.

>> No.4411651

After reading your post... I've never heard anything by Skrillex, but saw him mentioned frequently on 4chan. I decided to look what the fuss was all about. Cue Youtube.

Mother of God. I can't believe this shit. I can't believe the millions upon millions of views. Wat. Just wat. Someone explain this shit to me. This is ridiculous. Is this what music is nowadays? I am honestly stunned...

>> No.4411653
File: 40 KB, 526x262, 1296949836096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I fucking did great on that test
> I can't wait to get my exam back to see my amazing grade
> 53
> Class Average was 86
> I read not one, BUT TWO very easy questions incorrectly, and answered them something else entirely (to my credit though, correctly).


>> No.4411656
File: 219 KB, 900x620, sadfrog33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My course on electrodynamics starts next months.
Can electrodynamics get me gf? How?

I'm sorry. Now I have the feel of guilt in addition to the feel of no gf.

Thanks. How do I make sure to socialize when doing sports?

I know. Right now I don't have any courses, so I don't go outside.


>> No.4411668


wtf? class avarage that high? In my university it's normal that >80% dont even manage to pass an exam.

>> No.4411671

confirmed for shit tier uni

>> No.4411680
File: 95 KB, 465x599, nowincolor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GF-guy, your posts really do bother me, you are too depressed for the likes of /sci/, you must realize that being forever alone is only because of yourself. Electrodynamics is not guaranteed to get you a gf, nor is anything else, you should instead stop moping, pick up the attitude and start being my test subject. I need all the free labor I can get, after that little scandal with Edison...

...I'm so hungry.

>> No.4411690


It was a Calculus 3 (multivariable) class which is essentially babby tier after taking Cal 1 & 2.

>> No.4411699

He is trolling, guy. You should just ignore him, like everyone else.

>> No.4411703

love does not exist
happy couples in cafeterias?
he wants to fuck her, then hop to another trophy, she wants his money/prestige/social position etc.
they smile, enjoy their time, but deep inside they already hate each other - this makes fucking better. Stop bitching about love and find yourself a fuckfriend - if you can't find one for free...

>> No.4411711
File: 23 KB, 242x297, socold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so cold, hungry and alone, I die now.

>> No.4411712

This thread just made me laugh so fucking hard in Uni.

I'm in the library, cackling like a fucking awkward person, while everyone else is studying.

>Wait why am I even giving advice, I never even had a fucking GF before.

>Lmfao, I'm in the same boat as you.

Fucking lost it. Hats off to Lunacy Master. And those fucking sadfrog posts.

>> No.4411717
File: 18 KB, 312x247, sadfrog26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't fully understand your post. Sorry.

I wish I was trolling, but my feels are real.

I don't want sex or these shallow enjoyments.
There must be love somewhere.
I cannot be the only person that is not superficial


>> No.4411718
File: 25 KB, 431x415, 1317976251143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want some cockmeat?

>> No.4411726

>See thread
>Anime pic
>>gonna be a shit thread
>>shit thread detected

>> No.4411745

>in class
>trying to write "fuck the police" on the wall
>professor keeps turning around
>takes longer to write than it should have

>> No.4411756

People in general

>> No.4411758

>that feel
it's a mix of panic and devastation with a hearty mix of pure rage.

also, i just took an exam today and on one problem i did everything correctly except for writing one fraction flipped. it will make my answer wrong and probably result in me losing a good chunk of credit for something i knew how to do, but just fucked the algebra up.

>> No.4411777

You guys are better at /9k/ than /r9k/ itself.

>> No.4411778

>History major detected

>> No.4411898

I luve u, grof guy.

