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4393031 No.4393031 [Reply] [Original]

What are /sci/s views on racism and misogyny?

>> No.4393040
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>> No.4393054


Go away op.

>> No.4393060

In the actual sense, unacceptable. In the mass incorrect usage of the word, necessary.
In the actual sense, unacceptable. In the mass incorrect usage of the word, irrefutable as a scientific position.

>> No.4393074

I think it's illogical. I don't know that much about logic though.

>> No.4393072

define "view"

>> No.4393087

Racism is just separate groups fighting against each other. Same as nationalism and religious conflict.

As for misogyny, I always enjoy a good misoge. It helps me relax.

>> No.4393082

You sound opinionated, you must be right

>> No.4393085

OP is asking for opinions, you fucking retard.

>> No.4393098

Women are inferior. Sure there are outliers but on the whole, they are inferior.

"Honour is a male abstraction. Don't expect women to understand."

>> No.4393100

>Homo Sapiens

>> No.4393104

Ha, I was sitting in class today thinking about how much I hate women.

>> No.4393134

I think those views are clear indicators of weakness in the people who hold them.

>> No.4393135


You're alright anon.

Anyways, science knows no gender.

>> No.4393488

Is that a pic of lexi belle?
Oh...yeah...views n racism. I think it's shit that I have to put ethnicity on college scholarship applications. Affirmative action is a steaming pile of unconstitutional bullshit. So yes, racism is bad.

>> No.4393560

Both are irrational. Sometimes literally applicable, but those concepts got so much distorted that if you even dare you get labeled as monster instantly.

The problem is not racism and misogyny by themselves but rather how these concepts are abused.