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4390108 No.4390108 [Reply] [Original]

Was there ever a point in time where a human society didn't know how pregnancy was caused? Given the huge delay between sex and actual signs of pregnancy?

>> No.4390132

This is actually an interesting question. Bump.

>> No.4390158

Right now, in several places around the world. Notably Africa.
Not joking.

>> No.4390179
File: 2.63 MB, 1557x2088, Da_Vinci_Coition_of_a_Hemisected_Man_and_Woman_Luc_Viatour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Da Vinci was actually one of the first person to ever really understand procreation.

Oddly enough, he was likely asexual.

>> No.4390175


The Christian kid in my 7th grade class didn't know sex was necessary for procreation.

>> No.4390181

Huge delay?

If a girl doesn't have her first period and has sex she won't get pregnant. If she has her period and has sex she will. If she doesn't have sex she will continue to bleed monthly, if she has sex she doesn't.

I'm sure some people were dumb enough to not figure it out, but all the important civilizations (ones that could write) knew that pregnancy came from sex.

>> No.4390187
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>remembering something like that

>> No.4390191

>implying it didn't happen just last year

>> No.4390196

Sorry but this is bullshit.
There is no human society that does not recognize a link between sex and pregnancy. Some societies have believed that the man just sort of "facilitates" the pregnancy, but all of them recognize that sex is necessary for it.
Until the last few centuries, though, many societies (including Europeans) thought that the sperm contained the entire genetic content, and the woman's body was just a sort of soil in which the seed grew. Hence the metaphor of "seed" for semen, when the seed of a plant is really a zygote.

>> No.4390199

7th grade? Wow.

>> No.4390201

I know there's at least one of those isolated tribal societies that still isn't aware of the sex/pregnancy connection. They have polygamous families, and each man is conducted to be as much the father of every child in the family as any other because they don't know that a child has a specific father.

>> No.4390206

I believe the Aboriginals of Australia did not learn of the sex/pregnancy connection until last century.

Then again ... I probably read that in some eurocentric, racist blurb. I don't really care enough to confirm.

>> No.4390205

1. It's actually quite hard to become pregnant. It takes many tries. Having unprotected sex won't get your pregnant or stop your periods.

2. Miscarriages are VERY common. Bleed monthly, then have sex, you may not bleed next month, but you may the month after.

3. Periods can vary in intensity.

4. Some girls may never get pregnant at all.

You're still a virgin, aren't you?

>> No.4390212

This is a point I was going to raise: Why have the father/mother/child(ren) relationship if it is not known that the man has anything to do with the pregnancy. Looking back, most important societies recognised this as the main family unit, so by extension we can assume they knew that the father was actually getting the baby mamma pregnant without even looking into it.

>> No.4390214
File: 2.66 MB, 1443x2121, Da_Vinci_Studies_of_Embryos_Luc_Viatour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proceed with your discussion gentlemen, I'll just keep posting codex pages.

>> No.4390222

how did they instinctively know to insert penis into that meaty mess, that is the vagina?
it isn't exactly intuitive

waiting for thoughts

>inb4 op is a faggot

c'mon, the vagina and penis are terribly ugly.

>> No.4390225
File: 82 KB, 414x506, leonardo-da-vinci-anatomy.5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4390226

There is evidence of this in most hunter-gatherer societies, past and present. They were typically not patriarchal.

Women didn't start getting slapped around until the agricultural revolution.

>> No.4390229

>c'mon, the vagina and penis are terribly ugly.

Post sex: Ugh, why the fuck did I do that?

>> No.4390232

He was speaking generally about how pregnancy works, there's no need to be spiteful

>> No.4390231

> one of the first person to ever really understand procreation.

That's such a vague statement. In 100 years future scientists will be considered the first people to ever really understand procreation because they will solve the question of determinism in the fertilization process. In another hundred years the scientists will once again be the first people to ever really understand procreation because they'll solve the question of what causes attraction and exactly map out fertility as a function of genetic and environmental factors.

When you say anyone is "the first to really understand X" there's going to be many, many people who are the "first" to understand it. That's a contradiction, of course, so it really means that nobody can be the first to REALLY understand something. You can't just draw the line at some arbitrary point.

