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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4406711 No.4406711 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4406717

Red is the only reasonable choice, given that it could grant you all the other advantages.

>> No.4406723

I agree. Red. Although blue could be very insightful. Having a faster congnitive process could be very insightful.

>> No.4406725

I would push green since I would be able to travel the would forever and possibly learn all there is through talking, using my social swag. Also: women everywhere.

>> No.4406726

Red of course.

>> No.4406727

Blue>Problem solving
With it; I can acquire all others.

>> No.4406729


>Almost like omniscience
>Boost all aspects of Blue (not unlimited, but higher than average on every point)
>Can help for Green
>It's like having a lot of potential Yellow

>> No.4406733

>Unlimited problem solving
>Implying this isn't omnipotence and omniscience

>> No.4406736

red is lame, you can't think out of the box this way

unlimited problem solving potential for me

>> No.4406740

Not exactly, you lose some memory retention, speed, concentration and "mental flexibility" (unless you were already a normalfag).

>> No.4406744

I'm going with blue problem solving.

Red lets you know all the POSSIBLE consequences of some facts or axioms; not which of the possibilities will actually be true. There are a lot of problems in science and general life where a lack of data means no amount of logic can provide a conclusive answer.

>> No.4406745

green = pussy, if you dont choose green your a fag

>> No.4406747

But every time you have a problem, you instantaneously have the answer. There is no big deal anymore. You just have be conscious of the problem

>> No.4406751

Since the obviously superior blue choice of problem solving was already pointed out...

I say green for me. Bitches and whores, man.

>> No.4406753

>Problem solving
>Want pussies?
>Know how to get them

>> No.4406756

>Why is no-one choosing green?
>Remember this is /sci/

Being scientists, you should know that as an organism your sole purpose in life is to procreate.

Therefore, if you don't choose green then you're a faggot.

>> No.4406759

The other problem with red is that you'd become overloaded with possibilities. Thinking about consequences of consequences. It'd lead to a combinatorial explosion.

I'd choose blue, problem solving. Or possibly green, lol.

>> No.4406766

With that train of thought you would know everything in a matter of hours.

>> No.4406768

>Homo sapiens
>Wanting to procreate

>> No.4406770

true but green = pussy, blue + work = pussy so therefore your a faggot

>> No.4406771


>derive the mysteries of the universe from pure logic
>stare into the abyss
>go mad as you figure everything out

>> No.4406777

>he still thinks his biological purpose is the same as his personal purpose!

>> No.4406775

What if some problems can't be solved?

>> No.4406785


pay people to do science

>> No.4406782

Didnt read rest of the thread but as a realist I would pick green, and unlimitedly fund all scientific endeavours I would take one for the team so we can all prosper.

>> No.4406783

>Implying it isn't

Don't know about you bro, but everything that I do is essentially a means to get laid.

>> No.4406790
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>comes to /sci/
>purpose is to get laid

>> No.4406791

Unlimited cognitive speed = instant everything

>> No.4406793

Red makes blue and yellow pretty much obsolete, at least as a mathematician.
Since red would essentially mean you could produce hundreds of highly advanced results in literally no time, you'd gain fame and money, too.
Since I'm already decent looking, it's a no brainer to decide between red and green.

>> No.4406796
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>> No.4406798


godel theorem, you tit.

>> No.4406800

>Goes to university
>To get a good education
>To get paid shit loads
>Women love money
>Get laid
>My finite brain can only handle so much studying
>Need a break so later I can work hard again
>Goes to /sci/

So yeah, coming to /sci/ is part of my master plan with the long term goal of finding the most attractive partner I can to bone.

>> No.4406803

Green and become hikkikimori for the rest of my life in a 5/5 hotel.

>> No.4406805

>I read about Gödel's theorem on Wikipedia and I don't actually know what it means, but I will spout it's name nonetheless

>> No.4406806

>mfw there is a huge hole in Blue with Problem Solving

Since you have normal attention, speed, memory and mental flexibility, you just will solve tiny problems.

