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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4400970 No.4400970 [Reply] [Original]

Girl raised in atheist home paints pictures of heaven:


Science can't explain this. Deal with it.

>> No.4400979

How did she learn about it if she hadn't been taught it by her parents? Explain, it /sci/ i DARE YOU

>> No.4400982

0/10 too obvious and directly against the rules

>> No.4400989

>my ass is waiting to be embraced by ridiculous rationale and illogical arguments

>> No.4400986


Tommorow on the News: Boy brought up in conservative christian family draws picture of breasts. How could he have known what breasts look like? It's magic!

More at 11.

>> No.4400984

>"the most important thing in this world is faith"

Really? More important than air?

>> No.4400994

What shit arguments



>> No.4400996

So it's just a coincidence that she was never brought up to know about heaven but then all of a sudden she starts having visions of God? At age 4? What kind of media influence would hit her at the age of 4? Explain it please.

>> No.4401000

I laffed.

>> No.4401002



>> No.4401005

>age 4
12 is what the article said

>> No.4401006

pictures of heaven? you mean like, clouds?

>> No.4401011

So I see you didn't watch the video. How about you actually watch it and try again. Or you can keep failing hard. Your choice.

>> No.4401024

>She now has golf ball sized tumor growing in her brain.
You can't explain that

>> No.4401022

She is 12 now

It started at the age of 4


>> No.4401019

>never talked about god at home
>drew pictures of heaven
I'm convinced

>> No.4401018

She is 12 now

It started at the age of 4

>> No.4401031

0:56 - "All the colors are out of this world, there are hundreds of millions of colors that we don't know yet"

Dumb ass 12 year old

>> No.4401027

k, watched the video. Were you a total shut-in at age 4 that never left the house like you are now? Kid probably went to preschool and heard some kid's parent talking about god.
Picture from age 4 has nothing to do with god, fucks sake its a woman. At this point she's just looking up bible stuff and painting it so everybody thinks she's special

>> No.4401028

ITT: butthurt atheists

this has been fun watching you nerds squirm, but i gotta run

>> No.4401034

im assuming that they don't own a television? and what? one person in billions managed to imagine "heaven" all on her own. protip: the first person to describe heaven also managed to do it on his own. so whats the big deal?

>> No.4401035

scientists, themselves, have speculated on colours unknown to us

wtfs ur problem, faggot?

>> No.4401037

>kid probably did this one thing that isn't very likely
>scrounging around for possible ideas just to back up your bias

So I see you've chosen to keep failing. Suit yourself.

>> No.4401038

Not science. Do not bump religion trolls.

>> No.4401046

is that about her drawing? how did she draw it then? with magical pencils?

>> No.4401057

>implying she drew all those colors
>implying thats possible
>not watching the video urself
>taking advice from strangers
>okay then, god exists - believe me

i thought /sci/ was meant to be smart

>> No.4401056 [DELETED] 

Unless any of you has a better idea, religion discussion now goes here:

>> No.4401064

The color spectrum is limited though.

>> No.4401067

That's not to say that there are colours not yet acknowledged

>> No.4401073

ive never heard of this

>> No.4401075


>> No.4401078


>> No.4401083

So, it is limited to the human capability of vision

Just like a cat is unable to see the full range of colours we can

>> No.4401084

Exactly. You can't imagine colors that don't exist.

>> No.4401088

Oh, I see your angle now

With all religion aside, though, is there an unlimited possibility of colours?

>> No.4401095

>is there an unlimited possibility of colours?
No, wave length is limited

>> No.4401096

Yes, but you can't imagine them if they don't exist. So she must have been divinely inspired to have seen them. Get it now?

>> No.4401100
File: 19 KB, 311x311, 1276816663787_Reaction_faces_part_1-s311x311-151500-580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nerds squirm
> nerds

So it isn't really about religion is it? It's just about you feeling good about your "religion" and you're too afraid to argue with arabs.


