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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4404558 No.4404558 [Reply] [Original]

Somebody been to /pol lately?

>the slightest bit of government destroys countries, like nukes, but with more radiation
>white race is dying, purity of blood is lost
>all taxes are basically theft
>black people steal white women, have bigger dicks, try to exterminate whites
>races have different IQs; making up IQ studies to show IQ is related to skin color
>did the holocaust really happen?
>immigrants take over my neighbourhood, what do
>all muslims are rapists, haters and potential suicide bombers, no exceptions
>"i don't think all people of a race/religion/country are unisono the same and not all are bad" - "lol libtard" "fucking communist pig" "go suck nigger dick, you traitor"

I know this is the internet. I know this is 4chan. I know this is /pol. But still...

Could this be a result or a side effect of the anti-science movement?

>also mfw 2012

>> No.4404570

I browse /pol/ to laugh at retards. if you do so for any other reason, you yourself might be mentally impaired.

>> No.4404576

>races have different IQs
trying to sneak a truth in with the reterdedness?

>> No.4404580



I think political boards just bring out extremists who have no idea what they are talking about (which is why they/we are on the internet)

It's interesting watching these people think. They just seem like such small, tiny people who are scared of everything.

>> No.4404584

define race then, every geneticist will laugh in your face

>> No.4404591

12 year old (not retarded) confirmed for blackman

>> No.4404598
File: 39 KB, 611x404, ron-paul-sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really can not stand /pol/ anymore.

they are an affront to science.

see they even make ron paul sad too

>> No.4404599

Hey, OP.

Go suck nigger dick, you traitor.

>> No.4404600

>Race is a classification system used to categorize humans into large and distinct populations or groups by heritable phenotypic characteristics, geographic ancestry, physical appearance, and ethnicity.

>> No.4404602


You fail to see the purpose of these boards. These people will come to 4chan regardless of if they have their own board or not. If they have their own board they don't shit up other boards.

>> No.4404610

>the slightest bit of government destroys countries, like nukes, but with more radiation
>white race is dying, purity of blood is lost
partially true
>all taxes are basically theft
partially true
>black people steal white women, have bigger dicks, try to exterminate whites
partially true
>races have different IQs; making up IQ studies to show IQ is related to skin color
>did the holocaust really happen?
holocaust has been greatly exaggerated, not surprising that some people want to take a stab at questioning whether it really happened.
>immigrants take over my neighbourhood, what do
many nations have illegal immigrants problems, and the vast majority of illegal immigrants are bottom tier scum.
>all muslims are rapists, haters and potential suicide bombers, no exceptions
people dislike others that are different than them, how is this surprising?
>"i don't think all people of a race/religion/country are unisono the same and not all are bad" - "lol libtard" "fucking communist pig" "go suck nigger dick, you traitor"
what's your point? it's human nature to be racist as that insures your genes are spread while cockblocking others genes from spreading.

it's not until recent times that white guilt has reached critical levels and interracial bullshit is actually encouraged.

>> No.4404614

Ok now do it rigorously, which is which and how do I do it scientifically? When is race not a race? Are brunettes a race? IF there was a correlation between brunettes having a higher IQ would it mean anything? This is how silly you come across to anyone the least bit experienced in genetics

>> No.4404627

>IF there was a correlation between brunettes having a higher IQ would it mean anything?
yes, yes it would. why wouldn't this correlation mean anything?

>> No.4404649


because then your a bigoted racist pig

we wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings

>> No.4404652

Because correlation =/= causation, generalizations are retarded, and you're a faget. Seriously what would anyone gain from knowing that? Are you wanting to kill all the non brunettes now just because of a PREDISPOSITION THAT MAY NOT BE TRUE AT ALL? What is the point of confirming a stereotype , it has no purpose

>> No.4404660

Do you believe the acquisition of knowledge is based solely on what is "useful"?

>> No.4404662


liberal afraid of the truth detected

>> No.4404669


correlation does imply causation, but it does not always imply it. You can't discount things you don't like in the case its actually true.

>> No.4404671

>black people have a slightly lower IQ that whites
>no, im saying we should try to find out why, if its a gene maybe it could help us understand genetics of intelligent
>no, its just obvious that there are differences base on how we evolved differently, like how sub Saharan black people don't have the gene that protects against diabetes.

that's you. you are shouting becasue you seem to have some personal problems with science. and resort to name calling rather that supporting your argument.

>> No.4404672


>all taxes are basically theft

I see nothing wrong with this. Unless you think that all people pay taxes voluntarily, and not because they're afraid of the legal repercussions, then it follows.

And I'm not even a big anti-tax guy.