>Normal attention means not being aware of really important problems
>Normal speed would takes a shitload of time to process a solution for a complex problem
>Normal memory implicate not being able to remember every step or part of solutions, so you have to solve them again
>Normal mental flexibility can makes you unable to follow your own discoveries or even understand them

>> No.4406807

unlimited problem solving means unlimited intelligence.

>> No.4406808


What are you referring to? Incompleteness theorems?
I know that red is impossible as it is stated, hence "hundreds of highly advanced results". I was assuming that this hypothetical option comes close to what is described in OPs picture, but I'm not being a pompous dick about this flaw. Something you should try out, aspie cunt.

>> No.4406809


in your face!

>> No.4406830

I don't understand how red would work in practice. Wouldn't you often generate too many outcomes to process or for the human mind to consider over a short period of time?

Blue is too limiting. Choosing anything other than problem solving means you become of average intelligence. unnacceptable. And choosing unliited problemsolving limits your speed, attention and memory to normal which would be undesirable.

I think green would be the best, provided you bend the rules a little like say:
>pay tutor to teach you maths and economics withuot textbook

>> No.4406840
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>Unlimited money.
>Unlimited money to fund research institutions and education centers with.
>Establish several of your own.
>Start a scientific golden age, advancing the human race at the cost of you not understanding how the new science works.

Green is the only choice for the advancement of the human race.

>> No.4406847

>implying anyone on /g/ would even consider anything but green.

nerds finally gettin' some pussy

>> No.4406849

Thread was probably derailed a long time ago, but Red for me OP.

>> No.4406850

red, durr

>you are now extremely funny and great at all human interaction
>can easily win a ton of money by doing some competition
>can solve many unsolved math problems
>infinite computing potential

>> No.4406852

what? out of the box is exactly what red means.

Red is the best.


>> No.4406854


>> No.4406861

Didn't read the comments, am choosing Red.

The ability to know exactly how shit will go down at any time would be too worthwhile. I could look out upon the financial and political landscape, and make shitloads of money.

>> No.4406864

if I choose red do I instantly know the answer to a given problem, like how to get more ass

>> No.4406869

Obviously red.

Maybe green if I'm autistic.

>> No.4406871

>Unlimited money

I'm not selfish, i'd choose green and free Science from the hands of the government.

But having infinite money could me a major problem in the real world as people would see me as some sort of God or devil or whatever.

>> No.4406878


Using read you could accomplish any of the characteristics of the others, including green's infinite money.

>> No.4406885

I solve the problem of crystallizing membrane bound proteins and use this discovery to map out the protein structures of UGT enzymes, protein kinases, opioid receptors etc.

I win the Nobel prize, get numerous papers published in Nature and other high caliber journals, get my PhD awarded ahead of time, become a tenured research fellow and spend the rest of my life having my work cited by papers in the areas of in silico modelling, medicinal chemistry, metabolomics etc.

Basically, if I got that discovery I'd be set for life and it wouldn't matter if I never did anything interesting again.

>> No.4406890
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Since it's obvious Red is the best, new one, probably my personal favorite.

Dreamer is what's up. Possibly Cheater, if set in the Culture universe. Observer would be awesome, except it seems like you could never be in the events, as a normal dude, yourself.

>> No.4406892
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>Using read

>> No.4406893


>> No.4406895

Yellow, without question.

I find a way of permanently restoring cognitive function to patients with AD, Parkinsons and frontotemporal dementia tomorrow. No-one remembers me a week later? I'll live with that. I couldn't give a damn about celebrity.

>> No.4406907

Yellow. I discover cold fusion and parent it or start some sort of energy company. Set for life.

>> No.4406913

Yellow. I invent a way of making computers have true intelligence/consciousness.

>> No.4406917

The observer sounds like it would suck. Cheater...I dunno. If you're stuck in a single universe you would begin to lust after others example: You go into star trek, you explore it all, you want to go to star wars, can't. So I guess the dreamer would be the best.

>> No.4406918
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anyone that didn't choose blue, problem solving is retarded.