>> No.4401104


It depends on how thinly you subdivide them, but yes, because there is a limit to the differences we can percieve.

>> No.4401105

> too afraid to argue with arabs.


>> No.4401107

My problem is humans only have "wiring" to see within a very narrow range of the electromagnetic spectrum. Even if there are more colors, (millions seriously? get real) there is NO WAY we could even conceive of them - do we have the 'wiring' to see other colors? No? Then how can she even conceive of them? She can't, sure she can say there a millions of others but its meaningless because she has no idea what shes talking about because she cant visualize them in her brain. It's like me saying there are billions of other sounds (there are certainly more than we can hear at least) but I have no idea what they sound like and its impossible for me to even think of what they might sound like because humans aren't wired for them. -Faggot

>> No.4401111


Then how can other people see them? Because nothing is going to change the limits of human biology.

>> No.4401114

I don't really give a shit about the whole religions vs. atheist aspect, those were some damn amazing paintings and whatever her inspiration, I hope she keeps painting.

There could be some science to that. Our eyes only detect a small band of the electromagnetic spectrum.

>> No.4401121

They are blessed with that gift from God, like her.

>> No.4401123

>biological mutation
>gift from god

>> No.4401128

Are you guys serious about the colors? We perceive a certain range of the light spectrum with our eyes. That data is processed by our brain and we "read" it as colors. Colors aren't an actual thing any more than a taste is, it's just a way of interpretation.

So until we find someone who can visibly see and process microwaves or UV rays, then there are no colors that haven't been found.

>> No.4401134

Before some troll says it

>> No.4401135

You're an idiot because wave length can go from non-existant to INFINITE in length, so of course there are going to be a lot of colours you stupid homofag

>> No.4401141

Stop bumping off-topic trolling garbage.

>> No.4401143

...That's like saying because we can't see atoms with our own eyes they don't exist.

>> No.4401142

...says the guy who believes there's a ghost that lives behind his television.

>> No.4401145

My girlfriend's 5 year old sister was raised without mention of god, but when she went to school and made a new friend she started telling her mom she had to take her to church or they'd go to hell.

Also, this girl in the video admits in her book that she saw pictures of Jesus in books before she drew him, as stated in the comments of that video. So she takes some images of jesus, listens to a friend say "my parents say you need jesus or you'll suffer, you better tell your mom" and she fills in the gaps by herself to explain the mystery of the world that she thought her mom was ignorant of. Those probable facts combined with the fact that the girl's probably on the autistic spectrum (that kind of talent at 4 is not normal) makes a lot more sense than JESUS INSPIRED THIS CUTE GIRL TO DRAW WHITE JESUS JUST LIKE HE'S BEEN DRAWN BY ANGLOS FOR DECADES

>> No.4401150

Teacup is forever gone. This isn't him.

Fuck off asspie, faggot.

>> No.4401146

UM EXCUSE ME EXCUSE ME but I never said Messeth LIVED behind my TV, I just said that he CAME from behind my TV
He lives in another dimension

>> No.4401153

Use sage when posting in off-topic threads.

>> No.4401155

Right, my mistake. You summoned a demon from your television.

>> No.4401156

Niggerfuck who are you to tell me it's not me
First of all you shut up
Second of all I've been thinking of getting a new trip since I revealed the old one, I miss /sci/

>> No.4401157 [DELETED] 

> Colors aren't an actual thing any more than a taste is

Colors are physical matter (ions) just as the chemicals that our tongues detect to 'taste' things.

Learn2quantum. We don't live in Newton's physical reality any longer.

>> No.4401165
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This entire thread.

>> No.4401166

UGH you are ignorant
I summoned a Demon and he CHOSE to use my TV as a medium to come into our dimension

The other time I did demon things with the TV was because I tried to curse people on /sci/ to break their TVs but I accidentally sent the curse back to myself so I broke my TV, but it's okay because I bought a new one from a thrift store

>> No.4401169

I've never seen you before this thread, but I can already tell I'm going to like you.