>> No.4412040

>Parents religious so they send me to catholic school.
>They have a very underfunded science department.
>Ive just found out who Carl Sagan was at that time ive watched the cosmos by then though.
>Get really interested in science.
>My whole worldview changes in a matter of a week.
>Suddenly went from being hardcore christian conservative, to a technocrat who believes that the world should be ruled by AI.
>Suddenly get really depressed, feel really small, insignificant, start asking questions say like "Why do we exist?" Why are we here?" "How did we get here?" "When did all of this begin?" "What if god made a rock that he cant move?"
>Then i watched neil de grasse tyson tell me that i am made of dead star stuff.
>"We are a way for the universe to know itself"
>Suddenly massive self-esteem boost, super interested in science, read many books, play lots of board games suddenly, try to work out how to win and most of all actually did my maths work.
>Teachers notice this, get all butthurt that one of their students who used to excell at RS is now instead excelling in Science.
>RS teachers are really mad, they demand that science teachers stop spreading the word of the devil to me and they demand my soul back.
>Science teachers face when.
>Months pass RS teachers still a bit mad.
>Finally its biology.
>Catholic school
>Catholic school.

>> No.4412044
File: 34 KB, 396x403, u wot m8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So the lesson begins, Christians are so butthurt constantly interrupting the teacher, "But thats not what the bible says" "GEE I sure dont see no evolution in Genesis"
>Pretty good lecture actually, but at the end the teacher said "But this is just one of many theories" "You are not forced to believe this."
>Back in RS, Teachers give us an assignment to create a powerpoint on your views on religion.
>Mine went like this:
>Ok so who here takes the flying spaghetti monster as their lord and saviour?
>Class giggles a little bit, teacher goes a bit red.
>So why isnt the FSM your lord and saviour?
>Get reply "Because there is no evidence he exists"
>And i say, Well there is
>Get reply "So where is it?"
>Pull out The Pastafarian Gospel from behind my back.
>Teacher, spots Richard dawkins and Sam harris on my powerpoint, Hes mad now, he knows where this is heading.
>He stops the presentation, fails me, and tells me that im in big trouble.
>Class ends i stay behind, Parents called in, Headteacher came they even brought a priest along.
>They lecture me about how Zombie Jezuz died on cross and stuff like that, i try to rebutte some of the shit their feeding me but they just say "SHUT UP AND LISTEN."

>> No.4412050

>Go home, Rip up bible, Rip up holy communion picture of jesus thing.
>Parents Real mad, call our parish priest (Different from the pries at school)
>He comes, i explain situation to him.
>Parents as him, "Will he be ok?"
>Priest says "He is ok, hes perfectly healthy minded young adult"
>Parents confused "BUT he blasphemed! He follows satan!"
>I say i dont follow anything im an atheist.
>Parents tell me to zip it or else.
>Priest defends me saying "Look, God gave us freewill and no matter what, you should not force it upon him, if he chose this path, then let him be"
>Parents tomato red now.
>Didnt speak to them for weeks after that, everything is ok now and the priest is a pretty cool gui, we frequently have debates and stuff.
>If youve read it all you are a hero, sorry for my grammatical/spelling errors, i did this in a car on an iphone.

>> No.4412054

>go to class
>teacher says something incorrect
>correct her
>she thanks me

>go to another class
>teacher says something incorrect
>correct him
>he says I'm wrong
>a few classmates speak up and tell him he's wrong
>spaghetti etc.
>he gets angry and tells one of the students to leave the room

>> No.4412056

>in class
>see guy(s) in front of me being annoyed at girls
>who can multitask

>> No.4412065

This is going to sound shitty, but you are much better off single at this point. My grades dipped by 20% when I got a BF (hurr engineering joke), even though we were on the same course. His dropped too. It's an obligation that, though nice, will fuck up your academic position.

>> No.4412071


I would never ever leave my gf for 20% better grades

>> No.4412077

>in class
>me and some other girls browse facebook on our macbooks
>an aspie behind us is annoyed

>> No.4412080

I'm not the hero.
You're the hero

>> No.4412094

Neither would I, we're still together.

What I'm saying is that he shouldn't be trying to get a partner until after he's out of the firing line and not being graded on his performance. It's not like women are a finite resource, when he graduates he still has the same chances.