>> No.4390235

them raging hormones

i love how people argue that they are uncontrollably run by their biological program. we do have control over what happens, guys.

>> No.4390237

>They have polygamous families, and each man is conducted to be as much the father of every child in the family as any other because they don't know that a child has a specific father.
None of that implies that they didn't know the connection between sex and pregnancy, i.e. that it is necessary for a woman to have sex before she can be pregnant.

>> No.4390240

the phyiscal body and brain have the urges whilst the mind is coerced by both to get sexin'. although, the mind has the final say and can think independently with self-discipline

but sex all the way faggots

>> No.4390241
File: 181 KB, 770x812, leonardo-da-vinci-fetus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>c'mon, the vagina and penis are terribly ugly.
Haha, are you a fan of da Vinci like myself? He said nearly the same thing.

>"The art of procreation and the members employed therein are so repulsive, that if it were not for the beauty of the faces and the adornments of the actors and the pent-up impulse, nature would lose the human species." -Leonardo da Vinci

The scientific explanation though is that beautiful genitalia was never sexually selected for. For instance, we used to sexually select based on physical appearance of most of the face and body, but no one ever got in bed with a hot looking girl, saw her vagina and went "WHOAH THERE! This is ugly as shit, I'm out!"

>> No.4390242

Despite going to court for allegations of homosexual intercourse with one of his apprentices/understudies...

>> No.4390247

Yeah, what I was saying is you can't using the link between sex -> next period not occurring > eventual pregnancy as a chain of cause and effect between sex and pregnancy because periods aren't as reliable as you might think.

>> No.4390253
File: 62 KB, 434x455, 1296510978746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is very much true, but you have to understand it in historical context. The allegation was made anonymously through a sort of 15 century complaint box. It was pretty much a common prank back in the day. His accuser never stood trial and he was acquitted.

>> No.4390250

so, by having the pussy and penis equally ugly (in all) we would not have a preference over a vaginal type, meaning, each person has an equal chance for procreation?

don't get into elasticity. by the time you figure out its loose, its too late

>> No.4390256


In addition to those factors:

- there surely have been a lot of cultures where intercourse began before menstruation. Girls could get pregant before ever having menstruations.

- If sex occurs daily, there's just no way to suppose that the pregnancy that begins one day is, for some reason, linked to one particular intercourse weeks ago. Sex happens, and one day, maybe months later, pregnancy happens; there is no way to tell they are linked, unless the sex is occasional enough to make pairwise links between the two events.

- There is a lot of things that typically accompany sex in most culture: marriage, intimacy, cohabitation, various rituals, changes in alimentation, change of social status. If every single pregnancy correlated not only with intercourse, but also with many other factors, there is no way to conclude that sex causes pregancy as opposed to, say, going to live in your husband's home.

>> No.4390258
File: 74 KB, 406x514, leonardo-da-vinci-anatomy.6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wait, edit part of my statement... well actually part of yours. I didn't read the end.

>Despite going to court for allegations of homosexual intercourse
>with one of his apprentices/understudies...
Not true

He was young when it happened, he was still under the apprenticeship of Verocchio, he wouldn't have had understudies at the time.

>> No.4390259

>Was there ever a point in time where a human society didn't know how pregnancy was caused?

I would say almost all Abraham based religions still don't

>> No.4390261

>His accuser never stood trial and he was acquitted.
>Accuser never shows up
>Get acquitted

Holy fuck, so it was guilty until proven innocent or some shit? What was preventing you from getting your number acquitted?

>> No.4390267


would like some answers

>> No.4390269

>number acquitted

I mean neighbour.

>> No.4390268

Also, the trips have spoken.
It is destined to be answered

>> No.4390272
File: 152 KB, 738x705, Study_for_the_Head_of_Leda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either you misunderstood me, or I am misunderstanding you.

Da Vinci was acquitted because his accuser never came to testify against him.