>> No.4406923


>> No.4406936

Gonna go with red. Only really good choice.

>> No.4406933

Anyone not saying red is obviously retarded

>> No.4406941

Red is the most powerful and makes the others obsolete in most cases. However, it would also make life boring as nothing would ever be a surprise to you and I think knowing every possible consequence all the time would slowly drive you insane. For this reason, I would chose blue and get unlimited problem solving capacity.

>> No.4406957

I'd go with the cheater. It's more limited than the others, but I think that would keep it interesting.

>> No.4406960

Anyone saying [color] is retarded, [color] is obviously the best choice.

>> No.4406976

Definitely yellow...

At the dead bed, it's all that really matters.

>> No.4406989


>> No.4407020
File: 68 KB, 960x402, 1237263052447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mind already works pretty much like a realistic form of RED. My ability to linearly analyze systems logically from their principles is probably my single biggest intellectual strength. As a kid,one of my nicknames was "dream crusher" (lol) due to my ability to predict the inevitably stupid outcome of childish ideas. And just like the RED option, you can only have some axioms, but never all, so there is only so far ahead that one can see with any reasonable degree of accuracy. (i dont think i need to tell you that the further away and more complex an event you try to predict, the lower the accuracy, as more unforeseen variables are included... blah blah blah, im sure there's some interesting chaos theory behind that).

Being in med school, im tempted to take BLUE (memory), but not with having to sacrifice other abilities. I'd definitively have to go with GREEN. Unlimited money or unlimited social influence alone would almost be worth it, but both is an easy choice. Pic related. And unlimited money and charisma sounds like the most world-changing option in my mind, much more likely to immortalize your name than a single Nobel or even a lifetime of scientific achievement.

>> No.4407025

Choosing red will practically give you the ability to look into the future.

>> No.4407030

Red is the only real option.

Feed such a person the paramaters and axioms of the universe as we know it, he'll figure out everything.

>> No.4407032

>As a kid,one of my nicknames was
>past tense
>implying not a child anymore
Your post smacks of mental immaturity.

>> No.4407047

green. the only choice you fucking nerds.

>> No.4407048

Green allows you to divine the secrets of the universe.

You can use the non-fiction ban to fact check any study before it happens.

For example:
>write down two scentences
>"Higgs boson particles exist"
>"Higgs boson particles do not exist"
You can only read one, the other must be true

Nobel prize please

>> No.4407049

Blue. problem solving. Can find workarounds for everything else.

>> No.4407076

Thanks for the free psychotherapy, internet. I'm glad one post was all you needed to figure me out.

Well, first, I used the term kid as reference to my age being 8-13, and, second, past tense to denote something that happened in the past. I've since learned well enough to go ahead and stand back when someone has a stupid idea. Most people don't like to be corrected, even if they are wrong. On the other hand, I'm certainly not always right, and I realize the cognitive fallacies we have towards our own capabilities, so I try to accept such correction from others with gratitude.

>> No.4407091

At first on the green one i was like
But then I kept reading and I was like

>> No.4407107

Except you can prove to nobody that the option that is true, is in fact true. Must be frustrating to know the truth, but to be unable to convince anyone of it.

I'll have red please. For every decision problem in life, I introduce a temporary axiom based on a possible answer, if I can derive false (which I instantly can), then that's a wrong answer.
I'll just take up the axiom that higgs bosons are real. I'll instantly know if I can derive falsehood, and therefore, whether higgs bosons are real WITH a proof. Also, horse-betting made easy: "x will win".

>> No.4407113
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Blue. memory. you realize what kind of power that is?

>yfw you realize most of the noteworthy scientists of today hit the yellow button...one and done lol
>yfw you realize most who do research never make any major discoveries, just little pieces of shit here and there for 30 years.

>> No.4407116

Red can emulate blue with memory. Just sayin'
(Perfect recall is a consequence of temporal modal logic, we need only postulate the axioms of temporal modal logic.)

>> No.4407124

blue or red (prob blue)

>> No.4407127


fuck science