>> No.4412212


Jesus Christ 20%? I would dump ten girlfriends for that bump. I would be getting more than 100% in some courses. I would be the first person ever to get perfect on the final for Number Theory!

>> No.4412234

Those girls smart enough that the lecture is boring them, they can browse Facebook instead.

If we had laptops and wifi back in the day I'ld have been on Facebook my whole undergrad career.

>> No.4412265

SHUT UP!!111

>> No.4412268

>In library
>Have news corner
>Sign says "put the news back after you read it"
>Nobody put the news back
>Out of social obligation, I rearrange the news back

I hate people

>waiting at bus stop
>have a half-empty rubbish bin nearby
>A guy threw his Mountain Dew away without looking, as if he owns the fucking place
>He was literally less than one metre away from the bin
>I'm not even joking
>I died inside

>> No.4413336


I want to have your babies

>> No.4413362
File: 28 KB, 396x396, 40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cute girl sits next to me in calculus class
>Getting up the nerve to talk to her
>She winds up glued to her phone txting the whole class
>Lose all interest

>> No.4414351

this pisses me off, too

>be helping girl with her AI homework
>pretty sure she likes me
>consider asking her out
>... but i'm 25 and she's probably 19, eh
>some nerd won't give us any time to talk alone
>realize he likes her
>debate on ruining his day by asking her out in front of him

>> No.4414370

>smart enough

I'm angry at you

>> No.4414373

Are your jimmies rustled?

>> No.4414377


>> No.4414691


>> No.4414692

>in class yesterday
>400 level chemistry
>3 classmates start discussing Answers in Genesis
>like it's a good thing

>> No.4414698
File: 43 KB, 228x276, GlassesGlare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In Engineering class
>Professor gives a pop quiz
>Only one person in the class gets it right (it's either 10/10 or 0/10, no in between)
>He doesn't curve.

>> No.4414701
File: 32 KB, 185x200, 3297958+_47fda8449710cf7b39df20edd151b3e9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get chem lab back
>look at it
>I'm not good at chem lab as it
>Points off for NO DATE, NO UNITS ( we were calculating retardation factor) and MISS USE OF SIG FIGS
>76 as my grade
>my fucking face when
>some how managing nearly a C+ while missing a lab

I can understand the sig fig btw I should have rounded but the fucking computer that we enter is always weird.

>> No.4414708
File: 893 KB, 300x300, Wat_004.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be a couple months ago
>Be in computer lab with some other classmates
>Talking about aspects of our AI class
>Talk about evolving robots and other thought experiments
>Tard says he doesn't believe in evolution
>Derails entire conversation into silence

>> No.4414712 [DELETED] 

Significant figures are very important. Deal with it.

>> No.4414722

>Be first day of PHY II class
>Eager to learn more about electricity
>Prof tells us that sig figs aren't important
>Says the exact answer is not as important as knowing a good guess quickly
>Halfway through semester
>Still trying to figure this man out

>> No.4414723
File: 42 KB, 633x600, 1330251371255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just had a quiz
>finished early
>Not a single problem I couldnt answer
>checked over my stuff with the remaining time
>studied a lot
>even though I knew everything, and checked it over I know I made so mistake somewhere and Im going to get a bunch of marks off

every. fucking. time.

>> No.4414726

>in class
>dumb bitches chatting away and on FB
>obviously are not paying attention
>next class there's a quiz
>bitch about how the professor didn't teach the subject

wut wut wut

>> No.4414727

yeah I agree with you and the program was right to take off points. However points off for the date, and considering it was 3 points, is a lot. And getting the entire question wrong for not rounding is a harsh penalty. My answer was something like .3256 computer's calculations were .326. I should get some points off but not the entire thing.