>> No.4390277

I'm sure they did

>my neighbour raped my daughter (tee hee that'll get rid of that noisy faggot"


>you are guilty of raping this man's daughter, prove you didnt do it
>shit, jeez. i have no evidence cos i didnt do it
>total, bullshit. i sentence you to death, now get the fuck outta my court

>> No.4390280

That's what I'm asking dude: if your accuser never comes, why would they acquit you? Especially if anyone can just accuse anyone else?

>> No.4390286
File: 99 KB, 500x732, Codex_trivulzianus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ummm... I'm not sure you know was acquittal is...
>To free or clear from a charge or accusation.

>> No.4390289


It could well be instinctively programmed into us.
It would be a cruel but interesting experiment of having two isolated and different sex children grow up with no given sexual knowledge.

It is likely we (men) are biologically programmed to get horny at the site of a vagina, and just basically know to stick it in.
Most of us just basically stumble upon fapping without being told.

>> No.4390283


acquitted = not-guilty

>> No.4390284

i lol'd

>> No.4390293

Exactly. So his point is, why did they acquit him, despite being guilty before the fact, and he not even show up?

>> No.4390296
File: 25 KB, 492x400, 1313814771445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Penis is mushroom shaped
>Used to scoop out semen of other males
>Why would a male have sex with a female if she had sex with another male and it brought up the chance of the child not being his?
>Suggests early males did not understand that having sex brought out children
>Only understood that sex was pleasurable
>Thus, only males who would participate in these "gangbangs" with more mushroom shaped phalli got the opportunity to pass on genes eventually leading to the distinct shape

Our evolution shows that we did not understand at one time

>> No.4390300
File: 11 KB, 170x213, 1315976597926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice deduction, my dear Sherlock.

>> No.4390302

Maybe, your right. Maybe it is instinctive.

When a female is horny, her vagina gets wet, indicating that a source of pleasure.
When a man is horny, he gets hard, indicating that as a source of pleasure.

The rest is lego.


>> No.4390304

Is English your native language?

>> No.4390306


>> No.4390313

What was wrong with his English?

>> No.4390319
File: 277 KB, 889x1321, torsomuscles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then I don't see what's confusing you...

Nothing, grammatically, but his comprehension seems to be a little off, and instead of assuming he was less than intelligent I assumed English wasn't his native language.

>> No.4390320

>When a female is horny, her vagina gets wet

Evolutionary adaption for lubrication my nigga

>> No.4390325

I was going by what the responder's comprehension was, which was slightly misguided. I was just trying to clarify what he meant.

>> No.4390328

It still gets wet. Either that, or your 'gf' doesn't find you attractive and has the 'lets-get-this-over-with' face.

>> No.4390331

Which I now realise, I read incorrectly.

>> No.4390340
File: 683 KB, 1070x1447, La Bella Principessa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, now I'm confused. Oh well.

Anyway, story time.

This drawing was only recently discovered. It was thought to be a 18th century German drawing, and some guy didn't believe it was he tried to buy it at auction for about 20k, but was barely out bid. Years later he sees it again in an art gallery and buys it for 22k. It's been, and is being, analyzed and it is very much suspected to be a drawing by da Vinci of one of Ludovico Sforza's illegitimate daughters. The current estimated price of the drawing is now 150 million dollars.

>> No.4390341

I'm not doubting that, i was just speculating the evolutionary reason for why it does.

Backing up the hypothesis that maybe we are genetically programmed to know we need to shove the dick in the pink taco.

>> No.4390344


Good sir who appreciates Leonardo, have you seen the recent film?

>> No.4390346

>the recent film

I'm afraid you'll have to be more specific.

>> No.4390348

Leonardo and the Crystal Skull.

>> No.4390350

lolwut, no...

>> No.4390351


Documentary, Leonardo da Vinci: Painter at the Court of Milan

>> No.4390352

Ah, okay. No, I haven't, but thank you for bringing it to my attention.

>> No.4390361


It is about the recent display of a large array of his works at the national gallery with discussion

>> No.4390373

Damn, it's showing is over in my state. I doubt I'll be able to find a torrent of it. Fuck.

>> No.4390380
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>> No.4390388
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>> No.4390426
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>> No.4391805
