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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 15 KB, 214x314, MV5BMjE2NTM3MDk5OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzEzMTg1Ng@@._V1._SY314_CR20,0,214,314_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4389688 No.4389688 [Reply] [Original]

>that feel when i have to use language to understand the nature of language
>the nature or matter
>the nature of 'thinking'
>that feel when

shit is pretty fucked up

that feel when even the 'intellects' keep this shitshow running by unwillingly reflecting their existential angst and all despite the fact that there is no real "self" which makes doing anything pretty questionable

>> No.4389715


You had me up until
>no real "self"
>makes doing anything pretty questionable

What a strange conclusion to come to considering you haven't killed yourself yet and are clearly interacting and doing plenty with the universe at the moment. Just because there isn't a way to crawl outside of our own heads doesn't mean you're self and development of self is flawed and useless?

>> No.4389719


Got anymore newage homosex to spout?

>> No.4389725


>*your self
>*the development of self

lawl whoops.



>> No.4389743


Who is that in pics?

>> No.4389768

In other words, OP is saying that thought is limited to the scope of language.
That is terribly wrong. Language is a signpost for feeling. I'm sure OP has, many times, had a feeling or thought about something that is unexplainable by language, and hence, difficult to communicate.
Because we have become so accustomed to using language and decoding feeling through language, feeling and thoughts unrepresentative by language become difficult to understand by our conscious brain.
I'm sure through some strenuous brain exercises, one is able to overcome this.
The free-will of the mind can never be trampled on entirely. It can only be masked and clouded but never full erased. It takes intense thinking to regain ones sense of free-thought after the conditioning that society has imposed on us.

>inb4 there is no free-will

this was discussed on an earlier thread. It is plain ridiculous to come to that conclusion


>> No.4389775

and That

Op has been analised

>> No.4389785

This is also why feeling and thought is expressed through abstract forms and visual imagery (such as art)

>> No.4389801


How can there be free will if your ego(brain) is only the result of your enviorment and genetics?

problem? Who is this magical "you" you are talking about with "your" "free" will

>> No.4389808

>implying one can never change

> Who is this magical "you" you are talking about with "your" "free" will

if you are asking what the meaning behind "you" is, it is relative to the person who is being addressed

as for the rest, whathefuckamireading.jpg

>> No.4389813


clearly 2deep4u i'm not gonna even bother

>> No.4389815
File: 55 KB, 701x559, ludwig-wittgenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op, seems like you just have come out of the anal. See you in the alps.

Also, define language. It's possible to convey meaning or information without any abstract form of representation, especially 'language'. Anything else is academic nonsense or nonsense.


Go back to /lit/ or /adv/ at best.

>> No.4389817

>clearly retarded
>clearly can't explain himself properly
>clearly has to grammar
>clearly is a faggot


i gave up on you a while ago

>> No.4389822

Do not understand

>> No.4389827
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>> No.4389829


>this was discussed on an earlier thread. It is plain ridiculous to come to that conclusion

Can someone summarize? Or is this faggot talking out of his ass?

>> No.4389832


>> No.4389833

>does not provide any useful information
>says go back to /lit/ or /adv/ at best
>at best
>implying he shouldn't go back to /b/

well done

>> No.4389835


>> No.4389839

different anon
It actually was discussed, iirc

>> No.4389842


Yes I'm sure it was discussed but what is that faggot talking about when he says

>It is plain ridiculous to come to that conclusion


>> No.4389844


this is now a dubs thread
clear off faggots

>> No.4389848


I think you'll find this interesting then. Its from a BBC Horizon episode, and shows that language vastly influences the way things are perceived. Though isn't limited by the scope of language, but it certainly is altered, and vastly so.


>> No.4389850


>*Thought isn't limited by the scope of language...

Apologies, I'm having spelling issues today it seems.

>> No.4389852


also, all you guys should really go back to /b/
none of you add anything useful to the conversation
not sure but from what I read from the thread yesterday, the conclusion on a lack of free-will was flawed

>calling people "faggots"
how /sci/ of you

>> No.4389858

say something useful or don't say anything at all. If you disagree, state why. Being derisive is just a form of protection for ignorance

>> No.4389863

/sci/ has gone to the shits lately. all retarded anons making wild assumptions with no basis and calling others "faggots" for opposing it.

it's not worth anyones time anymore. the math threads are all that are left

>> No.4389870

Here, here!

>> No.4389877

wow, op. youre retarded

>> No.4389881


Excuse me? I linked to an entirely relevant video on the influence of language on thought, which is what this thread seems to be about. I can only assume you accidentally replied to the wrong post.

>> No.4389885

yes, i did. sorry

>> No.4389889


My apologies as well then good sir.

>> No.4389891

No need to.

Also, thanks for the video. Will bookmark, kind anon.