>> No.4414742
File: 115 KB, 435x435, 1324100142811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prof is a cunt
>nothing you can do

>Be doing PHY II lab
>Others in lab as well, including 1 tard
>Tard tells prof about the "3 doors, pick 1, 1 is removed, change original choice" problem
>Prof is ignorant and tells tard he's wrong
>I can't watch bad information spread to the other classmates
>I bet the prof that he's wrong
>He accepts
>mfw he might screw me over when he finds out he's wrong

>talked to him privately and it's all good, now

>> No.4414753

>chem quiz
>ideal gas laws
>really nervous it's the first time I actually understand how to do anything
>equation is asking me to solve for V
>get an amount of grams + molecule
>divide grams by moles
>realize after I hand in my quiz what I did wrong

I still think I got an 8 out of 10

>> No.4414760
File: 6 KB, 158x165, CostanzaFuckedUpFace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Going to a college with tards in the Physics classes

>> No.4414766

>handing in paper and immediately realize you made a mistake

this is the worst feel.

>> No.4414787

he's some foreign tard... i have no idea why he's in the class.

he never understands something the first time and asks the same questions 3 different ways before he gives up.

>> No.4414798

I once had a guy like that in my biology class. It was dreadful.

>> No.4414804

fucking hate that feel
>been crazy awesome with maths since forever
>need to take MTH 310
>falling asleep in stats class
>take first quiz where i need to find standard dev.
>forget to divide by (n-1) before taking square root
>realize it after I walk out of the classroom
>I'm literally 1 full step outside of the classroom
>Say "fuck" just loud enough for everyone to hear as I walk away

>> No.4414810

His presence makes me want to drop the class... *sigh* but i'm about halfway through... *trying to motivate myself*

>> No.4414817


I blame the fact that it was 8am and I had just taken my first sip of coffee...

>> No.4414829
File: 40 KB, 284x334, 1328837240686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when you are the tard and even though you ask only once for help the TA's once a lab they look down upon you

that's the worst fucking feel

>> No.4414831

Haha, I know that feel. He was my fucking lab partner. Dreadful. Just fucking dreadful.

>> No.4414867
File: 83 KB, 848x625, 1323381097221_smaller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luckily, he's on the exact other side of the room... but he's always doing the lab the first two days (like I am, getting it out of the way)...

>Doing lab for PHY II
>4 of us and tard are there
>We're all working on the same thing at the same time
>Helping each other out
>Tard falls behind and is asking stupid questions
>No one acknowledges his questions
>We all keep working
>He gets up, angry, and asks prof for answer
>Comes back with all the answers, feeling superior
>mfw having the answers without knowing how to get them will hurt him on the test

>> No.4414892

>professor hispanic, english second language
>student who asks a million questions korean, english second language
>they spend about 15% of every lecture trying to understand each other's questions

>> No.4414898

>Science threads throughout the day and night
>2:30pm EST
>troll threads start appearing and don't disappear until well after 6:00pm EST

>> No.4414903

>Also pseudoimplying that you care why?


>> No.4414920

Non hard sciencefag detected. Dont round on 5's

>> No.4414925

Faggot TA discussed that in my Physics I lab too. Except that you are wrong, my TA was wrong, and the professor is right. That shit only applies if the person KNOWS the host is doing the goat shit. Otherwise the chance is the same.

Fucking C&P faggots everywhere trying to sound smart after watching that shit card counting movie.

>> No.4414964

>if the person KNOWS the host is doing the goat shit

i guess you're trying to troll

please describe why it's ever okay to keep the same door

>> No.4414994

exactly, you always switch.

>> No.4415003

>after C3 maths exam
>12 mark question on trig ids (find constants a,b,c and d)
>this guy walks out of the exam with huge grin on his face
>"hey anon you see that 12 mark question they fucked up, b,c and d aren't consonants"
>"you dipshit that said constant not consonant"
he passed with high B in the end but only in the knowledge that he could've gotten an A if he could only fucking read.

>> No.4415028

>"hey anon you see that 12 mark question they fucked up, b,c and d aren't consonants"
>they fucked up, b,c and d aren't consonants
>b,c and d aren't consonants
This is the saddest part of your story.

