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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 13 KB, 333x500, 336480-L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4403004 No.4403004 [Reply] [Original]

what would you consider your bible, /sci/?

>> No.4403010

Hotheads, by Steven Pinker. Found it at thirteen: suddenly everything people do made sense.

>> No.4403034
File: 67 KB, 285x350, holy-bible285X350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4403043
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Plasma physicist here.

Krall and Trivelpiece.

>> No.4403044
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I'm an undergrad; don't judge me!

>> No.4403053
File: 18 KB, 280x400, Algebraic-Topology-9780521795401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This book is the bible. Bloody hard bible through/

>> No.4403076
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at least for the moment

>> No.4403084
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>> No.4403090

This. Even though I'm doing much more advanced stuff now it's incredible how often I return for help to this book.

>> No.4403093
File: 124 KB, 372x496, CRC_Handbook_of_Chemistry_and_Physics_90th_Edition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't live without it.

>> No.4403118
File: 32 KB, 375x500, 41CsJqMD0ZL._.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like the Koran, only bigger and contains useful information.

>> No.4403183

>90th edition
Damn, you know somethings good when it's stood the test of time like that.

>> No.4403198
File: 131 KB, 285x359, partner_book_roberts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pharmacist reporting.

>> No.4403206
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How does it compare to this? Alberty, Silbey's been incredibly thorough for me.

>> No.4403211

Hah, I should be starting this soon.

>> No.4403243
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this is my favorite pchem book.

>> No.4403614
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>Learning Fag Reporting In.

>> No.4403621
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>> No.4403626
File: 44 KB, 384x500, 1957892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have one. But I tell you what would be my bible if I were an Organic Chemist.

>> No.4403632

Inferior. Get a real organic chemistry textbook, you hippy. >>4403626

>> No.4403633


>Nice. It was hard for me to choose between math, physics, and chem but ultimately I decided that learning math in uni and the two on the side would be the best. I went to EE after getting a Master's in Maths. Still like things like anthropology, etc. though. Strange.

>> No.4403647

You're using greentext wrong, all wrong, fuck you.

>> No.4403661


>Implying my solipsism and escapist immaturity will not allow me to do as I please in disregard to social paradigms on how to use green text on a image board.

>> No.4403663
File: 9 KB, 180x263, mechanics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Landau-Lifshitz series.

>> No.4403669


That book fucking sucks. I swear it was written by niggers.

The classical thermodynamics half is half-assed. There's no point in bothering with the QM half.. you can teach that to yourself with real resources.

>> No.4403673
File: 22 KB, 500x500, steinTPDCCAL._SS500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Changed my life.

>> No.4403674
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>> No.4403684

>you used it correctly that time, where's your "solipsism and escapist immaturity" now, bitch. ^?

>> No.4403695
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>> No.4403704
File: 99 KB, 260x337, euler.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /sci/ I'm a senior in hs (I'm not a minor) and I got into the Columbia honors science program the thing is they have a ton of classes to choose from http://www.columbia.edu/cu/shp/info.html anyone advice They all look good minus Computer Programming in Java I can code and coding is more of a hobby for me any advice would be useful

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