>> No.4404679

I'd also like to point out that you're a dumb ass.
I'm sure you think pointing out that black people tend to score lower on IQ test than whites is racist. It's not. You're merely observing a fact.
It's racist when you find an individual black person and say, "You're dumb because you are black."
See the difference?

>> No.4404685

That's the point, you don't even know what IQ is, let alone what genes have to do with intelligence. What a phenotype has to say about intelligence is arbitrary and is a misrepresentation of the actual issue, environment.

>> No.4404687

> Unless you think that all people pay taxes voluntarily, and not because they're afraid of the legal repercussions, then it follows.

They pay taxes voluntarily in the same way that they pay rent voluntarily, so yes. In either case, if you don't like it you're free to leave.

>> No.4404693


Not OP, but I'm against the way the US government has been handling taxes. Both corporations and individuals pay large percentages of their income and our governent still manages to find itself trillions of dollars in debt. The government needs to cut all these bullshit social programs that we simply cannot afford. It makes me sick when I think that a reasonable percentage of my income is going to the government in taxes and they piss it away on bullshit like welfare or public healthcare.

>> No.4404698

Of course I do but the problem is that being black does not mean being black causes the intelligence to decrease. It may be, but no study has proven it is not a fault of the environment etc. You can't simply say all flowers in the desert die because they are bad flowers, you have to take into consideration the millions of other variables, which nobody does because you can't. Correlation =/= causation, anyone who disagrees is a total moron.

>> No.4404702

almost all intelligent comes from genetics, there are multiple articles that prove that.

>> No.4404710

hi, I'm from /lit/

Race is a social construct.

Read Fanon then Memmi.

inba "that's not science": neither is politics.

>> No.4404713

>proving intelligence is hereditary
>can't even rigorously define intelligence
Yeah ok, cut that bullshit sophistry out.

>> No.4404709

> being black does not mean being black causes the intelligence to decrease.

>> No.4404720

>if you don't like it you're free to leave.

>> No.4404723

I agree that money could be used more efficiently, but the people receiving healthcare are pretta damn thankful. I'd hate to take that away.

>> No.4404724


If what you say is true and intelligent is a product of the environment, and blacks are statistically less intelligent, what does that say about their environment? Blacks do not value personal achievement and intellect as much as other races. Raising kids in an anti-intellectual environment is going to result in him being statistically less intelligent.

>> No.4404748

ok, so now that we have established that you are completely out of touch with the scientific world, ill just be on my way.

>> No.4404755

Yes, but the immediate environment of a person is surrounded by a "bigger" environment, which influences the "smaller" environment inside and so forth.

You make it sound like they "want" to live in an anti-intellectual environment.

>> No.4404758


>They pay taxes voluntarily in the same way that they pay rent voluntarily

I wasn't born into my housing lease. I was born into taxation. And while strictly speaking, you can argue that I pay taxes voluntarily by virtue of living where I do, I have a pragmatic problem with that argument:

If I don't like my lease, I can feasibly shop around find another landlord who will offer a different lease. There are enough options available to me that we can usefully say that I "consent" to my lease. But taxes are heavily centralized -- You pay an income tax regardless of where you live within the US. That competition isn't there, so that "consent" is less meaningful. If anything, it seems that the obvious solution is to pass more power and taxation to the states, where there is some semblance of competition.

>> No.4404775


>You make it sound like they "want" to live in an anti-intellectual environment.

Because they do.

>> No.4404776


By leaving the country. Airplane?

>> No.4404796

>I wasn't born into my housing lease. I was born into taxation.

You weren't born into taxation. No infant pays taxes.

>You pay an income tax regardless of where you live within the US.

That's true. And you pay the same landlord regardless of where you live in the building. But you could move to a different building, or you could live in a different country. Yes, it's more difficult to do so, but it's not fundamentally different. Many people find it impractical to change apartments.

>> No.4404859


>You weren't born into taxation. No infant pays taxes.

That's not what I meant. I mean, I inherit a contract that I never explicitly agreed to. (This would be the mystical "social contract" that leftists talk about so much.)

>Yes, it's more difficult to do so, but it's not fundamentally different.

I agree. That's why I'm not a die-hard anti-tax ideologue.

>Many people find it impractical to change apartments.

But of course we still say that they consent to their contracts, because it's not nearly as hard as switching states, much less switching countries. I'm just saying taxation should be less centralized so that when we say people "consent", that term isn't so useless. It's pretty hard to say that as an American college student I "consent" to the income tax because I live in America. It would be more meaningful to say I consent because I live in a particular state or locality.

>> No.4404936


>> No.4406206
File: 5 KB, 162x154, 1314435878752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the slightest bit of government destroys countries, like nukes, but with more radiation
>all taxes are basically theft

>Could this be a result or a side effect of the anti-science movement?
but those are true. . .