>> No.4415037

That's kinda the only reason why people bring laptops to class, OP.
Lol at all the old people who think it's for taking notes, couldn't be more wrong. Doubly so for tablets

>> No.4415044

Conditional probability, faggot. P(A|B), not P(A). Therefore your 2/3 chance of winning only applies if the host is being a goat faggot.

>> No.4415046

>Go to library
>Need to use computer
>Most of them are being taken by people browsing facebook

>> No.4415055

21 million Americans can't read at all, 45 million are marginally illiterate and one-fifth of high school graduates can't read their diplomas.
Source: Department of Justice

>one-fifth of high school graduates can't read their diplomas.

>> No.4415058


I really hope that's not true.

Unless it just so happens to be that 1/5 HS grads get into car accidents that fuck up their brains or something.

>> No.4415060

>go to library
>need study booth
>most are used by people browsing facebook or talking on their phones

>> No.4415063

>talking in the library

>> No.4415064

>First ask the librarian is he/she will get someone off so that you can do work
>If no luck, just be a jerk and explain (loudly) the all the fb-tards that you need a computer... will anyone please let me use one
>If no luck, explain (even louder) that every person who is using a computer for facebook is a sorry shit and should suck your dick

yup, that's what i would do. I've never gotten past step 2...

>> No.4415067

But I'm a pussy

>> No.4415068

faggots browsing facebook and 9shit during lectures

>> No.4415069

by study booth i mean a small soundproof room that also has a computer and outlet (that most people use to charge their phones instead of laptops)

>> No.4415087

You know that short chubby neckbearded guy in class that has a nasal-ie voice and ALWAYS asks questions that are long winded, barely related to the subject at hand and contain some reference to political ideology/hatred of one....
I had him as a room mate. I also had him in two classes, Engineering Economy and Electric Circuits 1(including the lab).

>We confront him before we are actually roommates asking if he would mind switching rooms with one of our friends down the hall.
>The rooms are identical and would require nothing of him to switch
>Everyone in the EE lab simultaneously face palms.
>I can their empathic pity resonating through the room.
>The prospect of having this creature as a roommate is too much for any sane person to imagine.
>He refuses, he likes "his" room
>He says he will consider it if we guarantee him a parking spot on campus(There are 40k students at my school, this is not happening)
>Everyone's face is turning blood red from anger at such a proposition. The forceful indent of palm on face nearly cutting off bloodflow and killing the entire room save the neckbearded creature. The collective suicide would be a blessing compared to sharing an EE lab, let along a dorm, with the beard-necked spergasaurus.

>I see a coke in the freeze
>protip: cokes explode in the freezer
>I move it to the refrigerator
>He spergs out
>I can feel the seething hatred in his in his tone, spit getting caught on his neckbeard as he wails like a baby.
> Me and other two roommates simultaneously tell him to shut the fuck up and he crawls back to his cave.

>get the flu
>I coughed on his doorknob to make him sick.
>Mission successful.

>> No.4415097

>long winded, barely related to the subject
I hate this. I don't speak up much during class but when I do it's because people are not giving the correct answer to the question and end up going on these bizarre tangents.

>> No.4415098


I don't care if this is true. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

>> No.4415104

>Go to library
>need obscure book for intro to proofs class
>already checked out
>university bookstore has no copies
>have to buy it at $87 from seller on amazon
>find out next week that a dumbass in my class checked it out
>he later failed the class
>to my knowledge he no longer majors in math

>> No.4415110

>in physics lab
>people spouting 4chan memes

>> No.4415124

I hate it when a class is made up of 97 normal students and 3 students who feel the need to constantly call out. Not questions mind you, they call out as if they're the lecturer and they're trying to teach the class themselves. The problem with this is that they're usually idiots who are wrong in some way

>> No.4415131

they always sit in the front or one of the front rows too.

>> No.4415134

Why the fuck do amerifats need an extra "intro to proofs" class?
Any non-retard math course is already entirely based on proofs, you morons.

