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4396332 No.4396332 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/.
What do you think, which would be more plausibe, Fire Breathing, or to be able to shoot lighthning from your limbs?
Seeing that there is the Electric eel, a body CAN produce electricity, that can hurt you (eels can produce 500 V or around that)
Also, dragons. While there is no evidence for these creatures, the fire breathing must have come from somewhere, seeing how both the asian and the european dragon types were able to breath fire, so there must be something to it.
(Inb4 meteors)

>> No.4396350


Isn't there some sort of beetle or such that can superheat it's tongue or antenna and flash burn things? I can't remember the name but it kills shit like that.

>> No.4396355


No no, it was it's thorax/abdomen.

>> No.4396361

"Shooting lightning" requires you to ionize air, and to do so at any range of more than a centimeter takes a *lot* of voltage. Electric eels do their magic in water that's chock-full of conductive ions.

>the fire breathing must have come from somewhere, seeing how both the asian and the european dragon types were able to breath fire, so there must be something to it.
Wut. You assume "coming from somewhere" means "there were creatures that breathed fire"?

Anyway, this is doable, but complicated. Bombardier beetles can eject two fluids that react strongly when exposed to each other as they head for their target, bathing the target in super-hot chemical soup. It's not fire, but it's a step in that direction.

>> No.4396365

>Able to produce a liquid that is 100 °C hot

Fucking nature man.

>> No.4396380

>The flow of reactants into the reaction chamber and subsequent ejection to the atmosphere occurs cyclically at a rate of about 500 times per second and with the total pulsation period lasting for only a fraction of a second. The gland openings of some African bombardier beetles can swivel through 270° and thrust between the insect's legs, so it can be discharged in a multitude of directions with considerable accuracy.
Holy fuck. It's firing a chemical machine gun in controlled bursts.

>> No.4396401

mythological dragons are probably based on reptilians like monitor lizards

i believe i read somewhere that people who came into contact with these reptilians felt that there faces or bodies were on fire

due actually to the venemous bacteria, saliva sprayed that caused a burning feeling .. something like that anyway

>> No.4396412


This guy can't be electrocuted and he's able to store electrical charge somehow and use it to turn on flourescent lightbulbs and burn paper.

His name is Jose Rafael Marquez Ayala. He's from Puerto Rico.

>> No.4396417

They're probably based on them finding fossils of dinosaurs.

>> No.4396450

You could always just get realy good at clapping & pull this off

>> No.4396452


yes - look up komodo dragons. and their toxic bacteria filled saliva

feels like burning

plus they can eat like anything

>> No.4396980

But the Komodo Dragon wasn't documented untill the 1910's, so there is no way in hell that St. George killed a Komodo Dragon.

>> No.4397078


You do realize that many animals have dangerous bacteria in their mouths due to the fact that they are wild animals and were not domesticated like today's pets.