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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4390249 No.4390249 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, maybe this is better suited for /adv/... but you /sci/ guys are generally well educated, or at least have gone through secondary education at some point.

I'm currently enrolled in my third semester of college.. and I feel like I want to drop out. I have no motivation whatsoever to be here-no motivation to study, no motivation to try better.. I can't get myself to care. On passing I find things interesting, but nothing that grabs me for long periods of time. I don't know my passion, what I like, and I'm sick of shooting around at the dark, wasting time and money. I'm not really good at anything, or at least I feel that way.

I'm not sure what I'd do if I'd drop out, but.. I feel like I'm wasting my time here. What's the point of being in college if you don't know what you want to do, if you don't know what you like? If it was free it wouldn't be a problem, but where I am it is very expensive, and I cannot afford to dick around.

I just don't really know what to do. My grades are crap, I'm a lousy student, a lazy ass who never bothered trying because I don't care. I'm just hoping /sci/ has some insight on these things...

>> No.4390278
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>cannot afford to dick around.

there goes my suggestion...

>> No.4390309

Get a job, punk.

>> No.4390491

ritalin does wonders with motivation

>> No.4390504


In part this.

But also, your options are really...

A) Drop out, work
B) Stay in, keep searching
C) Stay in, work to pay for school so you can keep searching

I was in the exact same boat, 3 years in with no fucking clue. Had already switched Majors twice and finally made a third switch...And loved it, extremely. Now I still have some of my old habits of being a poor student, but I went from 50-60's to 85-90's. Makes all the difference if you love what you're doing, and sometimes it does take some searching. You've got one life, fuck worrying about money, do what you can to find what you love and do it.

>> No.4390515

This happened to me too. Once I started taking real science courses I found the challenge has motivated me to try a lot harder.
Honestly though if I could do it over again I would probably of joined a union after high school, be making good money by now, no debt, and study whatever interested me in my leisure.

I have so much student debt and invested so much time I feel like I need to finish. At least I found an interesting, challenging, and financial rewarding field to study...

>> No.4390528

Pretty much exactly the same for me. Unfortunately now I'm living with my parents with little direction/motivation in life.

Not exactly the height of human experience, but I get by.

>> No.4390543


This. First year courses can be brutal, especially in programs you don't care for. Upper year courses can get better, if you're in a program you like

>> No.4390575


I just-I have no idea what I like. And I'm scared as shit-what if the major I'm gearing for, I end up hating? Then I've lost all that time, made a huge mistake.. I'm scared shitless of that and I just don't know what to do. Plus every time I mention to my family I might want to drop, they ask me if I am depressed and need to go see a doctor.

I'm sorry, I just-I really don't know what to do.

>> No.4390602
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>Plus every time I mention to my family I might want to drop, they ask me if I am depressed and need to go see a doctor.
I wish my family was this caring...

>> No.4390616


It's not caring, it's "Are you out of your fucking mind for wanting to drop out of College? There's clearly something wrong with you that warrants seeing a psych and getting some pills."

My family, as good as they tried to raise me, turned me into a nervous wreck who's terrified of mistakes to the point I won't do anything because I don't want to fuck up. It doesn't help they made me hate education from an early age by hovering over me constantly, to the point where they believed I could do nothing by myself. I don't think I can anymore, honestly.

>> No.4390635

Get a real job and move out of your parents house.

To find out what you like you have to try stuff. That includes trying stuff you won't end up liking.

>> No.4390640
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>It's not caring, it's "Are you out of your fucking mind for wanting to drop out of College? There's clearly something wrong with you that warrants seeing a psych and getting some pills."

Better than
Then proceeding to be a lazy fuck and not providing for her children.

>> No.4390657

Whats your timeline history of majors and what is the current dilemma?