>> No.4415143
File: 440 KB, 528x525, bread turtle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>human sexual behavior class (it's an easy A as a social science elective)
>discussing STIs
>Professor: "So scabies and pubic lice are considered to be in the same class-"
>Autist biology major who chimes in at least 5 times per lecture: "Actually that's totally wrong. Scabies are arachnids while lice are insects"
>Professor: "........"
>Professor: "If you would let me finish you'd know I meant the same class of STIs, that being parasitic

>> No.4415151

Because you want a goat.

>> No.4415152

Many American high school graduates, even those who took calculus, have never heard of a proof.

>> No.4415160
File: 170 KB, 496x600, 1277382257714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ok then,

>> No.4415162

Learned proof's in 8th grade geometry in the US. America has the best University system in the world by far, so I think they know what they're doing when it comes to course requirements.

>> No.4415164

because different education systems that have placed different value on the teaching of proofs

>> No.4415165

Same here in europe. Yet nobody needs a separate course to learn them. They are learned in the math lectures.

>> No.4415168

Ga Tech? If so, I am in that class. I got a 100.

>> No.4415169


oh look, we have one guy that learned proofs in 8th grade, therefore

is incorrect in saying that many don't

lets get this shit started
>American education

>> No.4415170

Hahahahaha, bullshit.
The best university system in the world wouldn't allow students to study for 3 years before choosing their major. It wouldn't force students to take irrelevant general courses.
Milking you like that is what a business does, not a place of education

>> No.4415172

>responding to someone 24 hours later
>assuming Ga. Tech is one of only a handful of schools that teach multivariable calculus

>> No.4415174

Eurofag here. I'm seriously jelly of your system that allows you to study without making a decision on your major right at the beginning. When I finished highschool (meaning the equivalent of highschool in my country), I was too unknowledgable and made the wrong decision. Switching the major here means starting as a freshman again.

>> No.4415177


Well many educational institutions whose opinions actually mean something disagree with you. Deal with it.

>> No.4415178

the situation he described sounds very similar to what happened in my class.

>> No.4415182

Drew the incorrect conclusion.
Just added another premise

Lets get this shit started

>> No.4415188

this. i'm majoring in mechanical engineering and had to take a semester full of gen eds. i took most of them in one semester so i wouldn't have to write bullshit essays in my 4th year.

nonetheless, i didn't learn a damn thing in any of those classes and don't remember shit. the only good thing was that there were some hot girls, something that is definitely missing in engineering classes.

>> No.4415190

Would you like a doctor who took 3 years of general classes then 1 year of medicine?
Or would you like a doctor who took 4 years of medicine?

>> No.4415196

When I have to see on /sci/ that things like "calculus" are seriously considered university level in america, I prefer to stay in europe though.

>> No.4415200

American doctors take:2 years of general, 2 years of major(Biology or something else), 2 Years of specialized training(mostly knowledge), 2 years of practical training, up to 5 years of specialty training and a three year residency.

>> No.4415210

That's why you take a gap year if you're unsure what you want to study.

>> No.4415221

When I started studying, I wasn't unsure. I just didn't know that some other fields can be more interesting, because I was never informed. Studying the wrong thing is still a better use of time than a gap year. At least you learn something that way.

>> No.4415223

And build up large debts

>> No.4415227


lol nope. We can study without debts in europe.

>> No.4415282


>go to computer-science labs
>want to use computer
>most of them have been locked for hours by foreign fags
>just reboot and use
>foreign fags can't speak good enough english to argue

>> No.4415284

that feel when a guy is browsing 4chan in the first line at class

literally I have seen it

>> No.4415298
File: 63 KB, 498x498, 1324662028741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when guy is browsing 4chan infront of me
>that feel when I see him posting on /sci/
>that feel when his name field contains "Blackman"

>> No.4415310

That feel when you kick him as hard as you can in the back of the head

>> No.4415326

This is what children listen to.

This is how far the jew has managed to corrupt western children.