>> No.4401172

Don't post racism and don't bump troll threads.

>> No.4401180

Right. And turtles don't have spines, right?

>> No.4401181

> Colors aren't an actual thing any more than a taste is

Colors are physical matter (photons) just as the chemicals that our tongues detect to 'taste' things.

Learn2quantum. We don't live in Newton's physical reality any longer.

>> No.4401183

> Colors aren't an actual thing any more than a taste is
>any more than

Right, dumbass. My point was that the wavelengths and chemicals are real. The words "color" and "taste" don't mean "wavelength frequency" and "chemical make-up" though, the words are by definition tied to how we perceive those things. How about "love"? Love's technically a chemical reaction that triggers our pair-bonding instincts. Yes, "love" is real, but it's really just the way we perceive the endorphins and such. We aren't going to find "new" ways to "love".

>> No.4401188

I used to post regularly a few months ago but then EK left and I felt sad so I left too

I'm glad you like me. I just wish people wouldn't TWIST what I say and make up their own versions of stuff. It's the whole meteor thing again ugh

I don't have to listen to you, I only listen to tripFRIENDS

>> No.4401190 [DELETED] 

There is no other religion than SCIENCE. The foolishness of chrisitanity cannot be compared to the enlightenment SCIENCE, brought to you by EVIDENCE and LOGIC.

>> No.4401192

Tell me about the meteor thing.

>> No.4401193
File: 82 KB, 750x600, full_retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> girl was brought up in the US
> supposedly had no exposure to religion (riiight)
> Paints cliched religious pictures
> "Science can't explain this."

> Jesus lived in the middle east and undoubtedly had a dark complexion.
> Video shows Jesus as a white man with blue eyes
> Science can't explain this [but racism can]

Faith means not caring what is true.

>> No.4401199

No, they don't. EK said they did but that's her being silly

>> No.4401202

Magenta doesn't exist.
Deal with it.

>> No.4401207

> I just wish people wouldn't TWIST what I say

Agreed. Because the difference between "you summoned a demon from behind your TV" and "you summoned a demon and he chose to use your TV as a medium" changes your credibility entirely. I thought you were crazy until you explained that you didn't make him chose the TV.

>> No.4401211

I posted saying that meteors freeze water and kill animals around them when they hit the oceans due to them being very close to 0K because space is cold

People reacted by calling me names and things and saying I was wrong and putting words in my mouth

>> No.4401212

>Read this.
>A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
>Is represented as:
>1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.
>H-A-R-D-W-O- R- K
>8+1+18+4+23+ 15+18+11 = 98%
>K-N-O-W-L-E- D-G-E
>11+14+15+23+ 12+5+4+7+ 5 = 96%
>A-T-T-I-T-U- D-E
>1+20+20+9+20+ 21+4+5 = 100%
>THEN, look how far the love of God will take you:
>L-O-V-E-O-F- G-O-D
>12+15+22+5+15+ 6+7+15+4 = 101%
>Therefore, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that:
>While Hard Work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will get you there, It's the Love of God that will put you over the top!
>It's up to you if you share this with your friends & loved ones just the way I did..
>God bless you

You fucking faggots ( Carl Sagan and Teacunt mainly), piss off.

>> No.4401220

Okay, thanks for believing in me now. I just don't like it when people trist my words around to make me lose credibilidiblidy

Blackman what do I call my new trip?

>> No.4401218
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>> No.4401222

>Right, dumbass

Why so hostile? u mad?

> The words "color" and "taste" don't mean "wavelength frequency" and "chemical make-up" though, the words are by definition tied to how we perceive those things

Do you not see the contradiction here? Color DOES mean "wavelength frequency", since that's what a color is by definition. Wavelength frequencies that our eyes are unable to detect are merely invisible to human eyes, but they may be visible to other biological species.

Your reference to love is nonsense, love is a totally abstract concept that people associate with various emotions. There is no strict definition of love. Color on the other hand is a constant that the entire human species has in common and that can be defined.