>> No.4389896
File: 52 KB, 450x300, 1247203916516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4389899


Only posts worth reading. The rest s typical /b/ faggotry

>> No.4389900

Yeah, the bbc horizon video was really interesting to see. Thnx for the link also

>> No.4389904

lol op. youre definately retarded. its k, whateva helps you sleep at night

>> No.4389915
File: 9 KB, 252x200, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like OP is having a conversation with himself.

>takes samefag radar out


>> No.4389917
File: 42 KB, 510x384, cnnf-meme-generator-haha-damn-he-still-mad-d76410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4389921

Really, OP
How old are we? 5?

same goes for you

Christ, we need some moderation on this board. Too many newfags or /b/tards

back to /b/, please

>> No.4389928

I agree, fellow anon.
I thought OP was leading on to something intelligent. Boy was I wrong. Always am on /sci/, i guess. Just keep lurking the math threads guys, the rest is plain retardation

>> No.4389929

Sorry for being too cryptic.

Wittgenstein was a philosopher that tried to understand the 'nature' of language and meaning. He basically realized how idiotic and futile it was to attack the issue from a philosophical standpoint, wrote a cryptic book about it and left philosophy/academics and fled to the alps.
Makes any more sense?

This has of course not much to do with the other theological discussion proposed.

Either op is high or I've missed something, because I probably don't understand what this thread is about.

>> No.4389933

OP, this thread and 80% of the replies are retarded.

Anyway, I will have a conversation with you. Why did he find it pointless to attack the subject-matter from a philosophical point of view?

>> No.4389939

No OP you are the retard

seriously fuck off

>> No.4389945

>implying im OP
>implying you are not OP

why would I denounce myself?

>> No.4389951

good point.... fuck you

>> No.4389954
File: 30 KB, 552x360, jackie-chan-whut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4389957


>> No.4389962


all OP. why are you bombing your own thread?

>> No.4389967
File: 2 KB, 126x103, 1329565378954s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make thread
>go away 30min
>see this

>> No.4389968

what a terrible thread.
waiting on these two

otherwise, /thread

>> No.4389970

First of all, I'm not very knowledgeable about Wittgenstein. But my take is that he, first of all realized hes first theorem (§1 in the Tractatus) with full force, "The world is everything, that is the case".
Being in a discourse as he were, he tried to make a solid point about how representations (eg. language) can't infer knowledge on anything about the world, but having to do so using discourse he was in (wich he was refuting).
He gave it a good try anyway, and stating lastly: "Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent."
Upon he left the annals and went to the alps.

>> No.4389971


what bull shit. dont run away from your retardation.

>> No.4389973

What a fucking train wreck.

>> No.4389979

Thank you for that. I am very interested. Will research more.
Thank you again.

Also, /thread

>> No.4389993

Careful, the philosophy of language is for some people what lines are to chickens.
Also. Thread

>> No.4390006

Wow, wtf!?

Why are they hypnotised by lines? Shit, what if we are similarly hypnotised by certain things and do not know it. What about the maths involved behind attraction? What if we are hypnotised in that regard? Need to know more. As long as OP stays far away

>> No.4390014

>The first point wasn't not really about language per se but about the paradox of... how can you comprehend the nature of matter/language/feelings if you are forced to use the very thing you are trying to explain.

>> No.4390031

you could have said that originally, instead of being a /b/tard about it

anyway, i understand your paradox. I think, within all things, there is an essence of self-explanation.
That's all I can really say.
It's the same as saying, using your human body to understand your human body. Well, we can. Because a lot of it is self-explained. It is finding that explanation that is the hard part.

>inb4 a /sci/ fag calls me retarded without providing any rationale

i await your reply, good sir

>> No.4390046

>self reference
>godel's incompleteness theorem

you're welcome faggot

>> No.4390078

That's interesting then, but my point is probably that if you'd like to understand it, by understanding it being able to talk about it 'with your own words' as you learn in school, you couldn't. And if you couldn't you shouldn't.

I first of all think that there's great ways to understand and thus interact with your surroundings, even very abstract surroundings like language without having to annalise it. But that's my personal feeling about 'understanding' stuff. Take math as an example, you don't really understand it by listening to a voice in your head talking about it, do you?
There's loads of other ways to try to understand/model/experiment and represent your thoughts on the matter to other people, but not necessarily using spoken/written language only.
Problem is that the system of 'papers' in academia rarely shares this notion.

Chickens are awesome in many regards. This video is great as an elementary reference thinking about 'the loop'. Was it Otto Neurath that coined that phrase? Nm.

>> No.4390176

But... what hypnotises them? Are they in a state of intense thought on the shape of a line? Or are they, in fact, hypnotised by it? Their mind in a lulled and blank state.
What's going on?