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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4407846 No.4407846 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /sci/, i am an electric engineering student from EHT zurich. I really like what study, i "felt in love" with the activity. But i really feel bad when i think of how many people dont have such passion from what they do. I wish they could experience the same kind of feeling, to be able to study and work just for the fun of it.

So i come here with a question /sci/. What is your field of study and why you are passioned about it? Your motives are actually curiosity, interest, fun or you are doing for money, status, power, to please your ego?

>> No.4407870

Hi /sci/, I am an electrical engineering student from EHT, in Zurich. I really like what I study - I fell in love with it. But I really feel bad when I think of how many people don't have such passion for what they do. I wish they could experience the same kind of feeling; be able to study and work just for the fun of it.

So I come here with a question, /sci/. What is your field of study and why you are impassioned by it? Are your motives curiosity, interest, and the enjoyment of immersing yourself in the subject - or you are doing it for money, status, or power?

>I like to make things better, and enjoy thinking about things. It's why I'm studying Algorithms, Optimization, and Combinatorics.

>> No.4407965

you misspelled your own uni, fag.

>> No.4407977


yeah i saw.

>> No.4407988

ETH, eh? How does it feel to be at a low-tier uni?

>> No.4408006

I'm a math/econ major. I'm really interested in economics and can go on about it for hours and bore everyone around me. I really do not care about math, though, I'm just studying it so I can get into a finance program and get 300k starting. I also work in a botany lab/greenhouse for 5-10 hours a week helping with research on carnivorous plants to satisfy my interest in science, honestly I'd be a physicist if I was okay with doing research for the next 40 years and just making enough money to get by and then retire.

>> No.4408030

> But i really feel bad when i think of how many people dont have such passion from what they do. I wish they could experience the same kind of feeling, to be able to study and work just for the fun of it.

I feel the same way OP

>> No.4408123
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I am a bio major, and I completely love the science. Every aspect you learn, such as the chemistry, math, and physics that all explain it, enrich your world. Everything makes sense as you try to formulate some root theory to life. When you ask the big questions.
It puts the world and all its mundane bullshit in perspective.

>> No.4408177


>> No.4408192

I'm in EE, too, OP. I'm really more interested in math/physics, but I'd rather have the job security that comes with an EE degree. EE is pretty cool and still uses a lot of math and physics (in some areas), but it's not as "pure" as studying those fields themselves. I study physics on my spare time, and plan to minor in it as well.

>> No.4408193

>Call him a faggot because he likes Biology.
>That one faggot who does Econ for the money is cool, though.

If you go into a field of study based solely on how much money you make you are one sad man.

>> No.4408242

Environmental engineering grad student here.

In general, I'd say I enjoy microbiology, reactive transport, and using state-of-the-art machines for analysis and fabrication.

Specifically, I'm doing micro and nanofabrication of devices that allow me to model the reactive transport of radioactive materials in the ground. I enjoy using cutting edge tools in micro- and nanotechnology and pushing their limits, understanding groundwater fate and transport of contaminants, creating mathematical models from experimental data, and growing communities of microorganisms in my reactors.

>> No.4408286

not OP but how is ETH lower tier ? it's pretty fucking good from what I've read.

>> No.4408291

ETH EE fag here, OP is a faggot

>> No.4408293

He's just trolling. It's one of the best, if not the best engineering and science university in Europe.

>> No.4408300

Master in technology, physics and mathematics. Doin' it for tha street creds.

>> No.4408331
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Mastering in astrophysics. I love it, I'm never tired about the amazing things in the sky. I just spent a week observing and studying Cat's Eye nebula, it's so complex and beautiful, and we don't fully understand it yet ! I think that's what I love the most: we don't understand shit about things which are not at the surface of the Earth. There are so much holes in our knowledge everywhere about the planets, galaxies... Feels like a Terra Incognitae. The last frontier.

I actually realized that's what I wanted to do: I met a guy who wanted to study that since he was a kid. He lives for astrophysics. Talking with him made me realize it was my path. We both applied for the program, he failed, I passed. Feels bad for him, very bad...

>> No.4408339

I'm an EE & AP "hybrid".
In my early working days I used to develop QA tools for this "cool" company but it somehow killed my soul little by little because of the lack of stimulation. Really nice money in QA though. ( I guess that's because most smart people REALLY don't wanna do it in long term - it eats away your passion and your soul ). Well at least what it did to me. ;)

Now I'm doing research in medical image processing; partly for the intellectual stimulation, partly for the "cause". Absolutely not for the pay ( as of yet, PhDc.. ) Maybe in the long term it'll "pay off" though.. :)

>> No.4408359

OP is faggot

>> No.4408432

I study cannabis everyday.