>> No.4401225

I can see why. Ignore the haters, Teacup! You're better than they are! They're just jealous of you!

>> No.4401228

Of course they don't. That would make them vertebrates, which turtles are not.

>> No.4401231

I know they are, they just get mad because I don't CONFORM to their state-issued PROPAGANDA SCIENCE and POPULAR SCIENCE. No, I have my own ideas and they can't accept that, but it's okay, I will keep on truckin'

>> No.4401235

You would need to prove that she and she alone drew the pictures, that her family is composed of militant atheists that never showed her any evidence of an afterlife or religion, be completely ignorant of the outside world which must include the lack of reciting the pledge of allegiance or reading much of the biblical based text "in God we trust", have video surveillance since the beginning of her life showing that she has never seen anything implying God (gods, god-like) or portraying God and that humans cannot imagine a God without a person teaching them it.

"Her mother was an atheist, the concept of god was never discussed in their home" all that means is her mom didn't talk about God, her father could have taught her or other people could have.

>> No.4401237


>> No.4401241


>> No.4401242

>Wavelength frequencies that our eyes are unable to detect are merely invisible to human eyes, but they may be visible to other biological species.

Right again, dumbass. I even admitted this in my original post:
>So until we find someone who can visibly see and process microwaves or UV rays, then there are no colors that haven't been found.
Which is
that it's conceivable, especially with other species. I have no problem saying that You better bet that bugs and other earthly animals can see in different colors than us, since they can see infared. I just thought we were limiting this to human perception.

>> No.4401240

>You're an idiot because wave length can go from non-existant to INFINITE in length, so of course there are going to be a lot of colours you stupid homofag
what colour is infrared light? you could say "well is infrared HURR" but our eyes are not spectrometers. In nature blue and green light is just blue and green but in our eyes that makes yellow. That yellow has nothing to do with the light merely the way we sense colour. Different wavelengths do not equal different colours.
Your eyes only see in three colour bands, RGB. you can simply draw a triangle those three colours at each corner and combinations in between and with sufficient scale that represents every colour your brain can see.

>> No.4401245

Turtles are vertebrates you idiot, they just don't have spines.

First, infrared is red
Second you're wrong so I'm not even going to bother replying, 0/10 not mad at your troll attempt

>> No.4401255

Oh, I wasn't aware. Then do tell, what is the definition of a vertebrate?

>> No.4401256

Infared's no more "red" than red is yellow

>> No.4401254


>> No.4401264

It has bones

>Not RED
How retarded can you be

>> No.4401265

That is some of the silliest shit I've ever read.

>> No.4401275

How so?
Magenta has no frequency.
It does not objectively exist.
But we see it anyway.
Thus it's imaginary.

>> No.4401280

>infrared is red
As i explained colour is not wavelength.
>Second you're wrong so I'm not even going to bother replying, 0/10 not mad at your troll attempt
Why the fuck are you here with debating skills like that. That is not a rebuttal, that is running away like a child. You don't have to reply but you can't pretend that response is anything less than retarded.

>> No.4401283

>it has bones

Is that your definition or can I find that online somewhere?

>> No.4401294

>not yet realizing this guy is a troll

Actually I wouldn't even call it trolling when he's being so obvious that it's just his friendly way of saying "dude, i'm just being silly"

>> No.4401300

It's my definition.

Colours are wavelengths, you're just wrong.

>> No.4401309

Oh I see. So if it's your definition, then you'd accept there are other definitions. What makes your definition more valid, and if validity is subjective, then why would EK going by another definition make her silly, since she's doing the same thing you're doing?

>> No.4401311

They called me silly too. Then I cursed them.
Well then the curses went back to me but still, I cursed them.

>> No.4401373
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>> No.4401416
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Well this explains everything OP, reincarnation does exist, the Buddhist were right. This girl was a brilliant painter in a past life !