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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.4408917 [Reply] [Original]

1) what branch of science is most interesting to you, personally?

2) does its perceived difficulty by other students affect your interest in it?

>> No.4408924

Evolution, energy policy, and fundamental physics.

>2) does its perceived difficulty by other students affect your interest in it?
Sadly, I'm just an amateur. I do the best self education I can.

>> No.4408944

geology, specifically geophysics

not in the slightest. I'll have the final laugh when I can call myself a motherfucking volcanologist.

>> No.4408950

1) Sociology

2) It's probably the softest science known to man, so no.

>> No.4408961

1. High-energy particle physics
2. Not at all. It's more engaging than any boyfriend I could possibly have.

>> No.4408999

1. Computer science.
2. No, I just 'get it'. What's really fucking me over is the math requirement at Purdue.

>> No.4410694
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>1) what branch of science is most interesting to you, personally?
I'm highly interested in mathematics, physics and CS.

>2) does its perceived difficulty by other students affect your interest in it?
I am pathetic enough to admit that feeling superior to others is an important aspect for me.


>> No.4410737

Computational theory

No. Discovering some universal law about how problems can be solved or how intelligence emerges is amazing. Just think, some alien on some other planet a billion light years away must come to the same conclusion because he lives in the same universe.

>> No.4410751

The only hard science I'm interested in is Biology.
It's pretty hard, but it's fulfilling.

>> No.4410752
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>> No.4410755

>I just 'get it'
There's nothing to get. CS is almost as bad as biology.

>> No.4410762
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1) Mechanical engineering - Physics, space, energy, automation

2) No.

>> No.4410772

Solid State physics

No, because no matter what they say I know I cant do it, because im struggling with it right now.

>> No.4410776


>> No.4410777

I know i can* do it

>> No.4410782

I studied mathematics two semester, but I changed to CS, because it seemed more interesting. Now I'm thinking about changing to eletrical engineering, because this stuff is awesome...

btt: I'm interested in all kind of science. If I had to choose, mainly Astronomy, Physics and CS

>> No.4410788

1) Mathematics

2) Yes. And that'll be the reason I obtain a PhD (the money too, of course).

I sometimes wish I was a little less narcissistic and superficial, but I guess I was just born that way. Everything I do, I do it to dominate others

>> No.4410795

Thanks for posting that picture, OP, I'd been looking for it

>> No.4410796

>1) what branch of science is most interesting to you, personally?
any area of physics/maths/chem

>2) does its perceived difficulty by other students affect your interest in it?
No, i would still be interested regardless of its perceived difficulty. people piss me off when they say its shit just because its hard though

>> No.4410797

1. I like chem at the level that it overlaps with physics. Something about being able to watch a reaction occur and feel its physical properties is pretty cool imo.

2. no, i'm not really sure why so many physicsfags are so obnoxious. my guess a lot of them pursue physics to prove to others how smart they are. lol virgins.

>> No.4410799

1) Biology

2) nope

>> No.4410800

Computer Science, it started off pretty easy but it's quite challenging now. Other people seem to regard it the way they regard physics, math, or engineering.

>> No.4410823

He said branch of science, math is not science. retardsddddadsdadasdas

>> No.4410827


>implying I give a shit about how plebs like you define science

>> No.4410834

1. physics. well, econ, if you count econ as a science, but i dont.
2. nah i have no academic respect for people who cant do math and theyre the only ones who think physics is hard. however the reason i am not just an economics major is it is not a science and i dont want to group myself with fucktarded business majors.

>> No.4410846

>Computer Science

>> No.4410852

1) Right now biology, sort of.

2) This is interesting because before visiting 4chan/sci i really didnt care one way or the other, but once i saw retards 1-999 all spamming >biology >hard science etc, it got me thinking that what i was really interested in wasnt so much the study of life, but rather the study of what makes life possible.

So now i am leaning more towards molecular biology and biochemistry.

Also taking courses on ecology/evolution etc that were 120% straight memorization of retarded shit and 999% common sense made me realise that i dont care about courses like that, and that i prefer understanding the theory behind everything, rather than the observation of that theory.

>> No.4410861

1. ChemE - thermodynamics, chemical processes, mass transfer, hydraulics, etc.

2. Fuck no

>> No.4410864

What started to irritate me with biology courses is that they cover so many interesting things, but they NEVER FUCKING EXPLAIN ANYTHING. Shits like a fucking checklist of things to memorize. I DONT CARE ABOUT MEMORIZING, I WANT TO UNDERSTAND.

i feel like i am in fucking grade school:
omg why?????

>> No.4410913

>>4410864 RECESS TIME

Sucks to be in elementary school doesn't it.

And blue sky because radiation encased in biology? Something is amiss.

>> No.4410928
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>1) mathematics
>2) yes

>> No.4410947

1. Chemistry

2. Yes - I feel that physics students look down on me :(

>> No.4410952


Medicine can only go so far

>> No.4410954

Forgot second part