Look at all the other mouth-gaping nigger stupidity that is popular and has many views on Youtube.

>> No.4415328

>That feel when not dodrio.

>> No.4415340

Nothing is ever your fault is it, you white trash?
It's always somebody else's fault.

>> No.4415344
File: 267 KB, 1100x1192, 3DPD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There must be love somewhere.

Sure there is, but it's in the 2D world.

Disregard 3DPD, acquire waifu and happiness.

Or find a way to move from 3D to 2D.

>> No.4415355
File: 235 KB, 680x497, sadfrog23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I move from 3D to 2D without needing to watch japanese children's cartoons?


>> No.4415390

A gap year gives you chance to refresh.
Plus, if you're spending your gap year deciding what you want to study you will probably spend a lot of time studying on your own. When you decide what it is you want to study, you have the rest of that year to prepare. You can spend your time studying something you don't want to be studying, the guy on the gap year gets to spend his time studying the thing he's interested in, all in a relaxed and stress free environment.

>> No.4415395

>study maths
>people who already study for almost a semester ask the prof why |x|=-x, if x is negative
>they actually do not get it and continue to argue for like 10 mins convinced it's otherwise
Why the fuck do they not quit already?

>> No.4415398

>implying gap year doesn't mean a whole year of sitting at home in my basement browsing 4chan and dumbing down

>> No.4415412
File: 9 KB, 190x190, 1329009663378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not watching chinese girl's cartoons

what's wrong with you?

>> No.4415420

So, if you don't have someone there testing you and motivating you to work, you just give up?
You'll never be successful in the worlds of business, industry or acedemia if so.

>> No.4415429
File: 5 KB, 200x200, sadfrog28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's wrong with you?



>> No.4415431

I never asked for that feel.

>> No.4415436
File: 830 KB, 1269x825, 1321711268759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In Calc 2 classroom.
>See "Anon is Legion!" and "go to ---> 4chan.org/b" written on several desks.

I've also seen people wearing brony shirts and having backpack pins with reddit memes and trollfaces on them.

Sometimes I understand why Cho did what he did.

>> No.4415440

Who the fuck is Cho?

>> No.4415442

>Amerifats don't know what politeness is and they allow students to use computers during lectures.
Enjoy taking all your notes by hand

I have all my notes organized on my laptop

>> No.4415447
File: 19 KB, 573x393, 1329642404407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but anime is perfect for autists

>> No.4415449

How did you diagnose yourself?

>> No.4415456
File: 84 KB, 681x518, sadfrog37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed the chance to start with anime, when I was younger.
Now watching it seems like a huge waste of time. I can say the same about vidya games.


>> No.4415459

Guy that massacred Virginia Tech college students.

>> No.4415461
File: 45 KB, 573x393, 1329451067275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you try a series or two and see if you like it? It's never too late.

>> No.4415468
File: 113 KB, 399x388, sadfrog47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By online tests and check lists. The majority of the questions shockingly accurate describes my feelings and my deficiencies.
I ruled out personality disorders as diagnoses because those would be curable by psychotherapy, to which I seem resistant.

I fail to go back into the mental states of my childhood, so I cannot enjoy cartoons anymore.


>> No.4415472

Is that why you think a science and math board would give a fuck about your loneliness?

>> No.4415476

Because we're all lonely.

>> No.4415480
File: 67 KB, 300x422, sadfrog36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen some people who seem to have similar problems here on /sci/.


>> No.4415481

Just because therapy didn't work for you doesn't mean it's not a personality disorder.
And stop ending every post with that damn smiley - you're sad, we get it!

>> No.4415484

Can some mod permaban this faggot of the sadfrog faces that floods every thread?

>> No.4415492

What about 25% then? :p

>> No.4415495
File: 17 KB, 400x388, sadfrog8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know. But whatever it is, it is not curable and I need to give it a name. So I call it autism, because /sci/ seems to like this name.

Sorry to hear that I annoy you.